Saved By A Angel

You Can't Save Me

This is the kinda sorta good ending.  Actually I feel like this is a happier ending than the first :P Remember when I said that I hate happy endings? Yeah well...This is my favorite ending actually.  I know, goes against everything I stand for, but still.  I hope you guys enjoyed reading!  Oh and be prepared for a surprise guest ;)

8. JJCC 첨엔 다 그래 (At First)

9. B.A.P Coma

10. B.A.P Save Me (Main Theme)

11. EXO Lucky


The next morning, I walked into school as I normally did.  The place was pretty much empty considering that I arrived 30 minutes before class would actually start.  I went into an abandoned classroom and closed the door behind me before sitting at one of the desks.  I took out a book from my bag and started reading.  The reason I come so early is because I wanted to avoid seeing Jin coming in.  I had to stay invisible to him so he can’t see me.  But it got me thinking of something.

How did he manage to find me in the first place?

After the night that I got cursed, I went to school as I normally would, because stupid little me thought that it was just a stupid little dream.  As soon as I walked into school the next day, I went to meet up with Seokjin as I usually would.  As soon as he laid eyes on me, I could feel myself change.  I had to run into the nearest bathroom before anything could happen.  The image of his face flashed in my head.  It morphed from a gentle smile to pain stricken and shocked when I ran right past him.

Following that day, I stayed home for about a month.  I didn’t go to school, and I only went out to buy food every week late at nights.  For the first week, Seokjin knocked on my door every day just to ask if I was okay, why I was ignoring him, stuff like that.  I just stayed curled up away from the door, only able to listen to his pleads through my sobs from the other side of the door.  It only lasted for that first week until he eventually gave up.  I had to say that I really missed it, knowing that he cared enough to keep banging down my door.  When he stopped, I felt like he had abandoned any hope for me, that he had left me.  I came to accept it.  Maybe he had moved on and this would be so much easier for me.

After that month, I moved into a new apartment building away from him.  I would only see him at school, but he wouldn’t see me.  I was like a ghost that haunted him from a distance.  He never saw me, and I made sure to keep it that way.  The day I moved in was the day I met Jungkook.  He had randomly poofed into my apartment and held me softly while I was crying.  He was annoying, but he grew on me.  As much as I wanted to stay alone, I guess I was grateful for having someone to be alone with.

But deep inside, I was still craving the love that kept me alive and cursed.  I needed Jin and I knew it on the inside.  I just didn’t want to put him in danger for my own selfish needs.  I persuaded myself that it was enough to just see him from afar.  Yet I knew I was slowly dying.

Maybe I mean that literally, but I know both of us were going to die soon.




It was my lunch break a few hours later.  I was going to just wander aimlessly around school before I had to get to my next class.  I was never one for company, even when I had Jin, but now, I started physically distancing myself.  I despised company more than ever.  I didn’t deserve it.  And I didn’t want to risk Jin seeing me again.

Suddenly, I was pulled into an empty classroom.  Since I was so harshly pulled, and me being the klutz I was, I stumbled farther in than I expected.  I used one of the student desks to stop me.  I heard the door being locked behind me.

I scowled and turned to face this casanova.  “Whoever the hell you are, I swear I’m gonna-”  My heart dropped.

Jin’s hand was on the doorknob, but he was staring at me.  I saw his eyes flash red for a second before turning back to a dark shade of brown.  “Hey Yoo-Ae," he mumbled to me.

My heart was pounding.  This can't happen again.  “Jin, how many times do I have to tell you-”

“You don’t scare me,” he cut me off and walked slowly towards me.

“Like hell I’ll believe that, I almost killed you,” I snapped, trying to be brave.  There was an unsettling feeling in my stomach.  Something was off, I could sense it.

“Oh?” he asked, his eyes melting into blood red.  He wasn’t blinking as he stared me down.  “You can’t hurt me.  If anything," his lips slightly curved up into a slight smirk.  "You should be afraid of me breaking you."

It took me a second to process before I started backing up.  Those words would never come out of his mouth, I told myself, heart pounding dangerously loud.  “You aren’t Seokjin,” I stated in a bit of a shaky voice.

“Sure I am,” he smirked wider, still coming closer.  “What do you mean?”

“This isn’t you,” I said, the despair apparent in my voice.  My heart jumped when I hit the wall.  I could feel the fire starting to spread again.

He stood just an inch away from my face.  His eyes were brown once more, looking sincere.  He brushed a stray hair away from my face softly, making me flinch at his touch.  “Yoo-Ae, you have to fight,” he whispered.  For a moment it looked like the real Seokjin.

“Fight who?  You?” I growled, refusing to be tricked even the slightest.  The fire was stinging my eyes.

He chuckled and his eyes flashed once more.  He moved his lips to my ear.  “You know, I’ve always wanted to do things roughly with you.”

I don’t know why, but I was involuntarily shivering at his harsh words.  “Jin…” I let out breathlessly.

“And what better time than right here, right now,” he continued, stretching out every syllable and breathing in my ear.

My eyes rolled back, but I shut them to hold onto my rationality.  “T-This is so wrong-Agh!”

A gasp caught in my throat when he on the spot right below my earlobe.  Jin chuckled lowly, sending echoes through my ear.  "I want you so badly," he growled, nipping my ear.  A burning sensation spread through my body.

Grabbing my waist roughly, he pushed himself into my body, rolling his hips slowly.  He moaned right in my ear, his heavy breath bouncing off the shell.  My body visibly shivered.  "You want me too, don't you?" he purred.

"N-no, stop-Nghh!" a moan caught in my throat as I felt his knee pushing against my sensitive area.  The heat was spreading faster.  

"You're such a terrible liar," he growled sensually.  "Your body craves me more than you think."  He started attacking my neck aggressively, biting at my collarbone and leaving bruises.

My breathing was getting heavier.  My mind wasn't functioning.  I was struggling between a fire that was eating my soul and the dangerous pleasure of knowing this boy wasn't really himself, yet I was instinctively responding to all of his gestures.

Jin kept biting at my sensitive skin, smirking at every mewl that comes out of my throat unwillingly.  He was enjoying it too much.  "Moan for me, babe.  I know you don't want me to stop," he demanded lowly.  I shut my eyes, feeling my sanity break.  His tongue the shell of my ear, and he pressed his lips to it.  "I’m gonna make you scream,” he said huskily, each syllable sinking into my ear.

My now-golden eyes shot open and I growled.  I grabbed onto his shoulders and flipped our position so he was pushed onto the wall.  “Stop it!”

“Feisty,” he purred, almost .  His fingers danced underneath my shirt, working his way up.  "That's such a turn on for me."

“SHUT UP!” I screamed, my voice changing.  I felt my nails and teeth get sharper.  I caught Jin's throat between my hands.  My nails were digging deeply into his neck veins, the scarlet blood seeping out.  I squeezed his neck between my hands, both cutting off his breathing and causing the blood to seep out faster.

Suddenly I was knocked to the other end of the room.  I hit my head against the wall as my shoulders were being held tightly.  My head shot up, eyes glowing dangerously.

"Stop this now, noona," the boy in front of me said sternly, glaring at me.

I struggled out of his grip.  "Who are you to stop me?" my altered voice roared out.

"The one that will keep you from killing your precious Seokjin," his face softened.  "He’s the boy you love and want to protect."

I scowled.  "You mean the boy I want to rip to shreds!"  I fought out of his grip, and walked towards the dying boy.  He was on the ground, struggling between life and death.  I watched as he coughed up more blood and struggled to get up.  The demon inside me was ecstatic, ready to finish him off, but the other boy tackled me onto the floor.  "Get off, Jungkook!" the demon in me growled.

"You need to stop!" he yelled in my face.  "Jin's over there getting ready to die, you have to save him Yoo-Ae!"

"I will do nothing of the sort!" I screamed crazily.

"You have to!" Jungkook pleaded.  "Noona, you have to fight yourself against this curse, he's gonna die!  Wake up!!" he shook me desperately.

I suddenly felt the energy being out of me.  I stopped struggling as I saw my nails shrink back down and my strength fading.  But the strange thing was that I wasn't getting the aftershock pains that I had before when I usually turn back to normal.

That could only mean one thing.

I looked down inside my shirt next to my collarbone.  "!" I screamed in realization.

Seeing that my eyes were normal color, Jungkook let me go.  I scrambled to my feet and ran to the bleeding, expiring boy in the room.  I let out a sob when I had seen what I had done.  He looked so pale and lifeless.  I kneeled over him, brushing his soft hair out of his face.  As if it really matters anymore, I thought with a pang in my chest.  Shaking like a leaf, I kissed his forehead.  “I’m sorry, Jin,” I whispered before covering my face and crying like a baby.  Jungkook crawled next to me and pulled me into a hug.

"He's gone, Kookie," I sobbed into his chest.  "It's over, I killed him."  I felt so weak and stupid.

Happy living my dear, I heard that damn woman laugh in my ear.

My anger for that damned demon couldn't even compare with the harm I was doing to myself in my head.  I had lost my reason for fighting and living on, I had killed him of all things!  I was yelling at myself for being so weak and unable to fight.  I was scolding myself for not listening.  The guilt came out in the form of sobs that choked me.  The spasms shook my body as I just continued to cry.

Jungkook sighed.  "It's not over," he said softly.

"Yes it is, can't you see?" I cried.

He pulled me back and held my shoulders.  "No, it's not.  Listen to me, okay?  Stop crying."  He wiped my tears away from my eyes.  "Remember what I told you I would do?"

I tried to contain the tears falling like a waterfall.  "Kookie, you're dead, you can't give life."

He sighed.  "I have to tell you something."  He took a deep breath, bent his head down, and held my hands in his.  It was like he was thinking, contemplating.  "When I died, I was going to commit suicide.  I had been drinking and almost overdosing that day.  But nothing was working, I just couldn’t die through that no matter how much I tried.  I wanted nothing more than to just be free, and I was standing on the bridge and everything, my life was such a mess and I just wanted to end everything.  I just wanted to jump off that ledge so badly.  But I remembered that there was always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel.  I thought of a girl, I didn’t know her well, she was just someone that listened when I needed it one day.  I thought of how she said I had a purpose to live for, and I decided I would live, just to see her every day, give me hope in my dark life.  But when I was about to step down off the edge, I started getting too dizzy.  All the drugs and alcohol were getting to my head, and I ended up slipping off the edge anyway.

“When I regained consciousness, I was told that I couldn’t go to Heaven because I almost commit suicide, but I couldn’t go to Hell because I changed my mind and I hadn’t really done anything for me to go.  So they told me I could live again as a spirit on Earth.”  He looked up at me.  “And then I met you, the cursed, heartbroken soul that just needed a companion.  I was lonely too up until then.  You know, you have to stay invisible or else you freak people out, people think you're dead already so you can't see them.  You needed me, and I needed you.  I was there when you needed me, albeit I was sort of annoying sometimes.”

He sighed and looked at the scene in front of us.  “I knew that this would happen one day or another.  When I died, they told me that I could revive someone, and then I would be able to move on, but it had to be a complete selfless sacrifice or else it wouldn’t work.  If I did the right thing, I would go to Heaven and live my life there.  If it was for evil, I would go to Hell.”

I realized what he was saying.  “Jungkook, no.”

He placed his hands on both sides of my face and sadly smiled.  “I’m doing this for your happiness, Yoo-Ae.”

“I’m not letting you give up your life for me,” I shook my head.

“You can’t live your life without him, so I’ll give you that privilege,” he continued.

“No!” I screamed, a fresh set of tears forming.  “I need you, Kookie!”

“But you’ll have Jin with you,” he shook his head.  “You won’t need me anymore if you have him.”

“I need both of you,” I said softly, the tears falling.

“You can’t have your cake and eat it, noona,” he said just as softly, brushing my tears away with his thumbs.  “Just think of how happy you’ll be.  A loving boyfriend, a family soon after that, growing old together.”

I cried harder and hugged him tightly.  “I’ll miss you, Jungkook.”

“I’ll miss you too, noona,” he whispered, rubbing my back.  “I’ll always be around, don’t worry.  I'll watch over you."

I couldn't bear to hear him talk like that.  I shook as I cried.  “I love you, Kookie.”

“Love you too, noona,” he said, pulling back and wiping my face once more.  “Don’t cry, angels don’t cry,” he smiled slightly.

“You’re the real angel, idiot,” I snorted through my tears.

His face got serious as he remembered his task.  He turned to Jin and placed his hands on his body.  Jungkook closed his eyes and he started to glow.  The energy passed through his body, the scars on Jin’s skin closing up.  Jin's eyes slowly fluttered open after a few minutes.  A soft groan escaped his lips.  Jungkook sat aside and smiled at me weakly.  “He’s all yours, noona.”

I locked eyes with Seokjin for a moment before pulling him into a hug.  “Jin, you’re alive!” I cried.

“I’m back,” he laughed lightly.  “What did I miss?”

“I’m perfectly okay, nothing’s wrong anymore,” I smiled, pulling away.  “Everything’s gonna be normal from now on.”

“No, no, NO!!

A puff of smoke followed the piercing scream.  In all her hellish glory, there was Lucinda, seething mad.  Her red eyes looked like they were about to kill.  She stared me down.  A shiver went back down my spine as I remembered our last encounter.  The two boys held me protectively.

“ !” she screamed.  “You cheated me!  You were supposed to suffer!!”

“You just said that if Jin dies, the curse will be lifted!” I snapped.  “Well, he did die, but he was revived!"

She screamed again, clearly peeved off.  “You’re gonna pay, Baek Yoo-Ae!”  Her eyes glowed brighter and more dangerously.  Jin held me closer to him and Jungkook stepped in front of us in a defensive position.

“She will do nothing of the sort!”

A blinding white light filled the room as another figure appeared.  As our eyes got used to the light, I made out a man dressed in all white, save for the dark sunglasses covering his eyes.  He even had a white SnapBack on backwards.

Jungkook’s face lit up.  “Hyung!” he cheered.

The man smiled at Jungkook before turning to Lucinda with a serious look.  “You have no reason to be here, missy,” he said in a deep tone.  “No rules were broken, and you didn’t say anything about loopholes.  Run along back to your lair.  Try to find someone else to pick on, you poor soul,” he laughed at the end.

The demon stared all of us down.  "You're all gonna pay," she vowed.  Lucinda stared at Jungkook.  "Especially this little punk who ruined everything!"

The man grabbed her harshly by the throat.  "If you lay a finger on my dongsaeng or his friends, I will make sure to to have you banished to your world forever or executed.  Do I make myself clear?" he barked.

Lucinda choked out in agreement, clearly scared of this man.  He let her go, and she dusted herself off dramatically.  With a huff the demon left in a puff of smoke.

The mysterious man turned to us.  “I’m here to pick up a spirit?” he smiled widely, suddenly turning a lot friendlier.

Hyung!” Jungkook jumped excitedly to his feet.  “That’s me!”

“I know squirt,” he shook his head at the boy.  “I knew you would do the right thing.”  He turned to me.  “Thank you for keeping him company, he must have been a burden.”

Hyung~~” the boy whined.

"Not at all," I giggled at the boy's childishness.

“I’m NamJoon, by the way.  I’m in charge up there,” the man introduced himself, pointing towards the sky.  “If there’s anything I can do for you, I’ll try my best to grant your wish."

Jungkook and I looked at each other.  “Hyung,” he started.  “I want to look after them.  Can you let them see me?”

NamJoon thought for a moment.  Then, he nodded.  “Alright, I know I can’t separate this bond.  You can come see them as much as you like.”

“Yes!” the two of us hugged.

“But you can’t neglect your Heavenly duties,” the other man said sternly.

“Of course not,” Jungkook shook his head.  He looked down at me.  “I’ll see you later, noona.”

“See you, Kookie,” I ruffled his hair.  “Now go, become the angel we know you are.”  I nudged him away towards the head angel.  “Make me proud.”

Jungkook smiled cheekily and turned around to salute me.  When I responded with a giggle, he bounded over to NamJoon.  “Let’s go hyung!”

NamJoon shook his head.  “This kid…” he chuckled before wrapping his arm around the younger’s shoulder.  They both waved before disappearing into the light.  After they left, the room was back to normal.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I looked up, knowing exactly who it was.  “Feeling neglected?” I teased.

He chuckled.  “But now I have you forever.”  He kissed my cheek.  My heart fluttered and I looked away, blushing.  Jin took notice and turned me around in his arms before cupping my face.  He stared into my eyes lovingly.  “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I whispered before pulling him in for a short, long awaited kiss.  Our lips molded together perfectly, brushing each other's softly.  My heart danced in relief and glee.  I pulled away and leaned on his forehead.  “I’m glad you’re alive with me," I confessed.

“I’m glad you won’t try to kill me anymore,” he chuckled, his breath tickling my skin.

I hit him lightly.  “Shut up,” I said before pulling him back in for another sweet kiss.  His hands found mine as he entwined our fingers together.  I just smiled into the kiss as a response.  Nothing felt so perfect in my life.  It was almost as if it was worth it.  I no longer felt the need to hold back the burning love in my heart.  There was no more raging fire left, just pure passionate love.


Five Years Later

“I’m here!” Jungkook poofed in as he always does, uninvited as if he lived here.  He came here so often that it might as well be true.

“You’re right on time,” Jin smiled at his dongsaeng.  “We just settled in.  You wanna see him?”

The angel nodded eagerly with a smile spread across his face.  Even after five years of being an angel, he still acted the same way as a normal 17 year old teenage boy.  “I wanna see my nephew!”

Jin lead the boy with a chuckle into the bedroom.  “Jagiya, someone’s here to see you,” he said softly, knocking on the door gently.

Yoo-Ae looked up and smiled at the sight of her celestial companion.  “Kookie,” she called with a tired smile on her face.  She mustered up all of her excitment now that her dongsaeng was here.

"Hey noona," he smiled at her.  "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, but I'm getting better by the day," she responded and motioned him over to the bundle in her arms.  “Come, what are you waiting for?”  She knew him well enough to know that he wasn't here for small chat.

Jungkook walked over and got on top of the bed next to his beloved noona.  He just couldn’t contain his excitement.  When he saw the tiny little baby, he squealed quietly, almost about to cry (if angels were able to cry, that is).  “He’s so tiny!  Can I hold him noona?  Please~~?” he begged.

“You better be careful with him,” the woman sternly scolded as she handed him the baby.  “I went through so much pain and I’m not doing it again.”

“That’s what you think, jagiya…” Jin smirked as he laid next to his wife.

She hit him on the shoulder, but he didn’t miss the blush on her cheeks.  “It’s not funny, SeokJin.”

“I know,” he hummed as he hugged her from behind and placed a sweet kiss on her neck, rocking her back and forth.

Jungkook just looked on and smiled at the couple.  He never, for one moment of his existence, regretted keeping Seokjin alive for his noona’s sake.  He loved seeing how happy she was.  The way her eyes looked at him with so much love, the blush of her cheeks to show how he had the same effect on her as if they has just met; Jungkook felt his heart swell with pride when he watched their interactions.

He looked at the little bundle in his arms.  He gently used his finger to caress the baby’s cheek.  The little baby squirmed and grabbed Jungkook’s finger softly with his tiny hand.

“Aww Kookie, he loves you already,” Yoo-Ae cooed, resting her head on her husband’s shoulder.

“Jungkook’s gonna be a great brother,” Jin agreed, drawing circles on her hand with a smile.

Jungkook smiled.  “What’s his name?”

The couple exchanged knowing glances with each other before looking back at him.  “Jungseok,” they answered.

The angel’s eyes widened.  “You named him after me?”

“You’re just that special to us Jungkook,” Jin smiled.  “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have this bundle of joy.”

“I would’ve suffered alone without you,” Yoo-Ae added sincerely.  “You’re part of our family.  Even though you aren’t alive physically, you’re alive to us.”

Jungkook could almost cry if he could.  He stared down at the baby boy in his arms.  The baby’s eyes had opened slightly and was staring at him, his fingers still wrapped around the angel’s larger one.  “Baby Jungseok,” he whispered with a smile.  “I hope you grow up and save your mother one day, like I did.”  He placed a kiss on the baby’s forehead softly, and the baby smiled.

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xXrainbowloverXx #2
Chapter 5: OMFG I loved all of the endings (well I didn't want Jin to die but it was still good). I loved your story! Keep up the good work author-nim!! ^^
janale6 #3
Chapter 2: the plot is unique and i love Jungkook's role!!! i love your story, i like sad endings ahahahah but id go with whatever ending you'll make!!!
Chapter 2: Omg this story is genius. I love the plot and everything! And demons ouo this is so good omfg~ and omg the poor girl ;~; ooh and you should post all 3 endings! :3 update soon~ ^^
Chapter 2: Y NOT MAKE 3 ENDINGS?! O;A;O