Chapter 6 : The Beginning (part 1)

This Is The Truth Reality



This is Saturday, and wow! I don’t have any schdule today. This is a miracle.
Actually we all five didn't have schdule today, so we just stay in our dorm, too lazy to get out.


I sat on couch in living room, lazily change channel TV. There's no good show, everything is boring.

"yah Taemin-ah! stop change the channels. It makes me dizzy "Jonghyun hyung who sitting next to me says.

I ignore him and continue to change it.

"Isn’t there something to eat? I'm hungry "Onew hyung said as he walk out from his room.

"You are always hungry hyung" Minho hyung said, rolling his eyes.

"Yah! I'm serious, I'm going to die now if I didin't eat anything"

"Should we order a chicken?" Onew hyung continued with a big smile.

Everyone's in the living room let go a sigh.

"If you order chicken *AGAIN* i'm the one who will die hyung" Key hyung said. Minho hyung, Jonghyun hyung, and I nodded our heads together, agree with Key hyung.

"And you! Stop change the channel! I could die too because i'm so dizy" Key hyung said to me, grabbing remote control in my hand.

I shrugged my shoulder.

"I'm just trying to find a good show ~ what are you going to watch hyung? From earlier I've checked all the channels and all boring. We better watch DVD” I told him.

"Yaah! You Pabo. Today there is We Got Married. We have to watch it"Key hyung said.

"Ah ... but i didn’t want to watch it hyung" I told him, trying to grab remote control in his hand. But. . . I failed.

"Just in time! your part just start now"Key hyung said, ignoring my protests.

"Heis" I muttered irritably. Crossed my arms over my chest. I know Key hyung actually want to watch himself because for broadcats this time is when he and Minho hyung came to my ‘house’


TV screen now show my part with Naeun.

As usual they make fun of me and laugh at me. Commenting about this and that. I don’t care.

I watched myself on tv. Naeun and I looks so busy cooking. Actually we both couldn’t cook at all haha. But for meeting that day staff told me that Naeun has been particeing for 2 weeks. I was very surprised to hear it, and. . . and may I feel touched? I don’t know.


Minho hyung is true, Naeun is kind hearted and honest. . . she has the warm and kind personality of a princess. By the time I found out that she had been particeing for 2 weeks only for me, at that moment I could almost feel her warmth heart ... - think about it for some reason makes me smile.




Now I'm lying on my bed. It is now 10:00 PM.

I'm checking my phone when the door’s open, it's Jonghyun hyung. We did use the room together.


"eh Hyung? I thought you were going to work out" I asked him. Jonghyun hyung walked over to his bed and slept there.

"No. I'm tired. I just want to sleep tonight" he said as he closed his eyes.

"Oh. . ." I murmured softly.


A moment of silence and. . .

"Taemin-ah are you already have her number?" Jonghyun hyung asked me.

"Eh? Who do you mean hyung?” I said.

"Of crouse Naeun-shi! You've got her number?" He asked again.

"Not yet"


"Why? What why?" I asked him back.

"Yah! You Pabo yaa. You must have her number "


"Because she is your marriage partner. Aigo. . . you're really stupid"

I was silent for a moment, thinking. So what if she is my marriage partner? Besides, I don’t need her number.

"I don’t need her number hyung" I told him the truth.

"It has nothing to do if you need or do not need"

"what do you mean?"

"Taem, this is a tv show, people will definitely be suspicious if until now you haven’t exchanged phone numbers yet. Later, people might know you're not interested at Naeun-shi"

"But hyung––"

"You said it's all acting. So you must acting till the end Taem, after all what's wrong with asking for her number?" Jonghyun hyung said as he closed his eyes, ready for sleep.





I'm done talking to Taemin and closed my eyes, but not sleep yet. Actually I told Taemin to ask for Naeun-shi numbers is not because I  just worried people would be suspicious about Taemin who not interested at Naeun-shi.

Moreover, no one will actually know if they've exchanged phone numbers yet, because so far I've never seen a couple on this show who exchanged phone numbers in front of the camera. Usually they do it naturally. But yeah. . . This is Taemin, the most stubborn person in this world. If he say he didn't need her number then he will never ask.

I told Taemin to ask her number is because maybe with that way they will be close, Taemin probably will know about Naeun-shi even more and then Taemin will fall in love with her. Hahaha!whatasuchplan.

The biggest reason why I told him to asked for her number is with that I hope Taemin will quickly move on from Krystal.


I'm sick of seeing Taemin who always sad because Krystal, he should move on and find a better girl and I think Naeun-shi is a good girl for Taemin. Aigo. . . how could Taemin not realize that he was actually very lucky to get a partner like Naeun-shi? Hah, Taemin is just to blind to see that fact.and stupid too.





It seems like Jonghyun hyung was asleep. . . While I? My eyes are still wide open.


Should I ask for her number?


Ummm actually it would not bother me that much if I asked for her number. In fact the more often I meet Naeun the more I realized that she was a fun girl, even she always laughed at my joke. I'm so glad about that, because the truth is, just some people who can laugh at my joke. Hehe.

She's modest too, she's also very kind hearted, cute too. . . and actually she's um... beautiful.


Eh!!! Wait, what just I’m thinking? God. . . I'm going crazy now.








(2 weeks have passed after my conversation with Taemin about phone number.)



I came out of my room, still very sleepy. Even my eyes still half closed. But suddenly someone bump into me until I fell. Lee Taemin.

"yahh Lee Taemin!" I shouted at him.

"Oh mianheyoo hyung ~" he said as he walked past. Even he didn’t help me up! This maknae!!


I stood up, saw Taemin who has entered our room. He was seen rummaging something in his bed. He threw the pillow to the floor, pulling the blanket that covered his bed, and dropped all the items in his bed.

I kept watching until he finally found the damned thing that makes my room (and his room) getting messy.

Taemin grinned at objects in his hands. Blue object with white circles as a pattern. His phone.

Seriously?! Only to find a phone he had to bump into me and make our room getting more mess? Heis!


Taemin continued to pay attention to his phone in his hand, then walked out of from our room without tidying the mess he done. He nearly bump me again if I don’t step aside.


Aigo. Seriously what's wrong with this kid. . .




I walked up to Minho, Key, and Onew hyung who is in dining table and sat next to Minho.

"Well, what's wrong with that stupid wide smile?” I asked minho, pointing at Taemin who was lying in couch, still pay attention to hia phone with a big stupidly smile.

"You didn’t know hyung? Taemin've got her number" Minho said to me as he poured orange juice into a glass.


"Of course Naeun-shi. Who else?" Key said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh really? Seriously?! Is that so Taemin already move on from Krystal?"

"about that. . .who knows? But at least now there has been progress already hyung" Minho said.

Onew hyung, Key, and I nodded.

Yes, he's right. At least there has been a progress. Now Taemin no longer wake up with a gloomy face as if he had lost his puppy. Now he wakes up with a sweet smile after checking his phone, thanks to Naeun-shi.


I'm glad Taemin listen to what I said, to ask her number. Because this is the right thing to do.


Suddenly an idea popped into my mind.

I went to the-idiot-Taemin-with-his-wide-stupid-smile and sat down next to him. But it seems like he doesn’t notice me, too busy with phone in his hand.

I glanced at his phone screen, trying to see what he was talking with Naeun-shi, but he suddenly take his phone away from me, he look shocked with what I tried to do.

"Yah! Hyung, what the hell are you trying to do?" He yelled at me.

"Peek what are you two talking about?” I said to him with an innocent tone.

Taemin glanced at me sharply then rolled his eyes, ignoring me, then returned his attention to his phone.

"Well, you've got her number right?" I ask him. He just nodded in response.

"Why didn’t you tell me? Give me her number” I said to him

"What the?. . . no." He said to me as he glances sharply.

"Why not? I'm the one who told you to ask for her number"


"Ohh come on Taemin-ah. give me her number "


"Whay not?"

"Because she's my marriage partner not yours" Taemin said as he stood up from the couch. Got annoyed. Then he left. I just laughed out loud at his reaction.


Haha! My mission succes ~

'Because she's my marriage partner' cih. - I snickered to myself. Marriage partner my .

I know for sure that now Taemin got annoyed because I tried to ask her number, or maybe he's jelaous? Hahaha, aigo our Taeminie. Now I know that Taemin actually have started to feel attracted to Naeun-shi.

Taemin always think 'mine is mine' that is. Taemin probably already considered Naeun-shi as him's? So there no one else is allowed to approach her? Haha who's know?





I walked towards my bedroom, leaving Jonghyun hyung who was laughing in living room.

He teased me by trying to ask Naeun number. Hah! He will never get it. Never will.

If he gets Naeun’s numbers and they are sending a message, Naeun may would like him (and of crouse i'm not allowed her to like Jonghyun hyung. because there's i'm here) however Jonghyun hyung is girlsattactk! He must always be able to get girls he like. With all his sweet words and his gentle behavior every girl will definitely fall in love with him, maybe except Taeyeon nonna. . . *

I can't let Jonghyun hyung near with Naeun, if he dare. . . he will be in trouble, with me. She's mine, ah. . . I mean she's my marriage partner.


Anyway yes I already have her number.

That day it is my sixth meeting with Naeun. We watch Twilight in our house. And. . . you know what? That night Naeun looks very pretty, with white-pink T-shirt and her long hair.

I just think that she has a natural beauty. And I can’t take my eyes from her. Yeah, yeah, sounds so crazy right? But that waht I felt.


And at the end of filming I gave her my picture that written my phone number behind it. For some reason after giving her my number I feel uneasy. Thingking like, she would call me or send me a message? And such thing like that.

During the trip back to my dorm that night, I always check my phone. See if there are any messages or incoming calls, in other words ... um, I'm waiting for her. I even sleep while holding my phone, waiting for a message or call. The bad news is I didn’t get a message or call for the rest of that day and for some reason I feel upsate, I don’t know why.

But the good news is! I got her a massage in the next morning! I think I was in heaven or something like that.

I felt really great. Really. I don’t know this is because I never get such message like 'have you sleep well or good morning' after I broke up with Krystal or what. But at that time I just felt really happy.

I quickly reply to her message, asking is that Naeun or not, which of course that is Naeun. And she replays again. Say it was her with smlily emoticons, how cute!

After that day we start to text each other. We talk about everything. And sometime. . . just sometime when my hyungs already sleep I'll call her. I liked when I called her. I do not know, I just like to hear her voice. I love to hear  she said goodnight to me. . . ah nevermind. That's sound so silly.


I snapped out of my reverie as felt my phone vibrate. It was Naeun who text me. I automatically smiled while reading the message.  She say: 'see you on filming location oppa^^'

I always liked the way she sent me a message.


Ah right, I'll meet her today. Finally, er wait, what finally? Am I waiting to meet her? ah duno.




I stood up from my bed, put all my stuff in my bag, change clothes, and didn’t forget to spray my perfume who given by Naeun. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I am ready.


I was walk out of the room towards the kitchen. There is Minho hyung, Onew hyung, Jonghyun hyung, and Key hyung.

I opened the fridge and poured cold water into a glass and drink it.

"Wow you smell good Taeminie" Minho hyung said, teasing.

"Aigoooo, our pretty Taemineie" Onew hyung said, teased too.

"Who are you going to meet huh?" Key hyung asked me pretend not to know, taesing again.

"Of course he will meet Naeun-shi. Anyway you didn’t give me her number yet" Jonghyun hyung said with a mischievous smile.

"Her number? Trust me, you'll never get her number. Never" I told him while Jonghyun hyung just laugh.

"anyway I've to go now. see you hyung "I said at them and left the kitchen, walking towards the door.

"Work hard Taemin-ah ~" Onew hyung said

"bye Taemin-ah" Key

"See you Taemin-ah" Minho

I was just about to close the door when I heard Jonghyun hyung.

"Take care with my Naeun Taemin-ah" he shouted with a laugh. I opened the door taht was half closed and then shout very loud to him

"She is not yours hyung! SHE IS MINE!!" I said to him and then I heard they four laugh.






*please read my JongTaeng fanfic too keke.


chapter6 here~~

hope you guys like it, and. . . for next chapter there is something sweet, please stay tuned!!>< donot forget to leave comments and subscribe too. byebyebyee*bow**kiss*hug*

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for all TAEUNnis! this is for you guys


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amaramazaya #1
Chapter 7: Please continue this story:’(
Anu_Taeun #2
Chapter 7: Please update
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 7: Pls update it.....
Icha_Deswita #4
Chapter 7: Author-nim please update ?
myria71 #5
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim....still waiting for yr update.....
myria71 #6
Chapter 7: Yes...they've fallen for each other and now waiting for the confession. Wonder how will Taemin do it...some kind of event maybe?
APinkSonNaEun20 #7
Chapter 7: Please update as fast as u can!! ;)
Stepfanietaeun #8
Taemin staring to fall for Naeun... Daebak
Ekaamrina #9
Chapter 1: Excelent... Thank you
moonlevine #10
Chapter 7: Thanks author