Fairytale (hiatus)

Chapter 1


The time was 9:30 pm.

The library would be closed in 30 minutes. You've no idea how glad Chanyeol was, he could finally take his eyes off the million of books surrounding him. Unfortunately, that happiness wasn't going to last for long, because the very next day, his eyes would be on all the misplaced books, shelving them again.

He carried a stack of books in one hand and opened the book cabinet with the other. Muttering the author's name and matching them as his finger ran through all the tags.

"The Snow Queen" Chanyeol muttered again.

This happened to be Chanyeol's favorite section of the library. It was the fantasy section (aka fairytale wonderland). Growing up, Chanyeol had always believed in fairytales. No not the tooth fairy and pirates kind, (although he cannot deny that he actually believed in Peter Pan and a place called Neverland). He believed in true love and a fairytale ending, the happily ever after. Being brought up in what we called a 'perfect family', he was always out there searching for his love. However, what he doesn't know was how that the 'perfect family' was only a set up by his parents so that they could 'trick' him into believing those sweet lies. To teach him to believe in the happily ever after. To make him believe in a 'forever'.

And despite of all the failed relationship, Chanyeol always had a smile on his face, because he knew that his love was somewhere out there and he shouldn't be wasting his time on that person. That was what Chanyeol was tricked into believing. 

Call him innocent or even naive, but that was what Chanyeol lives by every single day. That was until this particular person walked into his life, in fact he was the last person to enter the library that day and the last person that will make an impact in Chanyeol's life.

His name was Jongdae. Kim Jongdae.

The time was 9:48 pm.

The date was 18 March 2013

It was 12 minutes till the library closes. It was 12 minutes to Chanyeol's freedom. And it was 12 minutes till Chanyeol meets Jongdae.

The door opened roughly and in walked Jongdae, hugged in multiple coats, and perheps shivering ever so slightly. Baekhyun, Chanyeol's co-worker who worked at the front counter, situated directly in front of the main entrance snapped his head up. Placing one slender finger in front of his lips, hissing at the poor boy and pointing at a sign above him. 

'Noise is prohibited in this library'

With that, all Jongdae could do was to bow as an apology. Not daring to mutter even a simple 'sorry' as the stern look on Baekhyun scared Jongdae. 

Jongdae than scurried off and explored the new surrounding. He was new to this town and the only part of the town he actually bothered to explore was the library. Jongdae just had an unexplainable love for books, especially towards the fantasy genre, or more towards fairytales.

Unlike Chanyeol, Jongdae does not believe in the silly idea of happily ever after. No. In fact, he knew for a fact that it does not exist. Being in a broken family, his dreams of a happily ever after has been long gone. Than you asked why would fairytales be his favorite genre? That is because it was the only beautiful lie he believed in. It was his safe haven. He yearns for it, really. However he was convinced that it will never happen and the only way to relieve that temptation was to read them away. If he was not going to have one, the least he could do was to imagine it.

Jongdae admired the cabinet and it's content at every section but frowned everytime he came across the section which wasn't what he expected, before moving on to the next aisle. 

Finally, at the last aisle, a secluded corner, he finally found the section he wanted. The library had their fair share of fairytale books, ranging from plays to novels. The corner of Jongdae's lips, can't help but tugged into a smile. Running his fingers along the glass of the cabinet door, scanning through the titles, most of of them were way too familiar to Jongdae. And amongst the many books in this genre, Jongdae could confidently say he read more than half of the collection here. But due to his unfamiliarity of the shelving system here, he can't find this particular book he loved. It's called 'Second Star to the Right', it somehow reminded him of his situation and that's one of the many reason why he loved the simple novel. He feels that he has a certain connection to it or some kind of sentimental value. The book just draws him in.

Jongdae than started hunting for assistance, that was the moment Jongdae stepped into Chanyeol's life. Perheps not at the first sight but once the clock strike 10, everything changes. Maybe it was unlike Cinderealla when her ball gown turned into rugs, but that night certainly changed her life. Just like Chanyeol's.

In the shadows stood Chanyeol, still shelving the never ending stack in his hand, he opened the next cabinet and stuck the book in whatever empty space he found. And yes, this library uses cabinet instead of shelf. The interior itself was way more special than any other library. It chose to remain the simple victoria vintage look with old wooden carved cabinets. It also has a pros of its own, when cleaning won't be that neccsary as dust won't be caught easily.

Jongdae timidly went forward in the shadows to the lanky figure, asking for help. But as Jongdae knows, noise was prohibited in the library, he hastily wrote the title of the book on the palm of his sweaty hand and started to approach him again.

Jongdae reached up to tap the stranger on the shoulder as the stranger turns around he flashed his palm in front of the librarian. With a sigh from Chanyeol, he left the unshelved books above the cabinets and helped Jongdae. Chanyeol took a few steps to the left and reached out to yank the cabinet door open, fingers running through a few books before stopping at one and picking it. He roughly handed it to Jongdae and waited for his confirmation.

Jongdae opened the book, fingers reached up to the right corner of the page, and flipped it making a tiny sound. Chanyeol who was sensitive to sound, moved uncomfortably and for the first time that night, he looked at Jongdae.

Maybe it was the way how Chanyeol's mother described how love feels or how fairytales influenced Chanyeol. But the whole room seems to stop moving, (however time never once stop), the soft ticks of the clocks could still be heard as it strike 10.

The dimmed moonlight seems to compliment Jongdae's skin, making it glow. His black glasses rested lowly on his nose, eyelashes constantly sweeping against the lenses. His lips were pursed, and cheekbones were at an acute angle. But under those black glasses that covered half his face, Chanyeol found him charming.

However those stares had caught Jongdae's attention. Chanyeol eyes rapidly search for a source of distraction to excuse himself from his embarrassment. Flustered, Chanyeol could only look away, only to miss the small blush creeping on Jongdae's face.

Since it was after 10, Chanyeol could talk openly. "Is this the right book?"

"Yeah. Thank you." Jongdae bowed his head slightly.

"Alright." Chanyeol walked away quickly to prevent himself from being embarassed even more. He went over to the front desk and saw Baekhyun staring at the two all along.

"That was so embarrassing"  Chanyeol cringed as he got behind the counter and laid with his eyes close on Baekhyun's shoulder.

"His interested." Baekhyun, simply amused, the smirk still playing on his lips. 

"Pretty sure he's not." Chanyeol let out a big sigh and rested his head on the cool surface of the table, cooling off the heat from his cheeks. But under all those words, he wished Jongdae was interested in him.

"Did you ask?" Baekhyun casually played with the badly chewed pencil as he saw Jongdae approach them.

"No, but I-" Chanyeol, being the awkward turtle stood, up at the sight of Jongdae.

"20 bucks" Baekhyun mouthed the bet, with a brow arched in the challenge.

Without a word, Chanyeol took the book Jongdae wanted to borrow. He flipped the cover and got out it's loan card, handing Jongdae a pen to fill in his name and signature.

Jongdae took over the pen and pressed hardly on the card, leaving a few stained through. A scribbled 'Jongdae' was written and signed before handed back to Chanyeol.

Jongdae. So that's his name.

With the book in Chanyeol's hands, he stamped the due date with a soft thump.

The eventful date was 17 April.

While Chanyeol was concentrating all that while, Jongdae had been flashing Chanyeol multiple smiles and tried to get his attention. But once Chanyeol looked at Jongdae again, his smile dropped and lost. As if he had lost all control of his facial muscles, all he could feel were numbness and the fluttery feeling of his stomach.

Jongdae took the book, wanting to speak to the mysterious librarian and perheps asked for his name. However Chanyeol turned around immediately, and disappeared in the dark again. Jongdae slid the book of the counter and into his hands. Sadness clouded his mind as he left for the door, opening it dreadfully.

Once Baekhyun was sure that Jongdae left he didn't hesitate to call Chanyeol's name out loud. "Park Chanyeol! You come over this instant!"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes and placed the unshelved book away, returned to the front desk, each step with regret. As soon as the tension eased without the presence of Jongdae, it slowly began to rise again with the shouts of Baekhyun.

"What?" Chanyeol groaned

With that Baekhyun's hand casually swung over and hit the thick skull of Chanyeol.

"Are you an idiot?" Baekhyun started scolding Chanyeol, looking at him in annoyance, much like how Chanyeol looked at Jongdae earlier on.

"No!" Chanyeol rubbed his head sorely, sure Baekhyun might be small for his age and much smaller than himself, but one should never underestimate the strength from that boy.

"Why didn't you get his number? Or his name?" Baekhyun raised his hand again, but was blocked by Chanyeol who scrowled at the violence. 

"I have his name! It's Jongdae!" Chanyeol glared at Bakehyun, unhappy with his actions "Plus he has to return the book right?" Chanyeol raised a brow, a smirk formed on his face, as he smiled in triumphed. "I am going to ask him then."


I know, I know. This chapter was horrible... I wrpte this at like 5 in the morning (not the greatest time but aye) I am sorry I dissapoint you guys with this chapter.

Summary: Basically Chanyeol met Jongdae in the library. Nope, like I've said this story is not going to happen in some magical kingdom with unicorns and castles (let's be realistic man). So Chanyeol missed his go with Jongdae but it's alright they would meet again. Oh, and in case you were wondering the chapter title was based on the date.

Yup so that's that. Anyways I hope you enjoy reading, please subscribe and comment.


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hello dear readers, im planning to put this story under hiatus as im rlly busy n i wld like to finish my other story before continuing this. im sorry


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fRoStEh #1
Chapter 3: I can't even express how many times I want to read this over and over in words
oh-tea-twelve #2
Chapter 3: my kokoro aches for jongdae and chanyeol and im slightly irked at baek for ruining the moment lol and that ungrateful lil' girl- seems like the universe is in their way >¦:<

yeol, you shoulda went after him

please patch my heart back in the next chapter xD
meetuinparisss #3
Chapter 3: how dare you?!?!
baek tho hahahha
Chapter 2: I lioke it so much!!!! Both of them need to date!!!
Chapter 2: Haha seriously I am sooo confused with your 'There would be no happily ever after' remark.. aaand this chapter OMG, its just the 1st chap but i really like it so so much!!! I keep smiling ya know,reading throughout the chapter smiling like an idiot until reaching your author note ^_^ and even when writing this!! Then just what does it mean with 'no happily ever after'????!! Why did I'm so happy with this chapter, with only A chapter??!! Arghh i need mooore..
Chapter 2: Ah, seriously I wish my writing is as good as yours. So lovely.
oh-tea-twelve #8
Chapter 2: im so frustrated with these two, they're both too shy to take actions haha you can obviously tell that they're smitten with each other already, sending each other shy smiles and everything ugh i just want to point them out to these thick headed skulls xD
baekhyun should play matchmaker haha i love scary!baek
but yes 17 april so there's still opportunity

wondermickey #9
Chapter 1: Can i demand for the next chapter? The prologue already had a lot of feels. Alaomdienidenicm. T^T demfeels
Chapter 1: I already want to cry, and I don't know why TnT goddamit.