
Dragon & Tiger
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*Author P.O.V*

“It’s the last day of the consecutive holidays today. How is everyone doing?”


That morning, the sound loud enough television filled the room that makes Kyungsoo long yawn of boredom. The tiny man sitting on the couch in front of the television in Kai’s living room while muttering, “I might die of boredom, that’s how I am. That’s because of this mongrel’s completely useless.” And he lay down on top of the couch.

“It’s not my fault that you haven’t been able to see Chanyeol, you know.” Kai comes answered the little man, putting two plates of omelette which he had just cooked earlier and start slathered the sauce on top of it. “He did say that he’d be busy during the holidays with the student council and club activities, didn’t he?”

            “I’m saying that it should have been the dog’s job to do something about it.” Kyungsoo reply, still lying with his ​​eyes closed.

            “I bet you couldn’t have talked to him anyway, even you did see him.” Kai said nonchalantly as he closed the sauce bottle in his hand.

Hear the words of Kai was making Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, he was upset and angry at Kai who looks underestimate him. He got up from his sleep, and kicked the table with a loud shout, “GO TO HELL–oh, it’s all over me!”

            But unfortunately, due to his breakthrough, a cup containing hot tea spilled on the table.

Kai rush to find a rag to wipe the table so that the tea does not spill onto the floor. “What are you doing, huh?”

            “Quick! Give me something to wipe it off!”


            “It’s your fault for making fun of me, isn’t it?!”

            “It’s so noisy…” Suho’s sound sleepy, emerging from his room to make Kyungsoo looked behind him.

            “Oh, did we wake you up?”

“Here, use this to wipe it off.” Kai said that come while providing the Kyungsoo cloth.

Suho who was rubbing sleepy eyes suddenly cried like a child when his eyes caught sight of the two plates on the table. “So, you two were planning to eat rice omelettes while Suho was asleep?”

            Seeing Suho even cried like a little boy, Kai then said to him, “your share’s in the fridge, all wrapped up.”

            Hearing that, Suho stopped crying and even said with a soft, just like a child who is seeking something to his father. Although here who has a role as a parent is Suho himself. “Did you write my name on it? Did you write “Suho” with the ketchup?”

            “I’ll write it now, okay? So stop crying.”

            Suho his nose, then nodded and hissed, “okay. I’m gonna sleep a little longer.” And he again closed the door and went back to sleep.

Kai took a deep breath but then focused his attention on Kyungsoo who was wiping stains former tea spilled on his shirt earlier.

Kyungsoo sputters, while trying to clean up the stain. “Ah, it’s gonna leave a stain.”

            “It’ll come off if you do it right.”

            Kyungsoo did not answer, he did not even want to heed the words of Kai just now. His hands have even more speed up to wipe the stain.

Kai back to him, and said with a smirk. “I’ll do it for you, so in exchange–”

            “The family restaurant, again?”

            Yes, Kyungsoo know what is mean by Kai. The tanned-skinned man was definitely invited him to eat at a family restaurant back where Luhan worked part time. Especially seeing Kai’s face is now beaming and smiling nasty it makes him a little annoyed.

            “There’s no problem, right? Pretty please? I can’t go by myself, you know that. You should help pair me up with Luhan.”

Kyungsoo sighed and turned away, looked at a fashion magazine whose cover is a photograph of boy that beautiful face of late frequently mentioned his name as the best-looking models this year.

“Oh shut up! Want me to skin you alive?”



And this is where Kai and Kyungsoo are, in a family restaurant where Kai should feel happy to be here, but in reality he is not. Kai buried his face on the table, put on a sad face, murmuring, “I can’t believe it… Luhan is off today…”

            “Even a hardworker boy takes a day off occasionally, you know. I think it’s punishment for trying to be happy all by yourself.” Kyungsoo replied while eating his special ice cream and busy tossing and turning a fashion magazine.

Kai looked up, staring at Kyungsoo in disgust. “Unlike you who have confessed and been confessed too, I still–”




            Kai was no longer be able to finish the sentence when Kyungsoo squirt a dollop of ice cream to Kai’s face is now even screaming hysterically, holding his face. “Argh, my eyes!”

            “Stop saying embarrassing things, you dog-in-heat.”

            The tanned-skinned man who was busy using his handkerchief to wipe his face was fuming upset. “What do you think you are doing, huh?!”

“Oh, this is so cute!”

            “Huh?” Kai stared at Kyungsoo, then looked back at the magazine that was seen Kyungsoo it. The fashion magazine photo of a model being revealed beautiful boy who was wearing a very nice outfit, fitted him. “Which one is it? Oh, I think it’s too long for you.”





            Kai was no longer able to respond when Kyungsoo even attach the magazine to Kai’s face hard, making the tanned-skinned man was difficulty breathing. While continuing to attach the magazine, Kyungsoo reply said indignantly. “What I want is the bag! The bag, you understand?!”

            “O-okay.” Kai hissed when finally Kyungsoo release the magazine from his face.

            “I know, I know. I’m just a midget with short legs. But I haven’t troubled anyone with–” Kyungsoo stop grumbling when suddenly he caught sight of someone who has just entered into the family restaurant. His eyes then switch saw earlier magazine.

Kai who saw Kyungsoo suddenly stopped talking was surprised and curious and asked. “What’s wro–”




            Again, the magazine was attached by Kyungsoo right in Kai’s face for the second time, while the little man himself shouting loudly at Kai are trying to find air to breathe. “Jongin-ah, look at this!”

            “T-the bag, right?”

Kyungsoo release the magazine from Kai’s face, then turned back to his magazine and turned to Kai, “that’s not it! I’m talking about the model!”

            “The model?” Kai was just a look of bewildered, until finally Kyungsoo stood up and pulled Kai’s head to look at a beautiful boy who had just entered into the family restaurant.

“There, that person.” Kyungsoo whispered. “It’s him, right?”

            Kai turned back at the magazine and was in turn, then finally said with amazement. “You’re right!”

            “His name is Byun Baekhyun. He’s the son of the actress, Byun Eunji.” Kyungsoo was staring at the beautiful boy named Baekhyun that was busy looking around the restaurant.

Kai returned to speak at Kyungsoo, more like mumbling. “What’s a model like him doing in here?”

            Whether out of curiosity or admiration was so, even Kai and Kyungsoo compact drink a glass of water in front of their eyes were still staring in the direction of a model named Baekhyun it.

            “Sorry for making you wait, Baekhyun-ah.” The appearance of a person’s voice and someone who is very familiar to Kyungsoo and Kai make both boys were shocked and even sprayed water they just drank it, and they did it again in unison.

            “What the–”


            Yes, a tall man who had just entered and was greeted Baekhyun is Park Chanyeol, which even saw Kai and Kyungsoo and waved to them both.

            “Oh, hey, are that Jongin dan Kyungsoo? What a coincidence!” He said, then turned back to the waiter in front of him.

On the other hand, Kyungsoo a little shocked with the arrival of Chanyeol along with a beautiful model named Baekhyun it actually sputtered and pulled Kai’s loudly, trying to tell Kai to scroll and sat down next to him. “W-why?! Hey, come over here!”

“Even if you tell me that–”

            “What’s going on here? I see you two are friendly as usual.” Chanyeol said with a smile on Kai and Kyungsoo.  

Kai and Kyungsoo exchanged glances with each other, and then realized that the reason Chanyeol say that is because Kyungsoo who was holding Kai’s hand, and that is why they both rush to release their hands to each other and said in unison. “I-it’s not like that!”

            “What’s the matter, Chanyeol-ah?”

            Kai’s and Kyungsoo’s eyes and then stared at the figure of a model recently they were talking about, which is now standing next to Chanyeol. Chanyeol then again said, introducing people who are next to him.

            “Well, I was about to introduce them to you.”

            Kyungsoo eyes narrowed when he heard the call from Baekhyun to Chanyeol as if they were already very close to it. And he muttered, “Chanyeol-ah?”

“His name is Byun Baekhyun. He was my neighbour back when we were kids. I guess he’s what you’d call a childhood friend.” Chanyeol smiles as he introduced his childhood friend in the two men who were staring at them with an expression of shock. Then he looked back at Baekhyun, introduce the other two. “And they’re Kim Jongin or you may call him Kai and Do Kyungsoo.”

            Kyungsoo mumbled with a small voice. “Childhood…friend…”

            And then he and Kai smiled at Baekhyun. Kyungsoo himself felt relieved that Baekhyun is only Chanyeol’s childhood friend, not someone who is very special for the giant man.

            “Nice to meet you.” Kai said while smiled to him.

            Baekhyun smiled sweetly, and said, “nice to meet you too!” But then he caught a wide open magazine, which showed his photograph. “That is?”

Kai is realized that the last Baekhyun’s words is meant by the fashion magazine, immediately said, “ah, this? We were having a look at it just now. Then–”

            “Oh, and here I am looking plain and dull. I should of dressed up a bit. I don’t think about it much on a day off.” Baekhyun said in a tone that sounded very sweet.

            “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about anything.”

            “We are all here now. Why don’t we share the seats?” Asked Chanyeol.

            “Eh?” Kai and Kyungsoo looked at each other.

            “No problem with that right, Baekhyun-ah?”

            “Of course!”


In the end, Chanyeol and Baekhyun also sat down with Kai and Kyungsoo. In accordance with Kyungsoo’s orders, Kai finally shifting position, which at first he sat across from Kyungsoo, be sitting next to his friend.

            “This place is so nostalgic.” Baekhyun said, smiling at his friend, Chanyeol.

Chanyeol reciprocate by saying, “we used to come here a lot.”

            “That’s right, together with our families.” Baekhyun added still with his tone that sounded sweet and spoiled. His eyes then caught sight of Kai who seemed to be daydreaming. He also took a sachet of sugar and poured it on the coffee belongs to Kai. “Here, Kai-ssi.”

            Kai snapped out of his reverie, smiling stiffly at Baekhyun. ”Uh, yeah.”

            “Would it be better if it was diet sugar?”

“Eh? N-no.”

            “I mean, do you prefer to drink it black?”

            Chanyeol interrupting, saying, “hey, don’t be so hasty about it.”     

            Baekhyun then was holding Kai’s hands and smiling sweetly. “Forgive me, I saw Chanyeol putting some in, so I…”

            “N-no problem.” Kai said while his face began to redden.

            “Oh, I did it again.” Baekhyun hissed softly. “Everyone tells me that I’m a natural airhead and might as well as blonde. I’m sorry.” He blinked his eyes and smiled spoiled one.

Kai becomes stiff and nervous with Baekhyun’s sweet treatment that can only repeatedly shook his head and said, “n-no, really. I like sweet things anyway.”

            “Ah, thank you. You’re really kind.” Baekhyun then suddenly let go of his grip on Kai’s hand, with his face flushed. “Oh my, what have I done.”


            “Kai-ssi doesn’t have anything to be sorry for.”

            While Kai and Baekhyun busy talking, Chanyeol was sipping his tea then move from their seats. “Well, I’m going to the bathroom.”

            After Chanyeol go, Kai glanced at Kyungsoo who were busy drinking orange juice as did not care that Chanyeol goes. Seeing Kyungsoo’s facial expressions it, Kai knew that the tiny boy being bored. This is between two peoples make Kai finally decided to follow Chanyeol to the bathroom. “Um, I’m going to the bathroom, too.” Kai said while rose from his seat.

The tanned-skinned man was stepped lazy to get into the men’s restroom at the restaurant. He sighed heavily, while hissing, “I give up. I can’t keep things going over there.”

            “So you came, just as I’d expected.” The sound of someone who had stood against the wall, making Kai’s steps stopped.

He was so tired to face the strange behavior of people around him, Kai unwittingly walked past Chanyeol who had been standing near the entrance to the toilet. Kai just turned around, looked at Chanyeol while saying, “aren’t you going to the toilet?”

“Sheesh!” Chanyeol was moving his hand, as if giving a code that Kai hard noiseless and walked toward him.

“What is it?” Kai was following Chanyeol’s orders.

“Tell me honestly, Jongin-ah. What do you think about Baekhyun?” Asked Chanyeol with a very small voice, while his eyes kept glancing toward the table where they had been sitting together.

Instantly Kai’s face flushed slightly at the question. “What can I say? How could you ask me that after bringing such a pretty boy without notice. I was getting confused there!”

            Chanyeol sighed for a while and then said again. “I accept that he is pretty.”

            “He is really a good boy. He may be a bit of an airhead but he is kind of innocent.” Kai still talked.

            “Well, just have a look.” The gigantic man was just a small smile, then took Kai to peek at what is being done by Kyungsoo and Baekhyun who they leave before.



On the other hand, Baekhyun who just drink iced tea sighed as he stretched his hands up, then spread it to the side. The beautiful boy hissed, his face no longer shows a sweet expression whose had been his show. He looks even more like a . “Oh boy, I’m tired.” He hissed.

            His beautiful hand then take a glass of iced tea when he is, then talk to Kyungsoo in front of him. “Hey you, Baekhyunnie’s iced tea is empty. Get some for me.” He commands on Kyungsoo.

But the opposite happened. Kyungsoo even ignored him. The petite man was actually busy flipping the fashion magazine, saw the magazine with bored faces. Kyungsoo did not even look at Baekhyun in front of him, as if no one in front of him.       

“Ignoring me, huh?” It certainly makes Baekhyun furious. Baekhyun back talk, “come to think of it, you’ve had that attitude for a while now.”

            Kyungsoo still ignored him.

Baekhyun became increasingly furious. “Oh, I know. I’ll let your boyfriend bring it for me. I bet he’ll do whatever I ask.” Baekhyun kept talking as he then took the mirror in his bag and smiled at the reflection of his face. “Can Baekhyunnie have him? Well, I don’t really need him though.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.” Reply Kyungsoo, still with his voice sounding tired and ignored it, while his hand was still busy flipping through a magazine.

“Oh well. So it doesn’t matter either way?”



Meanwhile in the toilet, Kai was peering with Chanyeol can only shudder when he see the change in Baekhyun’s attitude. He was different, like having two personalities in one body.

            “And that’s how he really is.” Said Chanyeol to Kai. “He is spoiled, selfish, and rude. He is a typical princess.”

            “I can’t imagine anything except that a demon has taken over him.” Kai murmured.



Back in Baekhyun, the beautiful boy that was applying lip balm on the lips, then turned back to the tone of his high class princess at Kyungsoo though he still did not look at him. “Well, I suppose that it can’t be helped that you can only find men like that in an empty town like this.”


            “Hey, hey, how tall are you?”

            Hearing the question, Kyungsoo’s eyes begin to look at Baekhyun sharply.

            “I’ve just noticed, aren’t you proportioned a bit strangely?”

            Kyungsoo still did not answer. His eyes glanced increasingly sharp. He began to growled, began to heat up while Baekhyun still raving.

            “I can’t imagine that they were selling clothes in that size.”


            Baekhyun babble, while Chanyeol could only sigh heard it from a distance. Kai could only gape at Baekhyun’s question.


            I’m impressed that Kyungsoo is just taking those insults…




            Kai’s eyes dilated saw a scene where Baekhyun finally fell silent because of a loud slap of Kyungsoo right in his face, making his pretty eyes were glazed. Chanyeol could just sigh and walked out of the toilet to get back at the men who were involved in the fight.


            “What…?” Baekhyun said with his eyes already glazed, as if to cry.

            “There was a mosquito on your cheek. Oh, it was a fly.” Kyungsoo said with a cold tone that remains.

Baekhyun furious, stood up and slapped the table, holding his cheeks were flushed. “Why you?!”

            “Come on, Baekhyun-ah. We are going home now!” Sounds Chanyeol make Kyungsoo woke up and a little surprised.

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DO_squishy_SOO94 #1
Chapter 7: Do well in your studies and i'm gonna wait for your update patiently! Fighting authornim!! Good luck~~
Chapter 6: Byun Baekhyun. Aigoo...fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 5: Unusual. a good way. Fighting for the next chapter
jisova #4
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo is complicated. I loike complicated characters
12011401 #5
My favess omgggv taiga x ryuuji omggg taiga is so kyungsoo thou small and rude lol and bear ryuuji
Chapter 2: ILY AUTHORNIM!!!!!!!! Toradora is one of my favorite anime and gahhhdd kaisoo /sobs/ ♥♥♥ fighting authornim :)) i'll be waiting for your updates :D
overactivemind #7
Chapter 2: Toradora is one of my favorite animes! Kyungsoo is so Taiga it's perfect lol. Can't wait for more.
I ing love you for this! Oh my gawd! I was just rewatching this! And I don't know why but I imagined Tao as Ami. You're perfection for making this story. I'm here for it.