Love Triangles, Chicken, and Daises: Not Necessarily in That Order

The Cat God's Orders

The first thing Myunghee found out was that Dongwoo was really particular to how his chicken was cooked and seasoned. Apparenly grilled and lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, and lemon. She was sure that salt and pepper were poisonous to cats, but he reminded her that he wasn't exactly just a cat.

Well, she couldn't argue with that.

After a few trials and errors, luckily it only took four tries, Dongwoo was satisfied on his meal and began to eat very delicately.

“So, why do we have to stop their wedding?” Myunghee finally asked, chewing on the first failure of chicken, which in her opinion was actually tasty. The second and third failures were safely packed in containers in her refrigerator able to sustain her for a few more days.

Dongwoo his paw, one eye open that gazed at her. “You’ll find out soon enough,” he responded vaguely.

Which Myunghee accepted with a sigh and another bite of her chicken.

“So, what now, Holy White Cat?”

He stretched and smiled. “There’s one more person we have to meet. Shall we go?”

Myunghee looked down at her meal and back at the cat. “Let me at least finish my food. Cold chicken doesn’t taste as good as you would think.”


She found herself staring at flowers.

Lots of them.

Myunghee never found any particular use for flowers.

They were pretty, sure. And they smelled nice.

But their beauty was short-lived.

But perhaps that’s what made them so nice. Because they were short and sweet.

And flowers weren’t the only thing she found herself looking at.

There was a pretty lady tending her small store.

Long black hair tied up in a ponytail, modest clothes and a warming smile.

Something one would call a natural beauty.

But Myunghee wasn’t interested on what she looked like, but the person herself.

“Are you looking for anything particular?” she asked.

Myunghee bit her lip. What had Dongwoo want her to do with this lady specifically?

She glanced at the cat next to her feet who seemed to urge her with his a tilt of his head.

She knew she had to get the lady to start talking about Kim Sunggyu, the lawyer. And to subtly do so, well, Myunghee was afraid that would take too long.

Plus, Dongwoo told her that they didn’t have much time, although he didn’t give her a time limit.

So, Myunghee decided to go all in. Might as well.

“Do you know someone named Kim Sunggyu?”


She was pleased that someone thought that her small shop was worth looking at. After months and months of hard work and years of ideas, she finally managed to open her own flower shop.

Something she had dreamed of since she was little.

So when she asked the customer what she was looking for, she was more than shocked to hear her ask her about Kim Sunggyu.

Kim Sunggyu.

She hadn’t heard that name in ages. The name left a bitter taste in after their last encounter and forced she had forced herself to forget those days.

But she also couldn’t help but to remember the times when she felt the most happiest.

But then again, it was the past.

“No,” she finally replied softly. “I don’t know anyone by that name.” And she added to herself even more softly, “Not anymore, anyways.”

Which was more than one ways true.

She did know a Kim Sunggyu. Someone she thought that she knew everything about.

But the present one, well, she didn’t know him.

The girl looked at her briefly, as if she knew that she was lying. She was sure that anyone would know that she was lying. It was obvious on the way she reacted from the name.

So she was waiting for the customer to call her out, force her to tell her what she knew about him.

But it was the complete opposite. As she waited nervously for the angry reply, not daring to look at the girl, she instead heard, “Okay. Sorry for the trouble. And I think I’ll take a bouquet of those daisies.”

She looked up in surprise to see the girl not even looking at her, her gaze on the white daises she put out.

She was surprised because one, she didn’t call her out on her blatant lie, and two, she had picked one of the least popular flowers. It wasn’t even really for sale. She actually pulled them out from back area of store of the lot. There was so many growing there, but she couldn’t bear to just get rid of them. So she cut them up intending to place them in a vase.

But if the customer wanted the daisies, she would get them.

As she wrapped them in paper, she decided to ask the girl one of the two questions in her head.

 “Why daisies?” she asked.

The girl shrugged as she pulled out some money.  “I’m sure you know this, but you know how daisies are resilient? And that some are so resilient that those types are considered weeds? But there’s another way at looking at it. The ability to push through. To keep growing and moving on despite the negativity around you.”

She did know this. She felt sad that daisies were treated as weeds. And she was right; daisies were, in some way, optimistic.

 In fact, she knew all the meanings of flowers. And if she remembered correctly, daisies meant innocence, purity, and loyal love. It reminded her of her childhood.

She shook her head of her memories as she handed the bouquet to the girl who graciously took it. But she paused before pulling one of them out.

She placed the single daisy and the money in the palm of her hand, pushing her fingers closed gently over the items.

The girl looked up at her and smiled. “Don’t you think that they deserve a bit more credit? I think so. And I think that it makes that much more beautiful.”

She looked at the girl and then down at the daisy in her hand and smiled softly. Smiled. “Yeah, you’re right.” She hesitated before asking her second question. “But how do you know Sunggyu?’

But when she looked up to receive her answer, the girl with the white cat was nowhere to be seen.



“So is that her?”

“Whatever do you mean?” Dongwoo asked as he yawned, curling up on the pillow where the sun shone upon on.

Myunghee didn’t look up from her rummaging of her closet. “Don’t play dumb. I’m asking if that’s the lady who's going to ruin Kim Sunggyu’s wedding.”

“And how did you get to that conclusion?” the white cat asked lazily.

“Found it!” Myunghee cried out, pulling out a narrow glass container.

Dongwoo opened up one eye to look at Myunghee holding up the glass container high in the air with both arms like a treasure.

“What’s that for?”

“The daisies, obviously.”

She blew on the glass jar to get rid of the first layer of dust. She then moved to her sink to wash the dusty container. “And to answer your previous question, I think it’s pretty obvious.”


She nodded as she continued washing. “First of all, you said there was one more person we had to meet. Which was the flower lady. And when’s you have two females and one male, that’s called a love triangle.”

“Love triangle, hmm?”

“Yep. Do you not know what that is? I’m pretty sure I can scour up some romantic dramas that have them in it. I’m pretty sure that more than half of the dramas have a love triangle in it one way or another. Apparently, it is the best way to get the other main character to realize how much he or she actually loves the other main character. Well, according to these dramas, it is.”

“That’s nice to know, but I wasn’t referring to that. I was just thinking if it really is a love triangle.”

Myunghee finished washing and turned to get a paper towel. “Is it not? Or maybe Kim Sunggyu is secretly creating a harem.”

Dongwoo snorted. “Yes, that’s exactly what he is doing. So then, explain to me why he’s marrying one?”

Myunghee paused in her drying. “Huh, good point. He can’t be marrying them all. That isn’t allowed here in our mortal world.” She continued drying. “Okay, so he’s not creating a harem. That's the only way it isn’t a love triangle, which frankly it should, it would make it that much more interesting. Who’s he going pick? Will it be the confident, extravagant, and beautiful lady? Or will it the modest yet naturally beautiful lady who loves flowers? Tune in next time folks, when all will be revealed!”

Myunghee nodded approvingly of her commentary. “Hey, this really sounds like a drama. He should get on that and get his life written out. He’ll probably make some serious money.” She paused. “Though he probably doesn’t need to. He is a lawyer.”

She looked at the cat behind her. “What were we talking about again?”

He snorted. “Your ability to get off track never fails to amaze me. We were discussing if it really it is a love triangle.”

“Ah! That’s right. Anyways, if isn’t a love triangle, then it means that none of them are in love with each other, two of them have mutual love, or there is an unrequited love.”

Myunghee filled the glass jar with water and set it on the table. She then went to fetch the daisies she left on the table.

Dongwoo rolled onto his back. “Really now?” he murmured in a mocking voice.

“And according the dramas, my own observations, and what you told me so far, the most likely situation should be that Kim Sunggyu and the flower girl are meant to be together.”

Dongwoo scoffed. “You knew that from the beginning, didn’t you?”

Myunghee put the daisies in the glass jar with soft drop. “Yep. I just wanted to annoy you.”

She put the flowers next to the window and looked down at the cat. “Now what?”

“We wait.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Do we really have time to wait?”

The cat grinned. “No, but sometimes we have to wait.”



Turns out that they only had to wait until the next day.

Dongwoo forced her up early, too early for Myunghee that when he jumped on her to wake her up, she threw the pillow on top of him, almost smothering him.

He wasn’t too happy about that.

But Myunghee was more worried about where they were going. She had insisted on grabbing a cup of coffee from the nearby café before going wherever they had to go.

And surprisingly, he allowed it. She thought he would be more against it, seeing how angry he was when she wouldn’t hurry out.

But Myunghee understood the moment she walked into the door why he was alright with it.

Because the lady from the flower shop was inside, sipping on a cup of tea while reading a book next to the window.

Myunghee couldn’t help but to feel slightly peeved at the fact that she felt like Dongwoo was manipulating her.

But nevertheless, that would have to wait. First, that coffee.


Jung Yongjoo liked to have her daily coffee break before she opened up her shop. It was something she liked to do ever since she was younger. She used to remember the times where she would jokingly make up stories about the other customers in the store or walking outside. But not anymore, not since the person she used to do it with disappeared from her life.

She could remember him smile lightly while she rambled on. His smirking facial expressions as he propped himself with one arm as he listened to her.

She shook her head and smiled sadly to herself.

What was she doing? She promised herself that she wouldn’t think about him after that day. After he left her.


Yongjoo looked up in surprise to see the girl from yesterday sit down with a plop in front of her.

“Yes?” she exclaimed in a questioning tone.

The girl didn’t seem bothered by her confusion while she took a long drink from her coffee cup.

The girl seemed jittery to Yongjoo, nervous, and almost as if she had something she wanted to say but just couldn’t say it.

She then felt extremely nervous for some reason. She had no idea who this girl was, but ever since she came into contact with her, she started to remember things that she didn’t want to.

She glanced at the girl who was peeking over to the area next to her. Yongjoo could see something occupied the seat next to the young girl. She couldn’t quite make out what was there; it looked like an oversized bag. And the young girl seemed to be muttering to herself while staring at the bag.

Yongjoo was about to open to say something, but the girl suddenly snapped her head back to face her.

She took a deep breath and said, “I’m just going to say this now. Were Kim Sunggyu and you lovers once?”

Yongjoo gaped at her a little, opening and closing .

She stared at the girl in front of her, trying to understand who she really is. But the girl merely stared back at her, her face simply with a smile. Just simply waiting for her to answer. A face that meant no harm at all.

So Yongjoo gave up. She didn’t know why this girl knew so much, but there wasn’t any malice from her.

She sighed and took a sip of her drink before smiling wistfully.

“We weren’t. We never were.”

The girl reacted to her words as she perked up and straightened out her back.

“Oh?” she murmured thoughtfully. “I would have thought you two…” She paused, looking at the space next to her where the bag was. “Hold on.”

The girl reached over and zipped open the bag, pulling something white from it. She then set the object on her lap.

Yongjoo frowned and murmured to herself. “Isn’t that…?

The white cat she saw yesterday with the girl sat on her lap while looking up at her.

“Okay. Continue on,” the girl said, starling her out of her thoughts.

“Er. But…” She stared at the cat, wondering who the hell this girl really was and what she was doing with a cat all the time.

She started to feel a bit skeptical as she glanced back up to the girl in front of her.

And she was waiting patiently for her to start, eyes wide with anticipation, as if she was about to hear the story of her life.

Yongjoo couldn’t help but to chuckle softly at her, feeling better about the mysterious girl. She might be odd person, but she could feel her sincerity.

She smiled and looked down to the cat sitting in the girl’s lap and was taken aback slightly.

Because she could have sworn that the cat was smirking right back at her.



I'm back. Sorry for being MIA for so long.

There's a blog post explaining all about it.

No excuses, but enjoy!


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Chapter 6: I am looking forward to the next chapter! I like how you are describing Dongwoo here. I have fun reading it. ^^,
Chapter 5: It was great!!!! I enjoy reading it after a long time!
It's good you are back! Like Infinite ^^,
Hugs ^^,
Chapter 4: Ah, it is interesting!
Chapter 4: It's good. I can't wait for the next chapters. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 4: haha it was nice when she wanted to be a superhero...update soon...its daeBak!!
Chapter 3: Waiting for the next chapter!!! It's so good. ^^, hugs
Chapter 2: It's good!!! It's interesting and funny. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 2: So far I'm liking all of your stories. You're a good author
Chapter 1: Interesting!!! I want to know if the cat is Dongwoo? That would be weird but awesome XD jajaja ^^,