Last day cleaning with Kim.

town's cupid

"Hi partner in crime." I greeted when Kim strolled in.


"Happy its our last day to clean?" Kim laughed,


"Of course not. I love spending extra time in school, not getting paid to do something that I'll never do outside of school, and spending time with you." My face heated up, even though the first 2 were sarcastic. Hopefully the last one wasn't. I hope he enjoyed himself as much as I did. Some days I'd look forward to staying after school and cleaning the cafeteria, just because I knew I'd get to hang out with Kim.


"Aww blush blush. I'm officially head over heels."


He wrapped an arm around my neck, "Good, I hate my number 1 princess not liking me."


"Oh and your queen is such a beauty."


"Duh she's my sister. Sister of a hot guy like me."


I shoved off his arm and rolled my eyes, "Get over yourself."


"You first."


"So the jerk is back?" I teased.


"Only because you missed it."


"Actually no I was enjoying Mr. Nice Guy persona."


"Yeah well its the last day and I don't have to pretend anymore. have a boyfriend." he said with an edge in his voice. Did that mean he knows about Van?


"What?" I asked a little frightful of the answer. 


"I've known for 2 weeks." he smirked. "Who's the lucky guy?" Relief filled my body. Good he didn't know about Van, but he soon would have too. Just like I have to tell Jane about Van, I have to tell Kim about Van. And I have to tell Van about Kim. I decided to tell both about one another last night. My life will soon be screwed up just hopefully the guy I chose is by my side through it all.


"I don't...have a boyfriend, Kim."


"So who's making you happy? And when you read text messages you can't stop smiling. Lastly after school and on the weekends your hanging out with this mystery guy."


I gave a confused look. How does he know that, even if some isn't accurate. "Not that your right, but how do you know?"


"You never go your way home. You turn right instead of left. I realized that yesterday when you turned your normal way, left. So again I ask, who is he?"


"There is no one." I mumbled.


"Whatever, that's crap and you know it."


I laughed, "Do you hear yourself right now Kim? You sound like a jealous boyfriend."



He ruffled his hair, "Yeah princess? You'd never really know." Kim then grabbed a broom and started sweeping the floor. That let me know he didn't believe me. How could I convince this guy that there is no one. Well there is but its a very complicated situation.



" Kim if  I had a boyfriend, you'd know. Trust me. I'm just happy to have my friend Mean back and that we are good terms."



He turned to face me and smiled. "Yeah me, too. But I still don't believe you."



I wanted to yell its that makes me smile and laugh but how would I explain where I go after school. I could lie but I have a feeling it would catch up with me. "Think what you want Kim." I said and began cleaning. Either he didn't really care if I had a boyfriend or not, or just wanted to forget about it, because he decided to have a little fun. 



8"Watch this." he said. He poured mop water all over a table and jumped on it and started crazy dancing.



 "Your going to get yourself into trouble." I laughed. 



He held out a hand, "And so are you."



He was gesturing for me to join him."Oh no way Kim. I'm not getting in any more trouble." I said swaying my hand side to side.



"Aw come on princess. Its a Friday, our last day together cleaning, and you need to live a little." he said still holding his hand out. Live a little? I do live a little. Well at least I thought I did. But Kim's live a little is very different from my live a little. His live a little is like living life on the edge, mine is like living in a safe room with a few fun activities. He's on the dangerous side, I'm on the safe side. I looked from him to the table to him again, "If I fall your going to regret it." What hard could it do? We're just standing on a table with water all over it, and could possibly get more time cleaning the cafeteria. No biggie.



He held my hand firmly and pulled me up. "So what now?" I asked balancing myself.



"We dance." he smiled turning on some music on his phone. He played Stuck like Glue by Sugerland. Of all songs.



"Your a country music kind of guy?" I asked smiling.



"Every once in a while, but that's our secret." he said taking my hand and twirling me around. I spun off course and loose due to the water on the table. I quickly clutched on to his sides and held them.



"I mean it Kim. I better not fall." I looked up to see him smiling down at me.



"I won't." he said putting a hand on my lower back and pulling me close. "Better?" Of course this is better. Way better. It felt amazing being in his grasp like that. Being so close. Being able to soak in the warmth and his smell, and enjoy it. I wanted this.



"No...Sugarland is on." I lied. I slowly steadied myself and pulled away.



"Watch this." he said and ran a little then slid. We he neared the end of the table he flipped off. 



I clapped. "Wow, bravo. How did you do that?"



"I'm Kim, princess."



My smile faded. "No your a jerk. I can do it too."



"No you-"



I jogged midway of the table then I tried to slide but I ended up losing my balance and falling on my knees but kept sliding. I was about to slide off the table on my when a pair of hands caught me



"You're gonna have to stop needing me." he said helping me up.



"Yeah well its your fault."



He laughed, "How?"



"You challenged me."



"No what I did was show you something. Don't go blaming me for you being a klutz." He laughed.



"I am not a klutz." I said walking off but stumbled a bit. I held up a hand. "Don't you dare say a word."



"Yes ma'am." he laughed.



I looked down at my dirty wet clothes. I wasn't drenched in the water, but I was closer to that than being dry. I felt like I smelled like mildew. "I stink." I said grabbing my purse and spraying myself down with perfume. "Okay fun is over lets clean so I can go home and clean myself."




"Sure thing dirty thing." he joked.



"Kim! I am warning you."



"Fine sorry, but your still hot. Even if you smell worse than a wet dog...kind of starting to look like one."



"That's it!" I said grabbing a bucket of mop water and began chasing him.







"Today was fun," I said walking with him to our cars. "I'm not that wet anymore."



Kim laughed, "Yeah but I am. Thanks for wetting me again, because you can't take a joke."



"Hey I warned you. You deserved it." We shared a laugh.



As we neared the cars I only saw mine and another car in his parking spot. "New car?" I asked.



"No I'm having car trouble. Car is in the shop."



"So who's car is that?" I asked eyeing it.Before he could answer a girl emerged. It was his not really girlfriend, but sort of girlfriend. I found out her name was Chasity. I've grown not to like her and her the same for me. As long as she doesn't say anything to me, I won't say anything to her. She's just overly jealous and a tad bit on the obsessive side. I remember once, when we were cleaning, she literally called him like every 5 to 10 minutes. That was the day she found out he had to clean the cafeteria with me. Boy was she mad, and I was happy that it made her mad. I get joy from her pain. Don't blame me blame her. "You could have asked me for a ride Kim." I said a little hurt by the fact that he called her instead of asking me.



"BABY!" she yelled jumping on him and planting a long kiss on his lips.I looked around try to hold back the anger and hurt. I was angry because she doesn't deserve him. He could do better than that, and Kim has his flaws but he could still do better. I was hurt because he kissed her in front of me. And asked her to take him home. Guess I know where I stand with him. I don't know why I thought I could have competed with her. She's beautiful yeah, but also very compatible with what Kim likes. I'm just some boring, no life match maker that's secretly in a complicated relationship with my best friend's ex boyfriend, and on top of that I have a crush on his ex best friend. So of course Kim would like her. Her beauty tops mine. Her personality tops mine. She just tops me. I should just accept it and move on. Should have been done that.



"See you Monday." I said walking off.



"Eww why are you so wet?" I heard her ask. I slid into my car and looked up at the two. She was too busy scanning his wet clothes to realize that he was staring at me. He slowly lifted his hand and waved good-bye. I'm not going to let him get to me this time. It's time I seriously take hand and stop thinking there will ever be a Kim and I.  I started my car and drove off. And to think Kim was the guy I was going to confess my feelings to. Yeah right, big mistake.  







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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 43: tis story is really funny, I enjoyed reading it very much, thank u so much for sharing, author! u did a wonderful job!! pls keep up with your writing.
priyankatha #2
Chapter 43: wow! its very very nice and lovely story. ending of the story was awesome.
MellBee #3
Chapter 43: Enjoying read your story..
ilovezelo24 #4
wow, this is great. Update soon!
Watson01 #5
Chapter 43: Thanks for the time spent on writing and completing the story author.. Great job
ashtee #6
Hahaha ok lng walang kiss nxt story ko rated m nman! Hahaha para ma iba.....
hayley123 #7
Chapter 43: What a lovely and sweet ending. Lovely...Great job author and thank you
Chapter 43: parang na bitin ako... walang kiss sa dulo.hahaha...
nice ending
tiaomyoner #9
Chapter 43: Thanks author for a great chap and story!! Waiting,more of,your...
ashtee #10
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