
Same people, different stories

After class, when Ni was leaving the school she saw the 6 guys all grouped. Himchan saw her and separated from the others to go talk to her

- hey, are you feeling better? - he asked concerned

- yeah I'm good, no need to worry - she said indifferently. They stayed still for a few seconds

- I'm not pitting you, you know - he said 

- you are truly worried about me - Ni said ironically. Himchan continued with a serious face. She just leave him

Himchan got back to his friends receiving a gaze from them

-what? - Himchan asked

- you went to talk to Ni? Why? - Daehyun asked

- oh, ah she was felling bad yesterday , so I went to check on her

- oh, I remember I saw her too. During P.E  I saw her in the infirmary. Before our vacancy class – Youngguk said

- shincha? - Zelo asked - oh, I hope Nona it's ok

- but you caring for her it's kind of hard to belive - Daehyun said kind of suspicious

- really why? - Joungup asked - what's up with you and Ni?

- oh it’s really hard to explain- Himchan said  scratching his head. Of all 6 of them only 2 knew the story between those two : Daehyun and Youngguk. The others knew they didn't hit off well but never knew what happened


After what happened to Youngguk she wouldn't tell anyone that she liked Himchan. She never really talked to him, because of the different age, besides he was youngguk's friend so she was determined to get rid of her feelings.

One day she was on the gate waiting for her parents to pick her up since it was raining hard. Almost everyone was gone, but she was sitting there just watching the rain, out of the blue Himchan came and talked to her. She was kind of shy and really surprised that he came talk to her, she didn't speak much when he was talking to her

- Am I making you uncomfortable?

- No! Not at all - she said quickly as he finished the question. After this there was silence. They both were facing each other. Himchan leaned on her and they kissed. A really quick kiss, but for her was too memorable. After this she started to hang around him more. They would see each other only in the school.

Every day Ni would go talk to him with a smile, she would do him favors, sometimes make him lunch. It was like that for some months. People that she never talked to would come to her and say that he was using her. After sometime she also believed that he only would hang out with her to use her. 


Weekend came and was bright and shinee (kkk sorry). A perfect day for the guys go to the park. Himchan brought food, Youngguk helped Himchan with it. Joungup went directly to the exercises machines that there was near there, and Zelo couldn't wait a minute to skateboard. Himchan, Youngguk, Daehyun and Youngjae sat under a three looking at the two kids playing around. Daehyun and Himchan wanted to eat, but Youngguk convinced them to take a walk before anything. They both were walking and being followed by Zelo on the skateboard

- where are you going - he asked now slowing the speed of the skateboard to stay on their side

- hyung said that we can only eat after taking a walk, so that's what we are doing - Daehyun explained

- he said that but that punk stayed there under the tree while we walk under the hot sun - Himchan complained. As carma a ball hit his belly. It was thrown with force but it hit him not too hard

- Are you ok? Jaesonghabnida! - a female voice said. It was a cute girl that  picked up the ball and apologies like crazy. 

- It was noth....

- Did you hit someone? - a familiar voice hit their ears - oh.... - Ni said looking at who her friend was talking to

- you..... 

- the ball hit him. I was apologizing - the other girl said without having the intention of interrupting Himchan

- it's ok - Himchan said

- Nona! - Zelo couldn't hold himself.back after this. He gave her a quick hug.

- hey Zelo

- you know them? - the girl asked

- you can say that. But lets go, the others will be worried! Bye guys - Ni said cuting the subject and pulling her friend to the grass where there were other 2 girls waiting for them

- wow I never knew she had friend - Himchan said

- I knew, but I never met them -Daehyun's turn to speak

- Nona looks happy - Zelo said looking at the girl that normally wouldn't say anything on school that was now smiling and chatting with friends.

- that smile. I haven’t see it for quite a time -daehyun said

- yeah -Himchan said

- I think I never saw her like that, every time she would want to laugh or smile, it looked like she was suppressing it  - Zelo said intrigued. Zelo was the last crush she had, because of what happened to her, her mind started protecting itself from being hurt. That means not showing that she liked him, or that she even enjoyed his company, and fiscally being away from him. But even though her efforts to not fall for him, she ended up as always. He never noticed her fellings for her, and it was better this way.

- such cute boys! Why didn't introduce me?! - her friend complained to her. Ni rolled her eyes looked at the friend with a serious face

- their names were Zelo, Himchan and... Daehyun - her friends frozen for a bit. They knew about each of the guys she liked, and they knew the stories

- I'll go there and kick their asses - one of them said

- no way! - Ni said laughing, she knew her friend would never do anything, but it was better not to risk - I'm fine

- yeah, you say this after all they did to you, I still remember how bad you were after breaking up with Daehyun 

- Zelo never did nothing, and I'm fine, seriously

- you should move to my school , then you don't even have to face them! 

- sure, but you know I can't - her friend made a sad face

The boys arrived and sat silently next to Youngguk and Youngjae

- so... How was the walking?

- we saw Ni Nona - Zelo answered with a smile

- Ni? Here? - Youngguk asked surprised

- she normally so closed, I don't think she would go out much - Youngjae said

- she was with some friends - Zelo answered again. Daehyun and Himchan were avoiding the topic by eating the cookies.

- ok, so lets eat - Youngguk noticed they were uncomfortable and changed the subject 


----- L.C ------

Hello readers!!!! If I have any XD A bigger chapter for you! So whats do you think of Himchan? Do you think he was abusing her kindness or what? Man How I love Zelo cuteness ♥

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