
Confession(s) in a toilet

“Move! You, move!” You nudged Luhan so you could see the whiteboard but luhan didn’t even move a bit.

“At least move your head to the right side, I can’t see anything.” You said but he still ignored you.

“Oh come one! Don’t make me losing my patience!” You raised your voice. Unexpectedly, Luhan raised his finger and said, “Sonsaengnim, ___________has been disturbing me.” Your eyes widen as Mr. Kang approached you.

“If you just come to this school to disturb those who want to study well, then this isn’t your place! You get detention after school!” He said in low voice but enough to make you shivered at his words. Mr. Kang was the most horrifying teacher in your school. He was so diligent and so strict that he would not tolerate any mistakes. So, who wouldn’t afraid of him?

You sighed, “You are so dead.”You said right beside Luhan’s ear.

“_______! Double detention!” Mr. Kang said and you could barely process his words. You have never got it before.  On the other hand, Luhan was smiling while in the heart, ‘Serve you right!’.


“I hate him for the rest of my life!”You screamed your heart out to your friends at the break time. Your face looked quite scary as your friends didn’t dare to give any comments.

“SAY SOMETHING!” You yelled.

“You hate him? Don’t you mean love him?” Sora, one of your friends that had the biggest courage spoke. You choked on your food and your friends immediately handed you the water.

“What did you say? Of course I don’t.” You said with your eyes widen.

“Well, both of you have a past. Isn’t it hard to change the feeling from love to hatred?” She asked again and made you just wanted to send her to hell.

“I once loved him, I don’t anymore. He is a jerk now, the biggest jerk ever. And I don’t think it’s hard to change the feeling. “You sharply said and glared. Then all of you got into a silence and busy with your own food when suddenly…

“I’m the queen of the school, the coolest girl, and the smartest, and I get detention?? And it’s not a detention! It’s a double detention for god damn’s sake! This is so bull! I want to punch him so hard until he kneels down in front of me and begs for my pardon! ” You grumbled and complained with no full stop, and no comma. You still couldn’t accept the fact.

“Hmm…The last time I checked, Luhan got the first rank..”Baekhyun, one of Luhan’s friends happened to pass by, along with his gang. You stared at them and gave them deadly glance but that didn’t terrify them.

“Oh and you know what? I think you should have your eyes checked.” Sehun said and all of them went out while laughing.

“Aarrgghhh!!! !” You stormed out from the cafeteria, leaving your friends dumbfounded.

“Is she that angry?” Mina, one of your friends asked. And everybody at that table just shrugged.


“A call for ______________.This is Mr. Kang speaking, if you dare to ditch the detention, you won’t be allowed to join the final exams.” An announcement was heard trough the school’s speakers.

“Great, now everyone know it!’You sighed and breathed hard while eyeing Luhan with a lot of hatred. ‘If it’s not because of him, I won’t get into this !’ You grumbled in your heart. When you lifted up your head, you found all pairs of eyes were staring at you.

“Mind your own business!” You coldly said and all of them turned their attention back to the white board.

‘This is gonna be a long day…’ You sighed for the unknown times.

The bell rang and you hurriedly went to the teacher’s office. You knocked the door and came in and….”Where is your manner?? I haven’t permitted you to come in!” Mr. Kang’s voice was heard behind you and you were shocked.

“I’m sorry sir..”You said. You went out from the room and knocked the door. This time, you waited until he let you in.

“That one is right. First detention, clean your class. If you have finished, report it to here and I’ll give you the second detention.” He said.

“Okay Sir..”You said and got out from the office. Your face was pale. You have never touched a broom and a mop before, so you were worried if you couldn’t do it well. You knew sir Kang. He would make it harder for you if you didn’t do it well.

You went upstairs to your class floor and went straight to the toilet. You grabbed the broom, dust pan, and the mop then you headed to your class.

“Okay, you can do this! It’s not that hard, is it? Right, I just have to sweep it right. Sweep the dust, the , or whatever it is at the floor. It’s easy…” You cheered yourself. You started to sweep the floor but no matter how hard you tried, the floor didn’t seem clean. There were always hairs or some dust again and again.

“Why is this so hard?!” You nearly shouted in frustration. In your heart you have promised yourself to learn how to do house works in your next holiday coz obviously you were at it.

You kept trying until the next 1 hour and you finally made it. You then mopped the floor and tidied up all the chairs and tables. You pumped your fists in the air and got those cleaning things back to the place.

It was 5 pass 30 minutes in the evening when you finished the first detention. You hoped that Mr. Kang was tired and he didn’t wait for you, so you got only 1 detention, but that hope fell when you saw the office’s light was still on, signaling somebody was still there.

You knocked the door and waited until Mr. Kang let you in.

“I have finished the first detention sir.” You reported.

“What took you so long?” He eyed you as he was seriously annoyed waiting for you.

“Hmmm…It’s the first time I touch broom and mop, so I got a little problem before. Sorry to make you wait this long.” You said and bowed.

“Okay…Now, the second detention is clean the toilet in your class floor, both girl’s and boy’s. “Mr. Kang said and successfully almost made you got a heart attack. But, you didn’t dare to complain as you just bowed and said, “Okay Sir..”

“Oh By the way.. I’m not waiting for you. You report it to me tomorrow morning. But if I know you are lying—“

“I won’t dare to fool you sir.”You interrupted him.

“Good. Start cleaning!” He said and he started to pack his things. You sighed and went again to your class floor and headed to the girl’s toilet first. You honestly had no idea how to clean toilet, you haven’t even watched someone doing it.

“Hmm…Where should I start?” You mumbled to yourself. You began to regret turning down your friends’ offer. Yes, as good friends, they did offer you a help although they didn’t know how to either. But at least, they could help thinking about the way and lessen your burden.

You sighed for the unknown times and desperately leaned at the wall. You were sweating so badly yet the result was still zero. You couldn’t see any differences of the toilet, it was still the same. And actually, it was clean already. In the end, you just decided to mop the floor and you considered it done.

You moved to the boy’s toilet while hummed a song. You went inside it and went to the first toilet cubicle. Boy’s was dirtier. You found a brush near the mop and you took it. You tried hard to remove all those black traces from the floor. You didn’t realize that actually there was someone at the second cubicle.

Click.  Click.

‘Double click?’ You got curious.

You stepped closer to the main door and cursed in low voice, “God damn!”

Then suddenly, blackout came. Yes, the electricity just went off. You heard noise coming from the second cubicle and you also saw a little light from there. You were actually a little bit afraid, but you tried to brace yourself. You approached it slowly and you flung the door opened.

“DAMN!” A voice was heard along with the sound of something went into the water. And You recognized the voice.

“Luhan? What the you’re doing here?” You were still angry at him.

“This is a boy toilet for god damn’s sake! I should be the one who ask you. What the are you doing here? And because of you, my phone fell to pit!” He nearly yelled.

You became emotional, “Heh, if it’s not because of you, I won’t get into this ing detention! I don’t have to clean the class and clean s here! And you, you scared the hell out of me, I thought of something else here, and then it’s just you! “

“But now we have no light, now give me your phone!” He said. You took your phone from your pocket but unfortunately it was low battery.

“Oh Great!  We are stuck here!” Luhan said. You felt your knees weak as you couldn’t imagine yourself had to be locked in such dark place.

You suddenly felt Luhan was moving somewhere. Being a timid girl you were, you followed him.

“Don’t tell me you’re still afraid of the dark.”He said but sighed when you said, “Unfortunately yes.”

“But wait, aren’t you too??”You asked him back.

“What? Well, if I am alone, of course I do afraid, but since I am not alone I am not afraid. I am not a coward like you!” He turned arrogant.

“What the ? That’s the same!”

“SHUT UP!” A voice was heard. It was not yours, and it wasn’t Luhan’s either. Luhan stepped back and so you did. Both of you hit the wall. The voice sounded scary that both of you shivered.

“Hmm…Who are you?”Luhan braced himself to ask although he actually had been scared to death.

“How dare you question who I am? I have been living here since 20 years ago !”The voice snapped.

“Lu-lu, I am scared…”You whispered to Luhan’s ear as your body trembled hard. You couldn’t help but let tears escaped your eyes. On the other hand, luhan wasn’t good either. He was also afraid. Both of you had the same weakness, same fear. You both were afraid of the dark and of course ghosts.

“Lu, so the story is right, there is a ghost here..”You whispered again. Yes, your classmates had told a lot of scary stories about this toilet. Some of them could suddenly get locked in the cubicle, some herad strange noises, etc. But you and Luhan never believed rumors. And of course, you and he got to believe it now.

“Hmm.. Hm…Are you a living thing?” Luhan asked although he knew the answer already.

“HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA !!! You know I am not! Now I have two people as my meal. Who is willing to be eaten first?”

Both you and Luhan immediately turned head to each other.

“She/He is willing to! “ Both of you said in the same time.

“He and she? Means both of you?” The scary voice asked.

“Can you please let somebody alive?” You pleaded.

“Hmm……I haven’t eaten anything for 2 days… But tomorrow I will get nice meal from my friend at the next building. So, I think it is okay. I’m being kind, aren’t I? Now, who wants to be a volunteer?”  The scary voice then laughed scarily, making Luhan and you trembled in fear.

“You!” Luhan and you pointed each other.

“What?”The scary voice asked.

“She wants to!” Luhan said.

“What? No, he wants to be the volunteer! “You pushed him forward.

“No, she wants!” He pulled you forward.

“What? You’re crazy! He wants to! “You pointed Luhan.

“ENOUGH! I am mad now! Don’t mess with me, who wants to be the volunteer? If nobody wants to, I’ll just eat both of you. You both smell good.” The scary voice was raised but then cackled.

“Hmm…Can we please discuss it for a moment?” Luhan asked.

“5 minutes, c’mon, I am hungry!!”

“Fine, 5 minutes is enough.”Luhan said timidly.

“You go, be the volunteer!”Luhan said.

“What? No!! I still want to live!” You said.

“I still want to live too!! C’mon it’s your time to prove that you’re kind!” He said.

“Well, it’s your time to prove that you’re manly!” You said.

“Well…This isn’t gonna end. I still have my family to be taken care for. You know, I am a single child, who will take care my parents if I am gone??” Luhan tried to persuade you.

“What the hell?? You know that I am also a single child, don’t you?!” You raised your voice.

“But you are a burden! All you can do is spend their money for shopping! So, you will lessen their burden if you are dead!” Luhan provoked.

What Luhan said was actually true and besides, you just actually kept your pride high. Deep down inside, he never left your heart, and you could not bear to watch him being eaten by the ghost.

“Hmm.. I think you’re right. Okay, I’m the volunteer!” You said in final. Luhan’s eye widen in shock as he didn’t expect you to agree. You had always been the most stubborn person he had ever met and the fact that you just gave in was so hard to be believed.

“No no no, the discussion hasn’t ended yet.”Luhan said immediately before the ghost even said anything. He pulled you back.

“What? I think you’re correct, and well…You have to take care of your parents, right??” You tried to smile.

“Hey hey, I was just joking! I-I..”He lost words.

“It’s okay, I understand. I was also the reason why we broke up, right? I think I am the source of the problems. To my parents, I am always a burden. To my friends, I am always the one who hurt them. And well, to you too..”You couldn’t bare your sadness anymore as your face had drenched with tears running down from your eyes.

The next thing you knew was Luhan also had cried. You knew how much he hated crying.

“Why are you crying? You should be happy I’ll be gone. You have nobody that disturbs you anymore. You have nobody that burdens you. You have nobody to be your enemy. You have nobody that hurts you.” Your voice was barely a whisper.

Luhan then looked at you in the eyes. “Yes. I am not used to have you disturbing me and tapping me on shoulder every single day. Yes, I am not used to having you so bossy. Yes, I am not used to have you so talkative. And yes, I am not used to have you texting me every day and do some embarrassing stuffs only to get my attention. But, most of all, I am not used to have no you by my side.”

You were shocked by his confessions as all you could do was just stared at him.

“And why can’t you find it fishy? After we broke up, I always made you upset. I made you hated me. I made you mad at me. I did all of them so you never forget me. I don’t want you to forget me. So, why don’t you just let me be a man for today?” He added.

“Because I can’t let someone I love so much dies in front of my eyes.” You said and successfully made Luhan shocked.

“You-You still love me?”He could barely spoke.

“Always and I don’t think that would ever change.” Your voice croaked. Luhan hugged you tight and you felt so happy inside. You just knew that you missed so much his hug.

“So, whom should I eat? Well, I actually hate to separate two lovebirds. But, if I don’t, I will die. I’ll just give suggestion. Be a couple for the last second. I will give both of you some additional time.” The scary voice was heard.

“I-Do you want to be my girlfriend for the last time ________-ah?” Luhan’s voice was also croaked.

“My answer would be forever same, and it will always be ‘yes’. “You said and cried hardly.

Luhan also cried. He brought you to his embrace.

“If we are fated, we will be together in our next life.”He said and that just made you cried even louder.


Suddenly the lights were on and some giggles were heard outside. Luhan and you were shocked at first, but both of you then ran to the door and got really shocked to see 10 people outside.

Who were they? Kris, Chen, Lay, Tao, Xiu Min, Sora, Nara, Mina, Minyoung, and Soojin. All were your and Luhan’s friends.

“So..I see all this is your idea??” You and Luhan crossed arms. The ten of them just made ‘peace’ sign and ran off for their sake.

“Well, what happened in the toilet, was that--?” Luhan’s kiss interrupted you. Without a second thought, you kissed him back.

Words couldn’t explain how happy you were that time. Words couldn’t explain how you missed him. Words couldn’t explain how much you loved him. Words were just suddenly useless at that time.

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hunhantaeny #1
Chapter 1: Omg! This is simply awesome>3
Chapter 1: Awww this was really cute!
Chapter 1: This is daebak!!!
Chapter 1: it's so cool! I love it! ;)
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl.. Luhaaaaaaan
Chapter 1: When the name "sora" was mentioned i can't help but to imagine Lee sora (from rommate) lmao
u-r-mine-kai #7
Chapter 1: ok..i got myself confuse,,why are my friend name mina?coz my name is mina..=..= so we both mina?so..mina is mina friend??=..=kkk..anyway,funny story..really..the character really mirror me..i am hyper kinda it admin..i can feel it..haha
Chapter 1: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ nice story  ̄ω ̄