
Oh No, AGAIN!?

L.Joe's POV:

I wanted to have fun today and i knew instantly my target right when ~~~~ walked in the class! She looked like a zombie! i don't think she had much sleep which to my advantage is a good thing let the fun games begin! I thought she would at least talk to me but she just slowly sat down and drifted off to sleep. This was the PERFECT time! I asked Chunji for a marker and he gladly gave it to me, i started drawing weird stuff on her face trying hard not to laugh. After a while it got kind of boring so i stopped right when the bell rang. I said my goodbye's to the guys and waited until the teacher walked in.

Today the teacher decided to take some attendance and when she called ~~~~ name she didn't answer she just lightly snored fast asleep. I smirked and thought this was the perfect time! I whispered in her ear saying, "Fire!" she quickly stood up and screamed! I didn't think she would react that way but it was pretty funny! Everyone in the class stared at her and laughed. It was probably because of my beautiful art work. She slowly sank down to her seat and hid her face throughout the whole class. I just stared at her trying hard not to laugh. 

RIIIINNNNGGGG!!! The bell rang and i was the first one out. While I was walking ~~~~ accidently bumps into me, "Watch where you're going ~~~~! You seem to be doing this bumping thing on purpose! It gets annoying! Oh and nice face!" I snickered and walked away. She just stood there probably thinking about what i just said.

I happily walked to lunch and hung out with the rest of Teen Top. I joked around with the guys at how 'pretty' ~~~~ looked today! They just laughed and shook their heads since they knew what i did. We ended up just laughing and joking about her then i suddenly heard my name being screamed out in the hall. UH OH! I think she found out, took her long enough. A few moments later i saw her walk in the lunch room screaming at me. I played it cool as if i did nothing wrong and joked around her saying that she liked me, "Oh come on! I know you like me you always spend your time on me like bumping into me and such! You're trying to get me to notice you and everything! Well I'm sorry to tell you this way you're deffinately NOT my type of girl." I laughed and walked away.

She must have stood there just thinking of a plan to get back at me for what i have done and besides maybe i did start it but come on it was fun! It always happens this way first they act like they hate me all i do is hate on them and do nothing sweet i have no idea how they start liking me but whatever it's nice having girls flock over me, second they try to get back at me for all the mean things i have done to them such as pranking them and emberassing them in front of people, third they start to fall for me, fourth they change everything about them just for me to notice them, and last but never least usually my favorite part they confess to me and i just totally reject them and break there hearts. Usually they should have stopped by then but they keep trying which is cool i guess. Oh ~~~~ whatever you're planning will NOT work on me. I'm the almighty L.Joe it happens to me all the time I'm used to it.........................................


AN: I'm really sorry for just updating now! Yesterday, i was soo busy running around the stores buying my last minute school supplies (i always do things last minute hehe), then i had to get ready for bed when i got home since i had school the very next day and today I started school which went pretty good i had hw in my Biology class but i finished it! Well hope you liked this update thanks guys!

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Katrina90 #1
Chapter 18: OMG!!!! PLS UPDATE PLSSS
no probs Unnie!! Keep updating!! FIGHTING!! :D
@SakuraOak120 i was thinking fury but i thought it was wrong im going to change it though thanks for noticing XD
furry???? im just gonna say its fury...:D Go fighting Unnie!! :D
thz unnie 4 using my name!! :D i'm so honoured!! ur not the first one though.... oh well! thx 4 updating UNNIE!!! UR MY FRIEND NOW!!!! :D
mysteriousaura209 #6
Teen Top!!! she saw teen top!!!
awww is good update soon
@SakuraOak120 thank you so much and i will try to update today as much as i can haha && I am thanks for the very kind comment (:
plz update soon!! this is really good unnie....i think its unnie anyway?? :D