Watch out

My No.1 Stalker

“I think that’s a great idea, Hwara!” Yesung exclaimed.

“Ne. I agree with hyung. We should try that one. It will make the project easier,” Sungmin agreed.

“Nice one, unnie,” Seohyun complimented.

“Ah, gamsahamnida,” then Hwara smiled. I really love watching her smile. It’s making my day complete. She’s the only one who can do that, only her.

“Good thing President Lee chose you,” then Yesung placed his arm across Hwara’s shoulders. “We need someone like you in the team.”


I went towards them and removed Yesung’s arm from Hwara. I glared at him. “What do you think are you doing?”

He gave me a confused look. “P-President Lee?”

“Yah. What are you doing here?” Hwara asked.

“Hwara! Be more polite! You’re talking to the president,” Sungmin said. This guy really knows who to respect.

“Gwaenchana, Sungmin,” then I pulled Hwara closer to me. “We’re close friends so it doesn’t matter if she’ll talk to me like that.”

“O-Oppa. Why did you-” Hwara whispered to me.

But I interrupted her. “I want you all to know that she is my ex-girlfriend that’s why I want you to be carefull in what you’re going to do,” then I looked at Yesung. “Especially you. Don’t try hitting on her or else, say goodbye to your position now. Watch out, Mr. Kim.”

Yesung nodded. “A-Araso, President Lee.”

I smiled. “Good.”

“Yah!” Hwara said.

I looked at her. “Wae?”

She glared at me. “Why did you say that?”

“I just don’t want to see other guys trying to hit on you.”

“Don’t worry, President Lee. I’m going to guard her,” Seohyun said.

I looked at her and smiled. “Gamsahamnida, Seohyun. I’ll expect that from you.”

“Yah! Shut up,” Hwara said then she stood next to Yesung. “We’re working so go now. You’re disturbing us. Ha!”

“Araso,” then I looked at the two boys. “Just don’t be too close with them or else, I’m going to transfer you to-”

“Stop it. Palli! Ha!”

I like it when she’s mad. She looks like an innocent kid. “Araso, araso. I’ll see you around,” then I left.





“Is he really serious, Hwara?” Yesung asked.

Aish! Curse that Donghae. “Ne. But we’re over. I just don’t know why he’s still annoying me.”

“That means one thing,” Seohyun said.


“He still likes you.”

Tch. “He already told me that.”

“Is that the reason why he hired you?” Sungmin asked.

I shook my head. “Aniyo! Mr. Jung hired me, not him. I don’t even know he’s the president.”

“But, unnie. You don’t like him anymore?” Seohyun asked.

Why is she asking me that? “Ne. I already found someone else.”

“Waeyo? President Lee’s the perfect guy. He’s a complete package. Look, he’s handsome, he’s rich, he’s responsible, he’s smart, he’s kind-”

I interrupted her. “But his parents don’t like me.”

“Oh.” She now understood why.

“Let’s just continue working. We’re wasting time,” then I went to my table and organized my things.

“So, you’re not going to give him another chance?” Sungmin asked.

I glared at him. “Let’s move on, shall we?”

He pouted. “I was just asking.” Aish! A real aegyo king.

“Then I’m not going to answer that. Kaja. Go back to work,” then I opened my laptop and started making the paper.





I went back to my office and saw my worst nightmare. This is bad. Eomma should not see Hwara. She should not figure it out. I wish Hwara will just stay in their work place.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“You know my answer, Donghae,” she answered.

“… If you’re going to ask me to continue with the marriage, just leave. I’m not interested, eomma, and you know that. Don’t waste your time for nothing. Just leave.”

“I really want to talk about that. But I’m here for something else. You appa and I are planning to go to Japan to arrange something for the company. And since you’re the president, I want you to be there.”

What? “Mianhae, but I’m-”

“You have to be there so you can’t say no.”

I shook my head. “No. I won’t leave, araso?”

“Then continue with the marriage.”

“Can’t you understand? I won’t do anything you’ll say. Still don’t get it? Tell me and I’ll help you comprehend.”

She glared at me. “Lee Donghae, you choose. You’ll follow what we want or you’re not going to see that Hwara anymore? So now, choose. I’m giving you a minute to answer.”

“What do you mean I’m not going to see her again?”

She smirked. “You don’t get it? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You know me, my son.”

“… Don’t do anything to her. Don’t dare put you hand on Hwara.”

“Who told you I’m doing it myself? I have someone to do that. So, what now? You’re going to do what we want? Or you’re still going to do your thing? Palli. Your one minute is almost over.”

“… You know my answer, eomma.”

“Then face the consequences,” then she left. Consequences? Tch.

I pressed thebutton and waited for a few seconds. Then the door opened. I was about to step into the elevator when I realized someone is there. I smiled and stood beside her. We’re at the 16th floor and we’re both going to the ground floor. 15 floors. That’s quite long.

I slowly reached for her hand. “Annyeong.”

“Yah. Move away,” Hwara said.

I grabbed her hand. “Wae? Is there a problem?”

She moved away from me. “Ne!”

“Tch. How’s the project?” I think it’s time to be serious.

“We’re still brainstorming about it. But we’ve started the project already. We need three weeks to finish the whole thing.”

I nodded. “That’s great. I thought it’ll take you two months.” The door opened. Hwara’s about to step out when I saw eomma. I immediately pulled her back to the elevator and closed the door.

“Yah!” she said. She’s glaring at me, but she’s also a bit confused.

“Eomma’s outside,” I answered.

Her eyes widened. “W-What?”

“Let’s just stay here for a while.” The door opened again. I thought it was eomma so I hugged Hwara to cover her face. But it’s just another female engineer. I sighed.

“A-Ah, mianhae, President Lee,” the engineer said. If I’m not mistaken, she’s Hyejoo. She went inside the elevator and pressed a button.

“O-Oppa, you may now let go of me,” Hwara said.

“Oh, mianhae,” then I released her.

“Gomawo,” then she looked at Hyejoo. “Omo! Hyejoo!”

She looked at Hwara. “H-Hwara?” then they hugged each other. “Long time no see!” she released her. “Yah! How’s life?”

“Great! I never thought I’ll see you here.”

“Me, too,” then she glanced at me. “What’s happening?”

“Ummm… We’re close-”

I interrupted her. “I’m her ex-boyfriend.”

As expected, Hwara glared at me. “Yah!”

Hyejoo, on the other hand, smiled. “Jinjja?” then she hit Hwara’s arm. “Yah! Why didn’t you tell me?”

The door opened. “See you later, Hwara,” then I left.

I’m on the 9th floor and I need to go 8 floors down. I think I’ll just use the stairs.


That voice familiar so I turned around. I knew it. She followed me. “Waeyo?” I asked.

Eomma went towards me. “Who’s that girl?”

She saw Hwara? “Girl?”

“I saw you. Who’s that girl?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know her.”

“I hope that’s not Hwara.”

“Why would she be here in the first place?”

“… You better watch out, Donghae. I’m checking on you,” then she left.

I sighed. Eomma’s gifted with very good eyesight. And I think she got that for a reason.



Annyeong!! So, yeah. Here's the 21st chapter. Hope you'll like it. And THANKS TO MY SUBSCRIBERS!!!! Comments!!:))

Ow! I have something to ask. Are you interested in apply fics? Hehe. Just asking. I have an apply fic and I'm going to close it on Oct. 23. So, if you're interested, apply!!:))) Here's the link to my fic : CLICK ME!!


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sososossossoooo LOVE this story, I almost cried when this story ended... :(<br />
how bout a sequel..??? <br />
^^<br />
once again, love this story!! XD
Sweetness Overloadddddd. Sequel? :D
sujusyndrome #3
Nice job with this story! It was really amazing and your concept of "stalker" was really great and it flowed well with the story. Hope you'll do a sequel because I love how Hwara and Heechul's love story went to a marriage. Keep it up!
i love your storie about heenim ^^ Hwaiting!!!
YES!! They're getting married at last~!! <br />
<br />
<br />
Will you make a sequel????? ^^
I'm sad that is story is going to end soon.....<br />
T_T<br />
Hiks hiks...<br />
I really love your fic so much!!
please make this story long ^^
sujusyndrome #8
Nice Story between Hwara and Hee! Keep it up!