2 years old, EXO [Off Camera]

Our Married Life

[April 5th // EXO Practice Room]

The music was blasting away with 6 males moving from place to place, lip syncing to the lyrics that are deeply engraved into their brain. They were just practicing for their parts and there were several spaces for their other 6 members who have yet to return from China. The performance for their 2nd year anniversary was right around the corner and the members of EXO-K were practicing all their routines first while waiting for their counterpart, EXO-M to return to Korea.

"Woah, that's intense. Been a while since we last did MAMA,"  Chanyeol breathed, rolling on the floor after practicing for MAMA and History plus Wolf.

"You don't say," Baekhyun huffed, gulping down mineral water to hydrate himself again.

"When is M gonna be here?" Sehun asked, plopping his down on the couch in their practice room. At this, Baekhyun's ears perked up.

"Aw, I know you're missing Luhan hyung, Sehunnie." Baekhyun teased, causing Sehun to throw a cushion in his direction that he avoided and hit D.O in the head instead. The innocent D.O then turned to glare at Baekhyun who pointed to Sehun. The latter smiled sheepishly and mouthed a sorry to his hyung before shooting a glare at a certain Bacon.
Everybody took a 10 minute break before continuing with the dance practice, which was basically just a repeat of what they have been doing. Practice makes perfect after all. 
Just as they were about to start another round of practice, there were knocks on their door. Figuring that it may just be their manager, Kai started the music while Suho - who was sitting nearest to the door - opened the door. 
Only that it wasn't their manager who was standing on the other side. 
"Good afternoon~" Ari chimed as Suho opened the door. Shock was written all over Suho's face and Ari smiled apologetically at him. Beside her, Hana bowed. 
"Ah, good afternoon...A-Are you l-looking for Chanyeol?" Suho spluttered unlike the confident image he has on stage after recognising one of the females as Chanyeol's wife. Shaking her head no, Ari stated that she was looking for EXO. 
After processing the female leader's words, he let the two females into the noisy and sweat smelling practice room. Seeing the two girls enter through the mirror, all other 5 boys promptly stopped all their actions and turned back to check if their eyes were playing a trick on them. 
Meeting eyes with the other 5 males, the two Angels bowed and Ari greeted loudly - to combat the blasting sound of MAMA - while Hana whispered her greeting, she is not really the type to scream at people. "Good afternoon, EXO-sunbaenim! We are Heaven!" Ari's voice somewhat managed to reach the other 5 males while Suho went over to the music player to turn off the music. 
"Hana!" Chanyeol beamed as he started for the two females. 
Keeping her eyes trained on the floor, Hana just stood rooted to the ground. Stopping in front of Hana, Chanyeol asked why she was here after giving a slight bow to Ari, in respect. 
Without any words, Hana just raise up the plastic bags that she was carrying, wordlessly telling Chanyeol what she was here for. Chanyeol's brain pulled up possible things that could be inside the opaque pink and white plastic bag in Hana's hands while he stared at it. The two of them stood in silence until Ari chirped that it was a cake and that she had more while holding up another identical plastic bag. 
"You bought cake? Why?" Chanyeol questioned, taking the bag from Hana's hands, causing their hands to brush against each other and Hana could feel her heart speeding up just a tad faster. 
"2 years old...EXO..." Hana whispered as Suho, who was standing close enough to hear their conversation stepped forward to help Ari with her bags. The female leader beamed and whispered a thank you while the male moved over to the table where he set down the plastic bag.
"For our anniversary?! Thank you for the cake Hana, must have caused you a lot to buy so many boxes." Chanyeol beamed as he set Hana's bags on the table and the other 4 males strolled over to take a look at what was happening. 
Locking eyes with Hana, Chanyeol could see that she had something to say. Noticing Hana's behaviour, Ari said, "Oh no, she did not buy the cakes. She made it! Hana made it last night and this morning for your two year anniversary, EXO-sunbaenim." 
After saying her piece, Ari shifted to the table with the males.
Looking from the leaving Ari to Hana, Chanyeol frowned. "I'm sorry for saying that you bought it, Hana." Chanyeol apologised as he closed in on the lone girl standing away from the crowd at the table, inspecting the sweet goodies the girls brought. 
"No, no, no. I-It's alright...I w-was the one that did not say anything. Chanyeol-sunbaenim have nothing to be sorry about. Nothing a-at all." Hana assured as her eyes dragged up from the ground to Chanyeol's face. The frown was still present and how Hana wanted to smooth it out and make Chanyeol smile again. 
"You never told me you could bake, how could you? I'm your husband, Hana-yah. We should not keep secrets." Chanyeol pretend-sobbed as he held Hana's hands carefully, so as to not scare her. Hana nodded her head after she calmed her heart down from the shock of Chanyeol holding her hands. 
"You should also have called before you come over! Look at me, I'm so sweaty and dirty...Argh." Chanyeol whined, all child-like all of a sudden. Seeing the quick change in attitude and the smile back on her husband's face again, Hana's face brightened up with a smile too. 
"Ah, but I do not have your number," Hana whispered, remembering the fact that they have yet to get each other's number yet. Bursting out in laugher at the sudden realisation, Chanyeol looked around for his phone in his belongings in a corner of the room before dashing back to Hana. 
"Gimme yor numbur..." Chanyeol said with a wink and an attempt at sounding y with his English. Hearing Chanyeol's low and y but clumsy English, Hana burst out with laughter before taking Chanyeol's phone and typing her number out for him. 
Saving Hana's number, Chanyeol hummed, already on cloud nine. 
"I don't want to disturb," Ari started carefully and the two lover birds turned to face the table. 
"But do you guys want to take a picture?" Suho finished, with a smile. Ari gave him a high-five which he returned. 
Chanyeol scanned s' faces and know that he is in for a whole lot of teasing for the rest of his life. They will never let him live it down. 
Especially Baekhyun and Sehun with that gigantic smirk on their smug faces. Stupid Bacon and Evil Maknae.
With everyone's gaze on Chanyeol and her, Hana felt like she was going to die from embarrassment. Tugging Hana by her hands, Chanyeol lightly dragged her over and they had a group photo. 
Looking through the 4 boxes of beautifully decorated cupcakes, all 6 males started salivating. Then there were 2 whole cakes that was just majestic with the words, "EXO SARANGHAJA" written in golden cursive icing on the top. It looked way too beautiful to be eaten. 
Ari was boasting about Hana's cake making skills from start to the end and the girl in question felt herself melting away at the attention she was getting as she tried to hide behind her giant-like husband. Noticing that Hana was shielding herself away by disappearing behind him, Chanyeol grabbed onto Hana's hands to calm her down and he gave her wide smiles to encourage her. 
But it only made her heart beat even faster at the skin-skip and the bright, bright smiles that he was giving her. Oh, Hana was sure she was going to faint every time Chanyeol smiled and gripped her hands a little tighter. 
"Yikes, we have a schedule to hurry to, Hana let's go. Have a nice day, EXO-sunbaenim. Once again, happy 2nd anniversary though it is a little early." Ari greeted as she finally noticed the time. 
"Please hurry on, Ari-ssi. Have a nice day too. Thank you for the cakes, Hana-ssi." Suho thanked as he saw them out, the two girls bowing again before hurrying off. 
When he returned into the room, Chanyeol was surrounded by the members - as expected. 
"So, tell me, Chanyeol-ssi, what were you guys talking about that you forgot about us? Hmm?" Baekhyun asked and Sehun - who was sitting beside the devil Bacon - cackled. 
Chanyeol gulped and Suho sighed. It is going to be a while before they could start practicing again, isn't it?
After helping D.O put the cakes into the mini fridge that they had in the corner of the practice room, he settled down and willed his mind away from a certain bright and bubbly leader by the name of Ari.      



[Author's Note: Haha. A short update this time. OH and do you notice the words [Off Camera] in the title? That means that is this not broadcasted as a episode. So it's kinda like a behind the scenes interaction? Haha. Oh and there is a lot of things I have to introuce about Hana so maybe the next few chapters I can let everyone have a more deep impression of Hana? I haven't thought about what I should do for the next chapter so please you have any suggestions, please comment! :) OH and I hoped that you enjoyed. Please leave a comment or two for encouragement or just to tell me what can be better. Subscriptions are highly encouraged and appreciated. OH OH AND Thank you so much for the 14 subbies. I hope that this chapter was alright! :) -gives you a large lollipop-] 

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Sorry will never suffice but I'm in the mist of my exams, I will get back to writing soon. See ya lovelies then. //9.27


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miayaotome #1
Chapter 6: Authornim~ please continue this story. It is very good as I like to imagine Chanyeol in WGM show~ please update soon~ :)
nengshannen #2
Chapter 6: This is so sweet... Love their interaction... Update soon authornim...
nengshannen #3
Chapter 5: This is cute ... Chanyeol is really caring and nice... Hope Hana can be more open up to yeollie... Hihi
nengshannen #4
Chapter 1: Arghhh... This is nice start... So good... Love it authornim!
Chapter 6: I'd like to have a BF like Chanyeol one day <3 <3 good job authornim! :)

PS. Sorry again for the late comment, I also have a ton of school work to catch up on so I didn't get leave a comment earlier, but I always do look forward for your updates :)
unnivisual #6
Chapter 5: Aww sosweettt. Great work authornim,, pls update soon ^-^)9
Chapter 5: I'm really glad with your update! Chanyeol was so thoughtful and she called him oppa!! It was so romantic <3 sorry for the late comment and thanks again for comforting me I really appreciate it :)
Chapter 4: I voted on the poll but that's just my opinion, I thinks it's still better to write the way you're comfortable with :)
eneied #9
Chapter 3: Looking forward to your next update =)
Chapter 3: I love how cute and awkward Hana was in this chapter and Chanyeol was just so Chanyeol! So sweet!!! great work authornim!!