
In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

"So..since when did you started having nightmares ?"

"I don t know actually..I think a year ago.."

"Every night?or.."

"No..not actually.."

"What are these nightmares about..Baekhyun your name,right?"

"Yes,Baekhyun..they all start with me meeting this boy in the yaerd of my house..and he presents himself..then he asks me if I want to go somewhere..his name is Chanyeol.."

"Is he younger than you..older than does he look like?"

"I don t know..I cannot see his face..I can only hear his s deep..I think he s older than me.."

"You said they all start the same but..after it..what is happening?"

"He takes me to places..once he showed me our graves..and last night he showed me a house in fire from where I could hear myself screaming for help..he was with me in that building seems like we died in fire and everyone heard us but still..they did not do a thing..I don t understand!It makes no sense!" Baekhyun runned his fingers through his hair grabbing it ..he continued:

"It terrifies me..sometimes I m lucky and I wake up exactly when he presents himself so I don t get to see what he wants to show me..I m scared..I m so happened for a year..when will it stop?I ll go crazy..please help me doctor..please"

"Do you remember the first day it happend?What happened that day determind you somehow to have nightmares?.."

"You mean..if something bad happend to me that day..?"

"Yes..something that somehow marked you.."

"No..I mean..I remember I just moved in my actual house and I was very very happy that day..nothing wrong happened.."

"You say it was your first night spent in your new house?"



Does it make any sense?Why would that house influence my dreams..Is a new one ever lived in it I going crazy?

Ahh if only I could see that guy s face..

As Baekhyun walked lonely on the street he saw a light coming from was fire..

His heart was beating so fast..he gazed at the place and he discoverd it was a child that kept on burning some papers along with two other kids..he ran scared to his home..

He entered in his room and locked the door..a tear fell down on his cheeck

Suddenly he heard sounds of a sirene..he covered his ears with his hands and put himslf in the bed covering himself..

He opened the TV and let it on all night..

He was more scared of fire and the sound of the sirens of the ambulance..

He never knew why..but since he was a small human being he was so afraid..still..nothing bad happened to him that would ve marked him..



A new nightmare was set to come that night..

<<"Hey,nice to meet you,my name is Park Chanyeol!"

" name is Byun..Baekhyun..did you just moved here?"

"No..I came to visit my grandma..she lives here.."


"Listen to me..would you like to come with me somewhere?"


Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun s hand and forced him to follow him..


Next day

"Ohhhhh!!!!!" Baekhyun woke up trembling

" alright?" his mom asked hearing him from the kitchen

Baekhyun didn t hear her..he was dumbfounded..he was so dizzy..

he tried to stand up and go to the bathroom ..once he entered in the room he looked into the mirror with his eyes almost closed and then before he could wash his face with cold water he fell down..

His mom asked him again if he s alright and after hearing no answer she decided to go to his room..she knocked at the door but no response..

she entered in the room..she looked for him till she saw his child on the floor with blood coming from his nouse..

She was she called the ambulance immediately..


At the hospital Baekhyun received some medication and then he went home safely..

Apparently he lost his consciousness because he was very tired..

"Baek dear..the doctor said.. it seems to him that you did not slept last all..why?"

"Mom..I slept all was just because..I had less calcium in the organism.."

"How could you know it better than the doctor..why are you lying to me?"

"Mom..why would I lie to you?"

"Darling..why you did not sleep all night long?is there something I need to know?"

"Mom..I said I slept the whole night!why won t you listen to me?would it make sense to lie you for such thing?"

"Okay..let s just..go home..the doctor said you need to rest..I ll take care of your absences at school.."

"Let s go.."


"Yesterday I felt again death..I was in the house that was on fire..he hold my hand tight..while I was burning in flames..He was burning too..I still couldn t see his face..but now I know that he s way taller than me..I felt it.. felt hurt a lot because I was basically turning into scum but more than the pain from my body..I had pain in my soul..but not because I was dying..

How can I explain it?...I don something that I don t...I do..not.."

"Take your time..I wont hurry you..I am here to listen to you..time doesn t matter for me.."

" you know the feel when someone close to you dies and you can t do a thing even though you are right next to him?..

this is what I seems I really ..really..really..loved that guy..a lot...and by love I mean..not the kind of love you feel for your family..or in its entire for someone that is part of you..someone you cheer more that your own self..someone that is your other half..

Is so weird for me to say these things because..I never felt this in reality..still..that sensation I had in my dream last night was terryfying real..

He was close to me..I touched his hand..his face..he did the same..we WERE there...still..we weren t..

soooo much much..

HE doesn t even exist! and is so strage..

I feel like..I love him..I m falling for him..

his voice..his breath..his touch..the way he makes me feel..


"What if he exists..somewhere on THIS world..not only in the world of your dreams?"

"He doesn t..And if he will I find him..I don t even know how he looks!"

"Maybe you ll feel his presence.."

" you really believe in all that I say?don t you think I am crazy?"

"No..not all"


"I don t are the most special case I ve ever had.."


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segiah #1
i really like your story............update soon plsssssssss
i'm your fan forever ~~:X~~~~~~~~
Good story!!