Abandoned Building || The story

Life with Annoying Oppas.
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Finally deciding to walk to school, I head to my unnie's house first. I texted her an hour ago that I'll just walk to school with her and that she doesn't need to babysit her brother and her cousin. I scoffed about the idea of walking with them to school.

Waiting outside, I hear laughs and unusual bickering from the otherside of the gate. It sounds like unnie and the jerks. I thought as I leaned beside the large gate and closed my eyes. The wind blew in my face and it was like I was in a garden.

But the fact that... there's this smell. I don't know what it is, but I think its kinda musky with a floral scent. IT smells so alluring, making me open my eyes.


And it was a bad thing to do so.


"Like my new perfume?" he chided as I looked at him from head to toe and slung my hand onto unnie's, pulling her away from her crazy family members. 

Don't get me wrong... I'm still mad at them for pulling that prank. It would've literally killed me and I'd have to through extremes to haunt them in their sleep.

Unnie was talking about something, I think, is not that important. But what bothers me now is how Luhan keeps on staring at me. Its kinda freaky but at the same time, well, I don't mind. Being famous not only for my career as a model, along with Yoona unnie, we get alot of stares along the street whenever we walk together on public. Sehun keeps on blabbering about his so-called 'hot new cologne' and I couldn't careless.

''Hyunnie!'' Unnie stopped as we all stopped, making me wake-up to reality.

''D-de?'' I stuttered, rubbing the nape of my neck.

''Were you listening?'' she irritably asked. I ony stared at her sheepishely as I raised a peace sign with my hand. The other two laughed. ''No one listens to you, these days, Yoong!'' Luhan mocked as I glared at him and pulled unnie away so she could continue with what she is saying.

''What happened?'' she asked. '' Seems like you've gone in a fight with my cousin! Atleast not with your future husband! Haha!'' she laughed as I rolled my eyes at her.

''Unnie. SERIOUSLY?'' I showed my face at her before walking ahead of her.

Its just so annoying how she can bring that up. Its not like I don't want her to be my sister-in-law, but the fact that she's referring me to her jerk-ish brother is a really bad omen for a wonderful life. He could've been a good-looking guy... too bad he's a jerk. So is their cousin, Luhan.

That boy has facial features to die for. And when I say 'to die for', I REALLY MEAN IT. He looks so angelic and very girly that girls just start swarming around him. I mean, yeah he does look kinda... good... of some sort. But still, he's a jerk. Well, as the saying goes, Looks can be decieving. And yeah, he decieved most of the school's population.

We walked for about 15 minutes and finally reached school.


As expected.

The jerks caught quite an attention.


And so did we.




''Sorry Unnie!'' I whispered to myself.

Panting in the quiet hallways, I placed my hand onto the wall for support. My legs could no longer support me from all the running.


There must be something up in the news.


I halted my breath and tried to breathe slowly as I slowly shuffled my bag, finding my valuable phone. ''Aha!'' I exclaimed, finally finding it but shushed ahead to avoid unnecessary people finding out where I am. Looking through the articles on Korea Daily, I found out that Kris Oppa is back in Korea. I made a mental note to bug him about my souvenir from Peru. I also found out that Dad's sales stock just went up by 70%. Well, not surprising... I guess I'll make him buy me more stuff~ Kekekeke...


Nothing seems to be out of the ord---WAIT. WHAT?!


I scrolled back up a few more articles before finding out the reason for all of this. Ballin my hand into a fist, I threw the phone in my bag and marched out the abandoned building where I hid. Walking back out... I....













I think I'm lost...




A crowd engulfed the whole area as of what they heard. Another one of the KIM's are transferring to their school. Oh, it wasn't just one, it was two. Two mischievous Kims who were assigned with a special task.


'What task?', you ask? Well, let's just say, Seohyun's in it and the two of them are nervous as hell. They don't want to get a beating from their dear little sister.


But they must.


Its for her own good, they both thought as the car jolted into a stop and escorts opened the door, guiding them into their new school. The two looked at eachother before going ot cooly and passing by different people. Both Press and Students. It was a hectic morning, indeed.


As soon as they set foot inside, the atmosphere was different from what it was , outside. It calmer...

more subtle...

more high class.


Students who pass by were gasping at their prescence. This is the effect of being a KIM. The whole country would know you. What about Freedom? Privacy? Their own sanctuary? Well, those priviledges were taken from them from the day they were born a KIM. They weren't given the right to judge. For the sake of their image, they had to be subtle and quiet.


Almost like a picture. Just still and not moving. Though they could do whatever they want, but it should be up to their image. And for these two...












Image was out of their vocabulary.



"Yah! KIM JONGIN! That was intense!" they shouted inside the lobby as if no one can see them. People stare around them as both of them acted as if they're some farm animals moved to the big city. Yes, it was just normal. Nothing much to worry about.


Jongin slouched on a corner, tired as Jongdae sat beside him. "Yah, don't you think we should do the task right away?" Jongdae questioned. But the latter sighed, remembering their conversation with their big brother.


"You two, will transfer to Seohyun's school." Joonmyeon firmly stated. The two gaped at him not uttering a single word. Joonmyeon stood up from his study, about to leave the room, when suddenly Jongin spoke. 

''But hyung... you see... I have--"

"No BUTS, Jongin. You agreed to this. And about your training, they will be adjusted to your school schedule don't worry.'' Joonmyeon retorted, finally leaving the room to go business training at their dad's company. 

The door shut cosed as Jongin sighed, looking down with a saddened face. A hand was felt on his shoulder and he looked to his left where Jongdae was. The latter patted Jongin's ahoulder and whispered.

"I know about the two of you. I know she studies there, too!"

Jongin's eyes widened as he looked at his hyung in disbelief. He looked at Jongdae questioningly.

"I saw where you hid her letters! I'm not your brother for nothing, dude!" he ruffled Jongin's hair. "I'm sure she'll forgive you."

And with that, Jongin's face lit up.


"Hyung~" Jongin whined. "How are you so sure that she'll be here? And that she'll forgive me?" he looked staright at his hyung, with a glint of sadness in his eye. The older one took a minute to think about it before looking back at Jongin.

''Easy~'' he smiled at the youngerone. "I saw her with---"

"Oh, HYUNGS!" a voice called for them from their front. And to their surprise, it was Seohyun's bestfriend, Byun Baekhyun.


"Oh, Baek!" Jongin exclaimed, looking up at the latter. Both of the boys went near baekhyun and did a handshake with him. "What're you guys doing here?" Baekhyun asked.

"Oh, you still don't know?" then Jongdae flipped out his phne and showed Baekhyun the recent article on Korea Daily. His eyes widened as soon as he saw it. Oh no, baekhyun thou

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Taelin #1
Chapter 6: waaah i just found a great story but too bad , author-nim , did u abandon ur story?? pls i just want to know , hwaitiing
Ahra23_ #2
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeee
Chapter 6: Update soon ! SeoHunHanChan is the best ! <3
Chapter 6: update soon please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: New reader here! MAN, THIS STORY IS JUST HILARIOUS my dad asked me why i was laughing all by myself all of sudden while reading this. Smh at sehun right now. How will he get his (self-proclaimed) "soulmate" if he keeps acting like a jerk around her. But what the heck, i'll be rooting for him and LUHAN too haha.

Hope you can update soon :)
Acebabymilky #6
Chapter 2: wait. Status completed?are you sure? you haven't grant my wish yet,to make HunHan fall in love with seohyub *sigh*
bunnybaekkie #7
Chapter 6: update!! please
Acebabymilky #8
I like kris style! YOU-ARE-NOT-MY-STYLE Oppa HAHAHAHA
I've fallen for Minseok and Kyungsoo here! How cute they are<3 seohyun is very lucky! Sehun is fallen for her haha

Can you make the story ending with SeoHan or SeoHun? But i prefer seohan though...OH! Why you dont make HunHan scramble/fallen for Seohyun?that would be fun to read hahah^^ please update asap<3
Foodislife012 #9
Seohan0924 #10
Chapter 6: I like Seohan
Update soon or people will start to Ignore the story~~~