Phone Call

Way Back

Luhan called Kim on the way to the practice room and said sorry for his sudden leave but he was interrupted by Kris telling him to get inside. He put his phone in his pocket and followed him. He entered a room with blue walls and printed clouds. A short guy with milky white skin was busy watching a tall slim guy with a brown bowl cut hair dance with another guy with golden brown skin. Both of them were dancing passionately as if their bodies were one with the music. He watched them finish their dance and gave each of them a pat on the back. The two guys then sat on the floor along with seven other guys who looked equally tired.

“hyung, did you get me bubble tea?” The guy with the brown bowl cut hair asked him as soon as he spotted Luhan.

“Aniyo. Sorry, Sehun. I’ll buy you one next time!” He sat down next to Sehun and ruffled his hair. Sehun only nodded and leaned on the wall as he wiped his sweat.

“Where have you been, Luhan hyung?”  A tall guy with a deep voice and elfish ears asked while poking another guy who had an adorable eye smile was resting his head on the tall guy’s lap.

“I just caught up with some people.” Luhan smiled at them politely.

“Like who?” Asked Chen, who had defined cheekbones and sharp curved lips.

“Let’s not bother your hyung okay?” A cute guy with round cheeks flicked Chen ears playfully.

Luhan mouthed a silent thank you to Xiumin and he smiled back at him.

“Luhan, come here for a while.” Suho, the one who was watching Sehun and Kai earlier called Luhan to go out of the room.

They entered a recording room where Kris was already seated on the leather couch. Luhan sat in front of him while Suho sat next to Kris.

“We need to talk about Kim.” Kris started in a flat but strict tone. Luhan gulped and knew where this conversation was going to end.

“Luhan, we all signed a contract. We have to follow it.” Suho shifted closer to Luhan.

“And you know very well that that contract has a girlfriend ban.” Kris said as he leaned in to the couch and crossed his arms.

Luhan fidgeted in his seat and nodded while looking down. Suho sighed and leaned back on his seat as well.

“Have you told her about that already?” Suho asked calmly as he stared at Luhan who looked so glum.

“No, but I know that she’s already having difficulties with me because of our schedule. I also talked to her mom a couple of times. Her mother knows but I asked her not to tell Kim.”

“Why can’t you just tell her? It will be harder if she finds out later.” Suho rubbed his forehead because even though he had to stop Luhan because he’s the leader, he still pities the other boy because he knows how much he loves his girlfriend.

“I was hoping I can hide her long enough.”

“Seriously? Are you trying to risk the whole group?” Kris said as he tilted his head at Luhan and gave him a judging glare.

“What Kris is trying to say is that we  haven’t even debuted yet, so we need to be more careful.”  Suho said calmly and looked at Kris cautiously.

“But Suho, that’s exactly my point. We haven’t debuted yet, so maybe we won’t get much attention and I can continue—“

“Don’t be so selfish, Luhan!” Kris interrupted Luhan and stared at him coldly. Luhan returned his stare and clenched his jaw.

“I’m not selfish. You just don’t understand.” Luhan said as he looked back at Kris. The tall guy flexed his shoulders and gave him one last look as he walked out of the recording room. Suho rubbed his face with his hands and sighed deeply. He saw Kris left his wallet on the couch and took it. Luhan looked at Suho curiously as he opened Kris’ wallet.

“Kris had a girlfriend too. He broke up with her about 2 weeks ago.” Suho said as he opened the wallet and showed it to Luhan. Inside the photo pocket of the wallet was a picture of a smiling beautiful American-Chinese girl who had her hands outstretched as if she didn’t want to take a picture.

Luhan was shocked and felt ashamed of speaking like that to Kris earlier.

“The girl was understanding enough to let him go but she told him that she didn’t want to see Kris anymore because he would often visit her.” Suho said as he closed Kris’ wallet and placed his elbow on the arm rest of the couch.

“I’m sorry. I-I didn’t meant to sound so harsh or anything.” Luhan said while fidgeting in his seat.

“Just apologize to him later but do what you have to do first. We still have months to prepare but I suggest you talk to her way before we debut.” Suho gave one final look as he stood up and rubbed his shoulders and left.


Kim didn’t know why he didn’t end the call, he must have forgotten it or something. She was about to end it when she heard a familiar voice. It was the voice of that Kris guy earlier along with another guy’s voice. What startled her the most because the conversation started with Kris bringing up her name.

Kim’s eyes widened as she listened to where the conversation was headed to.

“Luhan, we all signed a contract. We have to follow it.” Kim put her mic on mute so that the other line wouldn’t hear her. She was eavesdropping but they were talking about her so she thought she somehow had the right to listen.

And you know very well that that contract has a girlfriend ban.” Luhan didn’t tell her anything about this.

“Have you told her about that already?”  He didn’t.

“No, but I know that she’s already having difficulties with me because of our schedule. I also talked to her mom a couple of times. Her mother knows but I asked her not to tell Kim.” No, Luhan. I’m having difficulties because I don’t want to be a burden to you, Kim thought as tears started to form from her eyes.

“Why can’t you just tell her? It will be harder if she finds out later.”

“I was hoping I can hide her long enough.” I was hoping that too…but it will be too selfish of me.

“Seriously? Are you trying to risk the whole group?”

“What Kris is trying to say is that we  haven’t even debuted yet, so we need to be more careful.”

“But Suho, that’s exactly my point. We haven’t debuted yet, so maybe we won’t get much attention and I can continue—“

“Don’t be so selfish, Luhan!” She felt that this was too personal so she ended the call by this point.

Luhan wasn’t selfish, Kim was. Because of her, Luhan was already having problems with the other members. She loves Luhan so much that she can’t let go. Kim wiped her tears but it was no use because it kept flowing. With every sigh she takes, she could feel how close she was going to lose Luhan. She didn’t want to but she had to. She doesn’t want to ruin Luhan’s future just because of her. Whether Luhan is going to tell her or not, she’ll be the one to do it.
She only wants what’s best for Luhan…
and it was definitely not her. 

Hello, readeeers! 370 views yay! I took out the subscribers only because I finally know how to do the disselect text thingy. Anyway, I'm sick right now so I'm sorry for such a short update. The story has too much fluff these past chapters and I kinda delayed the a bit but here it is...well a part of it. I really don't feel well at the moment but I didn't want to disappoint you so tada!!! Pretty pretty please comment, subscribe and upvote :) I would really appreciate it!


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zoey777 #1
Chapter 14: Found this fic like two days back...really loved the story....luhan and Kim are so cute together!!!! I simply adore Luhan!! I really hope you can continue this story!!!:-)<3
avisdawn #2
Chapter 14: Continue please :)
Nice! *---*
EunMi219 #4
Chapter 11: Fighting Kim! I like your story, authornim. Awesome~ can't wait for for the next chapter^^
Chapter 9: sooooooooooooooooooo cute! *sigh*...but the time is gonna come soon....can't wait for the next update!!!
k_baekhan #6
Chapter 8: Haaa, sooo fluffy. Even though you said you wont kill anyone, you're killing me softly. Haha, really. Thanks for informing me via msg. Please update soon, I'll be waiting!! :) Fighting, thor!!
supa-yehet #7
Chapter 8: uuuuu FLUFF FLUFFF~ Can't handle it,aaaaa too cute *squealing*
Chapter 1: WOW SO MUCH FLUFF !!