Her P.O.V 3


For Kay, hope you enjoy it.


I still remember the first time I saw them in our shop about a year ago. It was a chilly night where the temperature had suddenly dropped quite drastically and my old man announced that we should might as well close early and head on home for a quiet dinner. And then the chime sounded to indicate a customer. Well, it was two customers to be exact. My old man then was staring at them suspiciously as the pair hurried into the shop, decked in puffy coats, comfortable trackpants and face masks that covered almost their entire face.



The taller one bowed apologetically and asked if we were still open, a hand thrown casually around the other, while the slightly shorter one was rubbing his hands vigorously, trying to warm himself. After placing their order and choosing a booth near the counter, the taller man asked for some hot water in a flask which I brought to him promptly. By then, he had removed his face mask to reveal a very attractive face and he thanked me profusely, before pouring the water into a glass and pushing it towards his companion, indicating that he should put his hands around it.  It was an action, he repeated so that the other was constantly warmed. He seemed vaguely familiar and I thought he must have been some idol as we do have some actors or singers that come to our shop for a takeaway or a quick bite. The two boys had big appetites, especially the shorter one who had a mop of red hair and big doe eyes and finished the extra large pizza in a matter of minutes amidst their never-ending conversation. With an exasperated shout by the younger one, the taller one had dangled the last slice of pizza infront of his friend, teasing him before finally giving it up with a loud laugh, ruffling the red hair affectionately. My old man had shocked me when I commented in passing how nice it was to see two big boys as such good friends like them by asking "Are you sure they are just good friends?"



So I could not help but pay special attention to them when they next appear at the shop, again late in the night, another month or so later. Nodding their heads to acknowledge us, they scurried into the booth, sitting side by side, close to each other before the shorter one did the ordering this time. I recall the taller one's eyes trained on the other, a small wistful smile on his face. He tried to prevent laughing out loud as the younger one ordered in English at the counter, his pronunciation a little off and promptly put a finger to his lips as a sharp glance was thrown his way. And when I served them their order, it seems so natural for the older one to grab the first slice to place it on the other plate before tucking in himself. I guess it is true when they say eyes don't lie. My old man was the one who reminded me "Just observe them looking at each other, friends? Nah." Now, I am perfectly fine with that sort of relationship for where I came from, it is common but I know for a fact that here, it is taboo and quite unacceptable. Again who am I to judge? Sometimes, you just cannot help who you fall in love with. I am sure a lot of thought must have gone through their minds before taking their relationship further, if any.



Well, by their fourth visit, they were having small talk with my old man, perhaps trusting him somewhat, a kindly old Caucasian who probably don't know who the hell they are. And we still don't, as we just came back from Italy where we have stayed for the past 30 years.  Anyways, Siwon insisted that we call him just that was genuinely curious and interested in where we came from and he would often translate for Kyuhyun who would be listening intently with a half smirk on his face. Their subtle glances and fleeting touches cannot mask the tenderness in their eyes when they meet and it is kind of sweet that somehow each is able to predict what the other needs, like a dash of pepper or additional sugar, without words being communicated.



They came in again late last night, probably after a long overseas trip. Siwon resting his head lightly on the shoulder of Kyuhyun who was skimming our menu. “What are you looking at? You will end up having the same thing,” he said in a deadpanned voice, eyebrows raised, hands lightly touching the ones holding the menu before being swatted away.

Kyuhyun had pouted a little before ordering their usual, his eyes brighter than usual before turning to SIWON and whispered something into his ears. With a victorious laugh, he slid into their usual booth with the older man looking at him incredulously, eyes wide. I swore Siwon was begging for forgiveness or something for the rest of the meal with Kyuhyun standing firm, sniggering as he tuck in the piping hot pizza.

It was not until they were paying their bill that I noticed their somewhat half hidden similar necklaces.  They were subconsciously touching the necklace the entire night and with a gasp, I recalled that Siwon's necklace have a plain simple ring threaded through it as he had adjusted it while I was serving their food. Looking at their twinkling eyes and happy smiles, something must have happened, maybe…


“Congratulations!” I let out, a knowing smile on my lips.


A soft appreciative thanks from Siwon and a blushing Kyuhyun was the answer I need to confirm my suspicion. And I am really happy for them.

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sevencolors #1
Chapter 5: I read this just now and this is is so good. Diff from the usual drabbles. Thank you for this!
Merettevan #2
Chapter 5: I'm enjoying your stories so much! I simply loved reading all these POVs, it's a refreshing way to see their love from another angle and perspective! It gives another different light on them and I found them truly captivating!
luckysowhite #3
Who is UKJ?? ☺☺ ahhhh......wonkyu XD XD
Angela17 #4
Chapter 5: WonKyu love... So much make my heart flutter...
Chapter 5: Aaaah!!! I am in heaven!!! Butterflies on my stomach! This is real... so effin real!!! Wonkyu is love!
Chapter 5: Yes....wonkyu is a lovey dovey couple....poor hyungnim...
heartbabykyu #7
Chapter 5: Awwww poor heartbroken hyungnim, his love story ended before it even started

That brat just goes around making people fall for him then break their hearts. CSW you lucky bastard :)
Chapter 5: only with siwon it is indeed <3