"You cook?'

A Baking Spell.

Hoseok absentmindedly stared at the menu above him, face lightly turned up. 

Kate was saying something but he couldn’t really hear her. 
“Hoseok? Hoseok?” her light voice woke him from his stupor. 
“Yes?” he said, snapping to attention. 
She smiled, “What did you want?” 
Hoseok’s eyes floated across the menu again. “Hmmmm.” he mumbled. 
“Just an iced coffee.” 
Ordering the drinks they sat at a table in the corner. 
Hoseok giggled to himself. 
The table in the corner was quite possibly the most cliché romantic scenario possible, yet here he was, with a pretty, smiling girl.
Her eyes fluttered from one side to another, barely stopping, but when they did, it was usually on Hoseok’s face, before her face would wash a light pink and she looked away again. 
He, on the other hand, could not take his eyes off of her. 
It was strange. 
He’d never experienced this magnetic pull towards another person before. 
“These cookies are amazing? What bakery are they from?” she asked, glancing at her face again. 
Hoseok smiled and held one up? “This? This masterpiece came from the kitchen of Bangtan’s own Jung Hoseok. I molded each and every one of these with my own two hands.”
Kate stared at Hoseok and the silence was almost deafening.
“You cook?” 
“Like a beast” Hoseok whispered, leaning forward. 
Kate stared at him a moment longer before exploding in to peals of laughter. 
“Well, I’m going to confess something.” Kate said. 
Hoseok sat back again. “What would that be?”
Was this flirting? His hands were a little clammy and his mouth felt dry. 
“I cannot cook.” she said with gusto. 
Hoseok smiled. 
“We should fix that.”
“Yes. Yes we should.” 
This was definitely flirting. 
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lolwhat84223343 #1
This was utterly adorable.
Pandabear1122 #3
Chapter 5: This is so cute I love it!