

Pairing: bangdae
Rating: pg


"You're car is a piece of ," Yongguk murmured to Daehyun as they stood on the side of a two lane in the middle of nowhere watching smoke pour out from under the hood of Daehyun's car.

The younger rolled his eyes but really couldn't deny it. In his defense, he was surprised it made it that far, and he felt a twinge of pride in his chest for the beaten up car. It was actually his first car, a sixteenth birthday gift from his parent's, that was really only supposed to be taken from home to school. Little did his parent's know, he used it more for sneaking away to see concerts or hang out with friend's than he did for school. A soft, firm hand on his chest pulled him from his daze, as he looked up at Yongguk, who gave him a soft smile. 

"We should grab our bags and start walking before it gets dark. If I remember correctly, there was a hotel a few miles back," he said calmly, taking immediate control of the situation. 

Bang Yongguk, always in control.

Daehyun watched as Yongguk started digging into their packed car, grabbing their backpacks before double checking that they had everything. The trip wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be something right out of a book or movie. The roof was supposed to be down as they'd drive for miles without speaking a word, the sound of the radio the only noise as they needed. And once Daehyun got tired he could put his head in Yongguk's lap and fall asleep to the vibrations of the car on the road and the older man's soft humming. They were going to see everything they could, but so far they had only made it about 300 miles from Daehyun's hometown and things were already going to . He was supposed to be running away, and it was like everything was trying to stop him.

 "I don't know why you're pouting like that. I've basically kidnapped you and you look like you're going to throw a fit," Yongguk teased, face hard and voice light. 

"Can it be considered kidnapping when I'm eighteen and basically forced you into this?" he retorted with a sly grin.

Yongguk only offered back a large smile before tossing a bag at Daehyun, "Let's go kiddo. We got places to be."

Daehyun really had no intentions of running away with a 25 year old man who insisted he was going to save the world one day. His hair was messy and wavy, a deep ebony black looking almost purple in some light while small silver piercings covered his face. He didn't exactly look like the world saving type. His tongue, septum, eyebrow, lip were all adorned with small pieces of jewelry that some how looked a lot less creepy than someone would imagine. The younger wasn't even 100% sure of what yongguk really did, he never really bothered to ask. 

They happened to bump into each other on the street and Daehyun, being the ing he was, happened to get his hair tangled in Yongguk's extremely complex lip ring. They fumbled awkwardly on the street as Daehyun apologized and couldn't take his eyes off of the man's extremely well tailored suit, and how it didn't match his face at all. 

By the time Yongguk freed them from each other, Daehyun was a red, blushing mess with a low simmering in the pit of his stomach. He awkwardly stuttered his way through an apology as he tried to flee, praying he would never see him again. Unfortunately, Yongguk seemed to be everywhere. And after their fifth "accidental meeting", Daehyun finally buckled down and asked him out. After their seventh meeting that week, Daehyun found his head between Yongguk's legs. His age never really came up on conversation. 

Two months later, there they were, walking side by side playfully bumping each other's hips as they moved down the road, the sun setting slowly behind them. 

" Yongguk? Maybe we should stop here?" the pair came to a complete stop, the playa completely surrounding the dingy two lane. 

"You want to sleep...here?" he asked, eyes scanning the flat area before landing on Daehyun's hopeful face, "Fine. But if it gets cold, I don't want to hear your ."

"What happened to be adventurous and ?"

"Shut up and let's go, or you'll gather the firewood alone," he mumbled walking away without looking back. 

It took .2 seconds for Daehyun to come skittering after him, clinging to his arm and babbling as they walked. 

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 4: Awwww bangdae is soo sweet and cute here!!!
Chapter 3: hahahah! i love bangdae in the morning <3
Chapter 4: I love this! Suit wearing, pierced (and probably tattooed) Yongguk is a hot image. And clingy, babbling Dae is so cute.
bittenfingers #4
Chapter 3: O.O yes, just yes. I love these all so far. All the yes.
bittenfingers #5
Sally forth Author-nim and write your little Bangdae heart out!!