Her P.O.V


i really need to get this off my chest. A delusional and very random piece if I may add....ok, now back to FAC.


I hold my breath as his lips gently caress mine and I could feel his hands skimming my waist before he pulls me closer, pressing our bodies together, his warmth worming its way towards my entire being. It is lucky that the director yells cut or my legs would have buckled underneath me. He looks at me with an apologetic smile as he steadies me, my fingertips grasping his strong tanned arms before he removes his hands, pushing them into his pockets and walks away.

I could still feel his thin lips on mine as my eyes train on him, walking towards his chair, hands outstretch to his manager, asking for his cellphone. I try to sidle closer nonchalantly, pulling my own chair next to his before catching his eyes light up while checking his phone. A small knowing smile blooms on his handsome face as he bites his lips while typing a message.

"Shiyuan, that was a good take," the director announces while clapping his hand on Shiyuan’s shoulder encouragingly. My co-star only nods in affirmation, his eyes never leaving his cellphone as he continues to type furiously, leaving me extremely piqued about who he has been in constant contact with. My assistant quickly shows me the photographs she has taken of my scenes with Shiyuan and I gesture to her to download them quickly into my phone for me to update online later. I see Shiyuan glancing at us casually for a split second before looking at his cellphone yet again.

Since the day we started our filming, Shiyuan never lets the phone out of his sight, preferring to sit quietly at his corner, fiddling, messaging and occasionally making phone calls rather than joining the rest of us. I have caught him smiling to himself sanguinely a number of times, as if contented, right after an incoming message. At times, there seems to be a faraway look in his eyes when he is on his breaks, as if he is thinking of something… or someone. Strangely, one of my assistants whispered to me one day that Shiyuan looks like a man in love but from what I could find out from the various sources, he is not dating anyone. I hope.


Sigh. It is so, so easy to like Shiyuan, he is friendly, charismatic and gentlemanly. When we first met, he literally took my breath away and as we spend more time filming, I...well...I cannot help but think that maybe, maybe it might be possible that I am having a major crush on him. Well, just not me, I am sure many of the ladies around are secretly fantasizing about him but I do think I have the best chance amongst them. I have been trying to engage him in conversations beyond the script to get to know him better and just spending more time around him but… he seems… well… he answers my questions and all, always giving me that sparkling smile of his but somehow… its just as if he is doing it out of courtesy.


Shiyuan's phone rings suddenly as i pan my gaze over to him curiously. "Hey...where are you?" he murmured softly, his voice gentle, before raising up to excuse himself, “You must be tired…”


I am not aware of Teddy standing next to me as he dusts his chair. “Teddy,” I asks tentatively, my eyes still on Shiyuan, this time catching him giggling silently like a mischievous school boy, his cellphone still on his ear. “Who is Shiyuan talking to?” Shrugging his shoulders, the plump man gives a non-committal answer, saying that he is not sure.


“Yeah, me too…I think even more than you, you have the others to accompany you…” I could hear snatches of the conversation as I stand up to pretend to stretch myself. I think he must have catch me nearing, for he turns abruptly, back facing me before whispering some words into the cellphone. He then faces me and smiles faintly, approaching where I am standing still.


“Girlfriend?” I cannot help but ask, my heart beating wildly hoping for a negative answer.


“Nope,” he answers without stopping to think and my heart blooms with hope, “ Just some random ghost…”


I could only stare at him, puzzled by his answer before going to my position again as the director calls for us.



Note: Why GHOST? it is the same pronounciation as turtle in mandarin, with different intonation. Siwon is playing with words here.

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sevencolors #1
Chapter 5: I read this just now and this is is so good. Diff from the usual drabbles. Thank you for this!
Merettevan #2
Chapter 5: I'm enjoying your stories so much! I simply loved reading all these POVs, it's a refreshing way to see their love from another angle and perspective! It gives another different light on them and I found them truly captivating!
luckysowhite #3
Who is UKJ?? ☺☺ ahhhh......wonkyu XD XD
Angela17 #4
Chapter 5: WonKyu love... So much make my heart flutter...
Chapter 5: Aaaah!!! I am in heaven!!! Butterflies on my stomach! This is real... so effin real!!! Wonkyu is love!
Chapter 5: Yes....wonkyu is a lovey dovey couple....poor hyungnim...
heartbabykyu #7
Chapter 5: Awwww poor heartbroken hyungnim, his love story ended before it even started

That brat just goes around making people fall for him then break their hearts. CSW you lucky bastard :)
Chapter 5: only with siwon it is indeed <3