Chapter 15 Reunion

My Guardian, Will You Protect Me?

Tao stretched, “Alright I guess it’s about time.”

Chen threw some prison uniforms on the floor where the couch used to be, “I found these at a costume shop with Xiumin, they aren’t the real thing, but in the dark and under a cover it should look convincing enough.”

Kris counted on his fingers, “Costumes, times, Chen you make sure the power stays out until at least thirty minutes after Luhan and Tao get back.”

Chen nodded, he opened the blinds and tapped the window and suddenly more lightning struck and Li Mei asked amazed, “You’re controlling the lightening? You knocked the power out?”

Chen smiled proudly, “Yeah, I can control and create lightening!”

Chen clapped his hands together and spread them apart slowly and lightening crackled in between them. Li Mei jumped back amazed and scared at the same time. Xiumin pulled her back a little and lightly scolded Chen, “Stop that, do you want to set the house on fire.”

Chen placed his palms together crushing the lightening, “Sorry.”

Luhan and Tao came out dressed and Xiumin looked them over, “Well done boys.”

Kris went up to them both, “Call us if there’s any trouble. Alright?”

Tao nodded, “Take care of Li Mei!”

Kris smiled halfheartedly, “Yeah, I will.”

Li Mei pouted her lip, “Thank you guys, for doing this.”

Everyone looked at her and then she was greeted with warm smiles from everyone. Luhan put a hand on her shoulder, “Li Mei we’d do anything for you, especially to keep you safe. Though this isn’t something we normally do, we know it’s for your wellbeing.”

Lay looked to Luhan, “You feeling okay? I don’t know how long my healing will last if the pain comes back.”

Luhan shrugged, “It’s just a small headache right now, I’ll be fine. Stay with Kris, and near Li Mei okay?”

Lay gave a thumbs up and Luhan faced the mirror. I’ve already alerted EXO A, I’ll go first.”

Luhan took a deep breath and backed up; he got a running start and leaped through the mirror. On the other side he could barely make out the members of EXO A prepared to catch him. Luhan’s head crashed into one of the bunks but he was caught securely, Min-jun asked, “Luhan! Are you okay?”

He was whispering and Luhan felt his forehead, a cut on it was bleeding, “I’m fine, let me warn Tao.”

Luhan ripped some of his pants off and held it to his head, it jumpstarted the headache he had before, Lay’s healing would be needed by the time he got back. Luhan stood in front of the bunks so that he could catch Tao’s head. Tao was taller than him but he was the most flexible of them all. He studied the most martial arts while training, Luhan was more of a soccer kind of fellow. Luhan warned the other members, “He’s coming.”

Tao winked at Li Mei, “Have a good reunion Li Mei!”

Tao backed up and ran toward the mirror. He jumped into it and twisted his body so that he was on his back. Tao felt himself be caught securely and his head slam into someone behind him. Luhan held a pillow up to soften the blow for Tao but was thrown back into the bunk. Jin Wei asked, “Luhan you okay?”

Luhan massaged his shoulder, “It’s my own fault, suggesting the mirror. But it worked so it’s worth it. You and Lao need to get going.”

Lao came out of the shadows, “Luhan? Tao? I’m Lao, thank you for what you’re doing for my daughter. Please, protect her.”

Luhan and Tao shook his hand and nodded respectfully. Luhan quickly explained, “Jin Wei, jump through the mirror, we’ve placed a mattress and lots of pillows for a soft landing. Call to us when you’re coming back so we can prepare to catch you both.”

Jin Wei nodded, “Thanks Luhan.”

Tao lightly punched him on the shoulder, “Good luck!”

Jin Wei smiled and he and Lao got on the top bunk as Xiumin and Luhan had done earlier. Jin Wei hugged Lao tightly, “Hold on.”

Jin Wei and Lao jumped down and forward and passed through the mirror almost missing it. Luhan let out a breath and laid down on the cot, “What do they feed you here? They were so heavy!”

Min-jun laughed, “Pretty rotten food but, did you help keep them up?”

“I knew they’d never make it, so I kept them high enough in the air for just the right amount of time so they could pass through the mirror.”

Hyun-jun whispered, “Let’s get into bed.”

They all nodded and tucked themselves in. They were silent and pretended to be asleep as a guard walked by shined a light on them and counted aloud lazily, “One, two, three, four, five, six…hey Jin Wei? Are you bleeding?”

Luhan quickly caused the flashlight to fall from his hand and break on the ground. He cursed and another came running, “What’s going on?”

The first guard groaned, “I dropped my light, I thought I saw Jin Wei bleeding in there.”

“Whatever; probably imagined it. This storm still has the power cut, whenever we get close lightning strikes and kills it. I don’t know when the storm will end! This lightening is so close to the prison too, I’ve never seen lightening so up close before.”

“Well everyone’s here.”

The guards left chatting about the storm then work hours. Min-jun whispered to Luhan, “Hey you okay?”

Luhan waited a moment to reply, “I’m fine.”

Tao asked worried, “Is it your head again?”

Luhan nodded even though it was too dark for any of them to see, “It’s made my headache worse!”

Tao sunk into his sheets worried, “Lu-ge…”

Luhan sighed trying to just close his eyes, “I’m fine.”

Everyone was silent and only each other’s breathing could be heard.

Lao and Jin Wei came flying into the living room and landed right on the mattress EXO M had made for them. Ming screamed and Lao stood up immediately, “Ming!”

They embraced each other, Kris helped Jin Wei up and hugged him tightly, “It’s been a long time!”

Jin Wei went around hugging the rest of EXO M, “It’s been too long. How have you been?”

Lao and Ming embraced each other tightly and Ming had a new set of tears pouring out of her eyes. They finally broke apart and Kris patted Lao’s shoulder, “I’m Kris, leader of EXO M and Li Mei’s official guardian. I’m glad we could do this for Li Mei, we can give you fifteen minutes.”

Ming sighed, “Only fifteen?”
Kris nodded, “I’m sorry.”

Ming turned to Li Mei and said with new tears coming, “Lao, dear, this is Li Mei. Our daughter.”

Lao faced Li Mei and she held her breath. He looked the same as in all the photos, only a little older and skinnier. Lao had some tears in his eyes, “Li Mei, my precious little girl. I’ve never stopped thinking about you.”

Li Mei bit her lip, “Dad?”

Lao held his hand out, “It’s nice to meet you…I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long…”

Li Mei ran into his arms and cried. She couldn’t hold it in any longer, “I missed you too!”

Lao laughed with tears falling down his face, “I love you my precious daughter. I never stopped and never will stop.”

Li Mei hugged him tighter and Lao pulled Ming into a family hug. Jin Wei sighed, “Kris, you’ve got a special girl. EXO A has a special relationship with Lao, more than guardianship. I’m not his guardian; to me he is my best friend. I know it’ll be the same for you and Li Mei.”

Chen laughed quietly, “Yeah right! She hates him.”

Jin Wei raised an eyebrow, “What?”

Kris stuffed his hands in his pockets, “We had a bad start, I’m trying to win her over though. It’ll work out, especially now that she got to see her dad.”

Jin Wei looked to the rest of the group and Lay quickly explained what had happened. Jin Wei nodded understanding, “So that’s why Luhan has been sick. I know that elder, yeah not only can he hurt you internally, but his powers have a lasting effect lasts even after he’s done.”

Xiumin asked worried, “How long?”

“Not forever, but it depends on how long he had been using his power on you. If he zapped you once should be gone in a few hours.”

Lay nodded, “How have you all been?”

Jin Wei nodded and quietly told his story; Li Mei asked her dad, “Dad, I’m so glad I got to meet you.”

Lao smiled and kissed her head, “Me too my darling, me too. Ming and Lao shared a quick kiss and Lao asked, “I know this must be a lot to take in, but please, you have to trust these boys. They will protect you!”

Li Mei nodded, “I know…I…trust them dad. I trust them. They brought you here didn’t they?”

Lao smiled proudly, “I have such a beautiful and intelligent daughter. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you dad.”

Li Mei hugged him tightly feeling relieved and happy. Everything she had thought about her dad was a lie, and she was so glad that because she found out she was able to finally meet him. Lao asked, “Kris he is sincere with his words, stick close to him alright?”

Li Mei shrunk back a little, “I don’t like him…he’s…cold.”

Lao laughed, “Give him a chance honey, I thought Jin Wei was too friendly in the beginning too, in fact I worried he was trying to steal Ming away!”

Ming giggled, “I’ve always been yours honey.”

They shared another kiss and Li Mei saw how happy her mother was after seeing her dad after so long. Lao gave Li Mei a ring that he wore, “Here, wear this and know I’m always thinking of you. Li Mei, trust me, give Kris a chance, and trust EXO M. I’m sorry I’ve brought my problems on you, but you’ve been blessed with EXO M.”

Li Mei shook her head, “No dad I don’t blame you,”

Jin Wei put hand on Lao’s shoulder before Li Mei could finish, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have to go. Chen checked the window and tapped it three times; three bright flashes of lightening were seen from the window through the blinds. Chen sighed, “That should hold the power off for another hour, but I can’t keep it going like this. Keeping a storm like this going for this long is strange enough, I have to stop the storm now, and it’ll slowly disperse.”

Ming asked, “Five more minutes please!”

Kris had sorrow in his eyes, “I’m so sorry Ming, we can’t.”

Jin Wei hugged her, “It was great seeing you. They’ve stuck their necks out on our accounts to get us here.”

Lao sighed, “I love you both so much!”

Kris felt Luhan calling, “Luhan said that they’re ready when you are.”

Li Mei went over to Kris, “Kris, please… five more minutes!”

Kris saw she was begging him with her eyes, If I say no she’ll go back to hating me. How can I say yes when Luhan is hurt, I can feel it. Kris bit his lip, “Five minutes, no more, no less.”

Li Mei looked at him in disbelief and a smile broke through her worried face, “Thank you!”

She hugged her father tightly and Ming and Lao kissed again. They spent the last five minutes talking and hugging each other. Li Mei gave him a locket with a picture of her and Ming in it, “So you’ll know we will always be thinking of you.”

Lao gripped the locket in his fist tightly, “I’ll never lose it.”

Jin Wei stretched, “Ready Lao?”

Lao nodded and Lay said, “Better hurry, next guard patrol is in ten minutes. The guards saw Luhan’s head bleeding so their probably going to look at you closely Jin Wei.”

Jin Wei looked to all of EXO M, “Thank you all for what you have done for Lao and me. I hope to see you all in the future.”

Lao and Jin Wei jumped through the mirror and were caught safely by the rest of the members. Jin Wei patted Luhan’s and Tao’s shoulders, “Good jobs guys, thank you.”

Luhan smiled, “It was good seeing you.”

Tao hugged him and the other members, “I’ll miss you all.”

Toa got on the bed and Luhan nodded, “I got ya.”

Tao jumped and made it through the mirror; Luhan got up next and jumped barely making it. Tao landed on the mattress and quickly moved for Luhan. Luhan landed and Lay immediately healed his head, “How do you feel?”

Luhan smiled and sat up, “Good as new, thanks. How did things go here?”

Li Mei stepped forward, “Thank you EXO M…for doing this.”

Everyone smiled and Ming offered, “It’s so late, would you all like something to eat?”

Kris chuckled, “It’s late; why don’t you two go to bed? We should be heading home.”

Xiumin helped Luhan up, “Let’s walk home, we can grab something sweet on the way home.”

Luhan nodded at the idea and Tao jumped up and down, “Me too! Me too!”

Xiumin laughed, “I’ll pay come on.”

Lay nudged Chen, “Let’s go.”

Chen and Lay walked through the mirror and Ming sighed, “Well, I’ll be off to bed, thank you Kris.”

Kris nodded and waved goodnight, “Night.”

Li Mei rocked back and forth on her heels, “Kris?”

Kris turned and looked down at her, “Y…yeah?”

Li Mei looked up at him and said sincerely, “Thank you.”

Luhan asked, “You coming Kris?”

Kris looked at them waiting at the door and called, “Yeah. Hey will you fix their living room for them?”

Li Mei almost forgot about their living room and how it had been dissected so that they could spend those precious fifteen minutes together. Luhan waved his hand and the furniture moved itself back to where it belonged. Kris looked at Li Mei, “Here.”

Kris handed her a sheet of paper, “This is my number, call me if you are in trouble, or need anything.”

Li Mei took it and stared at it, “Thanks…”

Kris sighed and turned away, Li Mei said quickly, “I’m not angry at you anymore…”

Kris stared at her and so did everyone else. Tao clapped, “Yay that calls for celebration!”

Xiumin nudged him lightly, “No we have school tomorrow!”

Li Mei blinked as if waking up, “Oh snap!”

Xiumin nodded, “See you tomorrow!”

They all left and Li Mei rushed to get ready for bed. She got under the warm blankets and saw the clock said it was past midnight. She turned out the lights and laid her head down on her soft pillow, she grabbed her phone quickly and scrolled through her contacts. She stopped over Luhan’s name; she slowly added Kris’ number and smiled slightly. She typed in the name box, My Guardian.

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Chapter 61: Thanks for this story!!! It is good!!!
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 61: Love this story so much!!!! I feel so many emotions while reading this story.
potaTao21 #3
Chapter 61: *writing more fics!! :"D
P.s. sorry about sending so many comments to say one message, my keyboard is spazzing up! XD
potaTao21 #4
Chapter 61: * you so so so much for writing! :'D It has been a pleasure to read!!! ⌒_⌒Thank you again, and I hope you carry on
potaTao21 #5
Chapter 61: *spot on!! x") So, thank
potaTao21 #6
Chapter 61: *thought was absolutely
potaTao21 #7
Chapter 61: Author-nim,
You have been the best Author-nim ever!!! XD I adore this story and it will always be one of the best ones Ive ever read!! *^–^* The way you portrayed the characters, I though
potaTao21 #8
Chapter 59: *you Author-nim! ★ Hwaiting! (^•^)/
potaTao21 #9
Chapter 59: So, Sui Jin actually isnt that bad of a person? He only wanted to protect his nephew? :'( Thank
potaTao21 #10
Chapter 58: I knew it!!! But OMG Sui Jin is Luhan's uncle?! xO And whats Kris gonna do...? :S Thank you Author-nim! *^^* Hwaiting! (^•^)/