Bus Stop

Day 1

I usually ride my bike to school. It gave me a good wake up call and a bit of fresh air to start my day. Unfortunately, the day started out with gloomy skies and with the advice of my parents or rather, the command of my parents, I had to take the bus.

As I walked to the bus stop, it started sprinkling; then it started pouring and of course, I forgot my umbrella. It was the beginning of a beautiful day, sarcasm intended. I ran to the little shelter at the bus stop with my uniform slightly drenched. I hated the rain. It always catalyzed a long string of angry murmurs in my head.

As I tried to ring the water on the sides of my shirt, I realized I wasn't alone. There was a petite girl sitting on the bench with a small backpack. She was staring at me and when I turned my head, she quickly diverted her eyes and turned her head. I smiled. I must of looked hot with the rain and all. (A/N: LOL, Arrogant much?)

She slowly turned her head back as if checking if I was still staring at her. We eventually made eye contact, and again she, diverted her eyes. I must have really looked attractive...just kidding.

The bus then came after that and she hurriedly entered taking the very last seat in the back. I decided to take the seat in the front and that was the beginning of my day.


Day 2

The next day, it was raining again, but I wasn't as bitter as I was the day before. This time, I brought an umbrella and when I got to the bus stop, she was there---not that I was hoping she was there or anything.

Today, I didn't catch her staring at me much to my dissapointment. She was too distracted by her phone, and every once in a while she would smile at something she read. For some reason, it really irritated me.

The bus eventually came, and like last time, she entered the bus and took the last seat in the back. I took the seat in the front.


Day 3

It was the third day of gray clouds and wet nature. I would usually be in the worst of moods by now, but like yesterday, I wasn't too bothered by the rain. Except today, I forgot my umbrella yet again. I, again, ended up at the bus stop drenched and again, she was there. She wasn't staring at her phone, but rather she stared right at me. But like last time, she diverted her eyes when we made eye contact.

She then rummaged through her backpack searching for something. Her eyes immediately widened when she found it. She slowly took it out as if she was debating whether or not she should. Next thing I knew, she had her arm reached out to me with a handkerchief in hand and her eyes looking down. Cute.

"H-here, you can use this to dry up" she timidly said. Although quiet, her voice was charming. I smiled, and gladly took it.

"Thanks," I said and then the bus came.

Like last time, she immediately went in and took the last seat. This time, I sat right next to her.


Day 4

Like yesterday, it was cold and rainy. I smiled my way to the bus stop with her freshly cleaned handkerchief, but she wasn't there. I looked left and right waiting for her, but she didn't come. I saw the bus coming and she still wasn't here.

My face curled and like the first day, I was disappointed.

"Seunghyun!" I immediately smiled. From my left, she was running drenched in her uniform.

She came right on time, the bus just arrived.

We went in together, again sat at back of the bus, but this time I offered her the handkerchief.


Day 5

On this fifth day of the week, the sun rose brightly. There was no sign of rain, but I thought it would be a good day to take the bus.

Again, I saw her. And again she was looking at me. We made eye contact, and she smiled.

"Dara, good morning" I said, "It's a beautiful day."


End ~

Should I write Dara's POV?

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GirliedeDios #1
Chapter 2: A girl meet guy story. It is nice and it think they ended up as friends.
I think I know which manga you read, it was a oneshot, wasn't it?
This story reminds me of that ;)
Chapter 2: daily activity in the bus kkkkkkkkkkkkk
lightning_TabiSan #4
Chapter 2: Yeah, I agree this story is a cute beginning of live :)
Chapter 1: Dara's POV would be nice buts it's a sweet and innocent little story either way!^-^ I loved it, it was quite lovely.
Chapter 1: yes pls. love this cutie tory of them ... thank you so much.
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 1: Cute...thanks for sharing
Se7enygent #8
BEeep Beep Plsss