The Smiles Of Two

Smiles of Jealousy :D

Chapter 3 : The Smiles Of Two

Music : Boyfriend Don't Touch My Girl 


~Narrator's POV~

"Oh my god!! We are gonna debut soon!! We must practice, practice and practice!!" Minwoo squealed in the van, excited.

Boyfriend were going to Starship Entertainment to rehearse for their upcoming debut.

As soon as Boyfriend reached their practice room, they tied their fringe up and got into position.

'Let's Get It Started' blasted out in Boyfriend's practice room as they executed each move sharply with power.

*Oh~ His hand is so soft!*

Youngmin mentally spazzed in his mind as Kwangmin and him did their high-five.

*Why is hyung gripping my hand with his warm i mean normal hand so hard?*

Kwangmin thought as Youngmin grabbed his hand, like literally grabbed it, when it was their solo.

"Thank you for your hard work!!" Boyfriend thanked the choreographers as their practice ended in a flash.

Boyfriend had always enjoyed their practices, especially Minwoo.

"Kids~! We're here~!"

A female's voice came from the door as Sistar came skipping in.

"Noona~!!!!" All of Boyfriend shouted as they ran towards their beloved noonas.

Sistar had helped them with their debut and had gave them lots of encouragement.

Boyfriend and Sistar are as close as siblings, and K.Will is like their father!

Sistar and Boyfriend then sat in a circle.

(Kwangmin - Youngmin - Bora - Donghyun - Hyorin - Hyunseong - Dasom - Jeongmin - Soyu - Minwoo - Kwangmin)


"So~ Tomorrow is your jacket photoshoot already!! Nervous??" Bora enthusiastically started a topic.

"Oh! And The filming for the first episode of M!Pick too!" Soyu added on.

Kwangmin nodded to the advice from Sistar about photoshoots, absorbing every detail.

"Kwangie hyung... Can you pass the tissues please?~" Minwoo whispered with aegyo to Kwangmin.

Our cute little Sweat King had been sweating a river.

"Awww~ My dear Minwoo wants tissues?~ No problem~~" Kwangmin said with an eyesmile as he ruffled MInwoo's hair before grabbing some tissues for him.

*Kwangie... You are so cute!!~ But why must you do aegyo to Minwoo? You used to only do it for me!! Aha! I shall make you really really jealous!! And then you will realise you actually have feelings for me! We wil get together and live happily ever after~~!!*

Youngmin mentally spazzed in his mind as he looked up to the ceiling dreamilly, blocking out all sounds with his fantasies.

"...ung!! Hyung!! Youngminnie hyung~~" Youngmin floated back blissfully from his fantasies as he heard someone cutely calling him.

"Yes, Kwangie?~" Youngmin slurred his words as he dreamily looked at his twin who had his puppy eyes out.

Kwangmin was so close to Youngmin's face, he could feel Kwangmin's hot breath blowing straight into his face.

His face turning into a deep shade of red, Youngmin backed away as he admired his twin's cute confused look.

"Hyung!! Were you even listening to the noonas? They were telling us important things!" Kwangmin pouted as he nagged.

Youngmin then realised the circle they were in had been dispersed and the Sistar noonas were all chilling out in every part of the room.

Only a lost-looking Minwoo was there, beside Kwangmin, tugging on his shirt.

"Wait a little, okay Minwoo?~ I'll play with you soon~" Kwangmin kindly smile to the now pouting Minwoo before turning back to Youngmin.

"Hyung! I'm going to play with Minwoo now, kay? Bye~"

*Kwangmin had never left me to play with someone else before... T~T*

Youngmin sobbed in his mind as he kept a smile on his face, agreeing.

*Ah! Perfect time to carry out my plan! Wait... What was my plan...?*

Youngmin stopped in the middle of his determined footsteps, looking around with big eyes.

He slowly put down his legs and scratched his blonde mop awkwardly.

(Something Like That? O.o)

"Aha!" Youngmin remembered all of a sudden as he heard the Sistar noonas laughing at some dorky thing Donghyun said.

"Noona~~~ Buy me some ice-cream!!~~" Youngmin whined, full of aegyo.

His loud whining caught the attention of Kwangmin and Minwoo.

Both of them turned to look at Youngmin with the O.o face at the same time.

Despite the weirdness of the situation, both of them, being the childish ones of the group, brighten up at the sound of ice-cream.

(Doesn't it look good??? *drools*)

"Noona!~~ We want some too!!" Minwoo and Kwangmin 'puppy-eyed' Bora.

"Araso~ Kaja~" Bora enthusiastically marched out of the practice room.

"Noona..." Youngmin babbled on with Bora as Kwangmin and Minwoo walked along behind them.

*What is he talking about?! Why are you so enthusiastic!?*

Kwangmin frowned at the sight of his brother talking animatedly in front of him.

"Hyung...? Are you okay...?" Minwoo asked Kwangmin in a small voice.

"What are you talking about? You're so funny!" Kwangmin immediately put on a bright smile and said to Minwoo whille pretending to laugh hard.

*Are you really not affected...?*

Behind Youngmin's enthusiasm, he was actually peeking at Kwangmin's reaction and he had turned back at the precise moment when Kwangmin's 'laughter' began.

As Youngmin carried on his babbling to Bora, his now glassy eyes seemed to be dripping with sadness...


Yep... I'm back... Haha finally right?

I sincerely apologise! I was spazzing too much XD

Sorry? :(

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter~ :D

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Chapter 1: Relax Youngmin.... Relax...
Now... Smile.
"What are you two doing?" I asked with a smile.
Youngmin tried to control himself very hard LOL
Chapter 1: updateeee pweeeaaaaaase author niiim
i like this fic so much :'D
airilla #4
Chapter 3: Wow i just got caught off... you need to update badly...k thx
shahir #5
Chapter 3: lol . update !!!!!
youngminlove #6
Chapter 3: hi im a new reader of your fanfic i really love it pls update soon
The cuteness, it's killing me...
The Jo twins are the most adorable thing ever, I can't.
Why? It's not fair. Stop it with your stupid face and your stupid aegyo. I'm dying here.

Update soon! Can't wait :D:D:D:D:D
Haha I read this during class. Im such a rebel child arent I? XD<br />
Gosh this was sad;-; noo they both like each other >__> go tell each other already~<br />
Update soon<3<br />
Btw love the song~