Lets Keep the Peace

Strategic Response Unit

"Tell me the first thing you think of when I say these words. Beans."










Sehun smirked at the partol guy. What was Sehun doing? He was being tested. As a new addition to SRU, you are tested to see if your good enough. A test of  confidence, passed. Test pertaining to regular everyday things like drug use or how many hours you sleep, passed. And the test now? A pop quiz. A test every patrol guy likes throw in, just for fun. And right now, Sehun is beating the whip from the partol guys cream.

"Want personal words?"

"Go for it." Sehun challenged.

"Oh Sungri."

"Old friend."

"Kim Joonha."


"Oh Jilee."



"In jail."



The patrol guy stopped and leaned back in his chair. Astonished by Sehuns bold answer. But also intreged. The guy wrote something in his notebook, looked at Sehun. A smirk playing on his young, y face.

"Passed. Time for a physical test."

Sehun fist pumped into the air, "Yes!"


Funny thing was, there was team one and team two standing at the other side of the door listening up to the test going on in the dean's office. Upon hearing the good news they all cheered. Silently. Xiumin and Suho hugging and jumping in joy. Kai standing there like a proud father. Everyone else except Luhan was standing there happily. I mean, of course he was happy Sehun passed the test. It was the "Dad" and "Mom" that bothered him. Sehun seemed so natural about it. He wasnt even sad. His voice didnt crack or anything. Luhan found that a bit strange.

Sehun, on the other hand, knew the guys were listening up on the test he just passed. He hands were shaking. He was so ready to take on this job. All Sehun needs is to pass the physical test. To be honest, he was a bit flustered about the patrol guy asking Sehun those questions. But everything that happened in his life he could care less of how he answered those words. Not questions.

Right when Sehun left the partol room the intercom went off with Xiumin annoucncing a break in at a bank.

"10 Namdaemunno 3(sam)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea. 3-9-alpha-niner-10. Possible bomb. 2 subjects. One shot heard. No one injured."

"Call Chen, see if he can make it today." Suho says.

"On it."

"Huh, Bank of Korea. Kyungsoo, your coming with, bomb-boy." Kai chuckled at D.O.s sudden happy mood switch to scared, like a terrified cat.

"Bombs. I love them. But they can blow up." Kyungsoo states.

Kai laughs at the boys flustered and shy act. Sehun was watching all of the guys getting ready. He walked up to the front desk where Xiumin sat.

"You staying here?" He asks.

Xiumin nodded, "Im the computer brains."

"Chen cant make it." Tao says. "Hes calling in sick."


Sehun smiles at Xiumin and walks toward the partol guy. Sehun wants to ask him when he'll do his physical test. Right before Sehun opens his mouth to speak,

"Ready to go on duty?" The partol guy asks. "Ill count this as your physical test."

Sehun smiles and jumps alittle. "Am I ready? I was born ready!"

All of a sudden, a bag of equipment was throw at Sehun, luckily he caught it.

"Gear up rookie." Luhan smirked.

Everyone loaded there guns and zipped there backpacks. Kyungsoo packed his diffuse-equipment, hands shaking with every move. Kris laughed at how much he was shaking.

"C'mon guys! Lets catch the son of a beanie!" Chanyeol yelled running out of the headquaters into a truck.

"Beanie? Did he say beanie?" Baekhyun shook his head. "Hes so innocent."

Kris and Baekhyun walked out laughing. As they got into the truck they the sirens and left the headquarters.


"STAY DOWN! OR I WILL SHOOT!" A feminine voice ran through out the bank.

From a distance you can hear the SRU sirens wailing. The girl in the bank turned around and looked out the window seeing police officers and the SRU unloading and pulling up into the driveway of the bank.

"Kyuwon! Since when did the police get the memo?" The girl asked her partner.

Kyuwon on the other side of the sales desk was stuffing money in a backpack, "I dont know police have all eyes and ears."

"Damn it!" The girl punched the desk.

"Soojin! Calm down! We will get out of here."

"How Kyuwon? Our plan is messed up! The police are here. There are cameras here. How are we going to get out?"

While the two subject were bickering. All the hostages from the bank are on the ground. Faces down and hand behind there head. The one who called? He is laying on the ground right infront of Soojin.

"You know what Kyuwon? If I go to jail. I blame you." Soojin, out of anger, kicked the guy on the floor in front of her, causeing his phone to fly out of his hand.

He tried to reach it but failed when she stepped on his hand. He groaned in pain. Soojin smirked.

"So your the one calling the police?" She picked the guys head up by his hair, he yelled, "Well, I have a surprise for you."

Soojin looked at Kyuwon. "Im still blaming you."

On that note, Kyuwon nodded and they both put on their masks. Taking out there guns Kyuwon shot into the ceiling, "THERE IS A BOMB IN THIS BUILDING. ANYONE WHO BREAKS THE RULES WILL GIVE ME NO CHOICE BUT TO SET THE BOMB OFF."


10 minutes earlier

"Xiumin got eyes yet?" Suho said through the headset.

"Yup!" Xiumin said, "Sending the cam."

"Thanks Min."

Luhan and Kris hid behind a police car. They kept watch, regulating every move the subjects did. Kyungsoo and Kai stood as back up ready to take orders from anyone. Suho was in the truck watching the servailence cam from the bank, Baekhyun right beside him. Chanyeol stood right beside a very nervous Sehun and a calm Tao. Sehun was shaking. Its his first official on-duty day. Work day. All he can think about is how he is being watched by a partol guy from who-knows-where. He really wants to be the SRU team. Team One. His life dream. One mistake can out him from any chance of getting in.

"Dont worry about the partol guy. Hes a soft guy." Chanyeol said. Reasuring Sehun, "You should have seen Taos first day. He cried."

"I did not!" Tao protested.

"Yes you did! That was the day Suho was called in sick and you took the negotiation spot." Chanyeol chuckled. "You did cry."

"I did not! I just had something in my eye that day."

Sehun laughed, he felt a bit releived.


"Shots fired. Inside the bank. Suho, Luhan, eyes?"

"Shot into the ceiling. Hostages are under pressure but safe." Luhan said.

Everyone got in position. Checking every block and entrance of the bank. This is where they go into action.

"Yeah thats good news." Suho said, "I have bad."

"What is it?" Sehun asked.

Everynes ear perked up waiting for Suho to answer.

"Kyungsoo. Suit up. Bomb confirmed." Kyungsoos stomach dropped. Kai looked at him, eyes showing pure shock.


"Kyuwon! Lets this show on the road!" Soojin yelled.

"On it!" Kyuwon came in front of the hostages.

He rounded up the people and put them in a small-ish room that contained all the files for random stuff like, bank account number and balance records. Once everyone was in, Kyuwon shut the door. He didnt lock but tied a rope to the door knob and to a mysterious bookpack that was one the second floor in a office. The rope looks small but its very flammable. And when I say that, I mean, its flammable.

"Light her up." Soojin passed the matchsticks to Kyuwon.

He lit up a match and touched the rope ever so slightly but the small flame made loud hissing noise. All the bank workers and costumers inside the small room heard it and immediatly started to panic. Soojin got annoyed of the painc and shot into the door this time.

"SHUT UP! If any of you open this door you WILL die!" With that said, you could still hear some whimpering but the panic died down.

Outside Luhan shares the news.

"Guys better get in there. Direct approach, today will not be pretty."

"Suho stay in the truck and tell us any news. Kris and I will go from behind. Lay you are our back up. We will have a runner today. Chanyeol take the rookie and come in the bank from the roof. Kyungsoo," Luhan paused, as did everyone, he walked to him and they shook a manly hand shake."Go with them." Kyungsoo nodded.

"Kai Tao and Baekhyun. Direct approch. Me and Kris, direct approach from the back. We have alot of hostages."

Sehun watched as Luhan lead the crew. He had never seen anything like this before. He watched as they all charged up their guns and got into position. They all waited for Suhos call. Sehun got in position aswell.

"Guys." Suho pre-warned. "Lets keep the peace!" Thats their cue.

"Go go go go!" Luhan motioned all the guys to move.

The bank is three stories high. Chanyeol Sehun and Kyungsoo climbed up stair that are behind the building. While they climbed. Lay stood like a guard from the back entrance. Luhan and Kris waited till Baekhyun Tao and Kai got into position.

"In position." Kai said over the headset. "Three. Two. One."

"Move in!" Luhan yelled.

"SRU! HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD! Dont you dare move or we will shoot!" Kris shouts. They have the two subjects centered. The flame from the rope slowly reaching its end-point. No one has noticed it yet.

"Guys your looking at Lee Kyuwon and Kim Soojin. Major theives, aressted more than twice and both adopted by different families. Looks like we have post-orphans. Careful." Xiumin sheds some light.

"Thanks." Luhan says, "Mr. Lee."

Kyuwon faces Luhan with his gun facing him.

"What do you want cop." Kyuwon says adding pressure to the word 'cop'.

"I just want to talk."

"Pft. Thats what they all say."

"Thats because thats what we want." Luhan smirked.

"Fine." Kyuwon says, "Call me Kyuwon. Thats Soojin."

"Just let us go and we will all be safe." Soojin says.

"We are on the roof and we are coming down. I need the location of the bomb." Kyungsoo says over the headset.

Luhan nods to himself. Baekhyun, Kris, Tao, and Kai continue to stay in there position. Eye on the prize.

"I heard you have a bomb in here."

"Easy." Suho says, "Dont be too direct."

"Yeah. But you have to find it." Kyuwon smirks. Kai curses under his breath.

"Hey you, tan guy," Soojin calls, " You looked worried."

"Why wouldnt I? My partner has to diffuse the bomb and we have no idea where it is." Kai deadpans.

"Just follow the flame." The caught everyone off guard. Flame?

Kyungsoo over heard the conversation. He stoppoed his actions, "K-360." He says.

"Oh no... FIND THE FLAME!" Kai yells.

K-360? This is special bomb. Remember the little rope that is extra flamable? Thats the on switch. Once the flame travels along the rope and finds its end-point, which is the bomb, it explodes. but you cant diffuse the bomb by just leting out the flame. that will set the bomb to a timer. A three second timer. Find the flame, find the bomb and then diffuse it. All the guys lowered their weapons and searched for the flame. Kyuwon and Soojin took the chance to run away. They both ran but Kyuwon was tackled down by Kris.

"Really? And the girl gets away." Kris laughed. He picks Kyuwon up to his feet and gives the guy to another cop.

"Lay, get up, runner coming your way."

Lay stood up and say the door open. He rose up his gun and yelled, "Freeze."

Soojin gave up and sighed. "You win today cops."

"We always win." Lay says. "Lets keep the peace! Find that bomb!"

Lay took Soojin to a cop car and sat her in there. He stood there till the cop car drive away.

"Guys, Ill be with Suho." Lay says.

"Copy that, Unicorn."

Luhan and Kris looked around everywhere. Baekhyun was scratching his head. Tao sat on the floor. Kai walked up behind the counter. He found a backpack full of money. Good thing they left the money here. He thought. But then he heard a whimper. Two whimpers. Two different whimpers. He turned around and saw a door. A brown, hickery wood door. And then he heard a knock.

"Guys, I found the hostages." Kai said.

Luhan ran up to Kai. "The door isnt locked. Why arent they coming out?"

"K-360." Kai says pointing to a rope coming from the door knob. They followed the rope to a stair case. A small flame was visible.

"KYUNGSOO! We found the flame! Halfway the second stair case! Go!" Luhan announced.

This is the part where everyone waits. Except Chanyeol Kyungsoo and Sehun. And Sehun is supposed to be the rookie. Kyungsoo heard the anouncment and unbuckled himself from the harness that got the three boys down from the roof. The three of them ran down stairs to the second floor. Automatically, when they go there, they become quiet. So quiet a pin could fall and you would hear it. They walked up to a staircase, a rope. Kyungsoos breath hitched.

"Guys stay bac-"


Chanyeol Sehun and Kyungsoo fall to the ground as protocol states. Traps.

"They planted smaller bombs!" Kyungsoo shouts.


Another one went off, this time hitting Chanyeol. He fell. He fell hard. He was unconcious. Sehun froze. He couldnt move. It was like slow motion. As he watched Chanyeol's happy smile slowly turn into and straight line. His eyes slowly closing as he fell. His face covered in smoke ashes. He fell oh-so gracefully. Sehun just watched. He couldnt move, He forgot about the patrol guy. He forgot that its his first day. All he sees is a flame and a body. Chanyeols body falling. and Kyungsoo running towards him. Kyungso yelled at Sehun. But Sehuns eyes refused to let sound in. Sehun tried to hear but he couldnt.

"SEHUN!" Kyungsoo yelled. "Sehun!"


Third one. This one woke Sehun up. He looked around and saw Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. then his mind finally clicked. He ran up to Chanyeol and tried to wake him up.

"Chanyeol! Chanyeol! Wake up!" Sehun calls.

"I have to go. I spotted the bomb in an office." Kyungsoo says. But before he left Sehun Grabbed his wrist. Kyungsoo turned around.

"Careful." Sehun said. "Please."

This is why his mom died. She didnt listen to him. She wasnt careful. Kyungsoo nodded. "I will."

With that he entered the office and Sehun picked up Chanyeol bridal style and carried him down stairs. Baekhyun and Luhan quickly ran up to him and took Chanyeol from his hands. Sehun watched as Chanyeol came back from his sleep. Asking what just happened and how everyone was so relieved that hes okay. Luhan turned around and walked up to Sehun. Sehun looked at him. Luhan was so good looking. He didnt really realize it. His brown hair. His small lips. His eyes. His brown sparkling eyes.

"You better go and help Kyungsoo." He said. Sehun nodded and ran back to Kyungsoo.


Kyungso on the other hand has exactly 2 minutes until the flames reaches the bomb. You cant take the flame out or the bomb will explode. For a K-360 bomb you need to cut a blue wire and break off a diffuse system that acts as a self distruct button that explodes twice as much than the actual bomb.

1 minute and 40 seconds.

Kyungsoo s the bag. So many wires. He starts to sweat. Sehun runs in and gets orders to quickly get some plyers and passes them to D.O. Everybody on the first floor is on the edge of there seat. If the bomb explodes, they die, with 40 more hostages. Kyungsoo digs through the wires. Red, purple, green. He cant find the blue one.

"I cant find it! Its not here!" Kyungsoo shouts, panicing and wiping his sweat off.

Kai feels twice as worse. His stomach is turning his hands are shaking. He doesnt know what to do. I mean... Its Kyungsoo. Hint.

"Kyunggie. Calm down." Kai says.

Kyungsoo takes a deep breath and exhales.

1 minute.

Kyungsoo went through the wires one by one quickly. He finally found the blue one. There is only one blue wire in the midst of about 20 colorful ones. Kyungsoo cuts it.

"Step one. Completed."


Sehun stand there. He doesnt know what to do. Kyungsoo turns the bomb unside down and finds the diffuse system. Its a small cube thats attached the the back of a bomb. To get rid of this you throw it. It explodes. Everyone survives. Its a small explotion by the why. Kyungsoo breaks the cube off with ease.

He turns his attention toward Sehun, "Ready?"

Sehun nods. The flame reaches the bag.

3 seconds.

2 seconds.

1 second.

They run. Both of them.

"Take cover!" Kyungsoo shouts through the headset.

The crew on the first floor see Kyungsoo and Sehun running towards them, they all cover there head and duck.

"Throw." Kai says.

Kyungsoo looks at him. Running towards his. He nods and throws the small cube behind him.

Just like in movies, the cube explodes and Kyungsoo and Sehun get thrown by the flames. Everyone else falls to the ground. Sehun landed on the ground beside Luhan. Sehun groans with pain as he lands on his back. The hard marble floor acting as a hard hard pillow for his head. Luahn saw this and quickly reached for Sehun covering his head so no trauma will be done to him.

Kyungsoo falls right into Kais arms. Kai embraces Kyungsoo as Kyungsoo holds on to Kai with shakey hands.

"Shh.. Ive gotcha." Kai pets Kyungsoos hair.

Lay and Suho back in the truck take off their hats and wipe thir faces of sweat. Sighing in relief.

"Kyungsoo, my man." Suho says into the headset.

Everyone chuckles and start to get up.

Luhan and Kris helped Sehun walk as his back probably got injured a bit. Kai opens the door and gets tackled by the not-anymore-hostages thanking him and hugging him. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun helped Chanyeol walk aswell. He was still a bit dizzy. Once they got outside, a beautiful sunset greeting them. They all stopped and looked at it.



Once they all got back to headquarters, they greeted Xiumin.

"Xiumin-ah!" Suho ran up to him.

"What up!"

"Crazy day today!"

"We kept the peace!"

Everyone went to their lockers or the weapon room. They unloaded their guns and changed into newer clothing. Cleaner clothing. Chanyeol washed his face and he had his smile back on his face. Chanyeol is back.

Baekhyun Kyungsoo and Chanyeol left first, they are gonna drink some coffee for the night.

Xiumin Kai Suho and Lay left not to long after them. Then Tao calls Chen just check up on him, then Tao left with Kris.

The only people left were Luhan and Sehun. Sehun, he was shirtless, was in the locker room looking at his back. His back was purple and blue with a hint of a grayish black. He tries to touch his back but everytime he does, it feels like millions of stabs are hitting Sehun in the back.

"Ow." Sehuns breath hitched.

"Careful next time."

Sehun jumps.

"You scared me. I thought everyone left."

"You thought." Luhan chuckled. "Im the last one out. I check the locks and doors."

"Ah." Sehun nods.

"Let me see your back." Luhan walks up to Sehun and turns him around. "Ooh. Thats looks painful."

"You think?' Sehun says sarcastically.

Luhan touches his back. His warm hand grazing Sehuns beat up skin. Sehun doesnt only have marks from today, he has marks from 5 years ago and 10 years ago. From his dad. And Luhan notices. Luhan puts his hands on Sehuns waist and turns him around. Faceing his bare chest. Luhan blushes slightly.

"Im not going to ask you but," Luhan looks at Sehun, "The marks on your back..."

Sehun smiles sadly and looked down. "Yeah. Dont ask."

Luhan smiled. Made Sehun look at him.

"Remember, Im always here okay?" Sehun nodded.


Luhan let him put on his shirt. Once he did he shut is locker and and turned around to walk out with Luhan.

"Nice work out there." Sehun states. "Keeping the peace."

"Yup. Not so bad yourself." Luhan grins.

They walked out of the headquarters and Luhan locks the door.

"By the way, you passed your physical test." Luhan says and walks away.

Sehun, forgetting about his back, jumps in victory and then automatically hissing in pain but still smiling. He watches Luhan drive off.

Too bad love is not allowed in SRU.



Welllll....... Chapter 2.

I heard about Kris. :( He WILL be part of this fanfic no matter what. I added him into this chapter quite alot.

11 is not my style. #WEAREONE

Anyways, hoped you like this chapter. Took me forever to write. Sorry for any spelling and grammar.  ;) Got some Kaisoo and Hunhan going on. Soon some Baekyeol.

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First chapter coming up soon! :D


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