Chapter 2

Plan 932X: Overdosed Voodoo Doll

Chapter 2 



"Hyung, I've grown s!"

"Okay, Jungeun, breathe. This is not the end of the world yet, okay? Breathe." Sanghyuk instructed as he patted his twin's back, who was hyperventilating. The moment he realized there was some sort of "bump" on his chest, Jungeun didn't hesitate but to scream and wake almost everyone in the building. 

And Sanghyuk was one of those unfortuante people that woke up because of that ear-splitting screech.

"How am I supposed to calm down when I have... these?!" Jungeun continued to panic as he pointed at his chest. "These are supposed to be there! In fact, I'm not supposed to have these!" 

"Han Jungeun–"

"Hyung, what am I going to do!"


"Should I have an operation as fast as possible? This might be the start of a deadly disease! Oh no, I'm not ready to leave yet!"


"Where's the nearest hospital?! I think I should call mom of my condition, dont' you think, hyung?"

"Jungeun, just listen–"

"Argh, what am I thinking, I'm gonna die anyway! What do I do?!–"

"Han. Jung. Eun." Sanghyuk breathed through his gritted teeth as he slapped a hand over his twin's mouth to complete shut him. "Look, first of all, breathe. Second, it's five in the morning, calm your freaking . Third, you're not dying, it's normal."

"What do mean normal?" 

A deep sigh escapes Sanghyuk's lips as he eyes his twin brother, who was still in the state of confusion and panic. With enough strength gathered, the older twin finally leans forward and holds his younger twin by the shoulder, eyes locked at each other. "Listen carefully to me, alright? And promise you won't break all hell loose."

"... A-alright." Jungeun nervously nods.

"Han Jungeun." Sanghyuk breathes as his tone turns all serious. "You're... a girl."

"... Say what."



A month had withered away soon enough and the once "nice and steady" life in Seoul turns all crazy and bananas upon the news brought upon Jungeun before.

"You're a girl."

Those words kept echoing in Jungeun's mind every second. The poor teen can't even look at his–well, her reflection with ease. All those eighteen years, she always had her mind set that she was a "he". Looking at her reflection, she blinked a few times. Her eyes scanned herself. Her hair, her face, her body, everything. Sure, with clothes on, Jungeun was sure that she's a guy but once they're off, that where the "she" comes in.

Eighteen years, their mother would often say that the fact she has "this" part different from her brother's was because of a defect, which she grew up believing. No wonder she had this part and Sanghyuk hasn't, or Sanghyuk has it and she doesn't despite them both knowing that they're "males". Jungeun finally had things clear and a hint of confusion and disbelief hit her 24/7. "Jungeun?" a familiar voice calls out, making the younger twin turn around, only to see her older twin brother.

"Hey, what's up?" Sanghyuk worriedly asks as he steps closer to Jungeun. As per usual, the typical reaction of the latter backing away as soon as she sees him stepping closer was seen. A frown was patched on the older twin's face as he averts his eyes away. "Look, I know the news came to you as quite a shock, but... you've got to accept it sooner or later."

"I-I accept it wholeheartedly." Jungeun answers.


"Mhm. The only problem is the feeling of disbelief. I still can't believe it. I've been a girl for... eighteen freaking years and no one told me. Hyung, you could've–"

Even that word made Jungeun stop.

"Oppa." she coughed. "I meant oppa."

The adjustments were clearly driving Jungeun crazy. The hardships and all were just too suffocating for the poor teen. Sanghyuk decided not to make things obvious in his perspective, but he was really pitying his younger twin sister. Jungeun, being a girl now, can't call him "hyung" since the proper term to be used is "oppa". She had zero girly clothes to wear so she decided to stick with her guy clothes for a while as soon as their mother sends a few feminine clothes she can use.

She has to grow her hair to something long to give her a more feminine look now.

And most of all, her actions must be observed.

"Jungeun." Sanghyuk sighed as he grabbed his sister by the hand. "Look, I know something's bothering you, but I also know that you can't open up anymore. Look, being a girl isn't a hinder for us to be close like before, right? We're still twins and nothing can ever change that fact."

"But... I'm a girl. You're a boy. I'm no longer your 'younger twin brother' so–"

"Hey, that's nonsense. So what if you're a girl? You're still Han Jungeun, the bad-assed Ice... well, Princess!" 

A small smile finally flashed on Jungeun's typical dull face.

"That's the smile!" Sanghyuk grinned as he poked her nose, making Jungeun wrinkle his face before giggling. "Hey, we can still play basketball and soccer, y'know? You being a girl doesn't change a bit that we can still do most of the things we often do. Play games, walk around, everything."

"... But... I'm a girl now and everything."

"So? You can still stick to being a guy! I mean, mom didn't actually instruct you to be a girl for the sake of our family, right?"

And as if destiny mocked them, the twins heard a familiar ringtone, only to be revealed that it belonged to Sanghyuk's phone. Both shocked, the twins jolted up before walking out of the room and heading to the living room where the ringing was coming from. With a careful hand, Sanghyuk got hold of it and answered. "Yes, good morning, Han Sanghyuk speaking." 


"Oh, mom? What's up? You called for something?"

"Yes! And it's something urgent! Is Jungeun there?"

"Y-yeah. Is something wrong?"

"Put your phone on loud speakers so she can hear."

With a nod and a poke, the twins can now clearly hear their mother's voice. "Now what?" Sanghyuk asked as he blinked a few times while facing his twin, who returned the same expression at him. "Alright, listen carefully but darn promise me that you're going to keep your poise, understood?"

"Alright." the two answered in unison.

"Good. Now, just yesterday, your grandmother visited me. You know, my mom?"

"Ah, yes. We recall her." Sanghyuk nodded.

"Good. You see, I told her about Jungeun learning her real identity and to my surprise, your grandmother was rather dumbfounded. We kind of had a cup of tea first to regain her calmness and all then–"

"Mom. Straight to the point, what's the urgent news?" Jungeun impatiently asked.

"Oh, right! Well, we have finally came up with a decision that with Jungeun being a fully pledged female now, your considerate grandmother will allow me to give my share to Jungeun in one condition."

"And what might that be?" Jungeun and Sanghyuk asked.

"Jungeun must be a perfect lady in and out. Right before she graduates."

The condition kind of felt like a spear piercing every part of Jungeun and Sanghyuk's body. Sure, saying it might be quite a piece of cake but doing that will be like a trip to hell and back. It's impossible. "W-what?" Sanghyuk blinked. "But Jungeun has been living eighteen years as a guy! She can't just become a perfect woman when she graduates! Two years is not enough!"

"Exactly." their mother said. "I kind of told your grandmother that it's impossible but she refused to listen. If Jungeun's not a perfect lady by the time she graduates, she will have not only zero things to inherit but the Han family's stainless pride will go berserk!"

And by that second, the twins felt as if the whole world was on their shoulders. Time seem to have froze and everything was just... wow. "Y-you're kidding!" Jungeun whined. "I-I can't be the 'perfect lady' grandma wants in two years! I've grown into this as a guy, and my ways are that of a guy's! It'll take a decade or more for me to be that 'perfect' whatever!"

"Han Jungeun, calm your self." their mother said. "Look, it's either you become a lady by the end of your highschool days or you bring shame to the whole family. Our future lies on your hands!"

"Wait, wait, what's going to happen by the time we graduate anyway?" Sanghyuk asked.

"Our whole clan's reunion. And you're meeting everyone as the Han heir and heiress so you have to be poised and perfect no matter what." their mother answered.

"... Alright. We'll do whatever we can do." Sanghyuk nodded.

"I'm counting on you, kids."

With that, Sanghyuk ends the call and plops down on the couch weakly with his twin sister dumbfounded beside. Two years. She's given two years to be the most perfect lady ever existed in this world and with an immature older twin beside her alone, she's assured that she'll fail! Sanghyuk knows zero things about being all "lady-like" and all. Sure, he's crossdressed once due to a silly dare his friends in middle school had given, but that doesn't make him know anything about lassies.

And Jungeun? Sure, the saying might say "girls will be girls" but despite her being one, she has zero knowledge on how to be one. She's seen how girls act, but that isn't something they can claim as "perfection".

"Now what?" Sanghyuk asked as he eyed his sister.

"Wanna lay down the bed and die?" Jungeun suggested.

"... Sounds good. Let's do it."




Before the twins knew it, it's just a matter of weeks before school starts once again, and heck, Jungeun is not happy about it. 

The twins visited their school once again and requested for a female's uniform, which shocked a few staffs there since everyone knew that Han Jungeun is a "male". Unfortunately, it was a time of their life that the once "he" is surprisingly a "she". Male's uniforms were no longer for her and so, a female's uniform is needed, other known as "skirt".

Short. Skirt.

Sure, Han Jungeun still moved like a true guy, from her walking, her sitting, her standing, her talking, her freaking attitude. And one glance of the school uniform above her clothed body just sent both Jungeun and Sanghyuk the chills. "Snap, I still can't believe you're gonna wear skirts from now on!" Sanghyuk cried out.

"Neither can I!" Jungeun sighed as he eyed the skirt he was holding. "Dang, it's too short, hyung! I mean–"

"Look, you calling me 'oppa' is still weird and it gives me the goosebumps so just stick with hyung for now, alright? Or just call me by my name alone and all."

"You're technically older than me though, and well, we both agreed with the honorifcs before so..."

"Alright, alright. Get in your uniform now and let's see what you look like, okay?"

A deep sigh escapes Jungeun's lips before she steps inside the washroom to change. A few minutes was only needed before Sanghyuk heard the doorknob get twisted and soon, the door was pushed open, revealing a surprising new image of Han Jungeun.

In a freaking skirt.

With the female's uniform on her body, her hidden femininity radiated brightly. Even Sanghyuk, who is her twin brother, was surprised how different her look and aura was! "I look revolting, don't I?" Jungeun choked.

"It might come as a shocker, but you look totally different... in a good way." Sanghyuk exclaimed as he dragged his twin towards the mirror to see her reflection. As expected, Jungeun was shocked on how she looked in those clothes. She looked a lot more like a girl but something was still not right.

Her stand.

Her looks.

The way she spoke.

Thankfully, feminine clothings can suit her in a split second but what the problem was her appearance. Her short, messy, black hair won't do since it's kind of a thing that tears her in between the masculinity side and the femininity side, which is kind of weird. "You need to change your hairstyle, Jungeun." Sanghyuk confessed.

"How? My hair wouldn't grow long in seconds, hyung." Jungeun scoffed.

"... How 'bout hair extensions? They might do the trick! As far as I know, mom sent some, right?" 

"Check the box, maybe she did."

Together, the two looked for the package their mother sent days ago and thank goodness, there was a hair extension that was the same color of her naturally inky-black hair. Knowing that Sanghyuk would do a horrible job applying them, Jungeun initiated to put them on herself with careful hands. With one final click of her wrist, the extensions were placed perfectly and the new image was just unbelievable.

"Try putting powder on your face." Sanghyuk instructed.

"Why should I?" Jungeun glared.

"C'mon, you're a girl now, not a guy."

Defeated, Jungeun obeys and powders her face lightly, Once she was done, she turns around to look at her twin brother, whose arms were crossed on his chest. "Stand straight, Jungeun. Feet together!"


"Put your hands behind your back. And flash that angelic smile of yours, will you?"


Finally, the image was done and Sanghyuk couldn't believe the transformation his sister underwent. Her messy, black hair was now brushed and was made longer with hair extensions. Her long eyelashes batted a few times as her lips curled up into a small, innocent smile. Her hands were behind her back and her back was straightened. Her feet were together and the uniform– dang, she looked different.

"Jungeun, go turn around and look at yourself." Sanghyuk said as he stepped beside his twin. Jungeun nevously turns around and nearly jolted upon seeing herself. She looked like real lady, beauty radiating non-stop. "Woah, this is me?" Jungeun gasped in disbelief.

"Well, it's your reflection, so, yeah." Sanghyuk nodded as he swung an arm around his sister's shoulders. "Well, your appearance and clothings are now good, what's left?"

"Movements, attitudes, language, walking, sitting, standing–"

"Alright, alright. I get it that there's still lots, but we can do it!" Sanghyuk grinned as he patted the other's shoulder. "Don't you think, Jungeun?"

"... Will you be beside me as I go down this journey, Sanghyuk-hyung?" Jungeun asked as he eyed his twin brother, tilting her head slightly to the right.

"Of course. We're twins, remember?" Sanghyuk laughed as he opened his arms to hug his twin sister. 

Sure, the fact that they're no longer the same gender bothered them greatly.

But that still didn't stop them from being twins, right?



"Hey, Jungeun." Sanghyuk called out as he moved his head a bit.


"What do think will happen when classes resume? I mean... now that you're a girl and all–"

"They wouldn't have anything to say." Jungeun smiled before pulling away from her twin, jokingly stricking a pose and grrinning mischievously. "They'll be too astounded of my beauty! Hah!"

"That's Han Jungeun all right." 

"Wait, I nearly forgot." 


"Hyung, I have no girl-underwears!"

So much of their "nice and steady" Seoul-life, huh?

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Updates will be either during Friday, Saturday or Sunday. OR MAYBE DURING ALL THOSE DAYS o u o stay cool, lovelies!


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Chapter 65: Beautiful story. My heart stopped when she chose the wrong one, but in the end the end reanimated me and I'm happy for them <3
Chapter 2: There's some moments when I seriously question "where's the logic?" But... It's actually well written, interesting story.. :D
Chapter 1: Tell me truthfully.... You didn't study biology and you are guy, right?
LeSoleil #4
Chapter 5: I'm not sure how fate work, but they are sure doing a great job from where they came! I can't even remember how I stumble upon your stories but bless it, I not even reading this all yet but I already falling in love with it! The storyline, characters personality description through dialogues and actions so intriguing it make me smile and giggle and wow I can't even describe throughly how I feel. This is so good! Great even! Leo oh leo, you chic cool city boy, just wait till you fall in love with Jungeun! (and yes I read the epilogue first because I wondering whom Jungeun will end up with. Sue me but I have no regret, hehehe, X D)
Vixx and exo, my two favorite groups, and I waiting till Jungeun meet them all.
overall, thank you for writing such wonderful stories till it finished! I will continue reading it again, peace out author-nim, ;)
Chapter 65: Authornim! OH MAH GAWD! I don't even remember how I found this story. It was just to... AWESOME! I read through this story chapter by chapter and finished it within a day. It was well written and.. the last part was just so sweet and touching! Gosh I almost teared up. Just few hours ago I started reading about how pathetic Jungeun is and now, at the end, shes gonna get married.
Xinyiluvren #6
Chapter 65: I have just retread this story and I desperately need a epilogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS PLS PLS I NEED AN EPILOGUE ROR THIS STORY!!! I BEG OF YOU PLS MY HEART CANT STAND IT !!! This is the story I desperately need to have an epilogue!!!
SHINee456 #7
Chapter 65: Oh My Gosh!! This was such a good story!! There should be a sequel to this!!
Chapter 65: aaaaa....gosh..please write a sequel or one shot or at least an epilogue..
Xinyiluvren #9
Chapter 65: Pls write an epilogue author-nim. Out of all the stories I've read, I really want to see a epilogue for this story
Chapter 65: So cute kill me now (': thank you author-nim for this wonderful story <3