The Cause Of Smiles

Smiles of Jealousy :D

Chapter 1 : The Cause Of Smiles

Music: SHINee Kiss Kiss Kiss



~Narrator's POV~

Sun rays shined brightly into the room onto the 3 sleeping figures which have stayed up all night rehearsing for their hot debut stage.

"Ugh..." A moan of tiredness sounded from a certain brunette boy as he stood up and stretched.

Kwangmin had always been the one who wakes up the earliest among the three maknaes, being the most mature.

Kwangmin rolled his eyes at the two sleeping figures cuddled together in annoyance with a frown.

*Why are they sleeping together?! They have their own beds, don't they?!*

For some reasons, Kwangmin has always felt that no one else can touch his beautifully adorable blonde twin except him.

But, he had always brushed it of as brotherly love because of their close ties since they were young.

As Kwangmin walked closer towards them, his question was answered as he saw the IPad on the bedside, threatening to fall anytime.

*Ahh... so they were just playing games like always before sleep like always...*


Kwangmin blushed slightly even though no one had heard him.

*I'm hungry i guess... ^///^*

Kwangmin made his way to his bed after petting his flat tummy with a small but nonetheless cute pout.

"Pika pika!" Kwangmin whispered happily to his Pikachu plushie their cute maknae had gotten him after knowing that he liked Pikachu.

Holding the plushie close to his chest, Kwangmin thought about how Minwoo had always seemed more like a brother to him than his cute blonde twin.

Kwangmin chuckled softly to himself.


*Oh! I forgot that I was hungry! Gogo for breakfast!*

As Kwangmin stepped out of the room, scents of delicious breakfast hit him straight in the face.

"Good Morning~" Donghyun sang as he passed by Kwangmin, in his moomoo pyjamas.

"Morning Pikamin~" A bright smile shined straight in his face as Jeongmin passed by him with his pocket mirror, not forgetting to ruffle the younger's hair.

"Morning! Come and eat~" Hyunseong came out from the kitchen with plates of toast with eggs, dressed in a pink apron.

*Heh~ That's really manly! Keke~*

Kwangmin chuckled at his silly thought and walked towards the food, which was magically disappearing with every step he took.

"Hey! Save some for me!" Kwangmin shouted as he joined the rampage for toast.

"Hyungs... What are you all doing?" A soft voice came from the hallway as the four stopped and turned with food sticking out of their mouths.

What greeted their eyes was the definition of cuteness!

Minwoo, their little maknae stood right there, rubbing his eyes with a little pout evident on his face.

A little ponytail stood proud on the top of his head and with every rub of his eyes, it shook so ever cutely.

What made it better was the elmo pyjamas Minwoo was wearing!

"Awww! So cute! I shall give you some toast as a reward!~" Kwangmin said, jumping in front the now wide-eyed Minwoo.

Kwangmin took the half-eaten toast he had eaten just now and pushed it into the maknae's mouth.

"Aww~ You look even cuter with the toast in your mouth!!" Kwangmin squealed as he glomped Minwoo, climbing on him like:

"Minwoo you cutie!~" Kwangmin squealed as he nuzzled cheeks with Minwoo.

Minwoo blushed heavily and started taking small nibbles on the toast with Kwangmin still on him.


~Youngmin's POV~

Argh... What's with all the squealing from my twin outside?! Is there something cute out there?

He always does this when he sees something cute!

But he does not know that, when he does that, he is cuter!!

Like million times cuter!!

I went out of the room drowsily, only to be greeted by the shocking sight of Kwangmin going all Koala on Minwoo.

I felt myself frowning as I stared at the 'sweet' sight of the two.

Relax Youngmin.... Relax...

Now... Smile.

"What are you two doing?" I asked with a smile.


How's this for the first chapter? :D

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Chapter 1: Relax Youngmin.... Relax...
Now... Smile.
"What are you two doing?" I asked with a smile.
Youngmin tried to control himself very hard LOL
Chapter 1: updateeee pweeeaaaaaase author niiim
i like this fic so much :'D
airilla #4
Chapter 3: Wow i just got caught off... you need to update badly...k thx
shahir #5
Chapter 3: lol . update !!!!!
youngminlove #6
Chapter 3: hi im a new reader of your fanfic i really love it pls update soon
The cuteness, it's killing me...
The Jo twins are the most adorable thing ever, I can't.
Why? It's not fair. Stop it with your stupid face and your stupid aegyo. I'm dying here.

Update soon! Can't wait :D:D:D:D:D
Haha I read this during class. Im such a rebel child arent I? XD<br />
Gosh this was sad;-; noo they both like each other >__> go tell each other already~<br />
Update soon<3<br />
Btw love the song~