Side Story Special: Chapter 49

Plan 932X: Overdosed Voodoo Doll


[A/N] This will be a side story again! Enjoy!

Chapter 49



Everyone always says that the wisest people had it the worse in their lives. Well, how else would they be the wisest if they weren't exposed in various and terrible situations? They also said that the happiest people were always the ones who were broken inside. It's funny, isn't it? On how people can hide their real faces behind such impressive masks they live everyday with. And they do this so others wouldn't worry for them... like how mostly everyone does. 

Sometimes, in one's life, they shouldn't be pitied. They should feel strong once in a while too.

And why do they mask themselves? Simple. It's because they don't want anyone else or more people to suffer the same things they went through. Don't you see? Why does the wise person advise youngsters about these and that? Why do the happiest people try to make a fool out of themselves just to get a good laugh? It's too simple– so no one else will fall in the same hole they did before.

Yes. That's the main reason.

When Kris was three, he was totally against with his family's plan on moving to Korea.  

Despite his early age of four, he could clearly remember the words that came out of his parents' lips. The same words that actually made him cry to his wits' end. The same words that made a great impact on his innocent mind.

"Let's just get divorced." the words his mother had said before repeated on and on in his young mind. Every now and then, whenever he'd hear that echo in his mind, it would make tears pool on the corner of his eyes. It just hurts.

"Alright." he remembers his father agree without any difficulty. It was as if his parents were just playing a game. It was as if nothing serious will be done. It's as if neither of the two took this "divorce" thing as a serious matter. In Kris' young perspective, he thought "divorce" was just some temporary parting or what, which was a bearing of what his mother had told him. She lied to him that "divorce" meant that his mommy and daddy will have to be away from each other for a short time. She told him that this "divorce" will just be a game and the first one to miss the other without seeing or talking to them for this specific time will be the loser. Kris believed easily, but when his daddy left the house with numerous luggages, brows furrowed, Kris knew something was off.

"Daddy," his soft voice croacked as he tugs onto his father's sleeve. "Daddy, where are you going? Are you going to work?"

His father didn't answer him. Instead, he lowers himself to meet his son's eyes perfectly before he ruffles his hair. A sad smile crosses his father's face before Kris eventually feels himself getting pulled for a tight hug. Kris hugged back by instinct, not knowing what's going on. For a three years old, he didn't know what was exactly happening.

And he didn't know... that this will be the last hug he will share with his father.

Kris sadly watched his father stand up, grab the bags and exit the main door. He was just there, frozen before his mother came out of her room. "Is he gone?" he hears her mother ask. Sadly, he nodded. Her mother walked towards him, hugging him tightly before patting his back. "Don't worry, Yifan." he hears his mother whisper, hints of sobbing heard. "We'll be fine, even if he's not here."

Kris knew that moment.

His father isn't going to come back any longer. Nor was this "divorce" merely just a game.

Everything is real.



By the time he was four, his mother suddenly told him that they'd be migrating to South Korea. Kris was definitely against it. From Canada, they were moving to Korea? That's a trip on the other side of the globe! He'd understand more if it were to be in China since, well, that's his mother's birthplace. And his grandparents are there too. But Korea? What's the relation of them to Korea? Is there something there? 

But his mother was somewhat deaf to his pleas. She still insisted on migrating to Korea with his only son. And with his son trying to bargain that it's better if they stay there in Canada, she simply saw it as him being selfish. In the end, she would just continuously scold her son until he silences himself. 

What she doesn't know is that Kris simply sees no point in this move. Eversince his father divorced his mother last year, Kris somewhat matured quickly. He's the man of the house now, despite being a four-year old kid as of now. He will be the pillar of the family. He'll be the bread winner soon enough when he grows up. He'll eventually be the one who'll bear the family. 

But his mother still controls him. He had no choice but to simply follow his mother's pointless decisions.

And by somewhere in that same year, Kris and his mother did move to South Korea.  

When he was six, he was told by his mother to begin elementary already. He isn't that good with Korean yet, not with Hangul. He grew up using either English or Chinese but never had he been interested nor had spoken Korean nor written Hangul in his entire life. He can admit, even if he was has Chinese blood running through his veins, he found Pinyin quite difficult to write and study. English is perfectly fine for him since most often times, when his parents were still together and even if his mother is now divorced, he often hears English. And in Canada, English is greatly used. 

He studied in a normal elementary school near their residence. It was a typical elementary school most of the kids around the block are attending and yes, all of them were Korean. He felt out of place, he felt weird. He saw people that had a different race with him. Yes, they were all Asian in the place, but it's still different since he's with Korean people.

More or less, he was judged greatly. Well, who wouldn't look at you weirdly if you have golden-brown hair? Some kids because of this. Teachers there thought that Kris dyed his hair at such an early age, thus, he did get a few scolding but right after explaining, they eventually understood. The kids didn't. They were both weirded out and amazed by Kris' hair color. The kids also because he couldn't speak their language well too. They called him an "alien". 

Someone from the galaxy. Someone who fell from a spaceship and grew up here in Earth. He's an alien.

A weirdo.

A nobody to see as "precious".

In other words.

At an early age of five, Kris was greatly bullied.



"Mom, am I different from the other kids?" Kris often asked his mother at night. He would see the same worried eyes his mother would flash at him every night. She frowned upon hearing that same question slip from her son's lips. With careful arms, she carried her five year old toddler, hugging him tightly. 

"No. No you aren't, Yifan." his mother says as he fixes his son's golden hair. The fringe was growing longer than she expected in a matter of time. Maybe his son needed a haircut. "Look, sometimes, it's good to be unique. You stand out the most. You've got no one to look similar with. You're on of a kind."

"But the kids bully me." Kris complained, holding in the tears he has. "They say I look funny. They say I speak funny. They make fun of me because I can't speak Korean nor can I write Hangul. Mom, I hate myself. I want to be like the others. I want to go back to Canada. That's where we belong, mom. Let's go home."

"We can't, Yifan. We can't." his mother sighed heavily. She knew that her son is having it worse than her. At an early age of three, he lost his father since they got divorced. He was incapable of having enough time with his father. How'll he grow well without a father? Next, he had to move and study in a foreign place his young mind isn't familiar with. He is forced to study a different culture, speak a different language and write in a different way. She pitied her son greatly. Kris is having too much for his age. Usually, kids his age would be too busy fighting on which game or toy they'd play next. Kris? He's too busy thinking on how he'd avoid the judgement other kids shoot at him.

It's too much.

"Just endure a bit more, okay, sweetie?" she whispers before she places a loving kiss on her son's forehead. "We'll conquer these soon enough. Soon enough, we'll be back to normal. Just a bit more, okay, Yifan? I promise, everything will be over soon."

Kris knew that his mother wouldn't lie anymore. He smiled faintly before nodding and burying his head on her chest, inhaling the sweet rose scent his mother has. It was fragrant and soon enough, the calming aroma lulling him to sleep.



Kris faced the next days similar from before. Kids he'd come across with will shoot weirded-out looks before mumbling something about him. Kris began to slowly hate his hair. Once, he even asked his mother to dye his hair black so he'd look like the rest of the kids he sees around the block. Of course, his mother declines it hurriedly, saying that his hair is perfect just the way it is. 

He got bullied more and more until it reaches its worst. He got physically hurt, his classmates and other schoolmates would pick on him. They'd steal his toys, his things, his money, his food. They'd pull his hair, saying that it looks completely different and weird. They'd scribble nonsense on his notebooks and things. They'd call him names, throw random things on him. The teachers tried stopping this, but it never did. Kris grew afraid of other people.

Teachers had reported this situation to his mother, who was actually aware of everything. The problem was this– she didn't know how to deal with it. All she knew on what to do is to comfort her son every time, saying that it'll be okay soon enough. She never took a next step, fearing that it will result into a worse situation. Kris understood this and as what his mother told him everytime, he endure it and waited until it will finally be over.

"Hey!" he hears a different voice cry out amongst the bullies. It wasn't a bully. None of the bullies were talking yet he heard someone cry out in a loud voice. Similar to the towering bullies, Kris turned around to see who it was. It was a tanned boy, his small body clad in a simple blue tee and his lower portion clothed in dark brown trousers. "Leave him alone, you big meanies!" he hears the same boy cry out bravely.

"Oh, look who's trying to play the hero character!" one of the bullies mocked as they averted their attention to this tanned male. They stopped pulling out Kris' golden-brown hair, attention on this shorter guy. "What's up? Wanna join us here?"

"No! Pulling out someone's hair isn't nice!"

"Who asked you for an opinion? Go away!"

"No! You go away!"

Kris saw how this tanned boy charged the group of bullies. Soon enough, he saw another boy join in the fight, his skin fair as ivory. The two side-by-side fought the group until they eventually gave up, scampering away in defeat. Kris was frozen in place when the two headed his way. He saw everyone as bullies, therefore, these two might also be. "Are you okay?" he hears the fair-skinned one ask in worry, "Were you terribly hurt?"

"Here," the tanned male says with a smile before reaching out his hand. When he didn't give an answer, the latter frowned. "What's wrong? Are you mute? Can't you speak? Or maybe you can't hear? Is something wrong?"

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you. We're friend here!"

Kris found trusting people hard now, but something just made him reach out for the tanned latter's hand, eventually pulling himself up. Both boys helped Kris dust himself before eyeing his golden-brown hair. He knew the next events– they'd ask about his hair, they'd laugh, they'll bully him. It's going to happen again–

"Wow! Your hair's pretty!" he hears the tanned boy cry out in amazement. "Leo, look! Don't you think his hair has a pretty color? It looks awesome!"

"Sure is! What did you do to your hair to make it look like that? Looks pretty nice!"

Kris never heard anyone compliment his hair. He flashed a confused look at the two Korean boys before tilting his head a bit to the right. "You... my hair is nice?" he asks in a broken Korean grammar.

"It is!" the two boys nodded, making Kris shyly smile. 

"T-thank you." he softly mumbled.

"I'm Hakyeon, and this is my best friend, Taekwoon." the tanned latter introduced as he reached out his hand again for a handshake. Kris eventually shakes his hand before flashing the same sweet smile Hakyeon is flashing at him. "What's your name?" he hears Hakyeon ask.

"Y-Yifan." he answers softly. "Wu Yifan."

"Nice to meet you then!" he smiles as he eyes the golden-brown headed male. 

"Say," he hears the Taekwoon guy speak, making him turn at him. "Do you want to play with us? We need another player in the game. And it's kind of boring too to play with the same guy all over again." he giggles, only to earn a disbelieved look from Hakyeon, who pouts afterwards. "Well?"

Kris didn't understand everything Taekwoon had said, but he simply nodded by instinct. Both Hakyeon and Taekwoon smiled happily before leading the way towards their playroom. With a few blocks and a few papers and drawing, they began to play.

For once, Kris actually made friends again.



Up until fourth grade, Kris stayed and survived in South Korea. yes, lots still asked about his golden-brown hair but the bullying slowly died down. It made both Kris and his mother happy since, well, he's doing better in school. Kris eventually got closer to Hakyeon and Leo, whom are also knows by their made-up nicknames for each other, N and Leo. Kris didn't use those nicknames though. The three stuck to the fact that they should call each other by their real names. The two call him by Yifan and he calls them by their real names: Hakyeon and Taekwoon.

Everything is actually getting better.

That was, up until that one day.

"Yifan!" N cried out happily before clinging onto the Chinese-Canadian, catching him off-guard. Kris was sure he screamed like a girl inside but outside, he managed to look calm and reserved despite being extremely shocked "Are you going home now? Let's go home together!" N invited as he gestured Leo to follow him from behind. 

"Sure." Kris nodded as he saw Leo running towards them, a smile on his face. Like usual, they headed home all together, talking about this and that and what so ever. Kris had improved gradually in speaking Korean and in writing Hangul, thanks to his two friends N and Leo. The two stuck up for him when the bullies tried picking up on him, they supported him and helped him him study their mother tongue. Kris improved because of them. It was nice, to the honest.

Along the streets, lots of kids looked at him, but since he's been living in that block for quite some time now, they got used to this Chinese-Canadian boy with golden-brown colored hair. They even tried befriending him, thanks to N and Leo bargaining that Kris isn't that different. Aside from the two, Kris eventually made more friends around the block, mingling with them easily and playing with a few boys his age at the park. He excelled in basketball and lots said that he's actually tall. Kris loved this new life. 

To think back, it was hectic the first few days. Now? It's turning out pretty well. Maybe his mother did decide well.

Well, that's possibly how he thought. It seemed like that until that one day came.

Kris came home and he was instantly engulfed in that mouth-watering scent coming from the kitchen. His mother's probably cooking his favorite dish. Like the usual days, he greets his mother with joy before he heads to his room to dress up. Afterwards, he went back to the kitchen to help his mother set up for dinner. The dishes were served and the two began to eat together, talking about how their own days went.

"Yifan, dear, how's school so far?" he hears his mother ask.

"Very well." he answers politely before shoving a spoonful or rice in his mouth. "Hakyeon and Taekwoon showed me this new cafe around the second block. It's actually really nice and cozy-looking. They told me that in summer, we might visit that place. Don't you think it's amazing?"

Kris wondered. His mother's smile slowly faded away, making him narrow his eyes a bit. "W-what's wrong, mom? Something bothering you?" he worriedly questioned as he eyes his mother. "Hey, come on. I've told you lots of things before, it's your turn now. Mom–"

"Yifan, honey," he hears his mother speak again. "How... how much do you like our life here in South Korea so far?"

"What? I guess I like it a lot. I've made friends, no more bullying, I'm excelling in class... oh, and our sports teacher told me that I might have the potentials in basketball–"

"Yifan, we're going back to Canada."

Just a few words made a huge impact on the fourth grader. His eyes widened and his jaw fell before he shot up, disbelief written all over his face. "Are you serious? Wait, why?! Why now? Mom, I'm doing so well here already! Mom, please, don't separate me from my friends. I'm having a better life now since you and dad got divorced and all so why–"

"... I'm sorry, honey." she apologized before she tries to face her son with sad eyes. "We just have to. We need to go back to Canada now. You need to go back."

Kris was filled with fury.

And agony.


None of this is true. 

Emotions piled up one after another and right before he knew it, everything turned black.



"Wh-what do you mean you're going away?" a sad N nearly screamed before he shot up. "W-where are you going? Why? What's wrong? Aren't you happy here, Yifan?" 

"I am." Kris breathed out before he leaned back on his chair. "I just... mom told me we have to. We need to go back to Canada, Hakyeon. I'm sorry."

"Canada?" Leo gasps. "That's in the other side of the world! You were originally from there, right, Yifan? What's wrong? What's going on?" he frowned before he sees the tears threatening to roll down the golden-brown headed male's eyes. "Hey... did something happen? We can help you if you want. Come on, tell us." he persisted.

"As much as I'd like to... you wouldn't get it." Kris says in a sad tone before eyeing his two friends. "I had a good run here in Korea though. I appreciated the fact that you two stuck up for me despite everything back then. For that, I'm really thankful."

"Don't talk as if you're dying!" N sobbed, tears literally falling from his eyes. Kris never saw this tanned male tear up, most especially in front of him nor for the reason of him. For some reason, he had made this shorter boy sob in sadness due to the fact that he's leaving within three days. He'll stop studying and attending the school year, he would go out of Korea and would live there again in Canada. 

It's unfair since it happened when things were going well already. It's just unfair.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Leo asks as he tries to calm his best friend by tapping his back. "N here will really be sad if you leave him... well, us. I'll be sad too. And we'll be worried. Will you do well there?"

"Canada's my birthplace so, yeah. I will be." Kris assured.

"You better write!" N sniffled before he throws himself to the golden-brown headed male. There was nothing but silence and the sound of sobbing coming from N. Leo was only there, silently standing. Despite not saying anything, Kris knew that this silent boy standing in front of him is feeling agonized over his sudden bad news. He felt guilty over saying this news out of the blue to his two best friends.

It hurts to let the people you care the most go.

"I'll miss your golden brown hair though." he hears N say softly, arms still around Kris. "Promise me one thing, Yifan."

"Huh? Why–"

"Just promise me."

".. Okay."

"Promise me that whatever happens, don't dye your hair, okay? Don't change your hair color. Don't ever change it. I like it just as it is." N smiles sadly before he pulls away, only to retreat back beside Leo. "Also because... if we ever see each other again, I'll easily spot your hair and know that it's you." he smiles.

Kris smiled back at the two. 

Someone did like his hair.



In Canada, the nghtmares replayed. It was like the first day in Korea all over again.

And worse.

Being a rebellious teen he is, Kris grew up smart enough to decide for himself. He'd sneak out of the house and stroll around the streets alone, only to carry a flashlight and a coat to protect him from the cold. Things were stagnant for Kris. He wished that he can just go back to Korea where N and Leo are. At least there, he has someone to stick up for him. 

Worse things went up to "worst".


It was just any normal light. The streets were lit up by numerous lights from houses, from lamps and from his flashlight. He wore a hoodie as he walked here and there to relax himself. The sky didn't have any stars tonight, which actually disappointed Kris. Well, he can't forever deal with that fact, right? 

But something came up that made him froze in place.

His father, just a few meters away from him. Not knowing what to do, he just stood there, frozen. He needed to move and hide but he can't. His body refused his roders. His father was there, standing with a woman maybe just two years younger than her and a boy just younger than Kris. He had black hair and a smile similar to his father's. The woman beside his father held his hand tightly, laughing along with him.

Then, it hits him.

"Dad, can we go to that restaurant you promised me and mom to go to before?" the boy beside Kris' father asks with a smile. 

It hits him hard.

Tears threatened to roll down his eyes as he head what that young boy had just called Kris' father. "Dad", the same way he calls his father before his parents got divorced.

This people his father is with is his new family.

That lady with him is his new wife.

That boy with him is his new son. Kris' half brother. His brother to his father.

It hurts him to see that.

"D-dad." he calls out as his tears fell uncontrollably, watching his father walk further and further away from him. "D-dad," he tries again, his voice louder this time. Still, his father doesn't turn around. "D-dad..." he croacked, slowly trying to take baby steps towards his father. "Dad!" he finally cries out, running towards his father.

His voice reached his father. He turns around, only to see his son running towards him. He notices him and he doesn't utter a word. Kris didn't really expect his father to welcome him in open arms as he ran towards him, instead, he expected him to push him away. He expected the concrete ground to catch him when his father pushes him.

But no.

His father utters no word but instead, he welcomes him happily with a tight hug. His wife and son seemed quite confused on who this teenage boy was, hugging their man of the house just like that. Kris' father told them quickly and bluntly that Kris is his eldest son. He told his son that Kris is his half brother. Unlike his father though, they seemed uninterested over him, which he understands. "Dad, I miss you." Kris sobbed, not wanting to let go of his father. "Dad, please, come back. I miss you. Mom misses you." he pleaded, his hand tightly gripping on his father's arm.

But again, his father remains silent before he hugs his eldest son once more. 

No words, but Kris read what he had mouthed.

"I love you, son. Take care of your mother for me." he smiles before he ruffles his son hair and whispering something for the last time. "I still love you hair color. Don't change it." and that was the last before his father and his new family walks away.

Kris falls down into a sobbing mess.

He recalled not only the mories of his father.

But the memories of N and Leo.

He knew one thing to do.

Make his mother proud, take care of her and find the place he really belongs to.



"Wait, are you sure of this?" his mother asks in worry as he sees his son pack his things. 

"Yes, mom. I am sure. Hundred percent." Kris smiled as he grabbed his bags. "This time, I'll really do things my own pace. I'll do what makes me happy." he says in Korean.

He's going to go back to Korea.

And start his new life.


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Chapter 65: Beautiful story. My heart stopped when she chose the wrong one, but in the end the end reanimated me and I'm happy for them <3
Chapter 2: There's some moments when I seriously question "where's the logic?" But... It's actually well written, interesting story.. :D
Chapter 1: Tell me truthfully.... You didn't study biology and you are guy, right?
LeSoleil #4
Chapter 5: I'm not sure how fate work, but they are sure doing a great job from where they came! I can't even remember how I stumble upon your stories but bless it, I not even reading this all yet but I already falling in love with it! The storyline, characters personality description through dialogues and actions so intriguing it make me smile and giggle and wow I can't even describe throughly how I feel. This is so good! Great even! Leo oh leo, you chic cool city boy, just wait till you fall in love with Jungeun! (and yes I read the epilogue first because I wondering whom Jungeun will end up with. Sue me but I have no regret, hehehe, X D)
Vixx and exo, my two favorite groups, and I waiting till Jungeun meet them all.
overall, thank you for writing such wonderful stories till it finished! I will continue reading it again, peace out author-nim, ;)
Chapter 65: Authornim! OH MAH GAWD! I don't even remember how I found this story. It was just to... AWESOME! I read through this story chapter by chapter and finished it within a day. It was well written and.. the last part was just so sweet and touching! Gosh I almost teared up. Just few hours ago I started reading about how pathetic Jungeun is and now, at the end, shes gonna get married.
Xinyiluvren #6
Chapter 65: I have just retread this story and I desperately need a epilogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS PLS PLS I NEED AN EPILOGUE ROR THIS STORY!!! I BEG OF YOU PLS MY HEART CANT STAND IT !!! This is the story I desperately need to have an epilogue!!!
SHINee456 #7
Chapter 65: Oh My Gosh!! This was such a good story!! There should be a sequel to this!!
Chapter 65: aaaaa....gosh..please write a sequel or one shot or at least an epilogue..
Xinyiluvren #9
Chapter 65: Pls write an epilogue author-nim. Out of all the stories I've read, I really want to see a epilogue for this story
Chapter 65: So cute kill me now (': thank you author-nim for this wonderful story <3