A Little Surprise


Chapter 1 : A Little Surprise

Normal POV

Jongin knocks the door and push the bell while put a big smile on his face. This is freaking 6 a.m, but Jongin’s already arrived at Taemin’s apartment. Since they’re not meeting with each other for nearly 2 weeks, he cannot hide his happiness when finally the older come back to Korea. Jongin is absolutely missing his boy, and he wanna see him as soon as possible. For two weeks, Taemin has drove Jongin crazy for keep thinking of him. He’s missing his smile, he’s missing his lips, he’s missing his hips, and he’s missing his body scent-in short, he wants to meet every detail of his Lee Taemin very soon.

 “Yes, who’s there?” Taemin answers the ring from the intercom with a sleepy sound.

“I’m coming! Palli, Palli, open the door! It’s very cold outside here!”

“Oh man.. what’re you doing at this time? You even don’t text me that you will come..” Taemin replies while open the door, he really looks sleepy and messy at the same time.

“It’s a surprise! I miss you, really, really,really, miss you. So I go straight from company after the practice ends,” Jongin talks cheerfully with his cheek up. He puts a little peck at Taemin’s lips, and then decides to follow him inside after he close the door behind him.

“Yes, you surprised me but it’s not funny, Jongin,” Taemin sighs and rolls his eyes. He lay down to the couch, closes his eyes, while adding, “I’m very sleepy and dizzy now. I came home at 2 a.m, y’know?” 

“Eey, are you having a hangover last night? You look very awful” Jongin talks and he grabs a bottle of water then sits down beside his boy. He his hair slowly when snuggle into his arm, “How come you didn’t call me when you go to the club yesterday? Taeminnie is so mean to Jonginnie..”

“She asked me to accompany her to Yoseob Hyung’s birthday party yesterday. I can’t refuse her because the party is very important and I’ve promised to Yoseob Hyung that I will join his party,” Taemin answers while stealing a smooch from the younger, “Don’t mad at me, okay? We will go out together next time we both have spare time. I promise.”

Jongin pouts his mouth after he releases his lips from his boy. “Next time and next time and next time again… when will you say ‘this time’ for me? I miss we both hanging out together like many years ago, Taeminnie. I miss the old Lee Taemin that I know since 20 years ago.”

Taemin takes a deep breath when he replies, “Please don’t act like a kid, Jongin. We both are very busy and we’ve decided to not show up in public because of my status. But don’t worry, I do love you all this time and I will always love you.”

Taemin grabs his boy’s wrist and then starting to pull his head closer. He’s Jongin’s hair very passionately and kissing his neck down from his chin. Jongin couldn’t refuse his sudden kiss and he just placed his arm to the older back and squeezing him. For nearly ten minute, they continues their making out session with little moan heard from the couch. Taemin is ready to put down his shirt while he faces Jongin that is already pantless below him, when a bell ring stops their action.

“Oh , hey let’s get up and put on your pants. I will check the guest.”

“Yes, who’s there?” Taemin answers the bell ring while moving near the intercom and press the button.

“Surprise! I bring you a breakfast today! Quickly open the door, oppa!”

“Haha, Such a pleasure to see you so early, my lady,” Taemin grins while answer cheerfully, “Our Jongin’s already here this morning. I will go to the bathroom first and Jongin will open the door. Please wait a lil bit, okay?”

Jongin’s smirking while walking lazily to the door in order to welcome ‘this lady’. He’s not minding to tidy up his hair and his clothes-he looks very messy as if he just got up from his bed.

“Oh, Hi Jonginnie! I don’t know that you’re sleeping here again this night,” Naeun welcomes him with a bright smile on her face. She then rushes inside while leaving Jongin behind.

“I just arrived from the company and I dropped by to return his hat,” Jongin replies fast while following her to the kitchen.

“I think we could split this fried rice for three persons,” Naeun answers him while put on a regretful smile, “If I know you’re here, I could bring more plates so the three of us can eat a sufficient amount of the dish.”  

“Nah, It doesn’t matter at all, Naeun,” Jongin talks while puts a very bright smile and give a small laughter before he continues, “Just enjoy it for you since I’m just having a meal with Sehun and Tao before I came here.” 

Although he isn’t happy to see ‘this lady’ here-yes, she’s disturbing his quality time with his boy- he couldn’t show his true feeling. Jongin must look as innocent as he could. He must make sure that Naeun always saw him as her fiancee’s bestfriend, not as his other lover

“Aigoo~let’s look what is she’s bring in this time? You made omelette fried rice?” Taemin’s greeting her while stealing smooch and ruffle her hair, “What time did you wake up, dear? I bet you spent more than an hour to make this.”

“At half past four, I guess. And Doojoon oppa told me that he’s driving you home at 2 a.m since you’re very drunk,” Naeun replies while smile shyly to her boyfriend, ”You must really alone last night. I’m absolutely sorry I couldn’t stay until the party ended since the radio schedule and…”

Taemin cut Naeun’s talk with a very passionate kiss on her lips and he goes down to her neck and his hand is absolutely ready to open her cardigan, “Sshh..it’s absolutely alright. The most important thing is you’re here right now, my lady.” 

“Please stop a lil bit, oppa. Jongin’s here.”

For a second that looks like an hour, Taemin moves his gaze from Naeun to Jongin who’s sitting down at the dining chair. When their eyes met, Taemin’s grinning. Meanwhile, Jongin’s trying to put on a best poker face and innocent gaze towards him. Jongin doesn’t give him a pissed look, since he must be really okay with this scene. The two of them is being engaged for six freaking months. Beside that, Jongin had been experienced this kind of intimacy between them for a long time before that. And Jongin thinks that he should be numb with this pain.   

“Hahah, I’m sorry I’m disturbing your time,” he’s grinning when chuckles small laughter, “I think I must go now, we have a recording at half past eight.”

Jongin waves his hands while he’s going to the front door.

“That’s too bad you can’t join with us,” Naeun give Jongin a sorry looks. Then, she’s staring at his boyfriend, “But hey, I think you have not told him about our good news, oppa?”

“What? Oh yeah..I’m sorry I didn’t have chance to tell..”

“What news?”

Naeun looks so happy when she answer Jongin’s question, she’s keep smiling when talking, “We’re going to have a child very soon. So, we managed to have our wedding as soon as possible!”

Jongin’s freezing at his spot when he heard this news. He looks very shocked so he couldn’t even control his expression. He suddenly becomes upset right now. This is really too much. For God’s sake, how come his Lee Taemin doesn’t tell him at the first place?  

“Hey, I’m sorry I just don’t get the right time to tell you this news,” Taemin speaks very nervously when he caught his boy’s expression. He doesn’t even dare to look at Jongin’s face. He’s too afraid to see Jongin’s anger. 

Jongin keeps silent for a moment, before he manages to get his sense again.

“Ah..It’s..It’s really cool! I think you will become a father soon, right?” Jongin tries badly to smile, but he fails. He only manages to make an awkward grin on his lips. And his face, maybe it’s look very awful right now, since he’s trying to hold back his tears, “Congratulation, both of you! I’m very happy to hear this news!” 

Jongin knows that he must look happy at the moment. How hard it is, as Taemin’s bestfriend, he must be happy to hear that news. Jongin pretends everything’s alright, though he never hurts so much in his whole life. He can feel his heart is aching badly and it’s like being stabbed with thousand knives….


A/N : Annyeoooong guyssss!! Huhu I know it has been a very very long time since I'm missing in action so I don't update this story! :(( Please forgive me for being soo lateee since now I got a very lot of work at my office (we got a new project to deal with), so yeah I really have no time :( *bow90degrees. Hehe but this time I finally post the first chapter of this story? I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Hehe I made Taemin as a player here *he is swaying both ways LOL. How do uthink about this chapter? Please leave comment bellow so I could know your opinion about this story! P/S : My lbrother has been undergone the surgery and now he's recovering very well! Thaanks very much for ur good wishes and prayers! Aaww I love you all guysss! Thank very much again for sacrificing (?) ur time to read and subscribe to this story! I really appreciate it! XOXO. And lastly please forgive all grammar errors and poor sentencing since English is not ma main language!


Teaser for Chapter 2! Please guess what will happen next! kekeke

“Shut up Do Kyungsoo! Just give me the pills right now!! Or you will die!”

“Aigoo my baby~ please stop crying.. Hyung already forgive you this time”


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Ayudia is that you?
Chapter 2: Oh poor Jongin, that really hurts. TT
Update soon, we want to know how all this will end. :3
yoongles #3
Chapter 2: Love it so so much~~~
taekai69 #4
Chapter 2: I love iiitttt ..I really feel sorry for Jongin ><
awwww TaeKai ♥
please update soon <3
taekai69 #6
Chapter 1: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: I hope your junior is doing better!
Hmmm, I wonder if Taekai will be the OTP at the end, which I hope it will ;o;
yoongles #8
Chapter 1: I hope your brother gets better soon! :)))

Also, this sounds really cool! Update soon!
kittyrascalmeow #9
I'm really excited to see what happens in this ^_^