




“Please, Hyung. Help me, Hyung! This pain is hurting me so much!”


I got up quickly from my blanket when I heard Jongin screamed out his pain from his bed.


“Take this, Jonginnie, drink this medicine, okay, you will be fine, don’t worry,”


That time, I didn’t realize that I made a really fatal mistake.

This time, I wanna repair my entire mistake towards Jongin : stay with his side, help him, and make him happy.

But I’m afraid I couldn’t even get the chance to help him since he’s losing his happiness.

Instead of that, the time is absolutely running out.

Kim Jongin only has two months left.


A/N : How is this prologue, guys? I really anticipated your comment so I could know ur thought about this story!! Thanks for reading and I will update the next chapter very soon! XOXO :3



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Ayudia is that you?
Chapter 2: Oh poor Jongin, that really hurts. TT
Update soon, we want to know how all this will end. :3
yoongles #3
Chapter 2: Love it so so much~~~
taekai69 #4
Chapter 2: I love iiitttt ..I really feel sorry for Jongin ><
awwww TaeKai ♥
please update soon <3
taekai69 #6
Chapter 1: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: I hope your junior is doing better!
Hmmm, I wonder if Taekai will be the OTP at the end, which I hope it will ;o;
yoongles #8
Chapter 1: I hope your brother gets better soon! :)))

Also, this sounds really cool! Update soon!
kittyrascalmeow #9
I'm really excited to see what happens in this ^_^