Chapter 6

Still You

Chapter 6

     Seo Hanna wasn’t wakened by her alarm clock, but by a knock on her door… AGAIN. She looks at her clock and it tells her that its 5 o’clock in the morning. Her class starts at 8 and she wakes up at 6. She irritably opened the door and was greeted by a still-happy Junhyung.
“GOOD MORNING!” Junhyung said, with a smile that’s wide enough to show all his 32 teeth.
“There’s no good in the morning when you’re knocking around like this and waking me up at this time of the day when I should still be sleeping!” Hanna annoyingly said.
“Stop being so cranky!” Junhyung said “Smile!” still having that stupid smile of his that makes Hanna want to punch him in the face.
“OH SHUT UP!” Hanna said, and was about to slam the door close when Junhyung entered half of his body in the room, stopping her.
“Look!” Junhyung said, “I made breakfast. Come down now.” wrapping his fingers on Hanna’s wrist again and half- dragging a frowning, sleepy, and annoyed Seo Hanna.
     When they reached the dining hall, Junhyung pulled a chair for Seo Hanna and served her. Junhyung did not cook something extravagant this time, just a simple breakfast, scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, and coffee.
“You don’t have to do this you know?!” Hanna said, watching Junhyung, her face in a frown that even Van Gogh wouldn’t be able to paint.
“I enjoy cooking, I like what I’m doing, so eat now Seo.” Junhyung said, sitting in front of her and gets his own food.
“You’re not obliged to feed me every breakfast, lunch, and dinner!”
“I promised to make you fat and healthy, right? So here I am fulfilling it.”
“Oh my gad! You’re insane!” Hanna snapped at him.
“You eat now, ok? By six we’ll be taking a bath and 7:30, we’ll go to school.” Junhyung calmly said.
“We?! We’re going to school together?!”
“Why? What’s wrong with that?” Junhyung said, eating already, not really minding a ranting Seo Hanna.
“Nothing…I…I…I don’t eat breakfast.” Hanna said, watching Junhyung eat, then, slowly, little by little, her eyes closes.
“What?! You’ve been able to live for almost 4 years without eating breakfast?! Oh my gad, are you even a ing human being?!” Junhyung said, while eating, not even looking at Hanna.
Confused by the sudden silence, Junhyung looks at the girl sitting in front of her and slyly smirked at a sleeping Seo Hanna, then…
“SEO HANNA!” Junhyung shouted, banging the table with his fist.
Hanna’s eyes flew open out of shock and she also shouted back “GADDAMMIT JUNHYUNG!”, and now she’s more awake than ever, like she was just poured with icy cold water. 
“HOLY CRAP! I’M WIDE AWAKE NOW! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT?!” she shouted furiously. No one has ever done this to her. Like ever.
“Calm down… Chill…” Junhyung said, grinning, his eyes glinting with mischievousness.
“Stop smiling! You ing bastard!” Hanna said, throwing a spoon at Junhyung that hit him in the head before it fell on the floor.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” What the ’s wrong with you?!” Junhyung said, touching the part of his head where the spoon landed.
“ YOU!” Hanna said, trying her best to suppress her laughter, and the only way she thought she could do to be able to do that is to stuff with food. She’s gaddamn furious with Junhyung, she shouldn’t smile, nor laugh.
Junhyung scoffed and looks at Hanna and said “And why are you eating?! You…” and was interrupted by Hanna’s death glares.
Because of this, they ate in silence, then after that, while Junhyung, as usual, is still washing the dishes, Hanna already did her own business without even helping him and started preparing on going to school.


     Hanna was already in the living room tidying some things when Junhyung came downstairs wearing a simple shirt and jeans. Hanna looked at him intently and raised an eyebrow, even though it’s hard to admit for her, she just now realized that this stupid guy in front of her is attractive even with just a simple t-shirt and jeans, but instead, of course, she just said “That’s what you’re going to wear?”
“Why?” Junhyung asked, looking at himself. “What’s wrong with a shirt and jeans? What do you want me to wear?  Guava leaves?!” gaping at her like she just requested him to do bone- breaking gymnastics in the middle of a national highway.
“Well aren’t we stupid?!” throwing a notebook at Junhyung which Junhyung caught perfectly. “It’s Monday today! We’re supposed to wear uniforms! And we’ll defend some theses today so we need to wear formal attire dude!!” rolling her eyes at him.
“Oh yeah right! ! Wait for me Seo ! I won’t take long!” Junhyung said, throwing the notebook back at Hanna and started running back upstairs when he stopped midway and said “And thanks to that DUDINE!”
     After just 1 minute, Junhyung is already downstairs, now wearing the BSBA uniform, and when Junhyung was already attractive in a shirt and jeans, even though Hanna really doesn’t want to ing admit it to herself, Nam Junhyung in a suit, is absolutely gorgeous. 
“Don’t gawk too much Miss Seo, I know I’m ing handsome.” Junhyung said, smirking arrogantly.
Hanna raised an eyebrow and is already preparing to throw her bag when Junhyung spoke again. “And don’t throw your bag at me this time!” pointing a finger at her “Gad! You’re scary!”
“Whatever dude! off!” waving her hand “And every male BSBA student wears the same clothes as yours so why will I gawk?!” Hanna said, rolling her eyes in defensiveness.
“And you also cuss a lot dudine! Let’s go.”
“What?” Hanna said, standing and grabbing her bag and started heading outside.
“What what?” Junhyung asked, now closing the front door.
“That du-dudine?” Hanna asked as they walk the streets, side by side.
“You don’t know what dudine is?!” Junhyung said, looking at her like she’s a Grade 1 student that still doesn’t know how to count from 1 to 10.
“Will I ask if I know?!” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Ha! I know something you don’t!” Junhyung said, smirking.
“Whatever! So will you tell me what dudine is or not?!”
“Dudine, Ms. Seo, is the female term for dude.”
“Ooooh, really?” Hanna said, looking at Junhyung like she had just learned the answer to a million dollar question. “And where in the face of our polluted earth did you know that?”
“Just there, on the hardware store down the street, hiding beneath the pile of 2 inch nails.” Junhyung said, rolling his eyes. “Do I look like I really don’t know anything?!”
Hanna looked at him seriously and said, “You want the truth?”
Junhyung looked back at her and said, “NO, I THINK I’LL PREFER YOU LYING. That would be better.”
Hanna bursted laughing with this and said, “I’m sorry dude, BUT I DON’T LIE.”
“Whatever! Yah! Dudine, let’s go home for lunch later and I’ll cook. I don’t want to eat fast food.”
“What about Minyoung?”
“Then ask her to come with us! Is that a huge problem?!”
“Ok dude.” Hanna said as she looked at Junhyung and smile. She now actually likes this setup between them, even though she doesn’t want to admit it to her own self, she’s beginning to like this, and the person that’s walking beside her right now.

     As they now walk the school grounds, Minyoung spotted them and walked to them.
“Whoooooooa! Am I seeing you guys right?! Are you really walking to school together?! Is this really happening?! Did hell freeze already?!” Minyoung said to the both of them, like a fangirl spazzing in front of a computer.
“Oh gaaad. Minyoung stop it!” Hanna said, looking around.
“What?! It’s just so cooooool to see you together!” Minyoung said, getting giddy in front of them.
“Didn’t know that you’ve got a cool friend here dudine.” Junhyung said, smirking.
“Oh shut up!” Hanna said, rolling her eyes while grabbing Minyoung’s arm. “Let’s go Minyoung-ah! See you later dude.” She said, looking at Junhyung.
“Sure dudine.” Junhyung said, smiling at her.
    As Hanna and Junhyung parted, Hanna this time, is now with Minyoung who is still hoity-toity because of them.
“Maybe you would want to share how the two of you ended up going here together.” Minyoung said, still grinning stupidly.
“Oh geez! Did you take weeds for breakfast?! What the hell’s wrong with you?!” Hanna said.
“Nothing! Nothing’s wrong with me! But with the two of you, THERE IS SOMETHING. In the span of two days, there’s already progress between the two of you! I just realized that the two of you look good together! Like oh my gad Seo Hanna! Yiiiiiiiiiih!” Minyoung said happily, elbowing Hanna on the side.
“You’re crazy!” Hanna said, rolling her eyes “First of all, THERE IS NO SOMETHING! Second, WE DON’T LOOK GOOD TOGETHER! And third, I HAVE MY JONGWOON ALREADY!”
“Oh your Jongwoon for now! I ship Hanna-Junhyung already! HanJun couple! OH MY GAAAAAAAD!”
“How dare you -my-Jongwoon-for-now?!” Hanna said, glaring at her. “Yah! That’s your building right?” pointing at one of the buildings in their campus. “Bye. See you next class.” pushing Minyoung away from her.
“Yep. Junhyung is our classmate later right?! Geeeeez. Can’t wait. Bye baby!” Minyoung said as she went to enter her building, still grinning.
“Yeah right! Whatever! Bye.” Hanna said, as she rolls her eyes and waves her hand in a shooing gesture.

     As Junhyung enters the room for his next class, he already finds Hanna and Minyoung already there, talking as usual, with Minyoung still looking happy.
“Hello dudine.” He said, as he smiles and sits comfortably next to her, like he’s really used to sitting beside her and has been doing this since the first day of the earth.
“Oh my gad! Here he is!” Minyoung said, getting goofier, “Hellooooo Junhyung!” waving a hand in front of him.
“Hello.” Junhyung said to Minyoung, smiling, like Minyoung has also been his friend for a long time now, as Hanna rolls her eyes for she is now between the two.
“Look! If you guys want to talk maybe we could switch places?” she said to Minyoung.
“No! No, no, no, no! I like it here!” Minyoung said, grinning, embracing her desk, like a child who doesn’t want to give her beloved stuffed toy away “I want the two of you to sit beside each otherrrrr!”
“Oh my gad! This is really insane!” she said, and looks at Junhyung and finds him laughing. “And why are you laughing?!”
“Nothing!” Junhyung said over his laughs. “I like your friend. She’s cute.”
“Oh thank you! Thank you!” Minyoung said, smiling like a dork. “I like you more now! X2!”
Hanna scoffed while Junhyung laughed more to this. As their professor came, they were asked to seat with their group mates and do their thesis again, ‘damn theses’, and after that, dismiss and its lunch time already and as they exit the room, Hanna asked Minyoung. “Hey! Wanna go with us?”
“At her house. I’ll cook.” Junhyung chimed in.
“Oooooooh. I would love to Ms. Seo but I don’t want to ruin a lunch date.” Minyoung said, smiling. “And don’t worry, I have some friends to eat lunch with, so go now both of you.”
“IT IS NOT A DATE! You sure you don’t want to come?”
“Yep.” Minyoung said, nodding.
“You really sure?” Junhyung asked.
“Yep. I’m really sure Junhyungie. Don’t poison my friend.” Minyoung said, laughing. 
“Sure I won’t.” Junhyung said, smiling. “Let’s go dudine.”
“Ok. Bye, Minyoung-ah!” Hanna said.
“Bye, baby.” Minyoung said, smiling, as she watched the two walk away, like she’s really sure to herself that this is a START OF SOMETHING between them.

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