Just Follow Me, I Got Bubble Pop


[Joon Version]


Joon and Hyuna, as friends, take a relaxing vacation to a resort. Little do they 
know that they actually like each other and are both taking this opportunity to confess.


[Zico Version]

Hyuna and Zico take a vacation to a luxurious, high class hotel where they enjoy the lux of life, the modern way.

As much as they enjoy being friends, they want to be something more to each other.


There will be two versions of this. The Joon one, and the Zico one with two slightly different story lines so I guess this a 2 in 1 kind of thing.

This is two one shots.

Credit: Owners of the photos


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Chapter 2: I love this pairing tbh ~ <3
Chapter 2: zico and hyunA!!! <3
@jessicayoona I updated~! :)
jessicayoona #4
Woow I like zico joon and hyuna update ^^