Chapter 11

Ugly Mistake

Jessica looked around her. People were buzzing around her, walking towards their directions. Meanwhile, here she was, clueless about her own direction. The only thing that she had was a piece of paper with an address written on it. She approached a taxi stand and asked the driver. She asked the first 2 drivers but both of them didn’t understand English and Jessica didn’t want to risk her life riding some cars while she was totally clueless. Luckily, the third driver knew how to speak English.


She remembered her conversation with her mother-in-law. Nichkhun’s mother, Yera Horvejkhul insisted to go and pick her up but being a good daughter-in-law, she said she wanted to feel a little bit challenge while she was on it. Now, she was a little bit regretted with her so-called challenge.


“no, it’s okay. No, you don’t have to fetch me. I can catch some taxi and go to your place. Just text me the address and I’ll pop-up at your house in no time,” Jessica joked.


“are you sure?” she heard her mother-in-law asked.


“yes. Furthermore, you said father is not home. I don’t want you to have any trouble coming here to fetch me,” she explained.


“okay, if you insist. But, you have to promise me to take a good care during the journey. Just ring me if you have any problem, okay? Is Nichkhun coming along?” she asked. Jessica already explained that Nichkhun knew about her concert, but the visit was a total unexpected.


“I don’t think he will since I didn’t tell him about this visit. I’ll just text him after this,” Jessica said.


“okay. Whatever it is, be careful,” Jessica promised to update her where about every single moment.

Jessica hopped in inside the taxi and gave him the address. The driver told her that it’ll take some time to arrive and asked her to relax and enjoy the view along the way. She nodded and looked outside the window. It was still early but the road was filled with cars. She rested her head on the back of the seat and her hand unconsciously patted her stomach.


Jessica fell asleep after fifteen minutes of the journey. The driver awoke her once they reached her direction. She paid the fare and waved the kind driver good bye. She stood in front of the gate and calmed herself before ringing the bell. Jessica took a deep breath and slowly released it.


She looked around the house while waiting for the gate to open. His family’s house was quite large. She didn’t know anything about his family, except for the number of his family members. As far as she concerned, he lived here with his parents, brother and two sisters. Meanwhile, his close relatives lived nearby.


The gate opened and Jessica saw a middle aged woman came out from the house. She recognized that woman in an instance. Jessica waved at her happily. Her mother-in-law smiled in return. She hugged Jessica and planted a kiss on Jessica’s forehead. “come inside,” she said while ushering her newly daughter-in-law inside the house.


“how was the journey?” she asked.


“it was good. And I fell asleep almost half of it. I was so tired from yesterday’s concert,” Jessica explained. Her mother-in-law nodded her head.


“let me show you your room. You can rest before we have our dinner together,” said the mother.




“I’ll call you once everything ready. Have a rest, you look tired,” Yera said. Jessica nodded her head. Indeed, she was so damn tired and she really needed a good sleep. Jessica looked around the room. According to her mother-in-law, that was Nichkhun’s childhood room. His mother said, since he was twelve, he insisted to have his own room instead of sharing one with his brother, Nichan. As Jessica’s eyes scanned around the room, she concluded that Nichkhun was someone that really loved doing sports and Jessica could tell that football was one of his favorites. The wall was practically his display area where he displayed all of his prove of successfulness. Or maybe his mother did.


Jessica laid her tired body onto the bed while her eyes glued to Nichkhun’s childhood pictures. She smiled at his innocence look. She wondered how that cute little boy can change into a jerk. Jessica remembered Nichkhun’s response once she told him about her plan of visiting his family. Well, he was practically didn’t respond at all. Not that she wanted to tell him at all, but thinking that his mother might ask or call him made Jessica think that telling him was an appropriate move. Jessica sighed and tried to calm herself down. She needed some sleep and thinking about Nichkhun won’t give a peaceful mind to her much needed body.




Jessica heard voices downstairs. She could tell people were talking happily from the voices. She looked outside the window and saw a few people that she didn’t have idea who. She exited her room and slowly climbed down the stairs. She could hear her mother-in-law was talking happily to someone. She called Jessica once she saw her standing at the stairs.


“have a good rest?” she asked Jessica. Jessica smiled in return while nodding. “yes mother. I really love being here. It’s so peaceful,” Jessica replied.


“why don’t you go and seat while we’re getting ready for dinner?” she said.


“I can help you with the preparation,” told Jessica.


“nah. I just need to do some final touch before we can start eating.”


“I really can help you. I have a lot of rest already. So, I am free to help you,” Jessica said.


“okay then. If you insist…” her mother-in-law halted before continued, “you can bring this to the dining room,” she pointed to one of the dishes. Jessica nodded before picking up the dish. She followed her mother-in-law to the dining room. Again, she was surprised with the number of the dishes in front of her eyes.


“oh my. Did you cook all these by yourself?” she asked.


“I did.” Jessica saw the dishes in front of her in awe. The table was practically full with food that Jessica didn’t even know exist. Her stomach was growling, asking for the food. And Jessica could tell that the baby was happy as well.


“wow. You’re such a wonder woman, to be able to cook all of these dishes in a short while,” Jessica said.


Yera laugh. “I really love cooking. Since I’m a full housewife, this is the only thing that I treasure the most. To be able to feed my family with food that I cook with love. Do you love cooking?” her mother-in-law asked.


Jessica smiled shyly. “well, I taking some interest in cooking nowadays. I tried cooking some simple dishes and I’m too far from good. But, I guess I could try cooking some more if you’re willing to teach me,” Jessica said jokingly.


“why not. I can teach you all the dishes that khun love,” she said. “did he try your cooking?” she continued.


“well, I think we’re not in that kind of relationship and I don’t think he’s willing to try my cooking at all,” Jessica replied.


Her mother-in-law shook her head. Knowing her son, she might agree with Jessica’s statement. “never mind! I can teach you all my secret and khun will be surprised with the result. But first thing first, let’s call all those people and we can stuff all of these into our stomach,” she said and Jessica nodded as a reply.




Jessica used to wonder how it felt to have a big family. Her family was not big. Of course she had a sister but she still think that her family was small. Once she looked at Nichkhun’s family, she knew how happening to have a big family. His family lived nearby and whenever they wanted to do a gathering, everyone will come over. Jessica could tell that they were so close to each other and honestly she was jealous of that.


Her father-in-law introduced her to Nichkhun’s relatives. She can’t stop smiling and laughing at their conversation and thankfully most of them can speak well. She was usually awkward with someone that she just met. But everything was different with this family. They welcomed and accepted her like their own.


“what’s this inside your tummy?” asked Nichkhun’s youngest cousin, Mimi. She pointed her small finger to Jessica’s stomach. Jessica laughed at her question.


“is it because you ate too much?” asked her again. Jessica couldn’t help but laugh louder at her question.


“do you think everyone here is like you, fatty?” said her brother. Mimi was such a big eater. She was the chubbiest kid inside the house. Mimi pouted at her brother’s comment.


Jessica enjoyed looking at their battle. Looking at their battle, she remembered her relationship with Krystal when they were kids. They used to fight like Mimi and her brother. “your brother didn’t meant it, Mimi. He said that because he really likes you and loves you as his cutest little sister,” Jessica said to Mimi once she saw Mimi was about to cry at her brother’s words. She knew it because that’s what she felt with her sister.


“so, this is not because of you ate too much?”


“of course not Mimi. I don’t eat that much to make my stomach this big,” Jessica replied. They were sitting outside of the house. Jessica and the kids were at the sitting area near the pool. Meanwhile, some of the adults were inside. 


“what do you think inside that Mimi?” asked a voice behind Jessica’s back. Jessica froze at the recognition. She can recognize that voice everywhere. She calmed down and quickly turned her body toward the source of voice and saw him smiling charmingly at her and the kids. She was about to say something but Mimi beat her.


“Nick!!” say Mimi happily. She jumped from Jessica’s lap and run toward her favorite cousin. According to Mimi’s mother, she was super close to Nichkhun. It happened that Nichkhun really loved kids and Mimi being the youngest kid in the family, Nichkhun liked to pamper her with everything.


“hey Mimi. What’s this?” Nichkhun pointed to her chubby cheek. “is it a doughnut?” he asked while picking Mimi into his arms. Unlike her respond to her brother earlier, Mimi giggled at Nichkhun’s comment about her chubbiness. Nichkhun kissed her all over her face and she laughed happily. Jessica could tell that his aunt didn’t lie about Nichkhun. He was indeed someone that loved kids so much.


“hey buddy,” Nichkhun said to the other kids. “Come and give your big cousin a group hug,” he said while spreading his arms towards the kids. The kids were running toward his opened arms.


“where’s others?” Nichkhun shot Jessica with a question when he was freed from the kids. They already scattered around the house after the group hug.


“inside the house and I think they already know you’re here,” Jessica pointed toward the entrance where Mimi was currently tugging Nichkhun’s mother’s hand, trying to explain to her about Nichkhun’s arrival. He laughed once he saw that. “well, I guess we need to go inside since everyone already know I am here,” Nichkhun said. He offered his hand to Jessica and she accepted hesitantly.


“did mom introduce you with my family members?” Nichkhun asked. Jessica nodded her head while silently following beside him. Nichkhun looked at her. He stopped and automatically forced Jessica to stop as well. Jessica gave him a confused look. 


“wae? Why do you stop? What if I trip? Or fall into the pool?” Jessica slowly getting annoyed at Nichkhun. He was just arrived and he started to annoy her like he always did.


“I’ll enjoy the show then,” Nichkhun replied while laughing at her. Jessica pouted and continued to walk toward the house. Nichkhun followed her closely. “you don’t have to act like this you know. coming to my family house and everything,” Nichkhun said to her. Jessica stopped and looked at him.


“I didn’t do this for your sake. Well, I have to act like I am a good daughter-in-laws to your family. I’m quite positive that your family will know about my concert here and what’ll they say if I didn’t even come to their house? I have a reputation to protect and I don’t need you as a reason to come here. Don’t worry I don’t have that touchy feeling toward you. euwww,” Jessica said.


“thank goodness than,” Nichkhun replied.


“and what are you doing here?” Jessica asked him. they started to walk again.


“well, this is my house,” Nichkhun said.


“I know this is your house. I learn that a long time ago but what are you doing HERE?” Jessica remained composed.


“I want to visit my family as well. Can’t I even do that?” he replied innocently.


Jessica sighed. “don’t try to act innocent Nichkhun. You can do that anytime but not when I am here.”




“do you actually don’t understand or you pretend like you don’t?”


“okay, I don’t care what do you want to say but…  I can’t just let you show up without me. When you told me that you’re coming to my house, I thought I shouldn’t bother. I will just let you come and have a great time here without me but, I know my family too well. This is the first time you come here and I shouldn’t let you here alone,” explained Nichkhun.


“what? It’s not like they are monsters and they’re going to eat me alive,” Jessica said.


“that’s not what I meant. Okay. Let’s just say that I also have a reputation to protect. I should be a good son to my family as well,” Nichkhun brushed her off. Jessica wanted to reply but his mother’s voice calling for them stopped her.


“you said that you’re not coming,” Nichkhun’s mother said.


“I did but I can’t just let my beautiful wife alone in the middle of our family. God knows what are you going to do to her if she’s here alone,” Nichkhun replied with a chuckle.


“duh. She’s been here more than twelve hours and she looks perfectly alive and happy to me,” Nichkhun’s mother said.


“just say that you miss her so much,” his auntie joked. Jessica blushed at that comment. And the pink shade on her cheek grew deeper once Nichkhun pulled her toward him. “of course I am. She’s been away for 4 days. This is the first time we have been away from each other after we got married,” Nichkhun said.


Jessica smiled at Nichkhun’s comment. She didn’t know what to say. She felt wrong to lie to this wonderful family. Of course his parents knew the truth behind their marriage but the rest of his family didn’t. For the sake of everyone, they need to act like they were happily in love. For the past twelve hours, Jessica was perfectly happy being with this family. She naturally became her own self. But, everything felt different after Nichkhun arrived. She felt like she was not smiling anymore. Everything that she did feel was different.


“come, give your grandmother a kiss,” said Nichkhun’s grandmother to Nichkhun. Nichkhun left Jessica and gave her grandmother a hug and a kiss. Jessica knew that this family kissed each other on the lips. It was their kind of thing. At first, she felt weird with the action. Of course she kissed and hugged with her family members but never on the lips.


Jessica’s eyes stayed on Nichkhun who was currently greeting his family. After that, he approached her and sat beside her on the coach. His left hand automatically held Jessica’s right one. Everything looked natural, liked he really meant with every single action that he did. Jessica looked at him and he gave her a charming smile.


“why didn’t you kiss Jessica auntie as well?” asked the-never-ending-with-questions Mimi.


Jessica blushed at Mimi’s question. Meanwhile, Nichkhun laughed out loud.


“oh my, I forgot my dear wife,” Nichkhun turned himself toward Jessica and brought her face into his hands. His face approached Jessica’s but his action stopped once his eyes locked with her. he knew her too well to understand what kind of meaning behind those expression.


don’t you dare,’ Nichkhun translated her expression inside his head.


deal with it. It is just a greeting’ Nichkhun ignored her and placed his lips on hers. And a little bit longer than he was supposed to for Jessica’s opinion. Jessica caught him smirking before turning his head to his family. Jessica remained silent and she stopped herself from wiping her own lips. She can feel the tingling sensation on her lips and she hated every single bit of it.


“khun, why don’t you bring Jessica to your room. She looks tired,” said his grandmother.


“no. don’t mind me. I am not tired at all,” Jessica replied.


“nonsense. Nick, bring Jessica to your room. You too, get some rest,” her grandmother instructed. Jessica didn’t want to argue any longer since she was indeed tired. All she wanted to do was sleeping. Nichkhun hoisted himself from the coach and helped Jessica to get on her feet. And he continued to hold her hand while accompanying her to the upstairs.


Once both of them were inside the room, Nichkhun sighed. His eyes stopped at the bed and Jessica knew what was inside his mind. “we do have a problem,” Nichkhun said.


“urgh, not that again,” Jessica groaned, thinking that tonight they will fight again on who will get the bed. And God knew how long it will take to settle it.

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.I really like this story
Hyunlix0000 #2
Chapter 15: It's 9 years already..I lost hope
Shasha99 #3
Chapter 15: It's almost 4 years since the last update, our dearest arinalee.

It's okay, hehehe take your time.

I love your story so much

Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 15: Update author...I miss this stories
Sicachumaomao912 #5
Update juseyo authornim~
AznCutie8418 #6
Please continue! I wanna know till the very end :)
xiupao92 #7
author-sshi, please kindly update :D
ImahJhon #8
Chapter 15: Need some updates
Princessjessica92 #9
Chapter 15: Update author
lorraine_ot9 #10
Chapter 15: update please!!! (^_^)