That touch..

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

"Mom,I m going crazy!I need to do something!..?"

"Honey..I don t know what to do..maybe we should consult a doctor.."

"Mom..I already did!it doesn t help.."

"Since when did you had these nightmares?..I am so scared baby.."

"Mom..I know.." Baekhyun hugged his mother ..she was crying loudly because she happened to be next to his door this morning and she heard him crying extremly hard in his dream..she opened the door and found him on the floor..shivering..still he wasn t awake..

When she tried to wake him up..he yelled and it was very scarry for her because he never actually told his parents about it..about the nightmares he started having since a year ago..since they moved into this house..

Now he had some explanations to do..

"It happened a year ago..I think when we moved in here..I see fire in almost every nightmare mom..I m so scared..I don t want to die..I don t want us to die burning in flames but I keep on dreaming my death..I am not so sure is my death..I mean the human being I am right now..I think is just my soul..ahh..I son t know..and this guy..he s always with me..and even if I tell him I won t go where he wants us too..he grabs my hand and the moment he actually touches it..I open my eyes to see a building in fire or only to hear me screaming..or seeing my thomb and his..or seeing him crying on the stairs..or on the street..but I actually cannot see his more like a feeling..Is always so terryfing and sad..I feel him..all over my body..I feel him in my veins and I cannot deny him..he s my dreams at"

Baekhyun said crying on his mom s shoulder..

"He always presents himslef..Park Chanyeol..then I ask him if he moved here..I don t know where..'here'...he says he came to visit his grandma..IT PISSES ME OFF.....then he drags me into somewhere and I refuse him..this is how it goes..always..every single time..and then he forces me to follow show me I can only feel in these dreams and I get so scared because it s ..shocking..I never felt this way..and I pity him so much..I don t know like I know him  for he really means something to me..I am so sorry for his death..more than I am for my own death..the death I see in every hurtss so bad..I cannot explain it in words..I really cannot..I don t want to dream this again ..but .. "

"But..can t you deny t you conscious that you are dreaming..can t you really stop him from speaking or acting?..I don t know..can t you talk?"

"I am consciuos but I just cannot do a thing to change it.."


<<"Hey,nice to meet you,my name is Park Chanyeol!"

" name is Byun..Baekhyun..did you just moved here?"

"No..I came to visit my grandma..she lives here.."


"Listen to me..would you like to come with me somewhere?"


Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun s hand and forced him to follow him..

Here they were.. Baekhyun in the same bed as Chanyeol curled,covering his ears..

Baekhyun heard the scared him..

Chanyeol covered his ears too..they were both under the same blanket ..

The real Baekhyun that dreamed this was now looking at himself and at his friend whose face he couldn actually to him..Chanyeol..

"I hate the serene sound!I hate it!"Baekhyun yelled

"I know..but do you know why?Is this life we heard it so many times that you couldn t even stand it at some point..

Can t you see?us covering our ears ..and the fear.."Chanyeol responded..


"Here..where we lived..many people were dying .. because they were all sick..and these ambulance sirenes were the ones that were heard every single day..they were set to announce the death.."

"Why are you doing this to me?why?where is this place?what are you trying to say?I DON T UNDERSTAND!I want to escape from here!I cannot stand it anyomore!!!"



After 1 month of nightmares that follwed him every single night


Baekhyun woke up again on the floor with tears rolling down on his cheeks

"I want to die." he mumbled while looking at scissors on his table.. immediately  he spinned it into his tummy till he saw blood coming from his hurt..but maybe not more than seeing the death with your eyes almost every single night..

It was his first trying of suicide..many others follwed it..but..his mom would always keep an eye on him so he never died..only hurt himself..

Poor women she was traumatized..

She couldn t resist it anymore so one day..after so much despair she and his father decided to transfer their precious son in a Mental Hospital..

It was nothing they could do more..they tried on many psychiatrist but it never worked..

Afraid that one day they won t be able to be there for him for saving his life anymore they decided a last chance..


Baekhyun knew that he became crazy for wanting to die every single day but he just didn t wanted those nightmares..

He was in fact so scared of dying every single day..and night..practically..

Who wouldn t ?

Poor kid..he had lost so much weight and his face became more pale  and sunken day by day.

He used to love life but he just wanted to die right now..every single morning after the nightmare he wanted it to never happen so he wanted to die..

But he never asked himself..would death be a solution?


Sleeping here for the first a empty white room..provided to be the cure..he had no nightmare and he felt relieved day by day and especially night by night..

Staying in this place..offered him confort and as days passed he felt   way better..cured..

There were days when he just stayed locked in his small room ..days when he walked smiling for no reason on the hallways and they when he went out to smell the fresh air and touch the red roses he himself planted some months ago..

Valuable time was passing by and he didn t even notice it..he wasn t actually living his life..but he was happt that maybe he won t see death again..that maybe one day he ll completly forget all of this and go back to his normal life..

His parents used to visit him once a week and his life was starting to bloom again.

Same routine everyday..nothing new..only him..

One day..he started to uestion himself..and he started to wonder..what was the actual reason that he had those nightmares?

It has passed almost a year since he moved into the hispital..since he did not have he thought that it was because of the house he was living in..hence the nightmares happened only when he was sleeping there..

"Why?What could have happened there..?"He was asking to day..he asked his parents to get more informations about the who was it built..when..

His parents took good care od his items so in no time they got the information for him

" of all..I don t think there is any reason you should worry..the house was built three years one ever lived in it..the persons who built it said that it wasn t built on other house s ruins..they also said that is possible that some hundreds of years ago there would ve been a burnt small house there..but it happened hundreds of years ago..and they couldn t guarantee nothing to worry.."

"Bunt?Fire?House in fire?Small house?.." he shouted scared

He opened the door of the room and he ran on the hallway trembling till he bumped into someone because he couldn t see with tears in his eyes.They both fell on the floor

That someone helped him to get up..










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segiah #1
i really like your story............update soon plsssssssss
i'm your fan forever ~~:X~~~~~~~~
Good story!!