
If He Was Never Angry

"No!" Heungsoo shouted as he grabbed Namsoon's wrist, stopping him from leaving the roof. "You will not shut me out, and you will not leave me again! ... tell me why you are crying". Namsoon's knees buckled and he fell to the ground in tears. "It's the same as it was three years ago! ...I don't deserve you..." he said looking up from his sobbs. 

'What the hell is he talking about, what's wrong with him?' goes through Heungsoo's mind. Heungsoon kneels down with Namsoon taking Namsoon's cold and shaking hands into his own. "What are you talking about?! There is no way that you don't deserve me, you were my family, I loved you so much!" He shouted. Looking into his eyes he spoke more quietly, "You have to know that, right, How much that you meant to me? I searched for you and even cried in my Noona's arms after not seeing you for two months." Heungsoon then pulled him into his arms and just enjoyed the moment he has dreamed about for the past 3 years, where he could hold his dearest friend in his arms and never let go.

They stayed like this for a few minutes until Namsoon's tears stopped streaming and he pulled away, already missing the warmth of Heungsoo's chest. 'Should I just not tell him?' he contemplated in his head. 'I really don't deserve this happiness, but I will wait to talk to his Noona before I bring this up again'. "Wah, you bastard, you've really grown haven't you?" he said light heartedly. 

"Aish, you had me all worried for nothing" Heungsoo said as he ruffled Namsoon's thick brown hair. "Wait...... we forgot about class!!" Now it was Heungsoo's turn to grab his bestfriend by the wrist and drag him through the school, though he got a little lost on the way and had to get a little help from Namsoon.




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Hey guys I'm probably not going to update for another forever because I'm busy as all hell. College is not easy for a 15 year old.


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AshXIII #1
Chapter 7: Oh, I just read this new Chappie. Lol, talk about being late to the party. Kekeke will wait for more
Shadow4263 #2
Chapter 7: I like the twist this story has. Please update when u can
bukimoon #3
Glad to see you back???
Baa-llama #4
Chapter 7: It's looking great so far.
Chapter 7: I like this alternate story. Looking forward for the next update
Berry-tan #6
Chapter 5: huhuhuhu! -v- i'm evil, author-nim '3' i fell asleep lastnight while writing a comment for you and that was like at 1:30 or something -3- but now its 4:40 _m_ i loved it! :D tee hee continue your good work! -u-
dlynn2891 #7
Chapter 5: huaa.. finally update..
pls update soon author-nim..
i like your story,, cant wait other story about this couple,..kkkkkkk