Chapter 17 The Past Will Not Repeat Itself

My Guardian, Will You Protect Me?

Li Mei shifted her weight from one foot to another anxiously waiting for Luhan to explain. Luhan pointed to the chairs outside the store below her apartment, “Let’s sit first.”

Li Mei calmly sat down and smoothed her skirt over and over again. Luhan sat down and leaned his elbows on his knees thinking hard, “Tomorrow is the anniversary of my parent’s death.”

Li Mei froze she didn’t know what she was expecting to hear from Luhan, what could she expect from an alien? Is that what EXO M were? Li Mei never thought he’d say something like that, “Eh?”

Luhan didn’t look up but wrung his hands that were slightly shaking, “Tomorrow, ten years ago, is the day my parents died.”

Li Mei put a hand on his shoulder and said sincerely, “I’m so sorry Luhan. Is that…why you’ve been down lately?”

Luhan sat up and gave a small smile, “It’s okay, thank you. I’m not upset anymore, besides my priority now is to take care of you! You’re family now.”

Li Mei smiled softly, Xiumin had said that earlier, she smoothed her skirt out for the thousandth time and asked, “Luhan? How did they…pass?”

Luhan chuckled lightly, “Oh that’s not important. I know exams are important to you so I’ll let you go study but don’t study too hard tonight. Call me or Kris if you need anything okay? And please try and remember to leave the closet door open? I don’t know how many shirts I feel into this morning.” Luhan smiled and winked, Li Mei smiled bitter sweetly. Luhan stood up and walked away. Li Mei sighed, What happened? I know it isn’t my business, but I just have this feeling…he’s not telling me something. Luhan is trying to hide his true feelings, I wonder if Xiumin knows.

Li Mei finally broke from her thoughts and went inside; she studied her books, and worked on multiple papers until finally she could barely keep her eyes open. Ming knocked and brought in a hot cup of tea and some dinner, “You should go to sleep. It’s pointless to study this hard if you fall asleep during the exam.”

Li Mei smiled and sipped the tea gratefully, “Thank you mom. I’ll go to bed soon.”

Ming yawned and nodded, “You’re such a good daughter.”

Li Mei smiled and knew her mother had stayed up late just to make her a late dinner, “Goodnight mom. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Ming left and Li Mei closed the last textbook, she changed into her pj’s and laid down in her bed. Li Mei thought about Luhan and how he would be the next day, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. She turned over as she tried to fall asleep but, not only was she thinking about her exams but, the question nagged at her mind. How did Luhan’s parents die so early in his life?

The next day came sooner for Li Mei than she expected and she got up ready to take her exam. Li Mei quickly got ready and before eating breakfast she made sure her closet door was open, as she opened it she thought about Luhan. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, today was the anniversary. She wanted to make him feel better, but she didn’t know how, and mostly she wanted to know how they had passed.

Li Mei heard something in her room and then Kris walked in, “Morning.”

Li Mei offered him a chair at the table and sat down, “Sorry to just walk in but since yesterday morning didn’t go so nicely, I’ll walk you to school.”

Li Mei poked at her food as Ming tried to offer Kris food though he had already eaten, “Um Kris?”
“Where’s Luhan? How is he?”

Krs sighed as Ming brought him food anyway and looked at Li Mei, “I know you heard about the anniversary today. He’s fine, he just woke up late is all. He’ll meet us at school.”

Li Mei nodded and ate her food slowly, she finished and they walked together in silence to school. Halfway there Kris finally said, “So are you ready?”

Li Mei answered happy to fill the empty air, “I studied as much as I could, so I hope so. What about you?”
Kris shrugged with his hands in his pockets, “Eh, Luhan forced me to read three of his books and so I think I’m ready.”

Li Mei looked at him, “You read three of the textbooks in one night?”

Kris nodded, “Oh right, about that, you see we can read ten times faster than humans. It takes us mere seconds to read a book.”

Li Mei’s jaw dropped, “That’s incredible!”

Kris looked at her and she looked back as if she saw something, “What was that?”

Kris stopped and looked around, “I don’t sense anything…let’s just get to school.”

Li Mei agreed, she would be lying if she said that she wasn’t more scared now that she’d been attacked multiple times. Kris noticed her occasionally glancing back, she stopped and whispered, “Kris who are they?”

Kris looked across the street and saw some men in suits walking down the street. Kris mumbled, “They’re just men going to work.”

Li Mei looked at them and continued down the street, “I’ve never seen them before.”

Kris looked at them again and made eye contact with one of them, “Let’s get out of here.”

Kris grabbed her wrist and hastily dragged her around the block in front of the school, “Made it.”

Li Mei let out a breath of relief. Kris and Li Mei walked into class; Kris sat down at his seat and glanced back at Luhan who was sitting with his head down. Kris thought about going over to him but decided against it, Luhan was up early that morning and kept to himself. Kris knew that every year he would keep to himself on this day; he didn’t like to be with others during times like this. Shang Lu walked into the classroom, “Hey Li Mei, good luck.”

Li Mei looked at him and nodded politely, “Oh um, thanks you too.”

He set a note on her desk, “For you, see you later.”

Shang Lu walked out and Li Mei sat down at her desk trying to concentrate on the exam that was about to start. She couldn’t help it and opened the note out of curiosity. Shang Lu had written her a poem and asked her out at the bottom. Li Mei folded the note back up and leaned back in her chair, Shang Lu was smart, nice looking, and a good guy; still though, Li Mei wasn’t attracted to him. She’d never been attracted to a guy before, she didn’t know what she was going to say to him.

The test started and Li Mei finished first, she turned her test in and was dismissed early. Luhan turned his test in next then Kris. Li Mei saw Luhan walk out and nod to her, “How do you think you did?”

“I think I did alright, you finished fast!”

Luhan leaned against the wall and stared at his shoes, “I finished a minutes after getting the test. Reading, writing, these are things people like Kris and I can do a lot faster than humans.”

Li Mei nodded, “Oh yeah that’s right. So what did you do for the other thirty minutes?”

“I waited for you.”

Li Mei nodded and looked down, “So about today,”

She stopped her sentence when Kris came out, “Alright, now that that is over with!”

Luhan pushed off the wall gently and mumbled, “I’m going home. Call me if you need me.”

Kris nodded, “Thanks Luhan.”

Li Mei watched him leave and sighed, “He seems so…sad.”

Kris pushed his sleeves up in the heat, “I wouldn’t expect him to be happy right now, but he’s staying strong.”

Li Mei kicked a stone on the sidewalk and Kris noticed and wanted to brighten the mood. He asked suddenly, “Want some lunch? My treat.”

Li Mei smiled softly, “Sure.”

Kris and Li Mei walked to a nearby café, the walk was partially silent except for some small talk.

Li Mei gripped her coffee in her hands letting her thoughts wander when Kris said out loud, “You’re thinking about Luhan aren’t you?”
Li Mei jumped slightly, “Huh!? Oh no…”

“I can see it in your eyes.”

“It’s just…what happened?”
Kris traced the rim of his cup and said, “Remember when you were really mad at me?”

Li Mei nodded, “Yeah?”

“I had failed as a leader and a guardian and I hadn’t been here for more than a week. I was given orders to go back home, and was going to be given a different assignment.”

“If you didn’t want us around it could be more dangerous staying then it would be to leave. So usually the team is assigned someone else.”

“So why are you here?”

Kris gripped his cup tightly in his hand Li Mei thought it would break any moment, “Luhan. He bargained my guardianship. Secured our stay here and that’s how we became your official guardians.”

“So EXO M are official guardians?”
“Yes we are, but I’m your guardian, EXO M is my team. We will protect you.”

Li Mei nodded understanding, “So Luhan fought for you all to stay?”

“Yes, he did. I’m so grateful, but I know why he did it.”

“Because he didn’t want to see me fail, he didn’t want me to give up.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ten years ago Luhan’s parents failed their mission and their roles as guardians. The human they were protecting didn’t want them around, and rejected them. Luhan’s parents had to protect the man but he refused to let them near him. In the end the man died.”

“Oh my!”

“Luhan came home to a silent house. He found them dead in their bedroom with a note at their feet. His parents had committed suicide.”

Li Mei’s jaw dropped open, “What!?”

Kris took a sip of his hot tea, “Yeah. Luhan has always been an inspiration to me. We were EXO M from when we were born and I was born as the leader, so Luhan lived with me but spent most of his time with Xiumin. That is why he didn’t want to see you turn us away. Why he fought so hard for me, and so that I could be your guardian.”

“I can’t believe it. Luhan…”

“He’s something alright. Really I’ve always looked up to him, the years we lived together he never pitied himself, he was a strong older brother to me, and he still is.”

“I’m glad he fought for me, I’m happy with you all here.”

“That’s sweet.”

Li Mei stirred her drink with a straw, “So why aren’t you going home for Guang?”

“As the leader I lived alone, except I lived with Luhan, since childhood.”


“It’s just the way it is, but I constantly was with EXO M, they are truly my brothers.”

“What about your parents?”

Kris adjusted in his seat ruffling his hair, “You’re very curious aren’t you?”

Li Mei straightened up, “I can’t help it, can you blame me?”

Kris chuckled lightly, “You are either born a leader, or a member back home. My family is leaders, and the rest of EXO M are members. As a leader you are raised by your parents for a little while but then live on your own to better your skills as a leader. You often spend time with your team, like I did with EXO M but still members are allowed to live with their families until an older age.”

“How old?”

“I was left home when I was 7 and Luhan joined me a year later. The rest of EXO M joined me when they were fifteen. Even though we all didn’t live together for all those years, we still went to school together, trained, and spent a lot of time together.”

Li Mei took a bite of her sandwich, “That’s incredible. I’m eighteen and I still live with my mother.”

Kris shrugged and smiled slightly, “Humans do things differently.”

Li Mei sat back, “So does all of EXO M know about Luhan’s parents?”

Kris nodded solemnly, “Yeah, we all went to their burial. I never told Luhan but I’ve always respected him the most out of anyone in EXO M, he’s a good guy.”

Li Mei poked at her food, “Yeah, he is.”

Kris chuckled and asked, “Don’t go and fall for him.”

Li Mei dropped her chopsticks and sat up straight, “WHAT!?”

Kris leaned back in his seat laughing, “You heard me.”

Li Mei turned red, “I’m not! You’re so childish!”

“I’m just saying, he’s not interested.”

Li Mei looked at Kris slightly offended, “Are you saying I’m not good enough for him? I can tell you one thing, I don’t know how things work on EXO but here no one would be interested in you, and that attitude!”

Kris sat forward, “Hey, calm down. Geez, I was just joking. I meant that it’s forbidden.”

Li Mei huffed then asked picking her chopsticks up again, “What’s forbidden?”

Kris sipped his tea again, “People from EXO can’t be with humans. It’s just not allowed.”

“I don’t know, but it’s never happened before, and it’s a rule.”

Li Mei rolled her eyes, “Whatever, you’re probably just saying that as an excuse.”
“Excuse me?”

“Cause you can’t get a girl.”

Kris choked on his tea and stood up, “What!?”
Li Mei burst out laughing, “Yeah, you heard me.”

Kris sat back down crossing his arms, “I can’t believe you.”

Li Mei finished her meal with a smile and Kris just slouched in his chair. Li Mei stood up and threw her trash away, “I’m going to head to the library, thanks for the meal!”

Kris clicked his tongue and waved her away, “Yeah yeah yeah.”

Li Mei giggled and walked down the street careful of cars. Kris paid the bill when Luhan ran into the shop and grabbed his wrist, “Come on!”

Kris didn’t need an explanation as to why Luhan was suddenly there with him, it meant Li Mei was in danger. Kris sensed it as he followed Luhan down the streets. Luhan liked sports so he was faster than Kris but Kris forced himself to keep up. Luhan stopped around the corner slightly panting, “The gang still doesn’t suspect that we are protecting her.”

Kris nodded completely out of breath, “I know, we should try and keep it that way.”

Luhan nodded and handed him a smoothie, “Here.”

Kris looked at him, “What’s this?”

Luhan guided Kris’s hand over Luhan’s head and poured the shake on himself. Kris asked, “What are you doing!?”

Luhan pushed Kris around the corner, “Follow my lead!”

Kris got the hint and started running toward Li Mei, Luhan was following but slow enough Kris had a head start. Kris ran into Li Mei who asked surprised, “Kris!?”
Luhan yelled after him making sure the gang members hiding in the alley way could hear, “Kris get back here! You’re going to pay for this!”

Kris pretended to laugh and looked into Li Mei’s eyes telling her they had to run quick, “Come on Li Mei!”

Li Mei looked at Luhan confused but Kris dragged her along and out of sight. Luhan pretended to run after them but turned around the wrong corner to confuse the other gang members. Luhan stopped at a dead end and heard the gang following him closely. Luhan saw a broken mirror that had been dumped in the alley way, he jumped and phased through it quickly.

Kris finally stopped when they reached a public street full of people, “Are…you okay?”

Li Mei asked confused, “What’s going on?”

Kris explained, “Some of the gang was following you, but they still don’t know we’re protecting you. We want to try and keep it that way. Luhan and I played that out so it looked like he was chasing me.”

Li Mei connected the dots catching her breath, “So then you ran into me trying to run away. I see…”

Kris gestured so that it looked like he was pouring something on himself, “Luhan poured a milkshake on him so that it looked like I spilled it on him. I think he led the gang off in a different direction. Li Mei looked around, “Is he alright!?”

Kris nodded, “He’ll be fine.”

“I thought he was at home!?”

Kris stood up straight looking around for any other suspicious faces, “He must have sensed the danger and came to find me. He’s determined, even on today he cares more about you.”

Kris looked her in the eye and said softly, “Luhan doesn’t want what happened to his parents, to happen to me or you. He’s determined to keep you safe, and so is EXO M, we will protect you Li Mei. History will NOT repeat itself.”

Li Mei looked up at him in amazement, she felt fear of what her life had become; but at the same time with those words she knew EXO M would look after her. Li Mei looked into Kris’s eyes, “I trust you. I trust EXO M.”

Kris nodded and looked in the direction of the library, “I’ll walk you there and wait for you.”

Li Mei looked down at the ground, “Thanks.”

Kris started walking and Li Mei followed him, he was always reassuring her that EXO M would protect her. She didn’t doubt it, so why did he keep saying it? She believed in them, already she had been attacked several times, each time they all did everything to get her out safely. Kris glanced at Li Mei in deep thought and didn’t need to be able to read minds to know what she was thinking, Li Mei, I’m telling you that EXO M will protect you. I say it a thousand times not to get you to believe it, but instead, so that I can. Will I be able to protect you? You believe in me, EXO M does too, so why can’t I believe in myself. 

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Chapter 61: Thanks for this story!!! It is good!!!
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 61: Love this story so much!!!! I feel so many emotions while reading this story.
potaTao21 #3
Chapter 61: *writing more fics!! :"D
P.s. sorry about sending so many comments to say one message, my keyboard is spazzing up! XD
potaTao21 #4
Chapter 61: * you so so so much for writing! :'D It has been a pleasure to read!!! ⌒_⌒Thank you again, and I hope you carry on
potaTao21 #5
Chapter 61: *spot on!! x") So, thank
potaTao21 #6
Chapter 61: *thought was absolutely
potaTao21 #7
Chapter 61: Author-nim,
You have been the best Author-nim ever!!! XD I adore this story and it will always be one of the best ones Ive ever read!! *^–^* The way you portrayed the characters, I though
potaTao21 #8
Chapter 59: *you Author-nim! ★ Hwaiting! (^•^)/
potaTao21 #9
Chapter 59: So, Sui Jin actually isnt that bad of a person? He only wanted to protect his nephew? :'( Thank
potaTao21 #10
Chapter 58: I knew it!!! But OMG Sui Jin is Luhan's uncle?! xO And whats Kris gonna do...? :S Thank you Author-nim! *^^* Hwaiting! (^•^)/