If He Was Never Angry


An alternate situation to what happened in School 2013. When Park Heung Soo entered class 2-2 and introduced himself, upon making eye contact with his ex-bestfriend, Go Nam Soon he shouted his name with joy and ran to his side. Heung Soo was never angry at him?


Hello, my name is Grace. This is my first time writing a Fanfiction so bare with with me :) The chapters will be short and I'm not exactly the most reliable updater but I'm trying <3

Hey guys I'm probably not going to update for another forever because I'm busy as all hell. College is not easy for a 15 year old.


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AshXIII #1
Chapter 7: Oh, I just read this new Chappie. Lol, talk about being late to the party. Kekeke will wait for more
Shadow4263 #2
Chapter 7: I like the twist this story has. Please update when u can
bukimoon #3
Glad to see you back???
Baa-llama #4
Chapter 7: It's looking great so far.
Chapter 7: I like this alternate story. Looking forward for the next update
Berry-tan #6
Chapter 5: huhuhuhu! -v- i'm evil, author-nim '3' i fell asleep lastnight while writing a comment for you and that was like at 1:30 or something -3- but now its 4:40 _m_ i loved it! :D tee hee continue your good work! -u-
dlynn2891 #7
Chapter 5: huaa.. finally update..
pls update soon author-nim..
i like your story,, cant wait other story about this couple,..kkkkkkk