
Bus Stop

Day 1

It was a rainy day. I love the rain. It was like a breath of fresh air from all the sun we were having and there's just something about walking under the rain that made me feel  at peace. When I arrived at the bus stop, there was no one there.

A few minutes later, a guy ran towards the bus stop. He was drenched. The poor fool; he probably forgot his umbrella. He then started ringing his shirt and I couldn't help but think that he was such an idiot for not bringing his umbrella. I l laughed in my head about his circumstance.

 I didn't realize I was staring until he turned his head. I immediately turned away. Awkward. I turned my head towards him again hoping he was no longer looking at me. To my dismay, he was. Agh. Awkward. He better not be thinking I was gawking at him.

Once the bus came, I hurriedly entered the bus and sat at my usual seat in the back.


Day 2

It was raining again this fine morning.  I arrived early at the bus stop. Since the wait was longer, various thoughts went through my head. Was the guy from yesterday coming today as well? Did he forget his umbrella again? Did he usually ride the bus? Somehow all my thoughts were about the guy from yesterday--and no I'm not waiting for him, definitely not.

To distract me from my disturbing thoughts, I took my phone out and started reading some fanfiction about my favorite couple TOP and GD. I ship those two so hard! Aish they're so cuteee! I can't contain my feels!

As I was reading, I felt like someone was staring at me, but I put those thoughts away immediately after I started reading some naughty scenes from the fanfic. Aish. The feels.

The bus eventually came and with happy thoughts, I entered forgetting about the guy I was thinking about this morning.


Day 3

It was raining today too.

The guy forgot his umbrella again. I couldn't help but mentally laugh at him...again. What an idiot. I stared at him and he stared at me. I diverted my eyes and started looking for my handkerchief. When I found it, I started debating on whether I should give it to him or not. Should I? Should I not? Argh. This is so awkward, but the poor guy was soaked.

"H'-here, you can use this to dry up," I timidly said. What was that? Why did my voice crack? When did I become so shy?

"Thanks," he replied. I blinked. His voice was so damn husky.

The bus came and as usual, I took the last seat.  To my surprise, he sat next to me with an oh so charming smile on his face.


Day 4

AHHHHHHHHH! I woke up late. I couldn't sleep last night because I could not stop thinking about....Argh. My face turned my red.

Anyway, it was raining again. I was drenched. Did I say I liked the rain? I meant I hate the rain. Agh.

When I was nearing the bus stop, I saw a figure, and oddly yelled, "Seunghyun!"

I made it to the bus stop right on time. We entered the bus and sat side by side in the back.

"You're an idiot." He said while offering me back my handkerchief.


Day 5

It was a sunny day today. I sat at the bus stop smiling waiting for a certain Seunghyun.

When he got here, he was smiling as well.

"Dara, good morning" he said, "It's a beautiful day."

I couldn't agree more.



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GirliedeDios #1
Chapter 2: A girl meet guy story. It is nice and it think they ended up as friends.
I think I know which manga you read, it was a oneshot, wasn't it?
This story reminds me of that ;)
Chapter 2: daily activity in the bus kkkkkkkkkkkkk
lightning_TabiSan #4
Chapter 2: Yeah, I agree this story is a cute beginning of live :)
Chapter 1: Dara's POV would be nice buts it's a sweet and innocent little story either way!^-^ I loved it, it was quite lovely.
Chapter 1: yes pls. love this cutie tory of them ... thank you so much.
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 1: Cute...thanks for sharing
Se7enygent #8
BEeep Beep Plsss