
Fairytale (hiatus)


Once upon a time, like how all fairytales starts with. Before the kings and queens, before prince charming, before all that, there is time. 

Time determines how this story unfolds, and whether it will find its way to happily ever after. In this case, it won't. This is the reality in fairytales, no one gets a happy ending. 

But, how is this related to Chanyeol? 

Well to Chanyeol time isn't just something as small as how his story unfolds. It's way more than that. Then again, you ask, what is time to Chanyeol.

Well, to him time is not the impassive witness to our decay. It's the bloody murderer. Time is acid. It eats us alive. It burns our bones, and turn them into chalk. It dissolves the flesh beneath our empty skin.

Oh, but that's not the worst of time. Time corrodes our memories, it feeds on out very thoughts, disremembering them, one by one, and when it's done with that, it'll devour our personality.

It eats away at the light in us, until we are nothing but a shadow.

Time was Chanyeol's only enemy.

Chanyeol hates it. He hates what time has done to him. But what could he do? He could only wait, till time eats all up.

It's just the matter of time, right?



Before you unsubscribe and kill me because this chapter is so darn short. I wanna say it's the prologue. This chapter is an introduction of time. Because time pleays a big role in this story. And I want you guys to understand that, thus this chapter. Please forgive me, if it wasn't up to you expectation. I hope the next chapter would be better. Anyways thank you for reading, please subscribe and comment!


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hello dear readers, im planning to put this story under hiatus as im rlly busy n i wld like to finish my other story before continuing this. im sorry


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fRoStEh #1
Chapter 3: I can't even express how many times I want to read this over and over in words
oh-tea-twelve #2
Chapter 3: my kokoro aches for jongdae and chanyeol and im slightly irked at baek for ruining the moment lol and that ungrateful lil' girl- seems like the universe is in their way >¦:<

yeol, you shoulda went after him

please patch my heart back in the next chapter xD
meetuinparisss #3
Chapter 3: how dare you?!?!
baek tho hahahha
Chapter 2: I lioke it so much!!!! Both of them need to date!!!
Chapter 2: Haha seriously I am sooo confused with your 'There would be no happily ever after' remark.. aaand this chapter OMG, its just the 1st chap but i really like it so so much!!! I keep smiling ya know,reading throughout the chapter smiling like an idiot until reaching your author note ^_^ and even when writing this!! Then just what does it mean with 'no happily ever after'????!! Why did I'm so happy with this chapter, with only A chapter??!! Arghh i need mooore..
Chapter 2: Ah, seriously I wish my writing is as good as yours. So lovely.
oh-tea-twelve #8
Chapter 2: im so frustrated with these two, they're both too shy to take actions haha you can obviously tell that they're smitten with each other already, sending each other shy smiles and everything ugh i just want to point them out to these thick headed skulls xD
baekhyun should play matchmaker haha i love scary!baek
but yes 17 april so there's still opportunity

wondermickey #9
Chapter 1: Can i demand for the next chapter? The prologue already had a lot of feels. Alaomdienidenicm. T^T demfeels
Chapter 1: I already want to cry, and I don't know why TnT goddamit.