Chapter 40

The Curse of the Mansion

Halmeoni's incident made all the servants at the Mun mansion paranoid. Whenever they gathered together, they started gossiping about it. The worst was that with the demise of Halmeoni, the servants lost someone in charge of them and the daily operation at the Mun mansion. Thus, efficiency was affected and chaos arose.

It was nearing evening and the orange rays shone on the green doors. The 2 doors were scarily huge like 2 sharp blades cutting down or they were like a pair of Demon's opening palms.

It was just that morning that Halmeoni's incident took place and although it was near dinner time, no one dared to come near the quiet ancestral hall.

Eric's back was facing the sunset as he was standing in front of the ancestors tablets. His palms were clasped together, his eyes were closed and he was chanting earnestly.

Due to the climatic changes, it appeared that Spring would not be coming soon. It was not that cold for a Winter evening but a thick mist engulfed the skies, blocking some of the rays into the ancestral hall.

"Finally, you came." Eric did not open his eyes but his sharp hearing detected the light footsteps approaching.

"Of course I came because it's time to celebrate our success!" The rearer was carrying a bamboo basket but it was covered with a piece of black cloth and so the content of the basket could not be seen.

"You mean your success?" Eric turned around with his eyes opened and releasing his clasped hands.

"Don't say until like that?" The rearer chuckled," Have you forgotten out relationship? Who can be closer than us in this world? We are destined to be together since birth."

Eric's mouth curved but it was neither a smile or frown," You kill Halmeoni?"

"She is useless now and we had enough of her control. She deserve to die and it's was her debt to be repaid to us! Don't you think so?" The rearer blasted out and stared at Eric, trying to see his mind," And what are you contemplating? Why did you stop me from killing Sungie and that cop?"

"Can you really take Sungie's life?" Eric plucked at the important point.

"Why not?" The rearer snorted," Have you forgotten how we struggle to survive till now? When one's life is being threatened, one's subconscious can be awaken and there is nothing that I can't do! This is what I gathered  all these years!"

"You have changed. Don't you feel uneasy after taking so many innocent lives?" Eric questioned.

"Changed? Uneasy?" The rearer shook his head and laughed hysterically as if he just heard the funniest joke. "What about you? Aren't you the same? When we kill Junghoon, I did not see you flinch at all."

Eric tensed up," Stop taking about the past. Have you learnt everything about casting voodoo?"

"Of course! Not only did I master what you mention and most importantly, I reared the best batch of Snow worms." The smile frozen at his lips," But what about those Snow worms? My dear elder brother? Do you feel that we are unfortune to be born into this family? We have an insane grandfather and a semi insane father plus that crazy family rules! All the Mun descendants had to abide with the rules? What a mockery!"

"Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?" Eric disliked him bringing up about their past. His actual identity was Junghyuk and not Eric. Junghyuk had been impersonating as his younger brother, Eric, for more than 3 years.

"You seem to be enjoying using my identity and living with it?" The rearer advanced.

'Eric' retreated.

"Why? You are scared of me too?" The rearer laughed," Look, just how pathetic we are! Following those stupid rules of the fittest to survive so as to continue with the Mun family lineage. And to increase our wealth by using Voodoo to control those we desired to control. For this, we are forced to have a survival battle between us."

"That's enough!" 'Eric' yelled.

"Sshh." The rearer brought his finger to press on the lips," My dear brother, do you wish our secret to be known by everyone in this household? To let everyone know how we accumulate our wealth on lives, using the dirtiest means?"

The rearer cackled like a maniac.

'Eric' felt terrible pain to his head and he almost fell onto the ground due to sudden attack of headache. " Since you master everything, get rid of the Snow worms in my body quickly!"

" Ah! I see that the Voodoo work up again." The rearer merely watched his tormented expression," See, we are so similar like the Snow worms. When they finally evolved, they can fly with their beautiful golden wings. But before that can happen, they also faced the cruel reality to killing each other to survive."

Halmeoni's loyalty to the Mun family could be shown in her strict compliance with the family rules. When the twins were young, she casted voodoo in their bodies and letting them to be the human vessel. Like the Snow worms, Halmeoni made them fight for their survival and the stronger between them shall be the sole heir to the Mun family.

"Help me... Please, the headache is killing me." 'Eric' cried out and he was holding tightly to his head. 'Eric' fell to the ground and tried to reach out, clutching one of the rearer's legs.

The rearer pried away 'Eric's hand and shot a cold glare," What would happen if the cops discover that body in the well? What should we do?"

"Help me!" 'Eric' cradled his head and was writhing on the ground.

"I have been thinking for long about this." The rearer knelt down next to 'Eric'. "We are like those Snow worms, battling out for survival,  you and me are really like that situation; battling till the last one standing. But who want to be a worm! I don't think you wish. Can you recall that night that we took actions with you ending Junghoon ' s life? You are so vicious to end his life with a single hit at his skull, aren't you? The blood just spluttered out like fountain,  bloody red all over... Ha ha. From that moment onwards, I knew that you wanted to stop being a pathetic worm. But let me be frank with you dear brother, I do not wish to be a worm too.  I want to be a human to be human walking under the sun. So....." The rearer paused and let out a sinister smile.

"So you have to die."

"No...." 'Eric' wanted to crawl away but his headache was killing him which rendered him weak to exert an ounce of strength.

"You have no choice. I want to live." The rearer took out a knife which gave out a deadly glow. "Our rule is very apt. Only the fittest deserve to live!"

"No!" 'Eric' yelled when the blade swinged down. He felt pain on his left cheek and blood trickled down.

"Don't be afraid my dear brother. I will not let you suffer too much pain but I can't promise you a painless death. Think of it, you do not have to shoulder the whole of Mun family responsibility on yourself anymore. I can resume with my real identity.  See how well planned our strategies are: I learn everything about Voodoo and we got rid of our common enemy halmeoni. No one will be controlling me anymore. Only I deserve to live as I am the fittest." With that, the rearer raised the knife and plunged down towards 'Eric's heart.

'Eric' could only close his eyes, waiting for his death.

"Bong bong bong" 3 loud sounds were heard and the rearer fell together with the knife in his hand. The knife just planted itself in between the tiles of the floor of the ancestral hall.

The blood was like the winter rain, splattering all over. There were 3 bullets holes in the rearer's body and everything happened in slow motion. There was an unbelievable expression on his face and with the 4th shot, did he totally collapse onto the floor. He lay motionless next to 'Eric'.

Dongwan and Hyesung appeared at the doorway of the ancestral hall.

Dongwan wielded his gun and there was smoke sizzling from the barrel of his gun.

'Eric' looked at them helplessly before he focused his sight on the rearer.

He smiled. He mouthed at the rearer," Only the fittest survives right?  But the fittest does not imply appearance.  My dear brother Eric. Thank you for doing all these for me, finishing all the obstacles for me but your weakness is your foolishness and you should use your brain more. Why didn't you think deeply about my relationship with Junghoon for me to kill him so easily. Have you ever stop to think that my voodoo had long been removed? Knowing Junghoon's relationship with halmeoni, don't you think he would have learn everything. You die because of your stupidity! You don't know that being the survival had to know some acting skills and pretend to be a weakling."

Hyesung ran towards 'Eric' and helped him up. "Stay with me Eric! Do you hear me. "

Hyesung saw the blood, on 'Eric's face, neck and clothing. 

"I am fine." 'Eric' spoke and soon Dongwan came to them.

"Mr Mun hang in there. The ambulance will be arriving soon." Dongwan spoke.

"The ambulance is taking too long. Dongwan, we are going to hospital in your car. We will leave this to your colleague." Dongwan assisted Hyesung to get 'Eric' up.

The supposedly dead rearer moved. He grabbed Hyesung's hand which caused Hyesung to scream. Dongwan fished out his gun again.

The rearer dropped his arm and he was motionless. 

Hyesung looked at the rearer and at his hand which was grabbed by the rearer. There was a red blot in his palm which was the rearer's blood. He used his blood and drew a hexagon on Hyesung's palm.

Hyesung was lost when he saw the bloody hexagon.


Hyesung was dazed after he returned home from the hospital with Eric. He was his left hand which used to have a bloody hexagon but the blood was cleaned up. This caused Hyesung to be lost in his thoughts. The hexagon was smudged into a bloody mess of dot but it was clear in Hyesung's mind. He recognized that hexagon and it's meaning. Only one person in this world would draw that hexagon in his palm.

"Sungie, I am sharing with you that this is my favourite totem. Don't ask me why and just say that I am the Little Prince from outer space." The sentence kept playing in Hyesung's head.

How old was he then? First year of High school? This sentence was Eric's joke before that terrible series murder cases took place in their High school. Thereafter, Eric changed school after the case was solved and they lost contact with each other till their fateful encounter at the convenient store.

Looking at the almost gone blood stain on his palm,  Hyesung forced his brain to stop thinking but the impact of the bloody hexagon was taking up all his mind. After thinking qietly for a short while, Hyesung walked to a corner. He used his trembling right hand to fish his mobile phone out of his pocket and dialled a number.

Very soon, the call was connected and the party on the other end was alway alert.


"Are you stupid or what. You called my number and asked if I am Dongwan? Who do you think it is who answered this number? Monster? " Dongwan was still as sarcastic as before. 

Hyesung chuckled," You are no different from a monster."

Hyesung was really asking to be whacked, " I am busy and just shoot."

"I just want to ask you if you find out about the identity of the murderer? I mean the one who made his face to be Junghoon ' s."

"Not yet." Dongwan was surprised at Hyesung's question," Why? Are you suspecting something? "

Hyesung was 100 percent certain that the one shot dead was the culprit for the series murder cases. Hyesung felt guilty of suspecting Eric to be involved but from his 6th sense, Hyesung felt that it was not over yet. The whole case was like a jigsaw puzzle which was missing a crucial piece.

"Not really." Hyesung was not sure and he needed some verifications," Can I trouble you with another thing? "

"Shoot." Dongwan sensed something amiss.

"You mentioned that Eric had a twin brother. An elder brother right?" Hyesung whispered.

"That's right." Dongwan was puzzled as to why Hyesung asked about this.

"You also mentioned that Eric's twin brother was dead, right?" Hyesung's voice was tensed.


"I see...." If the murderer was Eric and Eric's brother was dead. Who was the man who claimed to be Eric to Hyesung? " Listen Dongwan, I know my request is crazy but please listen to me quietly. I...."

Hyesung explained slowly and gave clear explanation on the request that had wanted Dongwan to help with. However, Hyesung did not reveal the reason for his request.

"What the hell! You want me to dig the grave?" Dongwan started roaring at the other end without letting Hyesung Finishing with his words. Dongwan wanted to ask if Hyesung had become crazy.

"I have my reason and please trust me with this." Hyesung was scared and was trembling. He was scared of the answer after Dongwan did upon his request. It might prove that Hyesung's  suspicion to be correct.

"How the hell you expect me to believe you!" Dongwan continued yelling.

"Please." Hyesubg begged.

After a few seconds, Dongwan calmed down," Alright but promise me that after helping with your request, you will tell me your reason?"

"Okay." Hyesung agreed. They spoke for a while more before they ended their conversation.

When Hyesung ended the call, Eric pushed the door to Hyesung's room.

"You are talking to that cop?" Eric was holding a cup of tea and he came to Hyesung's side, passing the teacup to him.

Hyesung nodded and he did not want to be too close with Eric now.

"Rest early Sungie. A lot had happen today." Eric held Hyesung's hand suddenly which happened to be the left hand.

"I am sorry. I...."

Eric pulled Hyesung into his embrace," I am sorry that I did not protect you."

Hyesung felt disgusted but he knew that he had to remain calm. "You rest early too after what happened today."

Hyesung got out of the hug and took a sip of the tea.

Eric looked at Hyesung, trying to read the latter's expression. "Sungie, about my wedding proposal earlier..."

"Let's not talk about this now." Hyesung interrupted.

Eric stared at Hyesung," Alright. We talk about this after we are calm. I hope you know that I love you."

Hyesung remained silent.

"Take a rest. I am tired as well." Eric gave a last look before he left the room.

Night time.

The temperature dropped drastically at night time and it started drizzling.  The mist enveloped the mansion and also the woods.

He wanted to sleep. Hyesung kept telling himself but after what had happened,  insomnia hit him. It was another sleepless night for Hyesung.

In actual fact, Hyesung also dared not sleep as he was waiting for Dongwan's call. He wanted Dongwan to tell him that he was wrong. There was a body in the grave.

Hyesung got out of bed and went to the window. It became a habit when Hyesung could not sleep. While looking out of the window, Hyesung saw a shadow walking out of the mansion with a light towards the woods.

Hyesung hesitated for a while before he decided to follow. It was not out of instinct but he wanted to overthrow his deduction.

Hyesung really hoped that it was just his crazy thoughts. Eric was Eric and his best buddy. 

Without wasting too much time, Hyesung slipped out of his room, ran down the stairs and soon, out of the mansion. It was the second time that he chased after Eric into the frightening woods.

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Nic_2007 #1
Chapter 41: Such a very good mystery story, I was hooked from the beginning and enjoyed to the end! Keep it up! ^^
Pou_XoXo #2
Chapter 41: Great story ! I mean, this mysterious concept makes me feel the thrill of knowing what will happen to next chapter every time you updated. Plus, the couples involved make it more interesting. Nice ending btw :)
esluve #3
Chapter 41: Its end??? this story so much thanks authornim I ll miss this story...:'( :'( :'(
lunanegra #4
Chapter 41: Aahhh, i wanna know how hyesung knows.. have you provided hint(s) on previous chapter(s). Sorry, i'm too lazy to think... >_<
Thank you for writing this twisted, full of mysteris fic.. can't wait to read another fic from you..
eflvoegyu #5
Chapter 41: Eventhough it's a pity that "Eric" died, but at least it's a happy ending!
Omg... Your story really great... I love it T.T
Thumbs up for you and your story !!!
feelgyo #6
Chapter 40: Oh no! Curiosity killed the cat, Syungie. D:
Be careful!
I'm torn between liking 'Eric' or hating 'Eric'.....OTL
Chapter 40: So Eric has twin brother...oh this is still shocking meㅠㅠㅠㅠ idk how to react....should i mad or not to eric? He killed junghoon though but why he looks pity for me? LOL
Anyway thanks for the update unnie! :)
esluve #8
Chapter 40: Hhoho...... eric ......hyesung ahh be careful u sld hv tell dongwan what u r up to.... omg