My Fault

If He Was Never Angry

          During our middle school days the rooftop was always our hangout we had dominated the roof since seventh grade. I was a tough and feared gang leader called Tsunami, serious family problems and only one person I actually cared about. Heungsoo. He was the only person who could stop me if I was going too far beating someone up, he wasn't able to stop me that night. haha considering he was the one I lost it while beating. In the end I destroyed his knee and along with that his future as a soccer player.

Heungsoo didn't argue as his bestfriend dragged him by his wrist through the unfamiliar schoolbuilding onto the vacant rooftop. Namsoon looked at heungsoon with questioning eyes and he looked back with smiling ones. Namsoon, first to break the silence, "Why are you not angry with me? I broke your leg and ruined your life!"

Heungsoon looked back dubious and replied " What are you talking about? How can me getting hit by a car be your fault?"

Namsoon gasped, 'did he just say he got hit by a car?' 

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Hey guys I'm probably not going to update for another forever because I'm busy as all hell. College is not easy for a 15 year old.


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AshXIII #1
Chapter 7: Oh, I just read this new Chappie. Lol, talk about being late to the party. Kekeke will wait for more
Shadow4263 #2
Chapter 7: I like the twist this story has. Please update when u can
bukimoon #3
Glad to see you back???
Baa-llama #4
Chapter 7: It's looking great so far.
Chapter 7: I like this alternate story. Looking forward for the next update
Berry-tan #6
Chapter 5: huhuhuhu! -v- i'm evil, author-nim '3' i fell asleep lastnight while writing a comment for you and that was like at 1:30 or something -3- but now its 4:40 _m_ i loved it! :D tee hee continue your good work! -u-
dlynn2891 #7
Chapter 5: huaa.. finally update..
pls update soon author-nim..
i like your story,, cant wait other story about this couple,..kkkkkkk