I Annoyingly Like You


"I'm liking someone who I hate... What can I do? Kill myself or something, I dunno. It's not like I can control my heart..."

Hi everyone! My name is Jung Hyura. Well occasionally, some would call me Hyul and some have special names for me though. I was born on April 24, and I grew as the youngest among my two brothers, Chunji and the oldest, Minsu who had me grow since three years ago. I'm still studying at Woolim University. I've had more than a thousand friends, in fact, fans there. But lately, Minsu oppa is about to get married with his girlfriend and I'm sure he won't be able to afford it there soon *sighhh. All I have is hope that it's not some... Indecent school.  I'm the head of the cheerleading squad so I'm good. Yeah. 

Hey... My name is Kim Byungjoo B-Joo, born on 8th of January and attending Lim Oh Lee University, or better known as LOL U (*smirks). I have a good pack behind, so don't mess with me. My roomate is Xero who is just a part of it. But because of some bastard, our part of the dormitory got burnt, so I  don't know who will my roomate be next time. Either way, that roomate should watch out. I am the best. What more can I say?


Hi? This is so awkward?

Hello, people, plants and animals who are viewing this from a electric device of maybe through telepathy. Ummm... Hi. And this is my first fic here! Laugh at me!

I'm not practically serious about this fic, so... Lol. I don't know where to put my irrational feels and whatsoever. It wasn't supposed to be a ToppDogg one, but this purple haired guy walked in my list like a boss. So yeah. (I'm aware how different everyone else's personality is in reality but lol)

I'm not yet fluent in English. So please pardon the errors. If this one's kinda similar to somewhat, it's a coincidence.

This isn't a rated fic, but please be above 20 to read it lol. I mean, read at your own risk, this one has som cussing and rated-like stuff.

I don't own everything except for the plot words and OC names, though I owned everyone especially that purple haired guy in my imagination. I own my imagination.

What more can I say?


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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 4: update please
Chapter 4: Update soon ^v^
Chapter 4: Sorry, I'm bored so that's why I comment weirdly just now
Chapter 4: Upedateu I mean update ggddybs
Chapter 4: i liked your introduction, pmsl. b-joo is just mean hahahahaha. thank god for hojoon.