Chapter 2

Will you come back?

He is now standing infront of a medium sized house, he took a deep breath and knocked on the wooden door. The door flew open and saw his old childhood friend, Choi Marie. “Yifan.” She sadly spoke. “Marie nice to see you again.” He gave her a strained smile and began to walk in the house. “Make yourself at home Yifan.” Marie said as she walked towards the kitchen. Kris settled his stuff on the couch and sat down next to his stuff. He rubbed his temple and sighed. “Need medication?” Marie’s voice chimed in. “Advil.” Kris said in a small voice. Minutes later Marie arrived with a cup of water and 2 tablets of Advil. He politely grabbed them and drank the 2 tablets. “Yifan, life must have been hard for you and I’m sorry for that. But why did you quit Exo?” Marie asked. Kris’s face saddens, “I don’t belong in Exo, everyone is so talented! Chanyeol raps with no mistake, kyungsoo sings like an angel baekhyun and chen does too, lay plays the piano just by listening he dances very well too, as well as Kai! Luhan has a cute face and beautiful voice his dancing is good too Sehun as well he’s good at dancing and has that charm! Tao is damn adorable has wushu abilities and his rapping is good too! Xiumin has a good voice and dances better than me! Suho dances better than me too and he is a better leader than I am!” Kris exclaimed. ‘And me? I trip when I dance, everytime I sing it sounds like the whale’s mating calls, I messed up on my few rap parts, I forgot my lines as a leader, I don’t speak a lot in variety shows I don’t lead Exo-m well! I’M A FAILURE! Just like was the staff said, Sm Entertainment was so nice to debut me even though im just a piece of !” He raised his voice. Marie patted Kris’s back. “You’re stupid, not everyone is perfect, many trainees and celebrities had huge mistakes too! You’re not the only one! I don-“ “YEAH THEY HAD MISTAKES AND FIXED IT OVER ALL! I CAN’T FIX SOMETHING THAT’S NOT MY TALENT!” Kris begins to tear up. Marie sighs, “I’ll leave you alone.”

Kris watches Marie as she leaves the living room. Kris swoops his stuffed alpaca into his arms and snuggles up against him. “You probably miss your uncles. You’ll see them someday don’t worry.” He placed a kiss on top of the alpaca’s head. And drifted off to sleep.


He stood up, grab a pair of sunglasses and a cap and wore them. He buttoned his jacket up and headed out to the street. He was shocked to see posters everywhere that says “We are one isn’t just a slogan.” He sighs and walked straight to the bus stop. The bus arrived and he paid his fair and sat at the very back of the bus. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and clicked on the instagram icon. Lots of comments flooded his instagram pictures with a bunch of hashtags that says “#webelieveinyoukris” It hurts him that he knows he’s hurting his fans. He bit his lip and leaned against the window. “WELCOME TO M! Countdown!” The small tv infront of the bus is . Kris felt his chest tighten when he saw Suho’s troubled face on the screen, performing. He watched him perform alone until Suho is getting the award.“All the members had a conversation.” Suho began to speak on the screen. “We don’t understand kris’ actions at all. Everyone was so caught off-guard and have mixed feelings” Suho continued, “I think Kris’ actions are irresponsible and show that he’s not thinking about Exo at all. Our members and agency have no issues. What Kris needs to do right now is take back the lawsuit and apologize to the members and company.” Kris looked at the screen in disbelief. He was about to curse Suho under his breath but something caught his attention, sure Suho was smiling but he can see the fright and sadness in his eyes. “Suho…”Kris muttered under his breath. He watched Suho speaking again. “Our motto is we are one like the motto says we are one! We think about exo and our fans instead of our individual selves.” Kris scoffed. “SM entertainment really wants to ruin me.”With that Kris stood up and evacuated the bus.

He sat on a bench, his phone buzzing. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and answered the call. “Hy-hyung it’s Baekhyun, I’m not supposed to call you right now, im in the dressing room and alone. I just wanted to tell you I love you Hyung. I know it was hard for you these past years due to the way they treat you bu-“ Baekhyun’s voice was cut off, “WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO!?” The sound of their manager shot chills up kris’s spine. “U-UH I’M-“ Suddenly, a loud slap was heard on the other line and the line went dead.

He checked his instagram again and saw the exo members are no longer following him. He tried to call Tao, “I’m sorry this number is no longer your reach.” Kris sighed and threw his phone on the grass and sobbed into his hands. He felt presence sitting next to him. “Must be tough for you.” A familiar voice said. Kris lifted his head and turned his head to the source of the voice. A young female with beautiful curly hair and a coffee and cream complexion smiled at him. “Hi my name is Aileen, Park Aileen” She waved at him. Kris was about to say something until she interrupted him. “Oh first of all I’m not a sasaeng fan! Second of all,” She threw her phone on the grass next to Kris’s phone. “I don’t have my phone and will not record anything. Third of all, I just want to talk to as friends you know. Not celebrity to fan, just normal average people. Kris nodded and smiled politely. “I watched Suho’s speech in the countdown, I was not pleased I knew that speech was scripted it’s obvious by the way Suho stares at the camera. I used to be an SM trainee and I know how hard it is for you, that’s the reason why I didn’t debut, I quit when they start treating me like a dog.”

“You’re from the bus…” Kris spoke. Aileen giggled. “That’s unusual, anyways, I know you can’t rely on anyone right now so I’m here for you.”

“What do you think I should do Aileen?”

“File a case against them ofcourse, the way they treat trainees and idols are inhumane. Your family visits are restricted, you have curfew, you can’t hang out with friends, they monitor your messages and posts, the schedules are crazy too! They do not care about your health! I know that most of the time Exo-m stays in china but flies back to Korea and back to china again. That’s crazy. They restrict you from eating too with some lunatic diet.”

“A case against them? Which lawyer should I hire?”

“The one that won the case with Hangeng from super junior m”

Kris nodded and thanked her.

“So why did you quit when you were a trainee?”

“They criticized me too much! They kept on ruining my self-confidence by telling me I can’t do anything in life.”

“No way, they did that to me when I was a trainee, even after my debut. I seriously don’t get them! Why would they criticize someone and tell them they at everything when they hired them in the first place!”


Kris smiled at her, but suddenly, he felt that something’s wrong. He grabbed his phone from the grass and dialed Suho. “I’m sorry this number Is out of reach.” Dialed Chen, “Sorry this number is no longer in service.” Dialed Kai, “Not in service.”

Luhan, “Not in service.”

Xiumin, “Not in service.”

Chanyeol, “Not in service.”

Lay, “not in service.”

Kyungsoo, “not in service.”

Something is definitely wrong. Kris stood up and panic rushed through him. “Kris relax, the staff probably blocked your number.” Aileen spoke up. Kris felt his stomach churn, “After years being together, after years of being one. Sm just cuts our communication just like that.” Suddenly his phone buzzed, it was a text message from Baekhyun.

I told the staff I didn’t have my phone with me and left it at home so I can talk to you and tell you we are being guarded by the staff, we’re okay though don’t worry, it’s just our normal lives but with more restrictions lol J. We’ll stand up by you Kris no matter what.

Kris smiled at the text, forgetting that there is something wrong.

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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: This is so sad. If you are, please update.
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 3: OMO. You have no choice but to update!!! OMO do you have powers or something??? I would never expect this to happen but apparently you had a vision. OMG that's so raven!!!!!
Love2Laugh #3
Chapter 2: Omo are you going to continue this??? I was just wondering...It interests me and i am also really upset about this stuff that happened and...I wanna see your perspective on this :) Hwaiting~
Chapter 1: oh my god.... its scary how you said you wrote this days ago ;;