The Unexpected Celebration

Unexpected Love

Claire's POV

I got surprised when Junhong said that my idea was brilliant. I thought he didn't liked it. He quickly told the "new plan" for their anniversary. And Junhong told me that they really like my idea.

ding, dong!

They're here! Junhong and I hurriedly opened the door and welcome them.

"Annyeong!" Junhong and I bowed

"oh! hello!" Yongguk said

"kyyaaa!!! Claire! I miss you!" Youngjae jumped infront of me then hugged me AGAIN tightly

"h-hi Youngjae oppa!" I manage to replied

"hey! I'm so sorry about the vacation" he apologize as he release me from his hug

"it's alright oppa" I smiled

"shall we go inside?" Junhong asked

As the five of them step inside the house, I can see their eyes start to wander.

"wow! your house is really big Zelo!" Jongup muttered

"not just big! the house is really nice too!" Youngjae added

"ah! thanks hyung! Dad choose this house for us!" I replied

"I wish I could live in this kind of house in the future!" Himchan said

As the four of them continue to talk about the house, Daehyun oppa stand beside me.

"this is a really nice idea Claire" he stated

"Daehyun oppa! T-thanks" I smiled

"I'm sorry Claire" he gently muttered

"S-sorry? why are you apologizing Daehyun oppa?" I asked

"because I invited you and your friend to a failed vacation" he answered then shook his head

" it's alright! it's not your fault so don't apologize" I smiled

"youre such a nice girl" he looked at me then gave me a smile.

"thanks" I smiled back

"ee-ehem!" someone interrupts

"Junhong!" I startled

"here" Junhong handed me a plastic bag

"what's this?" I asked curiously

"ingredients for the Barbecue" Daehyun answered


"youre welcome!" the two of them replied

They looked at each other with their wide eyes. Junhong ran his fingers to his hair while looking away from Daehyun oppa.

"o-ohh well, I think I need to start marinating" I muttered

"let me help you!" they both said at the same time again

I got surprised on what they're acting right now. I fake a smile.

"I think I can handle this, thanks" I replied to the two of them

"yah! what's happening here?" Himchan oppa asked as he walks towards us

The two of them look away from each other as Himchan come closer.

"ah.. nothing Himchan oppa, I'll just start marinating" I replied

Suddenly Youngjae Oppa just appear infront of me.

"Claire! let me help you!" he offered

"h-help me? but..."

"please, please please!" he pleaded

"okay, you can help me" I replied

I saw the reaction of Daehyun oppa and Junhong. They look confused and disappointed because I refused to their offer, helping me. I can say no to Youngjae oppa because I know that he really want to help me so badly.

Zelo's POV

When Claire accepted Youngjae's help I felt a little disappointment because she refused when I offered her a hand. It's not fair!

When Claire and Youngjae gone to the kitchen, the rest of us left in the living room. I wanted to help them but I'm sure that Claire will just say "it's alright Junhong we can manage" (imitates her voice). I sigh but then Yongguk patted my back.

"we should organize the venue!" he muttered


"ahhh! could you show us your backyard?" Himchan asked

"sure" I answered

I lead them at the backyard as they wish.Their eyes got wide when they saw our backyard.

"wooooaaahhhh! you are really lucky Zelo!" Jongup stated

"hehehe, thanks!" I replied

"you have a really nice house and a backyard eh!" Yongguk said as he and Himchan sat on the swinging bench

"I'm lucky!" I replied

"this is perfect for tonight's barbecue party isn't it?" Daehyun said as he stood near at me

"ne" I answered

"then, shall we start fixing the place?" Jongup asked

The five of us start to gather some chairs and table for the bbq party. As the rest of them continue to work I secretly went to the kitchen and took a little peek to Claire and Youngjae hyung. I saw Claire teaching Youngjae hyung to marinate the barbecue. "I wish I'm the one she's teaching right now" I thought

Youngjae hyung seems enjoying.

Never mind atleast Claire will teach me to cook again next time. I just planted a smile and continued to help my hyungs to organize the place.

Claire's POV

I'm happy because Youngjae oppa is willing to help me here in the kitchen. Suddenly I realized if Junhong is mad at me because I refused to accept his help, even Daehyun hyung.

While Youngjae oppa and I doing our work. Daehyun oppa just came in the kitchen.

"Hi, do you need some help?" he asked

"ahh.. anio, we can manage" I replied

"but Claire... I think we need his help" Youngjae muttered

"great!" Daehyun smiled then wash his hands


"don't worry Claire, I can manage" he marked

I can't just kick him out from the kitchen now. So I just smiled at him and let him help us.

"awwwch!" I yelp, I didn't noticed the knife sliced the tip of my finger

"Claire! what happened?!" Daehyun and Youngjae hurriedly run towards me

"I accidentaly slice my finger" I muttered holding my bleeding finger

"wait, where is your first aid kit?" Daehyun asked

"uhm, it's in the cabinet" I muttered

Youngjae quickly grabbed the kit from the cabinet then gave it to Daehyun. Daehyun opened it then pick a band aid.

"hmmm... Claire please be more careful next time huh?" Daehyun said as he put the band aid to my finger gently

"t-thanks" I said

"yah, don't worry Claire, I'll just cut the vegetables for you" Youngjae stated

"no, I can do it oppa" I replied

"but your finger"

"it's not that bad"

"are you sure?" Daehyun oppa asked

"ne" I smiled

The three of us continued what we have to do in the kitchen. Daehyun also told us that they had arranged the backyard for tonight's barbecue party.

"Thanks for the meal!" all of us happily said then start eating the barbecue from our plate

"hmmm...this is really good!" Yongguk complimented

"of course! we made it!" Youngjae proudly stated

"yah Daehyun-ssi! why didn't you tell that youre going to help Claire and Youngjae? I should've come with you also" Himchan pouted

"oh! I'm sorry"  Daehyun apologize

They seem so happy and I think they're really enjoying their barbecues. When I'm about to take a bit on my barbecue my eyes laid on Junhong. He silently eating his barbecue without even an expression on his face. He used to smile when he ate the dishes I cooked but now I think he's not even enjoying it. Is something bothering him? As I stare at him, his eyes unexpectedly meet mine. I tried to smile but he quickly doff his stare at me. I think there is really something bothering him and I wanted to know what is it.

"yah! Zelo youre so quite! is there something wrong?" Jongup patted his back

"nothing hyung" Junhong force to smile

"don't you like the food Zelo?" Himchan asked

"no! I totally liked it!" he replied

"then why you look like a lonely frog?" Yongguk chuckled

"hyung!! I'm not!" Junhong pouted

When we finished having our dinner we don't know what we're going to do next. Himchan oppa suggested to watch a movie but the members refuse.

"How about spin the bottle?" I suggested

"ne! let's play spin the bottle! Youngjae oppa followed

"nice idea Claire!" Daehyun smiled at me

I smiled back but then I caught that Junhong staring at me. He quickly look away when I saw him. Why is he acting like this? I just ignore him and get a bottle from the kitchen for the game. We sat on the green ground in circle. Youngjae and Daehyun oppa sat beside me, while I'm facing Junhong.

"the one who gets point by the bottle will be...." Youngjae muttered

"will be choosing between truth or dare" I continued

"ahhh! it's been a long time since we played this game" Youngjae stated

"okay! let's do this!" Himchan clapped

While the bottle is spinning all of them quietly focus on it. Wondering who will be the first one that will be point by the bottle. Finally the bottle stop, everyone looked at the person who's pointed by the bottle.

"aish! why me?!" Yongguk oppa complaints

"hehehe! because it's you!" Youngjae chuckled

"okay! truth or dare?" Daehyun asked

"there's no way I'll choose truth! so I'll go with DARE!" he answered

"okay! then what should be the good thing you must do?" Himchan said with his evil smile

The five of them and me had a little chitchat about Yongguk's dare. When we finished we get back to our places. I can't hold my laugh because of their challenge for him.

" oh! I think this is not good!" Yongguk worries

"whahaha! do an aegyo!!" Youngjae yelled





"okay, okay!"

Yongguk oppa put his hands into a peace sign and start saying "buing, buing" while doing it left and right. I didn't know he has the guts to do that. We all laugh so hard.

"tch! I'll never going to do that again!" Yongguk said as he sat on his place

Again, we spun the bottle and this time the bottle pointed on me.

"truth or dare?" Yongguk asked

"dare?" I answered

All of them did the same thing when they decided what is the suitable dare for me. Almost all of them are smiling except for Junhong.

"okay, what is it?" I asked

"uhm.... can you perform your New YorkNew York dance?" Jongup oppa suddenly answered

"what?" I uttered

Suddenly Youngjae just burst laughing. I froze on my place feeling my cheeks getting heat up. No!!!! I can't do this! Dancing is not my style!!!!

"uhm...guys can you just change the...."

"nope!" Yongguk quickly said

"but I can't do it!" I complain

"yes you can! you did it last time!" Himchan said

"but it's different! and besides I had a partner before"

"choose a partner then" Daehyun suggests

"tch! no way! you don't even know the steps" I said

"Zelo knows the steps!" Yongjae points to him

"yaaahhh! why me?!" Junhong complaints

"because you know the steps!" Himchan answered

"Jongup hyung knows it too!" Junhong points him

"huh? why me? I didn't memorize the steps duh!" he responds


"Zelo! just do it! besides you and Claire are comfortable to each other right?" Himchan said

Junhong just paused then crossed his arms on his chest. I fell into silence and didn't say something anymore. Suddenly Junhong just stood up then stretch his arms towards me. I looked at him with widen eyes of mine. I took a gulp, hesitating if I will accept his offer. Is he serious?! I just sigh and took his hands. I help myself to stand up from the ground. Junhong took me in the empty space then took my other hand. I can't help myself from staring at him as we start to dance. I feel that we're dancing through the rhythm of the music even though there's no music playing.

When Junhong swirled me, I didn't realize that we already finished the half of the dance. The guys sitting on the ground happily clapped their hands.

"yah! you two look great together!" Yongguk said

As Junhong and I sat on the ground Daehyun smiled at me. Still,Junhong is avoiding me even we already danced together. We spun the bottle again. And this time the bottle pointed to Daehyun.

"truth!" Daehyun stated

"are you sure?" Himchan asked

"yup!" he nodded

"okay, what should we asked?" Youngjae rubbed his hands

"oh! I know!" Jongup stated

Jongup whispered the question to Youngjae. Suddenly Youngjae gave us a wide grin. I wonder what is the question is. The two laughed together like we're not even there.

"yah! share it!" Yongguk said to them

"we're going to ask this to Daehyun so why bother?" Youngjae replied

"okay, what is it?" Daehyun bravely asked

"hmm... actually this past few weeks, we noticed that you, Daehyun seems so happy and really cheerful like we never seen before..." Youngjae said

"then?" Daehyun asked

"tell us! is there someone that you already liked? I mean you admire!" Youngjae asked

Daehyun didn't answered immediately, instead he just smiled then looked to us.

"who?" Yongguk asked

"well... it's not like I already admire her it's just...."

"haaa!! I knew it! you like someone!" Youngjae interrupts

"yahh! who's the lucky girl?"

"who is she?"

"is she beautiful?"


"did we know her?"

"is she an idol?"

"yah! calm down guys!" Daehyun chuckled

"then who is she?" Himchan curiously asked

"yah! you just asked if there is someone! I'm not gonna tell her name!"

" ahhh! why so selfish?!" Youngjae pouted

"okay, okay! I'll just give you a clue huh?!"


"uhm... she's not an idol. She's an ordinary girl but she's smart, pretty, brave and has bubbly personality!" Daehyun said with his pure smile

" really? did we know her?" Junhong suddenly asked


"did I know her too?" I asked

" yes Claire" he smiled at me

" atleast tell us her name!" Youngjae complaints

"nope! I will never tell her name!"

"such a KJ!(kill joy)" everyone pouted

We finished the game with smiles on our faces. Today is such a tiring but daebak day. I learned that all idols also need a break and enjoy their spare time with their family, friends and most importantly with their selves. I had a great time with them especially with Youngjae and Daehyun oppa. I wish this could happen again.

As we say our goodbyes as usual Youngjae hugged me again. Well, I'm getting used to it anyway like Ada hugging me from behind.

"thanks Claire and Zelo! we had a really great time!" Yongguk said

"youre welcome oppa" I replied then smiled

"Youre one of the best girls that I've meet" Himchan stated

"ahh... I'm not the best! but thanks oppa!"

When they finally leave Junhong and I left in the gate alone. I tried to talk to him but he quickly get inside the house. I hurriedly ran to catch him before he gone to his room.

"Junhong yah!!" I shouted

"what?" he paused then turn to face me


"what is it?"

"its uhmmm..."

He turned his back then continue to walk upstairs.

"Yah!!! Junhong wait!" I shouted again

"aaaiiissshhh! what do you want?" he yelled

"why are you acting like that? is there's something wrong? do you have a problem?" I asked

"why you ask?"

" didn't talk to me since we started eating our dinner. Are you mad at me?"

"no" he simply answered

"then why...."

"I'm tired. I need to rest" he stated then continue to walk inside his room

I'm kinda lonely because Junhong didn't even manage to say Goodnight to me before he went to his room. He seems so cold like before. I'm sure Junhong has a problem and I need to know what is it. I will help him to solve it no matter what.


Hi guyths! hehehe! I hope you like this chapter. Thanks for reading :) pls keep voting and commenting on each chapter so atleast I know your thoughts about the chapters. Sorry for wrong grammar, spelling and typos.



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Sure, reading about the badmembers being with each other is great but people need to pay attention to the ones with OC's like this too ;w;
and the ending

XDD jk jk
I liked it ^^
This fic was fun, i was always checking my subscriptions to see if it updated, I liked it a lot author nim ^w^
Chapter 25: this was one of the fluff stories that i like the most. i love the ending. ^^

diannan #4
Chapter 25: Waaaaah daebak!!! I have truly enjoyed this story and want to thank you for giving me something to do when free!
shafarf #5
Chapter 24: Aishhh update soon authornim!!! I'm looking forward to this story!
Chapter 24: WH ATI STHIS
Magical_Laynicorn #8
Chapter 22: Such a teasing chapter )o)
diannan #10
Chapter 21: Hmm did she hear him confess or not?