
Way Back

The sun was shining brightly, rays landing softly on everything it can reach. A soft breeze was blowing every once in a while, just enough to bring a mild cool feel to the soft heat that the sun was bringing. Jungmin smiled as he looked out of the window thinking of his confession last night. It felt good to let it out off his chest. He didn’t really get a good reply last night but the smile Kim gave him assured him that what he did was okay and that she won’t avoid him or something. He was expecting that Kim would freak out or worse avoid him, considering her feelings for Luhan. She did however tell him(through text) that she’s sorry that she couldn’t return his feelings or whatnot but she still expected them to be friends. He still liked Kim though, the rejection wouldn’t change that. He was thankful that Kim was kind enough to let them be friends and he promised himself that he’ll “try” to be contented with it.

Being too absorbed in his thoughts, he didn’t realize that a certain furball was already barking up at him, its paws lightly scratching his jeans. He looked down and smiled at the little pup which was looking up at him with big sparkling puppy dog eyes.

“Jjanggiee, what do you want?”  He bent down and patted the puppy’s brown fur. Jjang barked at him and barked at the door excitedly. He remembered Kim’s fondness of dogs and how she got excited when she found out that he owns a toy poodle when they were taking pictures at a park for their project. They were supposed to be taking candid photos of people but all Kim ever took were pictures of the pets that some owners brought. She made him promise to let her meet Jjang. He thinks that today is the perfect day to do that.

“Let’s go get your leash and your cutest collar Jjang!” he said enthusiastically as he opened a drawer where he kept Jjang’s stuff. He took out a light blue collar with a silver bone shaped pendant and attached it to Jjang’s neck who was clearly excited. He texted Kim if they can go out to the park and maybe the mall after that with Jjang. He was smiling as he walked to the park, Jjang leading the way. He can already imagine Kim’s beaming smile and cheery laugh when she’ll be able to meet Jjang. A few minutes after he sent the text, Kim replied with a simple “Sorry, Jungmin! Busy today  but I hope to meet Jjang soon! Have fun and be good owner!” He stopped and looked down at Jjang , a frown forming on his lips. He bent down and ruffled Jjang’s fur. The dog looked up to him with big brown eyes and gave him a small bark.

“I guess it’s just you and me Jjang.” He said with a sad small smile on his face.

30 minutes in to the walk and Jjang is still hyperactive. Jungmin thought that he should really monitor what he feeds his puppy. It’s like he has unlimited energy and the thing is Jungmin keeps on running because Jjang chases all the dogs he sees. He thinks his puppy is friendly, though Jjang is just too enthusiastic, resulting to scaring the others. He sat on a nearby bench and wiped the small beads of sweat forming on the side of his forehead. As he took his water bottle and drank, his eyes landed on a couple who had their arm linked together as if someone would pry them apart. He watched as the girl pointed rather excitedly at the couple store in front of them. She practically skipped and ran simultaneously without letting go of her lover’s hand. The guy who she was with was happily following her and looked at her with some sort of deep admiration that Jungmin could understand.

“So that’s why Kim’s busy today.” Jungmin sighed as he saw Kim and Luhan from afar, enter the shop. 

He didn’t have enough time to mope around because Jjang suddenly started to run again. For a puppy, Jjang had an impressive amount of strength. Thinking it was better to keep his mind off of Kim, he jogged and followed Jjang to distract himself. Jjang however was stretching his leash too much that it eventually snapped. Jungmin shouted for Jjang and ran to try and catch up to his puppy. He was about slow down when he almost reached Jjang, who was now barking at a new puppy, but a person running from the side collided with him.  The person fell down from the impact and Jungmin bent down on his knees to check if the person is okay.

“Miss, are you okay?” he said as he tilted his head to get a better view of the girl who was looking down on her elbows. The girl lifted her head and smiled sweetly at him. She looked like a chibi drawing coming out of one of those children’s manga or anime. Cute and innocent looking, Jungmin thought.

“Pabo, do you think my bleeding elbows are okay?” The words that came out of was in complete contrast to the way she said it. She scoffed and Jungmin raised an eyebrow at her due to confusion. She got up and dusted her sides but she almost tripped when she took a step and hissed because of the pain she felt from her ankle. She took a step once more and she was sure to fall down this time but Jungmin caught her quickly.

“I was trying to be polite and I’m not a pabo. You are.” Jungmin said in annoyance as he helped the girl make her way to the bench.

“And why is that?” The girl said with a raised voice as she slightly shoved Jungmin away as soon as she was seated.

“You weren’t looking when you were running and you forced yourself to walk when you so obviously sprained your ankle. Tsk tsk the things pride does to people.” He smiled as he said the last line, which was actually said by Kim when she was sassing Jungmin a few days ago when he refused to say that his cooking .

“Oh shut up.” The girl said and she widened her eyes when she saw Jjang  barking madly(but really he was just trying to make friends) at another puppy. She wiggled her uninjured foot at Jjang and shooed him away.

“Hey, don’t wiggle your sweaty running shoes at my dog!” Jungmin said and pushed her foot down after taking Jjang and tying the broken part of his leash to his collar.

“Then tell your dog to stop terrorizing my Chaeli!” She patted her knees and called for her dog, which ran to her. The girl gave Jungmin a glare before picking up her puppy and placing it in her arms.

“Jjang’s just trying to make friends. Don’t be so judgmental.” Jungmin defended his puppy who was looking at the white poodle that was settled in the girl’s arms. The white poodle wiggled out of the girl’s arms and went back down to the ground and played with Jjang, matching his enthusiasm.

“Well, I guess they’re friends now.”  The girl said looking at the two puppies with a soft smile on her face.

“I guess so. By the way, I’m Jungmin.” He held out his hand and the girl looked at her with a blank expression. He expected a simple reply like,” Hi I’m bla bla whatever her name is” but the girl scrunched her face at him and simply said “no, thanks.”

“Just because our puppies are friends doesn’t mean we should be too.” The girl said as if she was stating an obvious fact.

“Wow, how friendly of you! What’s wrong with being friends?” Jungmin said in the most sarcastic tone that he can.

“I don’t want to be friends wtih someone who caused me to have bloody elbows.”  The girl said as she stretched and rotated her ankle a few times, wincing in pain once in a while. Jungmin looked at her elbows and saw that it was indeed bleeding. He took a clean extra towel from his backpack and dampened it using the water from his bottle. Without warning, he pressed it down on the girl’s elbows and wiped it clean. She yelped in pain and swatted Jungmin’s hands. He just laughed at her and continued cleaning her elbows no matter how much the girl refused. After cleaning her wounds, he just left it like that and apologized because he didn’t have any bandaids left in his pack. The girl said she wasn’t asking and just scoffed at him. He knelt down and took her ankle and examined it. He rotated it a few times and considering the girl didn’t wince much meaning she didn’t sprain her ankle too bad.

“Well, you didn’t sprain your ankle too much so you’ll be able walk…somehow” The girl muttered a thank you that was almost inaudible but Jungmin caught it.

“Uhh what was that?” Jungmin teased and the girl turned red and looked annoyed

“I SAID THANKS!” The girl shouted at him. She took her puppy with her and left, slightly limping but she was walking fine.

“See you next time!” Jungmin said even with her back turned. She raised her hand and waved goodbye and looked back at him with a grin on her face.

“See you never!” She said as she walked away.

Jungmin smiled at the little puppy next to him and said

“Looks like we made new friends” Jjang replied with a bark..duh

“Okay, you did. Well I made one too… sort of.” He said as they walked home.

Maybe today wasn’t a waste after all.




“I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!” They both said at the same time. Kim and Sunmi was missing out on their bestfriend bonding time so they decided to have a sleepover at Kim’s house. Sunmi was dressed in her pink pajamas with bunnies printed all over. She needed to have matching sleepwear ALWAYS. Whereas,Kim only had a simple shorts and a comfy t-shirt. Sunmi popped a fistful of popcorn in as she motioned for Kim to go first. Kim agreed and told her all about her date with Luhan yesterday. It took a pretty long time whenever she talks to Sunmi because she always demanded to spill everything. Even to the tiniest detail.  Sunmi would squeal every now and then and she let out a sound like a strangled hamster when she told her about the ice cream and the photobooth part.

“You are sooooo lucky to have Luhan! Even if he’s a jerk sometimes for leaving you alone for a long time every now and then” She said with a happy voice but frowned when she realized their popcorn supply is running low. She already knew where the Chung’s food supply was kept so without even asking for permission, she ran downstairs and refilled their popcorn bowl. Mrs. Chung who was still awake even gave her a bowl of sliced fruits and a tub of ice cream along with two spoons. She thanked Kim’s mom and reminded her that she rocks making Mrs.Chung laugh. Kim’s eyes sparkled at the sight of ice cream but frowned at the fruits.

“Fruits are amazing, Kim. Stop scowling or I won’t give you Ice cream.” Sunmi said in a bossy tone that didn’t match her cute chibi face.

“Fine! It’s your turn to tell the story!” Kim tapped Sunmi’s elbow almost making her ice cream fall on the bed. Sunmi shot her laser glares but continued mixing the fruits in the ice cream. Kim copied what she was doing and smiled at her for finally eating fruits.  After taking a spoonful of fruits and ice cream, Sunmi looked at Kim with focused eyes and smiled while slightly biting her lower lip, which was an indication of extreme feels waiting to be released by a certain bottle named Sunmi. She starts with a small squeal and blushes even if she haven’t started yet. She’s been talking about some guy she met earlier and how she crushed on him real hard.

“Did you guys talk longer or whatever?” Kim asked eagerly

“No, I had to leave eventually because my hurt real bad and I didn’t want to be so obvious I was in pain.”

“You’re stupid sometimes, Sunmi. It’s okay to look in pain considering that happened.” Kim facepalmed herself.

“Whatever! Anyway, he was so cute and adorable and gahhh I hope we’ll meet again.” Sunmi blurts out her feels with full of ice cream.

“Then go back tomorrow, maybe he’ll be there or go back the same day on the next week. He might be there on a routine considering he has a pet.”

“Maybe! I forgot his name…it was myeon or min something.” She said as she rubbed her elbows covered with purple bandaids that had star prints on them.

They were chatting away doing their normal girl bonding thing which mainly involved fangirling and eating. They weren’t that girly to paint nails and stuff like that. They did the pampering business only once in a while. However, their laughs and squeals were interrupted when a loud thud was heard from Kim’s balcony. She didn’t lock the door and both of them got shocked when Luhan suddenly entered the room with an equal amount of shock in his face.

“What the hell are you doing Luhan? They have a front door, for your information!” Sunmi said as she threw a pillow at Luhan’s face which he failed to avoid. Sunmi wasn’t that polite to her sunbaes but nonetheless, she’s friendly and harmless once you get to know her.

“It’s more dramatic, duh. Am I disturbing something?” Luhan pointed out and shyly asked as he rubbed his neck. He met Kim’s eyes and waved awkwardly at her while saying hi. Seriously, why do I look so stupid, Luhan thought.

“Yup we’re having our girl time but since I’m kind you can have ten minutes with Kim.” Sunmi said and pushed Kim off the bed. They made their way to the balcony and closed the door behind them.

“Is this going to be a regular thing? You risking your face being squashed with the possibility of falling from a tree.” Kim teased Luhan as he intertwined his fingers with hers.

“My face is not going to get squashed!” Luhan laughed and slightly flicked Kim’s forehead. Kim got even with a harder flick on Luhan’s nose.”Ouch! As long as I’m available.” He said as he pressed his nose making his voice different.

“You sound like squidward.” Kim laughed at Luhan’s distorted voice.

“Oh really? Hello, Kim! I love you veeery much from squidlu.” Luhan said as he pressed his nose making his voice more squidwardly.

“I don’t love you. KIDDING! I love you too, squiddy” Kim laughed and pressed her nose too. Luhan laughed and pressed his lips to Kim’s forehead.

“I hope you won’t miss me too much.” Luhan sighed as he pulled Kim in to an embrace. He wrapped his arms around her small frame and Kim nuzzled her face in his neck.

“I always do but that’s okay, just come back and make your presence felt once in a while or else I’ll rip you, limb by limb.” Kim said jokingly but he knew she wanted to assure him even if she felt sad.

 “I’ll try to, Kimmy. It’s just that I might be busier than ever. I hope you won’t get tired of me leaving you all the time.” Luhan said as he pecked the tip of Kim’s nose making her giggle.

“I’ll never get tired, Lu. I understand this is your dream. I repeat,JUST. COME.BACK.TO.ME.” Kim said as she cupped Luhan’s face and it was her turn to pepper Luhan’s face with kisses.

“Don’t worry, I will. I won’t forget my Yam, dummy.” He gave one long kiss to Kim and got interrupted by Sunmi tapping at the door holding up her phone which had a timer indicating 10 seconds left. She smirked at them and left.

“Sunmi’s very…interesting. She looks fluffy and childlike on the outside but deep inside, she’s like the spawn of satan.” Luhan gave a very accurate description of Sunmi causing Kim to laugh real hard.

“Technically, that’s your description too!” Luhan laughed as well even if he disagreed.

“5..” Luhan said as he looked at Kim endearingly

“4??” Kim asked weirded out by Luhan

“3…” Luhan smiled at Kim softly taking in every detail of her as much as he can

“2?” Kim leaned in at the same time Luhan did.

“1..”  Luhan gave one last kiss to Kim for the night.

He hugged Kim and and smiled as he made his way down the tree and Kim leaned on the railings waving at him as he walked away. Kim didn’t realize she was still smiling wildly and almost got a heart attack when Sunmi snuck up on her.

“I saw that!” Sunmi said as she pointed a finger at Kim.

“Oh shut up! You’ll be like that too, once you get to be with that mystery guy of yours.” She said as she pushed away Sunmi’s finger. They continued the rest of the night fangirling and Sunmi insisted Kim to help her out with her wardrobe for the rest of the week so she’ll look presentable if ever she got to meet the guy once again. 

I don't know if I'll write fluff in the next chapter though... OOOHH SPOILER loljk but yeah haha hope you look forward to it

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zoey777 #1
Chapter 14: Found this fic like two days back...really loved the story....luhan and Kim are so cute together!!!! I simply adore Luhan!! I really hope you can continue this story!!!:-)<3
avisdawn #2
Chapter 14: Continue please :)
Nice! *---*
EunMi219 #4
Chapter 11: Fighting Kim! I like your story, authornim. Awesome~ can't wait for for the next chapter^^
Chapter 9: sooooooooooooooooooo cute! *sigh*...but the time is gonna come soon....can't wait for the next update!!!
k_baekhan #6
Chapter 8: Haaa, sooo fluffy. Even though you said you wont kill anyone, you're killing me softly. Haha, really. Thanks for informing me via msg. Please update soon, I'll be waiting!! :) Fighting, thor!!
supa-yehet #7
Chapter 8: uuuuu FLUFF FLUFFF~ Can't handle it,aaaaa too cute *squealing*
Chapter 1: WOW SO MUCH FLUFF !!