
Star Crossed Lovers
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While the man at the door and the girl now standing in front of him talk, the rest of us converse amongst ourselves quietly. We talk mostly about our mutual fear of him not liking us here, but warmth both from the house and the hot chocolate calms us nicely.

The man at the door is big. What's more, he doesn't look anything like the girl who let us in. Is he not a part of the family? Or is it the girl who doesn't belong..?

I look to Namjoon hyung and see his confusion. 'He must be even more confused than I am - Namjoon isn't the brightest Bulletproof Boy..'

Then, I shift my gaze to the young girl I've been watching for the past ten minutes. She looks sort of... Flustered. A smile makes it's way onto my face when I see how cute she is while talking to the man in a low voice. 'Her cheeks look best with a pink glow - it's so captivating.'

I continue staring at the girl until Namjoon looks over and taps on my shoulder whispering "Hey, what are you so happy about?" He doesn't look over at her, much to my relief, and doesn't seem to catch on.

I turn to him and wave it off, trying - unsuccessfully - to hide my smile.

The girl comes back to Namjoon and speaks something in English, a bright and beautiful smile marring her features. "He says you can stay as long as you want."

I cheer inwardly at this while Namjoon relays the information to the rest of the guys.

I feel so happy that they are being so nice that I almost let the girl see my smile but, instead, walk to her and bow even lower than last time, almost folding myself in half. I grab her hand and say my thanks in Korean, knowing she still thinks I don't speak English - sometimes you can use things like that to your advantage.

She blushes and looks away and, although it seems that I'm the only one to notice, I mentally jump up and down at my accomplishment. It's just that, to make such a beauty blush at my actions.... We've only just met but I already feel gravity being defied as my heart is pulled imposssibly toward hers.

I return to my seat and the night continues on, many changes made. Once we get to sleeping arrangements, though, manager hyung falters. "Well... This house isn't big enough for all of us, you know."

This whole time, Namjoon has been translating for the girl and the man and for the other guys but now he hesitates. His eyebrows squish together in the middle and his confused face is, admittedly, adorable. The girl asks Namjoon what it is that could be troubling him and he smiles lightly and says, "I don't think there is enough space for all eight of us to sleep here"

The girl swirled around and walked back to the man - we've learned his name is Mark. "Mark, isn't there a motel just a road over? A few of them could sleep there."

"You're right, Mary... I'll drive you. Which ones of you are coming? We can fit four here but the other four have to go to the motel." He takes the keys out of his pocket and spins them around his thick index finger.

Namjoon asks manager the same and the latter picks out three men to go along with himself. "Okay... Hm~ Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook."

Jimin's eyes widen at this and he speaks. "Wait, can I go too?"

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Chapter 6: I am reading this almost three years in the future and I am regretting not having finished this. It was horrible but it was so much better than I thought it was at the time. I wish it was a complete work so I could really reflect on it - not to mention I am actually enjoying reading it, lol.