Chapter 8

Still You

Chapter 8

     Days have passed by without them noticing it, it’s already Pre-finals exam week and everyone’s reviewing, especially Nam Junhyung, he has to prove to his father that he’s not just some bubble brain, that he can be a deserving CEO of their company, that he can be trusted with it. He’s in the living room with Seo Hanna, the both of them not talking and holding a book in front of each other’s faces, and a lot of reviewers and papers scattered over their coffee table, when the doorbell suddenly rang.
“Are you expecting someone?” Hanna said, looking at Junhyung.
“No.” Junhyung said, without even looking at her “Maybe it’s Minyoung.”
“Minyoung doesn’t ring the doorbell, she calls me and says that she’s outside my house.” Hanna said when the doorbell rang again.
“A huge problem you got there isn’t it?!” Junhyung said, looking at Hanna with his eyebrows furrowed “Why don’t you just go out and see who it is?!” returning his eyes on the book his holding again.
“Fine!” she said, standing and going outside to see who it is. After almost 3 minutes, Hanna comes back with a small parcel in her hand with Junhyung’s name written on it and drops it not so carefully in the messy coffee table. “It’s for you horse!” she said, sitting on the couch again and gets the book she’s reading minutes ago.
“Open it.” Junhyung said emotionlessly, without even looking at her again.
“Wow! Aren’t we amazing?!” she said sarcastically, dropping the book she’s holding “I already got it for you and now you want me to open it?!”
“Open it.” Junhyung said seriously, looking at her “or YOU’LL REGRET IT.”
 Hanna scoffed but followed suit and opened the parcel with Junhyung watching her, after tearing the packaging and opening the box inside it, what she saw are complete signed albums of the 5J Project, even the album that’s just going to be released next week is already included in there, and it’s also signed, among them are also signed posters and complete photocards, from the 1st album to the present one. Hanna looked at them like she just found a hundred year old treasure chest full of fancy jewelries and diamond rings and gold coins. She’s speechless, and she looks at Junhyung, who’s now smiling at her, and then looks at the albums again, then back at Junhyung, then on the albums, then on Junhyung again.
“I… I… I…” Hanna stuttered. Now what’s she supposed to say?! I Love you?! “Thank you.” She said instead.
“You’re welcome, My Queen.” Junhyung said, smiling at her widely. “It’s my pleasure to make you that happy.”
“I… really… thank you!” And without thinking, Hanna pounced at Junhyung and hugged him, bear hugged him actually, that’s how happy Hanna was, and you could imagine how Junhyung was shocked by this, but he recovered quickly, and automatically wraps his arms around Hanna.
“For you dudine.” he said, smirking.
“YOU COULD LIVE HERE FOREVER IF YOU WANT!” Hanna said while laughing and releasing him.
“Why not?!” Junhyung said “It’s kinda cool living here with you.”
“As long as you cook for me and play the piano for me and give me free signed albums and posters and photocards! You can live here till you die!” Hanna giggled happily.
“Like I said, For you dudine, everything.
     They just sat there, there poignant gaze at each other intently, with no one wanting to look away, it could have been a perfect moment already, just the two of them staring at each other like they’re just the ones that was left to exist on earth, but everything has its end, everything needs to end, and it was ended by the ringing of the doorbell… AGAIN...
Hanna looks at the door and smiles. “Is there another surprise gift again?”
“No. Sorry to disappoint you but that is all dudine.” Junhyung said.
“Ok. Since I’m happy, I’ll go get it.” Hanna said, preparing to go out again.
     When Hanna finally opened the door, what she saw is a girl, and while she was walking towards the gate, she took it as an opportunity to study her, she’s Korean, she’s sure of that, she’s almost the same height as Seo Hanna if she’s not wearing high heels, she’s beautiful, yes, sophisticated even, like she just came out from a fashion magazine, and the most important of all, she looks familiar. When she opened the gate and is now standing face to face with the girl…
“WHO ARE YOU?!” they both blurted out, with the girl looking at her from top to bottom, then back.
“HYEJIN?!” Junhyung exclaimed from behind her, she did not notice that Junhyung was already there standing at her back.
“BABY!” This girl called Hyejin exclaimed, hugging a shell shocked Junhyung.
“Baby?!” Hanna asked at particularly no one, looking at them, her eyebrows furrowed in extreme confusion. What the hell is happening?! Who’s this ?!
“What… What…” Junhyung stammered, pulling Hyejin away from him. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Aren’t you supposed to be in California studying?!”
“I was! But I heard that you’re father cut your allowance and that Yi Jeong is already back in Korea, so I came here to check you out!” Hyejin explained.
“Look!” Junhyung said, looking exasperated, while Hanna is just watching at the scene happening in front of her. “I’m ok, I’m fine here.”
“Ok, but whose house is this? And who’s this girl?” Hyejin said, pointing at her and finally acknowledging her presence.
“I’m the owner of this ing house!” Hanna said, crossing her arms in front of her chest and raises an eyebrow “And you? Who the hell are you?!”
“She’s Hyejin.” Junhyung answered instead without looking at her “Im Hyejin.”
Im Hyejin. She now remembers, she’s a trainee of JME and is also a model but is now currently studying in California and is rumored to debut after graduating and has appeared in two of the music videos of the 5J Project. No wonder the girl looks familiar and no wonder that Seo Hanna doesn’t like her, for she’s flirting around Kim Jongwoon on one of the music videos. Now is the opportunity to rip her to shreds and skin her alive and sell her kidneys and liver!
“And his girlfriend.” Hyejin added confidently, linking her arms to Junhyung’s.
“I didn’t know that you’ve got a ty as a girlfriend.” Hanna said, smirking and looking at her, then at Junhyung.
Hyejin scoffed unbelievably and said “What did you call me?!”
Hanna took a step forward and leaned forward to her and said every word venomously “A. ty. .” And before she could even see what Hyejin and Junhyung’s reaction was, she already walked away and entered the house, got her albums, posters, photocards, books and reviewers from the coffee table, and headed straight upstairs to her room.    


“Did you hear what she called me?!” Hyejin ranted at him, after Hanna left, they just stayed there outside. “Why the hell are you living with her?!”
“Hyejin stop!” Junhyung said, looking annoyed, like he just want to go back inside the house and leave Hyejin there. “This. Is. My. Life. And I can live wherever I want. And me living here is none of your business and is not your problem anymore.”
“Get the hell out of here! Go back to your previous condo! I’ll pay your one hell of a rent for you!” Hyejin insisted.
“Hyejin stop this!” Junhyung said, sighing heavily. “You going here is just a waste of time and money.”
“Do you like her?!”    
“What the hell Hyejin?!”
“I said do you like her?!”
“This is insane!” Junhyung said, shaking his head in disbelief.
“You are not answering my gaddamn question! I said do you ing like her Nam Junhyung?!” Hyejin shouted at him. “Cause if you do, I won’t allow it. YOU CAN’T LIKE HER JUNHYUNG. YOU JUST CAN’T!” and with that said, Hyejin left, without even letting him answer, without even letting him explain himself, without even giving him a chance to speak. Nam Junhyung just stood there, watching Hyejin’s car drift into view, replaying her question in his mind. ‘Do you like her?!’ He, himself, is not sure of the answer. He’s not sure how he feels about Seo Hanna already. But one thing’s sure, and he just figured it out awhile ago when Hanna walked away, leaving him with Hyejin, HE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT HER NOW.

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