His Last Bow


Previous Story : Jongin was very heartbroken when he knew that Taemin will have a child and he didn’t tell Jongin at first. Although Jongin absolutely aware that Taemin will leave him soon, he still couldn’t accept this. Taemin was hurting him too much in the past but Jongin didn’t even imagine this time it could be this painful...  

Kyungsoo POV

I remember that was the first time I saw Jongin’s being much stressed. I knew he’s not okay when he came to recording our VCR this morning. His face was swollen and he looked very awful-I bet he’s crying badly before he came. He didn’t really talk at the whole recording, and other members were very busy with their own shoot to notice his strange behavior. After he finished his recording, he immediately disappeared, and since I still have to shoot my own part, I couldn’t tracked him. Manager Hyung said that Jongin’s going to visit his house on afternoon since he’s free-scheduled. But I found it’s very strange. He didn’t ever tell me that he’s going home.

And when I came back to the dorm after DJ-ing at 1 a.m, I found him alone in our dorm since the other members still have a practice on the company. Jongin’s sitting on the kitchen table and he buried his face on his arm. He immediately woke up after he heard my footsteps.

“Hyung? You scared me, you know?” he talked with a sorrow voice. And after he saw me, he’s buried his face again at the table.

Jongin’s got a heavy hangover and he’s very high at that moment. His face was all red and there were many bottle of Vodka at the table, beside a bunch of Painkiller pills that were scattered at the floor. He surely did this dangerous things again, drunk alcohol while taking a huge amount of that pills. I managed to clean up this mess first before taking him to our room and put him in his blanket.

When I tried to pull him, he resisted. He didn’t wanna move from the table. Jongin grabbed my hand when I managed to took his hand away.

“C’mon big baby, let Hyung take you to bed, okay?”

“I’m not your baby! Let go of me, you f**king a**hole!!” he shouts and swung his hand very badly, and pushed me so I fell on the floor. I started to lose my temper.

“Shut up! You’re terribly drunk, and I will force you to lie in your bed, right now!”

With all of my force, I pull him from the table, dragged him to our room and throw him into his bed.

“Hyung, It’s hurts, it hurts me, so bad, so bad. It’s hurts..It hurts..” he started to sobs his pain after I lock our room and sit down on my bed, “Please, give me my pills, Hyung.. this is very painful..I think I cannot bear with it anymore..”  

“You’re fine, Jonginnie. You’re just getting high so you feel that way,” I answered him with a soft voice while sit down in front of him, “Listen, I will not give you that damn pills again, kid. If you drink alcohol while taking them, it’ll become very dangerous, idiot!”        

Jongin’s gave me a death glare before he punched my face, “Shut up Do Kyungsoo! Just give me the pills right now!! Or you will die!” He tried to choke me this time, but fortunately I can dodge him.

I punched him back so we’re completely down at the floor; the two of us were fighting like crazy and shouting curses to each other. I’m getting very mad at that time, so I couldn’t even recall what I had done to him and he had done to me. All I could remember was when Chanyeol and Sehun run to our fight and Chanyeol pushed me away from Jongin. He dragged me to his room without questioning anything, since we’re both very tired at that time…

Two weeks later

 “Hyung, are you okay?” Sehun’s voice woke me up from my daydream and I decide to look at him.

“Absolutely, Sehunnie,” I replied him with a warm smile, “You don’t have to worry about me. Let’s go to the others. They’re already waiting for us.”

“But you don’t look okay, Hyung,” Sehun talked again when we walk to the members at the living room, “Seriously what is happen between you and Jongin? Are you two fighting again for a serious matter?”

“We are fine, very fine. I think we only have a little misunderstanding,” I smiled again and pat his shoulder, “Don’t worry, Sehunnie.”

After we reached the living room, I remember that I saw the M members also gather there. Tao dragged Sehun towards him while whispering something with a worried face-I think he’s telling Sehun about his prediction about our problem.

Luhan Hyung, Minseok Hyung, and Jongdae were looking the latest product catalogue from a magazine- I bet Lu-ge was discussing the gift he should gave to Minseok hyung that can be useful at the army. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Yixing Hyung were practicing a song in the corner – I heard Yixing Hyung’s new song will be performed at the encore concert. Meanwhile, Jongin was sitting alone in the other corner, he face the ceiling with his hat on. I sighed.

“I think we should start today’s meeting, guys. Kyungsoo and Sehun had been here already,” Junmyeon Hyung fixed his position and claps his hands to get the members’ attention.

Jongin stood up immediately when he heard the announcement. He walked towards me, but he hides his face below his hat, so I couldn’t see his expression.  After that, he immediately bowed in front of me. Hey, what is this? We had been not talking since our great fighting two weeks ago and now he’s apologizing?

Jongin was still bowing and I just stand still in my place, still surprised with his sudden action. For nearly a minute, I just froze at my place and Jongin was still bowing.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Kyungsoo? Just accept his sincere apologize, he’s already talking with us and he decided to regret his rude action two weeks ago. Don’t be such a blockhead, dude!”

Jongdae was complaining and I replied, “Yeah, it’s okay, Jonginnie,” I patted his shoulder and push him to the stand position, “It doesn’t matter at all since you’re drunk at that night. It’s really alright!”

“I’m really…really… sorry, Hyung.. I just lost control at that time.. and yeah I didn’t wanna hurts you and.. I’m absolutely sorry…” he stopped while started sobbing. I reached him and hugs him tight when smacking his back slowly and whispering “Ssh…it’s alright.. it’s okay..”

But his sobs became stronger as I started to hug him.

“I..don’t wanna lose you, Hyung..Please..please..don’t leave me..alone.. I’m scared..” he talked slowly between his sobs.

I shook my head and grab his face so I could stare directly to his eyes. “Listen, I will always stay with your side. We will never leave you alone, Jongin. Don’t ever feel scared, okay?”

“Aigoo my baby~ please stop crying.. Hyung already forgive you..” Sehun came closer as he take Jongin’s hat and ruffle his hair. The others laugh and I also couldn’t hide my smile.

But Jongin was still crying, he cried very hard, turn back to Sehun and then he clings into him, put him into his arm. And after a while, he walked to the other members-started from Yixing Hyung-hugged them one by one while crying desperately and saying sorry repeatedly.

‘Hey, what the hell is wrong with him?’

“What the hell is wrong with you, Kid? This is really confusing and…” Luhan Hyung spoke out my thought when finally Jongin’s reaching him and hugged him.

“…Scary at the same time,” Yixing Hyung completed the sentence.

Jongin just sat down beside Luhan Hyung and tried to manage his tears. We just very confused at that moment so none of us could react to the question. After some awkward moment of silence, Jongin’s talking again.

“I’m afraid that we..can’t be together again. I’m scared I will be alone since you all.. will leave, right?”

Everybody turns very silence again with his answer. Actually, we have the same thought with him.

“This is the process that we must go through, Jongin,” Junmyeon Hyung talked with soft voice, “We’re all adults now and we will have our own life after the encore concert. But one thing that you must know, the eleven of us is still brothers. Wherever we are, whatever happens in the future, we will keep maintains our strong bond. Remember, we are ONE so, we are EXO”

Surely, we’re trying to pretend that nothing’s going to change after the encore concert, but actually we all know that everything will be different after the concert ends.

I slightly remember the old disaster at our first concert when that Hyung left us without saying goodbye. That moment was absolutely hard at the beginning, but we admit the disaster made us become absolutely close with each other. After years passed, we could feel that EXO is our other family. I felt very thankful that God let me have my precious ten brothers and I ensure they will always be my brothers. 

Tao cried silently in the corner after hearing this speech and Sehun’s hugging him, also couldn’t avoid his tears. Jongin’s got up from his seat and he walked to the front of us. He’s taking a deep bow while sobbing and murmuring thank you. I thought that was the first time in my life I saw him bows at us for such a long time. But at that time, I didn’t even imagine that it could be his last bow...

A/N : Awwww I'm terribly sorry that I was MIA-ing for such a very loooong timeee. Ma Laptop's display got broke and this time finally it can perform normally after I repaired it at the service centre! >,< thanks very much that you guys still subscribe to this story and give comments. I'm very touched with all of you, guys :((. Please continue to support this story and thanks for commenting, reading, and subscribing! I will frequently online on AFF and started to continue this story again. Love youuuu guysss! XOXO :33 *bighugs

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Ayudia is that you?
Chapter 2: Oh poor Jongin, that really hurts. TT
Update soon, we want to know how all this will end. :3
yoongles #3
Chapter 2: Love it so so much~~~
taekai69 #4
Chapter 2: I love iiitttt ..I really feel sorry for Jongin ><
awwww TaeKai ♥
please update soon <3
taekai69 #6
Chapter 1: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: I hope your junior is doing better!
Hmmm, I wonder if Taekai will be the OTP at the end, which I hope it will ;o;
yoongles #8
Chapter 1: I hope your brother gets better soon! :)))

Also, this sounds really cool! Update soon!
kittyrascalmeow #9
I'm really excited to see what happens in this ^_^