He notices. But he is not sure.


I watch with slight amusement as Kyuhyun flirts blatantly, his mellow voice ordering another round of wine and his hand tugging the sleeve of the waiter. Shaking my head, I am unaware that he has sidled close against me and yelps almost comically at our close proximity before he laughs throatily, his face too close to mine. "Shy? Darling?" 



His warm breath on my face as I get lost in his slightly glazed but still alluring eyes, resisting the strong, strong urge to launch myself at him, wanting nothing more than to taste those full pouting plummy lips. Laughing shakily, I reach for my glass of unfinished wine and allow the bitter liquid to burn my throat as I breathe deeply to calm myself, making sure my hands are gripped tightly on the wineglass, in case they wander towards that attractive figure just next to me. 



While I am much aware that this clingy flirtatious side of Kyuhyun will emerge when he is over his threshold, having been his drinking partner since months ago, I have not banked on how much I actually relish his playful touches and mischievous words. A little too much.  




A slight sliver of irritation course through me, when I look up to see Kyuhyun working his charm on a familiar face who has just joined our drinking party. 



Choi Siwon.  



Offering the handsome actor his glass of wine which the other politely decline with a small shake of his head.  Kyuhyun smirks somewhat knowingly before leaning over to whisper something into his ear. It must be something pleasantly  surprising for Siwon stare at him with questioning eyes and a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Seemingly telepathic, Kyuhyun nods his head in affirmation, words playing no part in their conversation 



Then Siwon stand up and bows politely, informing us casually that he is actually here with his friends and takes his leave. A strange small clench around my heart as I observe his squeeze on Kyuhyun's shoulder before his hand move to lightly caressing the other's back, gentle and familiar. Kyuhyun nods back at him, as if giving him the permission to leave, his eyes train on the broad back, only finally focusing back to us when the door to our private room closes. As if they are in their own world.  



Suddenly an absurd thought runs through my head as I try to quell the spark of jealously raising ridiculously in me Well they are close. They are supposed to be close. I rationalised weakly.  They are band members after all, for such a long time. Admonishing myself for thinking too much, I smile back at Kyuhyun who is looking at me with curiosity.    



And later on that night, Siwon bows apologetically as I hand over a flushed Kyuhyun to him, one of his hands gripping the younger man's waist tightly. I could not help but notice how Kyuhyun slips his hand to the hind pocket of Siwon's jeans, a subtle intimate action.    



"Thank you for taking care of him, I will take over from here,"  Siwon bows again before clucking his tongue disapprovingly when his t-shirt is being pulled by a clingy pouting Kyuhyun, no doubt seeking his attention, exposing the partially hidden silver chain on his neck in the process.  



It is only when I am awake and fresh the next morning that it dawns on me, I have seen the exact same ring, hanging on a similar thin silver chain, glinting under the harsh changing room light as Kyuhyun went about his costume change just the other day.  



Then it all makes sense now, how Kyuhyun's eyes seems to be full of tenderness, how his voice seems a tad more mellow and how his touches seems to linger just that tiny bit longer than necessary. All when he is with Siwon. Only when he is with Siwon. 



With disappointment, I finally understand as it becomes startling clear...that is what you do when you are in love.    



Cho Kyuhyun and Choi Siwon are in love.


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sevencolors #1
Chapter 5: I read this just now and this is is so good. Diff from the usual drabbles. Thank you for this!
Merettevan #2
Chapter 5: I'm enjoying your stories so much! I simply loved reading all these POVs, it's a refreshing way to see their love from another angle and perspective! It gives another different light on them and I found them truly captivating!
luckysowhite #3
Who is UKJ?? ☺☺ ahhhh......wonkyu XD XD
Angela17 #4
Chapter 5: WonKyu love... So much make my heart flutter...
Chapter 5: Aaaah!!! I am in heaven!!! Butterflies on my stomach! This is real... so effin real!!! Wonkyu is love!
Chapter 5: Yes....wonkyu is a lovey dovey couple....poor hyungnim...
heartbabykyu #7
Chapter 5: Awwww poor heartbroken hyungnim, his love story ended before it even started

That brat just goes around making people fall for him then break their hearts. CSW you lucky bastard :)
Chapter 5: only with siwon it is indeed <3