Chapter 7 : The Beginning (part 2)

This Is The Truth Reality



"You've work hard, you've work hard" I bow to WGM staff members. Cameraman, PD-nim, and the other staff.

"You've work hard. Kamsahamida" I bowed again to photographer who had taken my photo with Naeun today.


Yes, today is our seventh meeting, and this time we did a photoshoot for our wedding photo.

Naeun is very beautiful today, to be honest.
With wedding dress she was wearing. When I saw her, that I could think was 'wow, she's really pretty'


Anyway where is she now?

Filming is already finished 30 minutes ago. Another couple was already go home. Had she gone home too?


Seriously she had gone home? Without saying goodbye to me? Aigo. How can she do that? I was her marriage partner.


umm. . . or maybe Naeun is still here? - I thought as I came out of the building.


I think Naeun still here, somewhere. Sometimes she like to disappeared. Just like a gohstㅋㅋㅋ


I walked aimlessly.  

The wind blowing in my face. This was a cold night. I pressed jacket I wore.

I kept walking until finally arriving at the garden. It is a beautiful garden, with flowers and a fountain in the middle of the garden. However, there is very little lighting here so I had decided to return to the building.

But when I went to turned, something steal my attention. There, on a park bench that’s about 15 meters from where I stood, I saw her.


I saw Naeun.


She certainly didn’t realize I was being watched her.

For a moment I just stayed where I was standing, watching her from afar. I watched her figure from behind, her long hair . . .

I thought to myself, how can someone look so beautiful even if it is only from behind?


Then something poped into my mind, an ignorant ideaㅋㅋ

I slowly approached to Naeun (which of course she's still not aware of my presence) as I was standing right behind her I bent down and patted her right shoulder while I was hiding in her left side.

Naeun quickly turned to the right, but of course she didn’t see anything.

Haha! Her face looked very frightened.

I leaned my face into her ear and whispered 'Boo' in her left ear.

"AAAAA!!!" she shouted loudly and. . . . . slap me.





I look at a view of the garden in front of me. Filming was finished 30 minutes ago but my manager hadn’t come to pick me up yet. I wonder where is he.

I picked up the phone in my small bag, trying to contact him again. But still, he didn’t answer my call.


Aarrgh!! Oppa, where are you?!


The wind was blowing hard. I hugged my body. Stupid me for not wearing jacket today.

I want to go back to the building where we do a photoshoot earlier, there is definitely a lot warmer inside there. But. . .Taemin oppa definitely be there.

I sighed softly. It's not like I'm avoiding him or anything. But. . . umm, I don’t know I just don’t want to be around him. Don’t get me worng, this is not in a bad mean.


I don’t want to be around him because every time I was near by him I definitely felt a strange feeling. Like my heart will always feel a pounding, I was nervous, get excited, and each time I was close to him I couldn’t take my eyes off his face.

I’ve always watched him when he was not looking at me.

To be honest I would always watch him when we were apart . Like when he was talking with some staff or PD-nim, while I just sit. At that time I would always look at him. I don’t know what happend to me until I could be like this.

If I continue to feel what I felt now then I would be in big trouble, a big trouble with my heart. I could like him even more. . . God.


Yes. . . actually I've been like him, I admit about that now.

Honestly I have liked him since we met in Jeju Do, but at the time I just don’t want to admit that fact, even deny those feelings I have. What did I say back then? I'm afraid, scared I'll get hurt. But as time goes by my feelings like getting bigger and bigger.


When we met for the second time (when we went to our old school) then we took a walk in Myungdong, then we do a photo sticker. . . I found him cute.


When our third meeting. . . when he plays piano for me, I found him cool.


When our fourth meeting. When we do a Bungee Jump and he held my hand tightly I found him as someone who will always can protect me.


When we watch a movie in our house, when his gaze often directed at me. I found him as someone who will always looked at me.


When we start to text each other or when he call me in the mindle night. I found him as someone who I was comfortable with.


And now. . . I just found him perfect.


Thinking about it all makes me smile.


But suddenly there were someone who taped my right shoulder. Surprised, I quickly turn my head straight towards my right. But . . . There is no one there. At once I felt very frightened. Are there's ghosts here?


Umma!!! Appa!!! Please help me. . . somebody help me!


God! I'm so scraed. I wanted to run as fast as possible and leave this garden but my feet felt frozen.


Please! Please! Somebody save me. . . - I thought as I closed my eyes in fear.


"Boo. . ." Someone whispered in my ear.

"AAAA!!!!” I shouted loud and slap that ghost or person or ert or whatever it is. I can’t see who is he/she clearly because my eyes still half closed.

"Aw. . ." I heard the man voice.


Oh! Wait! This voice. . .

I opened my eyes wide and find Taemin oppa who standing behind me, touching his cheek.


OH! MY! GOD! What just I did?!


"Op... oppa? Taemin oppa?" I said as I blinked confused.

"Yeah it's me" he told me. I looked at him in disbelief. Now he was there in front of me, still thouching his cheek.

"Can I sit?" He asked me. I snapped out of my reverie and nodded quickly.

"You are the first girl who slap me" he said with a softly laugh.


Oh right! I should apologize! Stupid! Stupid!


"Oppa sorry. Really sorry. Really really sorry. I didn’t mean to slap you" I said frantically while biting my lower lip.

"haha no problem" he said as he drop his hand from his cheek.

his cheeks looks red. . .

I raised my hand and touched his cheek softly.

"Gwencanayoo oppa?" I asked him still feel guilty.


He didn’t answer my question. He even raised his eyebrows, looked at me with surprised expression. Surprised?

Ah! I realized my hand was still touching his smooth cheeks. . . his soft cheeks. . .  his cheeks that I hope I could always touch. . . *hell stop here* in a quick I dropped my hand from his cheek. I'm so embarrassed! Surely my face are gotten red now.


Taemin oppa just laughed at my reaction.


"Ani, gwencana. I just shocked, you are a strong girl, more strong that I though" he said with a mischievous smile, teasing me.

When I saw him I couldn’t help but laughing. Taemin oppa always can makes me feel comfortable, and I like it.

"But what are you doing here Naeun-ah?" He asked me.

"I'm waiting my manager"

"But you can wait inside"

"Eh?. . . um, I like here" I lied.


After that silence, he didn’t say anything else but then he took off his jacket.

"Silly girl. But it's cold here" he said to me as he wrap his jacket around my shoulder.


GOD! Let me die now . . .


My heart was beating so fast right now, it feels like my heart can poped out at any time!

"Thanks oppa. . ." I said nervously to him and gave him small smile.


Ah. . . now it feels much warmer, not only my body but also my heart. . .


"Anyway where 's your manager?" He ask me.

"I don’t know either..."

"How can that be? Are you already try to call him?"

"Of crouse I did. I tried to call him like for 10 times, but he didn't answer"


Taemin oppa nodded slowly to heard what I said.


"or maybe he forgot you were a member of Apink" he said to me with a serious 'fake' tone.

"oppa!" I slapping his shoulder playfully. Then we laughed together.

"Try call him again" he said to me.


Then I took my phone out of my bag.
But. . . my phone was turns off, my battery is empety! I looked at my phone in disbelief.


How can my phone battery runs out?! I'm in big trouble now!!! If my phone dies so how can I contact manager oppa? How can I go home?! I don’t even bring my wallet, I don’t have any money in my bag, so I can’t go home by taxi. . . whaaaaT.T what should I do?!


"Why? What's wrong?" Taemin oppa ask me.

"my phone dies. . ." I told him with a blank expression, like I lost my mind. I really really don’t know what to do.

"Here" he suddenly said as he handed me his phone. HIS PHONE! I look at his phone didn't uderstand.

"Here, use my phone" he said again, put his phone in my hand. I looked at phone in my hand without blink.

"Don’t just see at my phone, try to call your manager." Taemin oppa said, laughing softly.

"Can I?. . ." I asked him.

"Of Crouse. You are my wife" he said with a grin. I saw him smiling. What did I say? He always can make me feel comfortable.

"Thank you oppa. You are the best husband ever" I told him with a chuckle.

"Yes I am" he said with a laugh.


I started tapping my manager’s number (which thankfully I memorized) I pressed 'call', wait a few moments. But. . . he didn't answer.




I dropped Taemin oppa's phone from my ear and gave it back to Taemin oppa. I shook my head. "He didn’t answer" I said to him.


AAAA God!! I think I'm going to cry now. . . how can I go home? Manager oppa!!! If I see you tomorrow I'll kill youT.T


"Let's Go" Taemin oppa said as he stood up from the bench.


"I said let's go. I'll take you home"


"I brought my car today because manager hyung have other plan. So I could take you home"

"But. . ."

"There's no 'but'. Do you want to wait here all night? I'd better take you home. Comeon"

I stared at him without blinking like an idiot.

"Oh comeon. Get your up and let's go to my car, or I have to carry you?"

Heard his last sentence, I stood up.

"Haha good girl. Kaja~"





We are now already in the parking lot. I open the car door for Naeun and she went inside my car.

I'll take her home! Somehow this idea makes me happy.


I started driving my car.

During the journey we continue to talk about a lot of things. We will talk about everythings we see on the street and laugh together as I was saying stupid comments.


I really like when Naeun being shy if I praise her. Praised her because she was so pretty today while wearing a wedding dress or say that she is more beautiful than Go Junhee noona. I don’t know I just like it.


And in the fact when I say that she is very pretty when she wearing the wedding dress is the truth.

and when I said that she was more beautiful than Junhee noona is also the truth.


Moreover, in my car there's no camera, so all I said was not an acting. That is what actually I think and I feel.

Right now we just talk freely and honestly. Each other of us knows it, because there are no cameras here that cause we must acting. The truth is, this moment we just be ourselves, and it raises a warm feeling in my heart.





We arrived at the apartment where Naeun dorm is.


I decided to walk with her to the lobby. We stopped in front of lift, then Naeun facing me.

"Umm, thanks because you take me home oppa" Naeun said with a smile.  .  . sweet smile.

Seen her smile like that I couldn’t help myself not smiling with her.

"No problem" I told her.


"Bye. . ."


She turned around, about to get into the lift. But stop and look at me again. I raised my eyebrows.

"I forgot. Here your jacket. Thank you oppa, that’s so warm" she said, taking off my jacket and handed it to me.

I shook my head .

"No, you take it"


"Even here is still cold. I can’t let my wife sick because a cold air right?" I said playfully to her.


I took my jacket from her hand and then warping it to her shoulder again.

"Th. . . thanks oppa"

"You're welcome"

"Umm, see you next two weeks"

"Yeah, see you next two weeks"


She then walked slowly toward the lift.

"Naeun-ah" I called her, she turned back at me.


"Don’t forget to dream about me" I said, smiling to her.


Hear what I said her face blush. How cute!

She gave a small nod with a shy smile. And it only made her look more cute. I swear.

She then got into the lift and the doors closed.





I walked back to my car with a big smile.

I was about to start driving while suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. I got 1 new massage.

Reading my new masagge I couldn’t stop myself from smiling even biger.


Agio this girl. . .


From : Naeun

Don’t forget to dream about me too oppa. Goodnight^^



"You've work hard, you've work hard" I bow to WGM staff members. Cameraman, PD-nim, and the other staff.

"You've work hard. Kamsahamida" I bowed again to photographer who had taken my photo with Naeun today.


Yes, today is our seventh meeting, and this time we did a photoshoot for our wedding photo.

Naeun is very beautiful today, to be honest.
With wedding dress she was wearing. When I saw her, that I could think was 'wow, she's really pretty'


Anyway where is she now?

Filming is already finished 30 minutes ago. Another couple was already go home. Had she gone home too?


Seriously she had gone home? Without saying goodbye to me? Aigo. How can she do that? I was her marriage partner.


umm. . . or maybe Naeun is still here? - I thought as I came out of the building.


I think Naeun still here, somewhere. Sometimes she like to disappeared. Just like a gohstㅋㅋㅋ

I walked aimlessly.  

The wind blowing in my face. This was a cold night. I pressed jacket I wore.

I kept walking until finally arriving at the garden. It is a beautiful garden, with flowers and a fountain in the middle of the garden. However, there is very little lighting here so I had decided to return to the building.

But when I went to turned, something steal my attention. There, on a park bench that’s about 15 meters from where I stood, I saw her.


I saw Naeun.


She certainly didn’t realize I was being watched her.

For a moment I just stayed where I was standing, watching her from afar. I watched her figure from behind, her long hair . . .

I thought to myself, how can someone look so beautiful even if it is only from behind?


Then something poped into my mind, an ignorant ideaㅋㅋ

I slowly approached to Naeun (which of course she's still not aware of my presence) as I was standing right behind her I bent down and patted her right shoulder while I was hiding in her left side.

Naeun quickly turned to the right, but of course she didn’t see anything.

Haha! Her face looked very frightened.

I leaned my face into her ear and whispered 'Boo' in her left ear.

"AAAAA!!!" she shouted loudly and. . . . . slap me.





I look at a view of the garden in front of me. Filming was finished 30 minutes ago but my manager hadn’t come to pick me up yet. I wonder where he is.

I picked up the phone in my small bag, trying to contact him again. But still, he didn’t answer my call.


Aarrgh!! Oppa, where are you?!


The wind was blowing hard. I hugged my body. Stupid me for not wearing jacket today.

I want to go back to the building where we do a photoshoot earlier, there is definitely a lot warmer inside there. But. . .Taemin oppa definitely be there.

I sighed softly. It's not like I'm avoiding him or anything. But. . . umm, I don’t know I just don’t want to be around him. Don’t get me worng, this is not in a bad mean.


I don’t want to be around him because every time I was near by him I definitely felt a strange feeling. Like my heart will always feel a pounding, I was nervous, get excited, and each time I was close to him I couldn’t take my eyes off his face. I’ve always watched him when he was not looking at me.

To be honest I would always watch him when we were apart . Like when he was talking with some staff or PD-nim, while I just sit. At that time I would always look at him. I don’t know what happend to me until I could be like this.

If I continue to feel what I felt now then I would be in big trouble, a big trouble  with my heart. I could like him evenmore. . . God.


Yes. . . actually I've been like him, I admit about that now.

Honestly I have liked him since we met in Jeju Do, but at the time I just don’t want to admit that fact, even deny those feelings I have. What did I say back then? I'm afraid, scared I'll get hurt. But as time goes by my feelings like getting bigger and bigger.


When we met for the second time (when we went to our old school) then we took a walk in Myungdong, then we do a photo sticker. . . I found him cute.


When our third meeting. . . when he plays piano for me, I found him cool.


When our fourth meeting. When we do a Bungee Jump and he held my hand tightly I found him as someone who will always can protect me.


When we watch a movie in our house, when his gaze often directed at me. I found him as someone who will always looked at me.


When we start to text each other or when he call me in the mindle night. I found him as someone who I was comfortable with.


And now. . . I just found him perfect.


Thinking about it all makes me smile.


But suddenly there were someone who taped my right shoulder. Surprised, I quickly turn my head straight towards my right. But . . . There is no one there. At once I felt very frightened. Are there's ghosts here?


Umma!!! Appa!!! Please help me. . . somebody help me!


God! I'm so scraed. I wanted to run as fast as possible and leave this garden but my feet felt frozen.


Please! Please! Somebody save me. . . - I thought as I closed my eyes in fear.


"Boo. . ." Someone whispered in my ear.

"AAAA!!!!” I shouted loud and slap that ghost or person or ert or whatever it is. I can’t see who is he/she clearly because my eyes still half closed.

"Aw. . ." I heard the man voice.


Oh! Wait! This voice. . .

I opened my eyes wide and find Taemin oppa who standing behind me, touching his cheek.


OH! MY! GOD! What just I did?!


"Op... oppa? Taemin oppa?" I said as I blinked confused.

"Yeah it's me" he told me. I looked at him in disbelief. Now he was there in front of me, still thouching his cheek.

"Can I sit?" He asked me. I snapped out of my reverie and nodded quickly.

"You are the first girl who slap me" he said with a softly laugh.


Oh right! I should apologize! Stupid! Stupid!


"Oppa sorry. Really sorry. Really really sorry. I didn’t mean to slap you" I said frantically while biting my lower lip.

"Ahaha no problem" he said as he drop his hand from his cheek.

his cheeks looks red. . .

I raised my hand and touched his cheek softly.

"Gwencanayoo oppa?" I asked him still feel guilty.


He didn’t answer my question. He even raised his eyebrows, looked at me with surprised expression. Surprised?

Ah! I realized my hand was still touching his smooth cheeks. . . his soft cheeks. . .  his cheeks that I hope I could always touch. . . *hell stop here* in a quick I dropped my hand from his cheek. I'm so embarrassed! Surely my face are gotten red now.


Taemin oppa just laughed at my reaction.


"Ani, gwencana. I just shocked, you are a strong girl, more strong that I though" he said with a mischievous smile, teasing me.

When I saw him I couldn’t help but laughing. Taemin oppa always can makes me feel comfortable, and I like it.

"But what are you doing here Naeun-ah?" He asked me.

"I'm waiting my manager"

"But you can wait inside"

"Eh?. . . um, I like here" I lied.


After that silence, he didn’t say anything else but then he took off his jacket.

"Silly girl. But it's cold here" he said to me as he wrap his jacket around my shoulder.


GOD! Let me die now . . .


My heart was beating so fast right now, it feels like my heart can poped out at any time!

"Thanks oppa. . ." I said nervously to him and gave him small smile.


Ah. . . now it feels much warmer, not only my body but also my heart. . .


"Anyway where 's your manager?" He ask me.

"I don’t know either..."

"How can that be? Are you already try to call him?"

"Of crouse I did. I tried to call him like for 10 times, but he didn't answer"


Taemin oppa nodded slowly to heard what I said.


"or maybe he forgot you were a member of Apink" he said to me with a serious 'fake' tone.

"oppa!" I slapping his shoulder playfully. Then we laughed together.

"Try call him again" he said to me.


Then I took my phone out of my bag.
But. . . my phone was turns off, my battery is empety! I looked at my phone in disbelief.


How can my phone battery runs out?! I'm in big trouble now!!! If my phone dies so how can I contact manager oppa? How can I go home?! I don’t even bring my wallet, I don’t have any money in my bag, so I can’t go home by taxi. . . whaaaaT.T what should I do?!


"Why? What's wrong?" Taemin oppa ask me.

"my phone dies. . ." I told him with a blank expression, like I lost my mind. I really really don’t know what to do.

"Here" he suddenly said as he handed me his phone. HIS PHONE! I look at his phone didn't uderstand.

"Here, use my phone" he said again, put his phone in my hand. I looked at phone in my hand without blink.

"Don’t just see at my phone, try to call your manager." Taemin oppa said, laughing softly.

"Can I?. . ." I asked him.

"Of Crouse. You are my wife" he said with a grin. I saw him smiling. What did I say? He always can make me feel comfortable.

"Thank you oppa. You are the best husband ever" I told him with a chuckle.

"Yes I am" he said with a laugh.


I started tapping my manager’s number (which thankfully I memorized) I pressed 'call', wait a few moments. But. . . he didn't answer.




I dropped Taemin oppa's phone from my ear and gave it back to Taemin oppa. I shook my head. "He didn’t answer" I said to him.


AAAA God!! I think I'm going to cry now. . . how can I go home? Manager oppa!!! If I see you tomorrow I'll kill youT.T


"Let's Go" Taemin oppa said as he stood up from the bench.


"I said let's go. I'll take you home"


"I brought my car today because manager hyung have other plan. So I could take you home"

"But. . ."

"There's no 'but'. Do you want to wait here all night? I'd better take you home. Comeon"

I stared at him without blinking like an idiot.

"Oh comeon. Get your up and let's go to my car, or I have to carry you?"

Heard his last sentence, I stood up.

"Haha good girl. Kaja~"





We are now already in the parking lot. I open the car door for Naeun and she went inside my car.

I'll take her home! Somehow this idea makes me happy.


I started driving my car.

During the journey we continue to talk about a lot of things. We will talk about everythings we see on the street and laugh together as I was saying stupid comments.


I really like when Naeun being shy if I praise her. Praised her because she was so pretty today while wearing a wedding dress or say that she is more beautiful than Go Junhee noona. I don’t know I just like it.


And in the fact when I say that she is very pretty when she wearing the wedding dress is the truth.

and when I said that she was more beautiful than Junhee noona is also the truth.


Moreover, in my car there's no camera, so all I said was not an acting. That is what actually I think and I feel.

Right now we just talk freely and honestly. Each other of us knows it, because there are no cameras here that cause we must acting. The truth is, this moment we just be ourselves, and it raises a warm feeling in my heart.





We arrived at the apartment where Naeun dorm is.


I decided to walk with her to the lobby. We stopped in front of lift, then Naeun facing me.

"Umm, thanks because you take me home oppa" Naeun said with a smile.  .  . sweet smile.

Seen her smile like that I couldn’t help myself not smiling with her.

"No problem" I told her.


"Bye. . ."


She turned around, about to get into the lift. But stop and look at me again. I raised my eyebrows.

"I forgot. Here your jacket. Thank you oppa, that’s so warm" she said, taking off my jacket and handed it to me.

I shook my head .

"No, you take it"


"Even here is still cold. I can’t let my wife sick because a cold air right?" I said playfully to her.


I took my jacket from her hand and then warping it to her shoulder again.

"Th. . . thanks oppa"

"You're welcome"

"Umm, see you next two weeks"

"Yeah, see you next two weeks"


She then walked slowly toward the lift.

"Naeun-ah" I called her, she turned back at me.


"Don’t forget to dream about me" I said, smiling to her.


Hear what I said her face blush. How cute!

She gave a small nod with a shy smile. And it only made her look more cute. I swear.

She then got into the lift and the doors closed.





I walked back to my car with a big smile.

I was about to start driving while suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. I got 1 new massage.

Reading my new masagge I couldn’t stop myself from smiling even biger.


Agio this girl. . .


From : Naeun

Don’t forget to dream about me too oppa. Goodnight^^






OUR TAEMINIE GOT SLAP!hahaha *evillaugh*


anyway here chapter7~ hope you guys like this chapter u,u

leave some comment^^

see you next week! byebyebyeee*kiss**hug**bow*

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for all TAEUNnis! this is for you guys


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amaramazaya #1
Chapter 7: Please continue this story:’(
Anu_Taeun #2
Chapter 7: Please update
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 7: Pls update it.....
Icha_Deswita #4
Chapter 7: Author-nim please update ?
myria71 #5
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim....still waiting for yr update.....
myria71 #6
Chapter 7: Yes...they've fallen for each other and now waiting for the confession. Wonder how will Taemin do it...some kind of event maybe?
APinkSonNaEun20 #7
Chapter 7: Please update as fast as u can!! ;)
Stepfanietaeun #8
Taemin staring to fall for Naeun... Daebak
Ekaamrina #9
Chapter 1: Excelent... Thank you
moonlevine #10
Chapter 7: Thanks author