"This is invading of privacy"

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“Oh HYUNG!”, a loud, shrieking voice almost burst Yongguks' eardrums.

“Goodness. Calm down, will you?” Yongguk scrunched his face. He slowly open his eyes; things are still blurry and he doesn't know why a loud mouth is sitting beside him. He appears to be in the living room's couch. He groaned and rubbed his stomach. It's getting painful again.

“Hyung! Are you hungry?! I made food. Look!” asked the one next to him very enthusiastically. It isn't as loud as before but it still is loud.

“Dude. You are practically spitting at me right now,” said Yongguk in annoyance while wiping his face.

“Ah. Sorry hyung,” frantically helping Yongguk.

“Aish. Forget it” slapping the hands away. “What happened?”, now staring straight at the younger man who's busy glancing back at the TV.

“You were so drunk, you passed out,” picking up his bowl of food. “Wow. Imagine hyung! if you passed out outside. You could have gotten wet. It's been raining. I think it is still raining,” he paused then looked outside. “Oh wait, never mind. I think it stopped already.”

Yongguk rubbed his temple. He blabbers a lot. Yongguk's impressed by how just asking two words question, he received a whole paragraph which mainly composed of irrelevant subject. He is getting a headache. He better gets up and out of there before it gets worse. He needs a shower because he is pretty sure he stinks, but,.

“What is this?!”, he exclaimed, almost shouted, as he sees he's in an unfamiliar clothing. He sat up and looked at it thoroughly. A pink T-shirt with a duck printed on it, paired with a faded blue-striped pajama pants. He sat up and looked straight at an indifferent expression on the younger man's face who's too absorbed of the show he is watching.

The younger man then turn and said, “Oh, you were a stink so I changed your clothes, hyung”, then shoved a spoonful of rice into his mouth. He look back to the TV and chuckled a little. “Hyung, you really look refreshing now that I look at it,” he snorted a little, almost choked. Yongguk isn't so fond of the younger man's reaction but then something occurred to him.

“You mean...” Yongguk unconsciously covers himself with his hands.

“Hyung! We are both men. Don't be like that,” the younger man laughed and then resume to his food and TV; acting very familiar to him.

“Well, of course..” he stuttered. Yongguk is not embarrased but he finds this situation weird. His body gets revealed only if he's about to get intimate to someone. Never like this. This is invading of privacy. While looking down at the clothes he is wearing, he almost want to tear it up to pieces for how ridiculous looking it is. How ridiculously looking i must be right now. He tugs the T-Shirt up to see a better look at the duck.

“Sorry hyung, I can tell you don't like those but that's the only clothes I can spare.” He explained while glancing back and forth to Yongguk and the TV. Yongguk believed him--he saw the young man only having a small luggage yesterday. He's also trying to ignore the part where the young man seems too at home already but he just put that part in his 'i guess that's a good thing' list.

Little did he know, the younger man has more clothes, and much decent looking ones than the one he spared. He shopped for clothes yesterday but he isn't exactly a good Samaritan type that will just lend his brand new clothes to someone who isn’t exactly his friend, yet. He figures that the person he's gonna work with is a no-joy man so he'll enjoy this little amusements while he can.

Yongguk went straight to shower to avoid another headache-inducing conversation with his new chatterbox. “Why do all people I meet have speak too much?” He mentally face-palmed himself.

The pain in Yongguk's stomach is getting worse. He got out of the bathroom fast after just wrapping a towel around his waist. He really needs to put something in his stomach soon for he can't bear the pain any longer. “I hope there is still milk”.

The younger man almost choke on his spit when he sees Yongguk wearing only a towel looking through the right fridge, hair still wet. He can't help but to stare. Of course he already seen the older man's body but this scene is different. It's so HD. “Last night was kinda dark to see it clear”, he whispered, then chuckled--amused to his self thinking about all this stuff. “I should also get me some muscles,” looking to his formless arms.

The older man let out a deep sigh and it made the younger one curious. He walk up to Yongguk and ask what's wrong.

“I really need milk right now.” He looked up, hair covering his eyes.

“I have some if you want. I also have food, hyung. I suggest you to eat some. You seemed hungry.” The younger one offered while pulling out food from his fridge. “I'll heat it up so just

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 5: Okay, please come back for an update I hope you are doing well xx
bangdaebak #2
Chapter 4: Omfg I love this tol much I need it bad. When junhong was actually daehyun, I was shook. I need to know the truth of event that took place omg did daehyun not die, was he driven into a coma omfg pls come back haha thank you xx
Chapter 5: please update soooon!!
Chapter 5: Wow can't wait to see where this is going, thanks for the update authornim and update soon if you can ^_^
MarteArk #5
Chapter 5: I like the dynamic between the two so much. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 5: Omg this is soooo good~!
Cant wait for the next chap! Update soon authornim~
bdz357998 #7
Chapter 4: LOL at the ending and aww they are bonding and I hope they get along better. Please update soon! ! And are the two daehyuns the same cause they look similar with the same name but the age is different...
CheshireSmile #8
Chapter 4: What was Junghong typing to Daehyun?? What is going to happend, oh jinx Daehyun knows about Yongguk's past... is this Daehyun the same Daehyun of the past?
Chapter 4: What a sad past you have Yongguk now i see that's why you're so miserable in your life and is the Daehyun now is the same Daehyun who in a car accident i want to know more update soon :)
Chapter 4: Now Daehyun knows about Yongguk's past. Is this Daehyun the same Daehyun?