
Baby Blues

Sehun thinks he's special.
He's different to his hyungs and Appa, and he knows it.
He grins proudly to himself as he puts his toys back into their respective boxes.
My toys.
He steps out of the play pen and walks to the sofa, where Baekhyun and Chanyeol are.
He swipes a lollipop from the coffee table, ignoring his brother's death glare.
My candy.
Sehun wordlessly shrugs at Baekhyun and goes to sit in front the tv, in front of Kai and Kyungsoo.

"Sehun, I can't see anything!" Chanyeol throws a piece of popcorn in Sehun's direction.
Sehun picks up the soggy piece of popcorn from the ground and throws it into his mouth before ripping open the plastic wrapping on the lollipop.
My tv.
He loudly on his lollipop, swaying a little to the Pororo theme tune.
He ignores the frustrated groans from his elder brothers, and soon he hears them shuffling on the floor behind him after abandoning the sofa.
He gets picked up by Baekhyun and ends up on his lap while Baekhyun himself sits in the space between Chanyeol's legs.
Sehun doesn't react, and continues on the sweet treat.
My Baekhyun.
Sehun likes Baekhyun's squishy thighs better than Chanyeol's bony ones.
He leans back comfortably against Baekhyun's chest and continues swaying to the music, and soon he feels his hyung swaying along with him.
Sehun likes Baekhyun better than Chanyeol, even though they're twins.
Maybe it's because they have similar personalities, except for the fact that Baekhyun talks too much and so everyone knows what to expect from him.
They all act surprised and annoyed at how Sehun acts, but he never understands why.
It's his house anyways, he can do whatever he wants.
Either way, despite all the worrying and questioning Chanyeol does, he's still Sehun's hyung.
My Chanyeol.

"Woah woah woah kids, what did we say about sitting too close to the tv?" Suho comes into the living room, wiping his hands on his pink apron.
Sehun doesn't understand why his brothers all giggle (except for Kyungsoo), but he reckons it's because of the apron.
Sehun can't wear an apron himself yet, so he makes his Appa wear one of his favorite color: pink.
Sehun thinks he looks perfectly manly to be honest...
Well, minus the frilly edges.
My Appa.

"Sehunie was blocking our view though." Baekhyun protests, but nonetheless scoots backwards with Sehun still in his lap.
Sehun pulls his lollipop out from his mouth with a loud pop and sticks it upwards, offering it to Baekhyun for transporting him.

"Don't do that Sehun-ah, that's gross." Chanyeol slaps Sehun's hand gently away.
He's seen Chanyeol himself do that to Baekhyun and Kai to Kyungsoo, so that makes him a hypocrite.
But Sehun is a forbearing person.
He shrugs and puts his lollipop back in his mouth.
Maybe that's why they all love him; because he's so generous and patient with them all.

"You guys better finish your treats quickly, because dinner is in... an hour and seven minutes." Suho looks down at his watch and waves his finger warningly at his sons before disappearing through the doorway again.
Sehun looks around to see Kai and Kyungsoo munching on half a Chocopie each.
My Kai.
My Kyungsoo.

Sehun likes watching Pororo with Kyungsoo the most, because he's what Pororo would look like if he's human.
But he can only do that when Kai is in dance class.
Sehun doesn't really know why Kai hits him when he gets too close to Kyungsoo, because he's his Kyungsoo and Kai is his Kai.
But Sehun doesn't mind lending Kyungsoo to Kai.
Or Kai to Kyungsoo, since he follows him around like his minion.


Regardless of whether Suho is present or not, dinner is exactly at six everyday.
Sehun likes that he gets to sit in the middle of the dining table and everyone else sits around his high chair.
Baekhyun sits directly to his right, cutting food up with a small pair of scissors before dumping it onto Sehun's plate.
Chanyeol sits beside him, and Sehun swears he eats about seventy percent of the food available.
Suho, if present, sits at the opposite end of the table, lecturing them about nutrition.
Kai sits opposite to Chanyeol and always fights him for remaining food, even Baekhyun's scraps.
Kyungsoo sits to Sehun's left, quietly slipping vegetables onto Kai's plate.

"Alright Sehunie, make sure you chew twenty times before you swallow." Chanyeol says as soon as Baekhyun puts the scissors down and starts at his own food.
I remember, twenty.
I'm clever.

Sehun starts shoveling the small pieces of chicken into his mouth without answering Chanyeol, earning a little sigh from the latter.

"Hyung, Sehun can't take spicy." Kyungsoo frowns a little and removes some red pepper stuck to a piece of chicken on Sehun's plate.
Spicy can't take me.

Sehun decides that all wise men keep their wisdom and wise ways to themselves, and therefore doesn't speak up.
Well, he does, occasionally, when that idiotic older brother of his needs his guidance.
But otherwise, he keeps his mouth shut.
Including about how Kyungsoo's fly has been open for the last twenty minutes.



Author's Note:

uhm... Hey gais. ;__;

Please don't hate me, I know this update is super duper late...

I've just been on vacation so I can't really write.


So what I learnt from the concert...

Yixing got swag. And he's one hard working guy, stayed up till 2 to learnt Cantonese. Bless you little unicorn.

ChenChen's vocals ARE NO JOKE. THAT DUDE FREAKING SANG SCREAMO. And his biceps *face*

Xiumin. So. Dang. Hot. Dayum like he's got the cutest squishiest face ever but he keeps ing his hips aaaargh.

LULU OH WHERE DO I START YOUR WASHBOARD ABS JEEZ. And Tao keeps harassing him lol. 

Tao that little derp derp and his cantorese haha didn't catch a word he said. And he kept dropping stuff. Towels, microphones, MY ITY. He also stuck to Baekhyun and Luhan a lot

(People still screamed when Kris came on in the huge tv screen outside the concert hall playing MVs. And they still sold Kris merc. And also there's a huge KrisTao banner ;__; my feuls)

Baekhyun. I think my heart melted from him singing and playing the piano, but froze from the amount of times he said Kkaebsong. He got catapulted from the backstage and he was wearing a bathrobe and eating an apple lol.

Chanyeol like wtf he's the hottest drummer evaaaar he stripped (jacket only) half way through drumming. And he gave ChenChen a piggyback haha

Satan Soo appears. He keeps death staring Chanyeol and Sehun in their speeches lol. But his vocals dddaaaaaaannnnggg.

Einstein Kai during overdose. Sooo insanely awesome my goodness he's so damn cute though why is he so embarrassed when he's speaking and then shamelessly hip ing lol

Suho that little angel he remembered when he went to Hong Kong for mama the exact date and time, why you so perfect joonmoney

Sehun. Evil maknae. He kept smacking Tao with these heart shaped cushions like aggressively loving Tao lol. And then he kept saying "wo ai ni men" (I love you guys) and OMG his dance solo so haaaawt


yeah they danced to sorry sorry, dream girl, genie and gee lol my sm family feeeels. XIUHAN FREAKING KISSED (like the angled kissed thing not actual kiss) poor Sehun must be crying lol

They had baby photos of them and Hahahahahaahaaha fetus EXO is adorbs.

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Chapter 23: This made my day. Really. I did not intend to but I'm glad I took the time to read this. This was a total treat for my stressful Tuesday.
Chapter 32: Thehunnie's PS is LIFE!!!!!
Chapter 22: "You Yehet-bish" LOL
Chapter 8: LOL How can Baek...? He just took 2 years old kid's cushion to sit on it himself!!! Hahahaha
Chapter 7: *aggressively types while wiping tears* THOSE ING FEELS!!!

(but seriously, I cried so much)
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Chapter 18: Lol, I have Luhan's hands... or Baekhyuns... Actually, I compared my hands to a picture of Baekhyuns hands... and mine look more slender and "perfect"... maybe cause Baekhyun's a guy and I'm a girl lol xD My mum says I should become a hand model, but I can't cause my hands are covered in scars cause I get into fist fights.... o-o and also my cat use's my hands as a scratching and biting post lol... dun worry, I think more than half the population of female EXO-L's are erts... XD I am..... :3
Chapter 15: omfg XD this is to cute and funny I can't stop laughing
Chapter 14: Ooo, dis just got interesting -.-