Chapter 20

The Curse of the Mansion

"Hey, you send that cute doctor home?" Minwoo stopped typing on his computer and swirled his seat 180 degrees to face Dongwan, whom had just stepped in the office.

" He is just a houseman." Dongwan corrected Minwoo and strided into the office. Dongwan placed the laptop gently on the table.

Minwoo's attention was grabbed by the laptop," Say, is this the important piece of lead that you found in Jihoon's house?"

Dongwan grabbed a chair and sat down," Yup. However, there is still something that I can't figure out."

"What?" Minwoo threw the packet of cigarette towards Dongwan.

"Minwoo." Dongwan caught the packet of cigarette and lit up a stick. He was frowning.

"Hey, what is the matter?" Minwoo had rarely seen Dongwan frowning so hard that his wrinkled might actually squeezed a fly to death.

"I think, we have to review everything again. Starting from the information on our hands, the evidence that we discovered at the scene of crime plus the autopsy reports and finally the stuffs that were found in Dr Jihoon's place and on his wife."

"How do we do this?" Minwoo took off the reading glasses on his nose.

The single red dot from the cigarette bounced in the faint yellow light of the table lamp. Dongwan took a long puff and blew the fumes, causing rings of white smoke floating upwards. "Minwoo, when was it that we discover the first body?" Dongwan took the cigarette between his fingers and spoke slowly.

"Maybe about 1 and 1/2 months ago." Minwoo took another puff on his ciagrette.

"The second body?" Dongwan asked again.

Minwoo raised his eye brows and thought for a while," Around a month?"

"I need the exact date." Dongwan looked around the table and took a stack of blank paper and a pen.

"Exact date? probably 1 month and 1 day" Minwoo closed his eyes to think carefully. For all the cases that he handled, Minwoo listed them chronologically by the dates. "Why? Are you able to figure out something from the dates?"

Dongwan did not respond to Minwoo's query," What about the third body?"

"It was about half a month ago." Minwoo replied based on the recollection from his memories.

"13 to 15." Dongwan spoke suddenly.

"Huh? What?" Minwoo looked at Dongwan.

"Damn it! Minwoo, we actually overlook such an important piece of lead." Dongwan slapped the table top and jumped up from his chair. Dongwan started pacing up and down in the office.

"What lead are you talking about?" Minwoo felt slightly giddy from watching Dongwan walking about in the office. "What 13 to 15?"

Dongwan stopped pacing and took another puff," The murderer will strike once every 13 to 15 days. It had nothing to do with the murderer's decision or habit but rather was forced to do so. I thought over this for a long time and based on what Professor Yoon mentioned about Voodoo causing the death. It would mean that every 13 to 15 days, the Snow worm in the victim's body would hatch.... Well, at the moment, we had no idea how this bug looked like. The murderer would dispose off the breeding vessel which translated to dumping the bodies in the river."

Dongwan paused and he seemed to recall something and he became excited. He lifted his hand which was having the cigarette and started pacing in the office again. "Minwoo, I am saying that would it be possible that....."

"Possible of what?" Minwoo was affected by Dongwan and he was anxious too.

"As in why the murder dumped the bodies in the river?" Dongwan stopped and tuned to face Minwoo abruptly with his eyes shining with glee at Minwoo.

"It was different in Jihoon's case." Minwoo was still cool headed as Jihoon's body was found at the basement carpark of the hospital.

"It was a different case for him." Dongwan waved his hand," I am talking about the women that were murdered."

"Okay, carry on. Just speak what is on your mind and do not beat around the bush." Minwoo's instinct told him that Dongwan probably had uncovered something in the series murder cases.

"For the first few deceaseds, the bodies had decomposed and were beyond recognition due to being submerged in water, causing their bodies to be bloated. The organisms in the water, not only expedited the decomposition process and also threw our investigation and evidence gathering in the wrong direction."

"Dongwan, can you be more specific?"

"See, when we found the first and second body, their eye balls burst out from the eye sockets. Thus, we assumed that it was due to being submerged in the water for a long time and probably caused by the organisms in the water. We never think that something hatched and burst out from the eye socket, causing the eye balls to be gone."

Minwoo listened attentively to Dongwan and he did not say anything. He was reviewing through in his mind, on what Dongwan had said.

"Let talk about the third body," Dongwan's tone pitched up and his eyes were burning with flame of confidence," Was it discovered about 13 to 15 days after the second body?"

Minwoo gritted his jaws and nodded in a serious mood.

"And you found an empty pupae inside the eye socket as usual." Dongwan piped up.

Minwoo nodded again like a robot.

"The murderer dumped those bodies because the Snow worms had hatched." Dongwan focused his gaze at the burning red dot in between his fingers," And the murderer only took one victim each time."

After Dongwan spoke the last sentence, Minwoo slammed both of his hands on the table and caused a loud bang. He pushed his body up," The last victim was Jihoon's wife. Her body was dumped in the river before any sign of decomposition was detected because the Snow worm in her, failed to hatch!"

"Exactly!" Dongwan smiled at Minwoo.

Suddenly, Minwoo started to frown," And judging by the murderer's modus operandi.... there is a possibility that the murderer had started his action. And a new victim may have fallen into the murderer's hand."

"I do not rule out that possibility." Dongwan puffed away.

"Do you manage to gather any new evidence from Jihoon's place?" If there was a new victim, she had to be rescued before the Snow worm hatched.

"I had cracked the password to his laptop. Apart from the medical records of his patients, there was this website that Dr Jihoon frequent."

"What website?"

"It is called 'The Thrill of Murder." Dongwan let out the last puff before he snubbed out the cigarette in the ash tray on the nearest table.

Minwoo's jaws dropped and was shocked," What!?"

"The Thrill of Murder." Dongwan repeated and shrugged at Minwoo.

"The name of thhe website?" Minwoo sounded hoarse. Those with such erted thoughts were a time bomb in the society.

"Yes. Doesn't it sound like a website that some psycho murderer would set up?" Dongwan was sure that a cautious murderer in the series of murder cases would never commit such a foolish act.

"Yup, it does seem so." But would thing be as simple as it seemed. " Can you find out the creator of the website based on the IP address?"

"It is very easy to trace the IP address but I believed that such websites, their IP address would be traced to overseas countries. And, Dr Jihoon had used 2 sets of password to protect his laptop which made me suspect that not anyone would be aware of the existence of this website. I bet that only the regulars could bring someone to log onto this website."

"Dongwan, why is your next course of actions?"

" Track the IP address and trace all the users who had access into the website." Maybe the murderer might be one of them.

"Do you think that the murderer could be one of the users?" Minwoo really hoped that his deduction was correct so that the culprit could be nabbed before the next body was found.

"I am certain of 1 thing. The first 3 victims are Dr Jihoon's patients. If Professor Yoon's assumption stands, the murder of Dr Jihoon is an act of punishment for betrayer. This would indicate that Dr Jihoon knew the murderer but what was the link between the 2 of them...." Dongwan pause and pondered. "Could the link be... Dr Jihoon's wife?" Dongwan clapped his hand and shouted.

Minwoo was bewildered and stared at Dongwan," How would it be his wife? If the wife was the link between the murderer and Jihoon, why would the murderer gotten rid of Jihoon's wife?"

"Hatred!" Dongwan's brain was speeding up with his analysis of his argument and his thoughts returned to Dr Jihoon's diary. "Minwoo, do you still remember that I found a diary in Dr Jihoon's place?"

"Yes, I do. So what?"

"In the diary, Dr Jihoon clearly listed his grudges and hatred towards his wife on how she deceived him though no one knew what was the deception. I am quite certain that his hatred accumulated over the period of time especially after their marriage. Dr Jihoon could not stand the behaviour of his wife. Maybe something happened which caused him to marry his wife and he totally regretted that."

"You are saying, Jihoon was involved in the death of his wife?" Minwoo started tapping his fingers on the table.

"It is not wrong to say so." To Dongwan, they needed a last piece of jigsaw puzzle to piece everything together and for that, they needed a large amount of luck.

"So..." Minwoo stopped tapping his fingers," Have you send te things to Professor Yoon? maybe he could discover some fresh leads which would be helpful to us."

"Yes, I was thinking in the same way. I will send the things over to him shortly. Thereafter, I will go back to the Techno Division to get the guys to assist in tracking the IP address. Hopefully, there is fresh leads which is helpful for us to solve the murder cases and to prevent the next body to be found."


Hyesung was unable to use any word to describe his feeling for the mansion. The last visit here, he was walking with Eric through the little forest. However, this time, he riding in a car. The car reached the front gate and the heavy gate creaked slightly when it opened. A gust of wind came from the road and it swept up the fallen leaves lying on the path, causing the leaves to dance away in mid air. Hyesung peeped at his wrist watch and it was not too late but the car activated the high beam headlight because of the thick mist.

"It is very windy during the exchange of winter and spring because the mansion was constructed at the high spot. The northeast wind came to the forest first and thereafter at the back of the mansion. The mansion was at the very end of the plot of land which formed some kind of a barrier or shield so it blocked the wind, dividing it into 2 portions. One portion will linger in the compund and so you will feel very windy." Eric started explaining to Hyesung when he saw the latter looking intensively outside of the car.

"It sounded so profound. Something related to geomancy?" Hyesung asked and his gaze returned to Eric.

Eric was stunned for a while and smiled," Yup. Hyesungie, you are so smart and you guessed correctly. My grandfather and my father were very supersititious."

The sudden boredom in Hyesung was cleared and his eyes gleamed. "So I was right that your mansion was very special." However, Hyesung omitted the part about scary. Hyesung decided that he would make use of this opportunity to explore Eric's mansion properly as he failed to do so in his last visit.

"Hyesungie, I knew that you are fascinated with old buildings and their history but there are some taboos to be known about old houses." Eric spoke and his eyes were on the road. Soon, they were reaching the mansion and the car made a turn and went inside the garage.

"Oh, like what Halmeoni mentioned?" Hyesung's memories was not too bad and he recalled what Eric's housekeeper had said.

"What did halmeoni said to you?" Eric paused for a while before he asked. At the same time, Eric parked the car in the garage. Hyesung alighted before Eric had turned off the engine.

"Eric ah, Why did you sound so nervous?" Hyesung detected the change in Eric's tone and he frowned.

Eric turned off the engine and alighted," Huh? Am I? I was worried that halmeoni described my place to be too scary that you are afraid to stay here."

"Hey! Do I seem like a scaredy cat?" Hyesung pouted but in actual fact, he was feeling a little fearful.

"Er no but...." Eric stopped his talk and he came close to Hyesung, whispering in his ear. "But about the taboo of my place, it is wise to follow them. Haven't you hear about rumours of offending the spirits and caused them to take possession of your body etc. I hope that does not happen to you because they might mistook you for a lady since you are so femine."

"Eric ah!" Hyesung smacked Eric's chest because he realized that Eric was joking and making him scared.

Eric burst out laughing," Let's go. You know I am pranking on you?"

Hyesung rolled his eyes at Eric," Are you saying that what halmeoni said was not real?"

Eric stopped laughing and turned serious," Not all are unreal."

Hyesung gulped and looked at Eric, expecting Eric to continue further.

Eric's gaze met Hyesung's for a short while before he turned and walked toward the mansion. " Hyesungie, as you know; for an old house when especially a few generations resided in it; ther are bound to be some urban legends or tales."

"What?" Hyesung quickened his pace, running and caught up with Eric.

Eric slightly hesitated and he turned around to face  Hyesung slowly," For example, no running about, do not enter places which is out of bound to outsiders etc. All these are probably the elder's white lies in trying to educate the young one. Which is similar like telling a kid not to point at the moon because the ears would be cut off while in sleep. All these were meant to caution the future generations to be mindful of their actions and words."

"Oh you are saying that all these are white lies?" Hyesung recalled clearly that halmeoni said the same thing during his last visit.

"I think so." Eric waited for Hyesung to come up to his side and they walked off together. "But something..." Eric paused and he seemed to be thinking if he should say it out to Hyesung.


Eric was silent for a few seconds," About the ancestral hall. I believe halmeoni mention it to you?"

Hyesung nodded," Out of bound to everyone."

Eric nodded and he looked very serious," This is not something that the elders lied about. My ancestral hall is a bit er unique, I would say. Do not go anywhere close to it if you can. Try to avoid it totally. Even for me, I am only allowed to enter during the ancestor worship rituals."

"Really?" Hyesung was by natural, a curious person. The more that he was told to avoid it, the more curious he would get.

Eric nodded," For those that we can't see or explain with science, it is wise to be in full respect. I had only been to the ancsetral hall during worship rituals when I started living here."

"Oh." Hyesung muttered. He wanted to ask some more questions but they had reached the mansion. Halmeoni was standing in front waiting for them. She bowed to them and Hyesung quickly returned the respect to her.

Eric greeted halmeoni and whispered to Hyesung," Halmeoni is like this, same for so many years."


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Nic_2007 #1
Chapter 41: Such a very good mystery story, I was hooked from the beginning and enjoyed to the end! Keep it up! ^^
Pou_XoXo #2
Chapter 41: Great story ! I mean, this mysterious concept makes me feel the thrill of knowing what will happen to next chapter every time you updated. Plus, the couples involved make it more interesting. Nice ending btw :)
esluve #3
Chapter 41: Its end??? this story so much thanks authornim I ll miss this story...:'( :'( :'(
lunanegra #4
Chapter 41: Aahhh, i wanna know how hyesung knows.. have you provided hint(s) on previous chapter(s). Sorry, i'm too lazy to think... >_<
Thank you for writing this twisted, full of mysteris fic.. can't wait to read another fic from you..
eflvoegyu #5
Chapter 41: Eventhough it's a pity that "Eric" died, but at least it's a happy ending!
Omg... Your story really great... I love it T.T
Thumbs up for you and your story !!!
feelgyo #6
Chapter 40: Oh no! Curiosity killed the cat, Syungie. D:
Be careful!
I'm torn between liking 'Eric' or hating 'Eric'.....OTL
Chapter 40: So Eric has twin brother...oh this is still shocking meㅠㅠㅠㅠ idk how to react....should i mad or not to eric? He killed junghoon though but why he looks pity for me? LOL
Anyway thanks for the update unnie! :)
esluve #8
Chapter 40: Hhoho...... eric ......hyesung ahh be careful u sld hv tell dongwan what u r up to.... omg